Esempio n. 1
/* adapted from SPI_modifytuple */
static HeapTuple luaP_copytuple (luaP_Tuple *t) {
  HeapTuple tuple = heap_form_tuple(t->desc, t->value, t->null);
  /* copy identification info */
  tuple->t_data->t_ctid = t->tuple->t_data->t_ctid;
  tuple->t_self = t->tuple->t_self;
  tuple->t_tableOid = t->tuple->t_tableOid;
  if (t->desc->tdhasoid)
    HeapTupleSetOid(tuple, HeapTupleGetOid(t->tuple));
  return SPI_copytuple(tuple); /* in upper mem context */
Esempio n. 2
	TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
	Trigger    *trigger;		/* to get trigger name */
	char	  **args;			/* arguments */
	int			attnum[2];		/* fnumbers of start/stop columns */
	Datum		oldon,
	Datum		newon,
	Datum	   *cvals;			/* column values */
	char	   *cnulls;			/* column nulls */
	char	   *relname;		/* triggered relation name */
	Relation	rel;			/* triggered relation */
	HeapTuple	trigtuple;
	HeapTuple	newtuple = NULL;
	HeapTuple	rettuple;
	TupleDesc	tupdesc;		/* tuple description */
	int			natts;			/* # of attributes */
	bool		isnull;			/* to know is some column NULL or not */
	int			ret;
	int			i;

	if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo))
		elog(ERROR, "ttdummy: not fired by trigger manager");
	if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(trigdata->tg_event))
		elog(ERROR, "ttdummy: must be fired for row");
	if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(trigdata->tg_event))
		elog(ERROR, "ttdummy: must be fired before event");
	if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event))
		elog(ERROR, "ttdummy: cannot process INSERT event");
	if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event))
		newtuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple;

	trigtuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple;

	rel = trigdata->tg_relation;
	relname = SPI_getrelname(rel);

	/* check if TT is OFF for this relation */
	if (ttoff)					/* OFF - nothing to do */
		return PointerGetDatum((newtuple != NULL) ? newtuple : trigtuple);

	trigger = trigdata->tg_trigger;

	if (trigger->tgnargs != 2)
		elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): invalid (!= 2) number of arguments %d",
			 relname, trigger->tgnargs);

	args = trigger->tgargs;
	tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
	natts = tupdesc->natts;

	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		attnum[i] = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, args[i]);
		if (attnum[i] < 0)
			elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): there is no attribute %s", relname, args[i]);
		if (SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, attnum[i]) != INT4OID)
			elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): attributes %s and %s must be of abstime type",
				 relname, args[0], args[1]);

	oldon = SPI_getbinval(trigtuple, tupdesc, attnum[0], &isnull);
	if (isnull)
		elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): %s must be NOT NULL", relname, args[0]);

	oldoff = SPI_getbinval(trigtuple, tupdesc, attnum[1], &isnull);
	if (isnull)
		elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): %s must be NOT NULL", relname, args[1]);

	if (newtuple != NULL)		/* UPDATE */
		newon = SPI_getbinval(newtuple, tupdesc, attnum[0], &isnull);
		if (isnull)
			elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): %s must be NOT NULL", relname, args[0]);
		newoff = SPI_getbinval(newtuple, tupdesc, attnum[1], &isnull);
		if (isnull)
			elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): %s must be NOT NULL", relname, args[1]);

		if (oldon != newon || oldoff != newoff)
			elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): you cannot change %s and/or %s columns (use set_ttdummy)",
				 relname, args[0], args[1]);

		if (newoff != TTDUMMY_INFINITY)
			pfree(relname);		/* allocated in upper executor context */
			return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
	else if (oldoff != TTDUMMY_INFINITY)		/* DELETE */
		return PointerGetDatum(NULL);

	newoff = DirectFunctionCall1(nextval, CStringGetTextDatum("ttdummy_seq"));
	/* nextval now returns int64; coerce down to int32 */
	newoff = Int32GetDatum((int32) DatumGetInt64(newoff));

	/* Connect to SPI manager */
	if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
		elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): SPI_connect returned %d", relname, ret);

	/* Fetch tuple values and nulls */
	cvals = (Datum *) palloc(natts * sizeof(Datum));
	cnulls = (char *) palloc(natts * sizeof(char));
	for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
		cvals[i] = SPI_getbinval((newtuple != NULL) ? newtuple : trigtuple,
								 tupdesc, i + 1, &isnull);
		cnulls[i] = (isnull) ? 'n' : ' ';

	/* change date column(s) */
	if (newtuple)				/* UPDATE */
		cvals[attnum[0] - 1] = newoff;	/* start_date eq current date */
		cnulls[attnum[0] - 1] = ' ';
		cvals[attnum[1] - 1] = TTDUMMY_INFINITY;		/* stop_date eq INFINITY */
		cnulls[attnum[1] - 1] = ' ';
		/* DELETE */
		cvals[attnum[1] - 1] = newoff;	/* stop_date eq current date */
		cnulls[attnum[1] - 1] = ' ';

	/* if there is no plan ... */
	if (splan == NULL)
		SPIPlanPtr	pplan;
		Oid		   *ctypes;
		char	   *query;

		/* allocate space in preparation */
		ctypes = (Oid *) palloc(natts * sizeof(Oid));
		query = (char *) palloc(100 + 16 * natts);

		 * Construct query: INSERT INTO _relation_ VALUES ($1, ...)
		sprintf(query, "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (", relname);
		for (i = 1; i <= natts; i++)
			sprintf(query + strlen(query), "$%d%s",
					i, (i < natts) ? ", " : ")");
			ctypes[i - 1] = SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, i);

		/* Prepare plan for query */
		pplan = SPI_prepare(query, natts, ctypes);
		if (pplan == NULL)
			elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): SPI_prepare returned %d", relname, SPI_result);

		if (SPI_keepplan(pplan))
			elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): SPI_keepplan failed", relname);

		splan = pplan;

	ret = SPI_execp(splan, cvals, cnulls, 0);

	if (ret < 0)
		elog(ERROR, "ttdummy (%s): SPI_execp returned %d", relname, ret);

	/* Tuple to return to upper Executor ... */
	if (newtuple)				/* UPDATE */
		HeapTuple	tmptuple;

		tmptuple = SPI_copytuple(trigtuple);
		rettuple = SPI_modifytuple(rel, tmptuple, 1, &(attnum[1]), &newoff, NULL);
		/* DELETE */
		rettuple = trigtuple;

	SPI_finish();				/* don't forget say Bye to SPI mgr */


	return PointerGetDatum(rettuple);
Esempio n. 3
exec_sql_using(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
    HeapTuple procedureTuple = SearchSysCache1(PROCOID,
    if (!HeapTupleIsValid(procedureTuple))
            (errmsg("cache lookup failed for function %u",

    Oid* types = NULL;
    char** names = NULL;
    char* modes = NULL;
    int nargs = get_func_arg_info(procedureTuple, &types, &names, &modes);

    Oid resultTypeOid;
    TupleDesc tupleDesc;
    TypeFuncClass resultType = get_call_result_type(fcinfo, &resultTypeOid,
    bool returnTypeIsByValue;
    int16 returnTypeLen;
    get_typlenbyval(resultTypeOid, &returnTypeLen, &returnTypeIsByValue);

    if (resultType != TYPEFUNC_SCALAR && resultType != TYPEFUNC_COMPOSITE)
        ereport(ERROR, (
            errmsg("function \"%s\" has indeterminable result type",
    bool returnVoid = resultTypeOid == VOIDOID;


    if (nargs < 2)
        ereport(ERROR, (
            errmsg("function \"%s\" has less than 2 arguments",
    else if (modes != NULL)
        for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
            if (modes[i] != PROARGMODE_IN)
                ereport(ERROR, (
                    errmsg("function \"%s\" has non-IN arguments",
    else if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
        ereport(ERROR, (
            errmsg("function \"%s\" called with NULL as first argument",

    char* stmt = NULL;
    if (types[0] == TEXTOID)
        stmt = DatumGetCString(
            DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PG_GETARG_DATUM(0)));
    else if (types[0] == VARCHAROID)
        stmt = DatumGetCString(
            DirectFunctionCall1(varcharout, PG_GETARG_DATUM(0)));
        ereport(ERROR, (
            errmsg("function \"%s\" does not have a leading VARCHAR/TEXT "

    char* nulls = NULL;
    for (int i = 1; i < nargs; i++)
        if (PG_ARGISNULL(i)) {
            if (nulls == NULL) {
                nulls = palloc0(sizeof(char) * (nargs - 1));
                memset(nulls, ' ', nargs - 1);
            nulls[i - 1] = 'n';

    SPIPlanPtr plan = SPI_prepare(stmt, nargs - 1, &types[1]);
    if (plan == NULL)
        ereport(ERROR, (
            errmsg("function \"%s\" could not obtain execution plan for "
                "SQL statement",

    int result = SPI_execute_plan(plan, &fcinfo->arg[1], nulls, false,
        returnVoid ? 0 : 1);

    Datum returnValue = 0;
    bool returnNull = false;
    if (!returnVoid) {
        if (result != SPI_OK_SELECT
            && result != SPI_OK_INSERT_RETURNING
            && result != SPI_OK_DELETE_RETURNING
            && result == SPI_OK_UPDATE_RETURNING)
            ereport(ERROR, (
                errmsg("function \"%s\" could not obtain result from query",
        else if (SPI_tuptable->tupdesc->natts != 1)
            ereport(ERROR, (
                errmsg("function \"%s\" retrieved more than one column from "
        else if (resultTypeOid != SPI_gettypeid(SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1))
            ereport(ERROR, (
                errmsg("function \"%s\" has different return type OID than "
                    "what query returned",

        /* It is important to copy the value into the upper executor context,
         * i.e., the memory context that was current when SPI_connect was
         * called */
        returnValue = SPI_getbinval(SPI_copytuple(SPI_tuptable->vals[0]),
            SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1, &returnNull);

    if (nulls)

    if (result < 0)
        ereport(ERROR, (
            errmsg("function \"%s\" encountered error %d during SQL execution",

    if (returnVoid)
    else if (returnNull)
        return returnValue;