BOOL CODBC::WriteScorcoData(char* SQL, BYTE* pData, int Length) { SQLRETURN retcode; SQLINTEGER cbObjectParam; SQLPOINTER pToken; char* pSQL = new char[strlen(SQL)]; sprintf(pSQL, SQL, "?"); SQLFreeStmt(hstmt,SQL_CLOSE); retcode = SQLPrepare(hstmt, (unsigned char *)pSQL, SQL_NTS); if (MYSQLSUCCESS(rc)) { SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_BINARY, SQL_LONGVARBINARY, 0, 0, (SQLPOINTER) 2, 0, &cbObjectParam); cbObjectParam = SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC(0); retcode = SQLExecute(hstmt); while (retcode == SQL_NEED_DATA) { retcode = SQLParamData(hstmt, &pToken); if (retcode == SQL_NEED_DATA) SQLPutData(hstmt, pData, Length); } return TRUE; } else { SaveSQLError(); return FALSE; } }
void create_table() { printf("create_table\n"); SQLHSTMT stmt; RETCODE r; char errorMsg[LOG_MSG_WIDTH]; connect_to_database(); /* Allocate a statement handle */ SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, dbc, &stmt); r = SQLPrepare(stmt, (SQLCHAR *)"CREATE TABLE process_log (process_id bigint NOT NULL, order_id integer NOT NULL, finish_date timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (process_id));", SQL_NTS); if (r != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf("SQLPrepare: executeSqlStatement failed\n"); } else { r = SQLExecute(stmt); if (!((r == SQL_SUCCESS) || (r == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))) { printf("return value: %d\n", r); printf("Error:%s\n", dbErrorMsg(env, dbc, stmt, &errorMsg[0], LOG_MSG_WIDTH)); printf("SQLExecute: executeSqlStatement failed\n"); } } SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt); disconnect_from_database(); }
SQLRETURN ODBCArgExecute(CHAR *Mess,...) { va_list Ah; va_start(Ah,Mess); vsprintf(EhOdbc.lpSQLCommand,Mess,Ah); // Messaggio finale // win_infoarg("[%s]",EhOdbc.lpSQLCommand); // Preparo EhOdbc.sqlLastError=SQLPrepare(EhOdbc.hStmt, EhOdbc.lpSQLCommand, SQL_NTS); if ((EhOdbc.sqlLastError!=SQL_SUCCESS)&&(EhOdbc.sqlLastError!=SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {if (!EhOdbc.fNoErrorView) ODBCError("AE:Prepare"); goto FINE; } // Creo il dizionario ODBCDoDictionary(); // Creo il dizionario del risultato // Eseguo il comando EhOdbc.sqlLastError=SQLExecute(EhOdbc.hStmt); if (EhOdbc.sqlLastError!=SQL_SUCCESS) {if (!EhOdbc.fNoErrorView) ODBCError("AE:Execute");} /* EhOdbc.sqlLastError=SQLSetPos(EhOdbc.hStmt,1,SQL_POSITION,SQL_LOCK_NO_CHANGE); if (EhOdbc.sqlLastError!=SQL_SUCCESS) { if (!EhOdbc.fNoErrorView) ODBCError("AE:SetPos"); } */ FINE: va_end(Ah); return EhOdbc.sqlLastError; }
int MADB_KeyTypeCount(MADB_Dbc *Connection, char *TableName, int KeyFlag) { int Count= 0; unsigned int i; char StmtStr[1024]; char *p= StmtStr; char Database[65]; SQLHSTMT Stmt= NULL; MADB_Stmt *KeyStmt; SQLGetConnectAttr((SQLHDBC)Connection, SQL_ATTR_CURRENT_CATALOG, Database, 65, NULL); p+= my_snprintf(p, 1024, "SELECT * FROM "); if (Database) p+= my_snprintf(p, 1024 - strlen(p), "`%s`.", Database); p+= my_snprintf(p, 1024 - strlen(p), "%s LIMIT 0", TableName); if (SQLAllocStmt((SQLHDBC)Connection, &Stmt) == SQL_ERROR || SQLPrepare(Stmt, (SQLCHAR *)StmtStr, SQL_NTS) == SQL_ERROR || SQLExecute(Stmt) == SQL_ERROR || SQLFetch(Stmt) == SQL_ERROR) goto end; KeyStmt= (MADB_Stmt *)Stmt; for (i=0; i < mysql_stmt_field_count(KeyStmt->stmt); i++) if (KeyStmt->stmt->fields[i].flags & KeyFlag) Count++; end: if (Stmt) SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, Stmt); return Count; }
SQLRETURN unixodbc_backend_debug::do_prepare_statement(SQLHSTMT statement_handle, SQLCHAR * statement_text, SQLINTEGER text_length) const { std::cout << " *DEBUG* prepare_statement"; auto const return_code = SQLPrepare(statement_handle, statement_text, text_length); std::cout << " (return code " << return_code << ")" << std::endl; return return_code; }
ResultSet_T SqlServerConnection_executeQuery(T C, const char *sql, va_list ap) { va_list ap_copy; const char *tail; SQLHSTMT hstmt; assert(C); StringBuffer_clear(C->sb); va_copy(ap_copy, ap); StringBuffer_vappend(C->sb, sql, ap_copy); va_end(ap_copy); C->lastError = SQLAllocStmt(C->db->hdbc,&hstmt); C->lastError = SQLPrepare(hstmt, StringBuffer_toString(C->sb), StringBuffer_length(C->sb)); if(!SQLSERVERSUCCESS(C->lastError)) { getSqlErr(C,hstmt); return NULL; } C->lastError = SQLExecute(hstmt); if(SQLSERVERSUCCESS(C->lastError)) return ResultSet_new(SqlServerResultSet_new(hstmt, C->maxRows, false), (Rop_T)&sqlserverrops); else { getSqlErr(C,hstmt); } return NULL; }
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_odbc_status_t) switch_odbc_handle_exec(switch_odbc_handle_t *handle, const char *sql, switch_odbc_statement_handle_t *rstmt, char **err) { #ifdef SWITCH_HAVE_ODBC SQLHSTMT stmt = NULL; int result; char *err_str = NULL; if (!db_is_up(handle)) { goto error; } if (SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, handle->con, &stmt) != SQL_SUCCESS) { goto error; } if (SQLPrepare(stmt, (unsigned char *) sql, SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) { goto error; } result = SQLExecute(stmt); if (result != SQL_SUCCESS && result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO && result != SQL_NO_DATA) { goto error; } if (rstmt) { *rstmt = stmt; } else { SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt); } return SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS; error: if (stmt) { err_str = switch_odbc_handle_get_error(handle, stmt); } if (err_str) { if (!switch_stristr("already exists", err_str) && !switch_stristr("duplicate key name", err_str)) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "ERR: [%s]\n[%s]\n", sql, switch_str_nil(err_str)); } if (err) { *err = err_str; } else { free(err_str); } } if (rstmt) { *rstmt = stmt; } else if (stmt) { SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt); } #endif return SWITCH_ODBC_FAIL; }
static void Test(int use_indicator) { char buf[128]; SQLLEN ind; SQLLEN *pind = use_indicator ? &ind : NULL; strcpy(buf, "I don't exist"); ind = strlen(buf); if (SQLBindParameter(Statement, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR, 20, 0, buf, 128, pind) != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf("Unable to bind parameter\n"); exit(1); } if (SQLPrepare(Statement, (SQLCHAR *) "SELECT id, name FROM master..sysobjects WHERE name = ?", SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf("Unable to prepare statement\n"); exit(1); } if (SQLExecute(Statement) != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf("Unable to execute statement\n"); exit(1); } if (SQLFetch(Statement) != SQL_NO_DATA) { printf("Data not expected\n"); exit(1); } if (SQLMoreResults(Statement) != SQL_NO_DATA) { printf("Not expected another recordset\n"); exit(1); } /* use same binding above */ strcpy(buf, "sysobjects"); ind = strlen(buf); if (SQLExecute(Statement) != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf("Unable to execute statement\n"); exit(1); } if (SQLFetch(Statement) != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf("Data expected\n"); exit(1); } if (SQLFetch(Statement) != SQL_NO_DATA) { printf("Data not expected\n"); exit(1); } if (SQLMoreResults(Statement) != SQL_NO_DATA) { printf("Not expected another recordset\n"); exit(1); } }
int basicproduct(SQLHANDLE hdbc,float price) { SQLRETURN cliRC = SQL_SUCCESS; int rc = 0; SQLHANDLE hstmt; /* statement handle */ SQLVARCHAR xmldata[3000]; /* SQL/XML statement to be executed */ SQLCHAR *stmt = (SQLCHAR *) "select xmlquery('for $prod in db2-fn:xmlcolumn(\"PRODUCT.DESCRIPTION\")" "/product/description" " return ( if ($prod/price < $price)" " then <product basic = \"true\">{fn:data($prod/name)}</product>" " else <product basic = \"false\">{fn:data($prod/name)}</product>)'" " passing by ref cast(? as float) as \"price\")" " from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1"; cliRC = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt); DBC_HANDLE_CHECK(hdbc, cliRC); printf(" %s\n", stmt); cliRC = SQLPrepare(hstmt,(SQLCHAR *)stmt,SQL_NTS); /* Bind the parameter marker */ printf("\nBind the parameter marker with the value %f", price); SQLBindParameter(hstmt,1,SQL_PARAM_INPUT,SQL_C_FLOAT,SQL_REAL,8,0,&price,8,NULL); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); printf("\nExecute the Statement....."); cliRC = SQLExecute(hstmt); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); /* Bind column 1 to variable */ cliRC = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, &xmldata, 1000, NULL); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); /* Fetch each row and display */ cliRC = SQLFetch(hstmt); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); if (cliRC == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) { printf("\n Data not found.\n"); } while (cliRC != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) { printf("%s \n\n",xmldata); /* fetch next row */ cliRC = SQLFetch(hstmt); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); } /* Free the statement handle */ cliRC = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); return rc; } /* basicproduct */
int conditionalCustDetails1(SQLHANDLE hdbc,sqlint32 cid) { SQLRETURN cliRC = SQL_SUCCESS; int rc = 0; SQLHANDLE hstmt; /* statement handle */ SQLVARCHAR xmldata[3000]; /* SQL/XML statement to be executed */ SQLCHAR *stmt = (SQLCHAR *) "select xmlquery('for $customer in $cust/customerinfo" " where ($customer/@Cid gt $id)" " return <customer id=\"{$customer/@Cid}\">" " {$customer/name} {$customer/addr} </customer>'" " passing by ref as \"cust\", cast(? as integer) as \"id\")" " from customer"; cliRC = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt); DBC_HANDLE_CHECK(hdbc, cliRC); printf(" %s\n", stmt); cliRC = SQLPrepare(hstmt,(SQLCHAR *)stmt,SQL_NTS); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); /* Bind the parameter value */ printf("\nBind the parameter markers with the value %d", cid); SQLBindParameter(hstmt,1,SQL_PARAM_INPUT,SQL_C_LONG,SQL_INTEGER,4,0,&cid,4,NULL); printf("\nExecute the Statement.....\n"); cliRC = SQLExecute(hstmt); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); /* Bind column 1 to variable */ cliRC = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, &xmldata, 3000, NULL); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); /* Fetch each row and display */ cliRC = SQLFetch(hstmt); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); if (cliRC == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) { printf("\n Data not found.\n"); } while (cliRC != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) { if(strcmp((char *)xmldata,"")!=0) printf("%s \n\n",xmldata); /* fetch next row */ cliRC = SQLFetch(hstmt); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); } /* free the statement handle */ cliRC = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt); STMT_HANDLE_CHECK(hstmt, hdbc, cliRC); return rc; } /* conditionalCustDetails1 */
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SQLRETURN rcode; SQLHSTMT m_hstmt1; SQLSMALLINT cnt = 0; int failed = 0; use_odbc_version3 = 1; Connect(); Command(Statement, "CREATE TABLE #t1 ( k INT, c CHAR(10), vc VARCHAR(10) )"); Command(Statement, "CREATE TABLE #tmp1 (i NUMERIC(10,0) IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, b VARCHAR(20) NULL, c INT NOT NULL)"); /* test hidden column with FOR BROWSE */ ResetStatement(); m_hstmt1 = Statement; rcode = SQLExecDirect(m_hstmt1, (SQLCHAR *) "SELECT c, b FROM #tmp1", SQL_NTS); CHECK_RCODE(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hstmt1, "SQLExecDirect"); rcode = SQLNumResultCols(m_hstmt1, &cnt); CHECK_RCODE(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hstmt1, "SQLNumResultCols 1"); if (cnt != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong number of columns in result set: %d\n", (int) cnt); failed = 1; } ResetStatement(); /* test hidden column with cursors*/ CheckCursor(); m_hstmt1 = Statement; rcode = SQLSetStmtAttr(m_hstmt1, SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_SCROLLABLE, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_NONSCROLLABLE, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); CHECK_RCODE(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hstmt1, "SQLSetStmtAttr SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_SCROLLABLE"); rcode = SQLSetStmtAttr(m_hstmt1, SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_SENSITIVITY, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_SENSITIVE, SQL_IS_UINTEGER); CHECK_RCODE(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hstmt1, "SQLSetStmtAttr SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_SENSITIVITY"); rcode = SQLPrepare(m_hstmt1, (SQLCHAR *) "SELECT * FROM #t1", SQL_NTS); CHECK_RCODE(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hstmt1, "SQLPrepare 1"); rcode = SQLExecute(m_hstmt1); CHECK_RCODE(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hstmt1, "SQLExecute 1"); rcode = SQLNumResultCols(m_hstmt1, &cnt); CHECK_RCODE(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hstmt1, "SQLNumResultCols 1"); if (cnt != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong number of columns in result set: %d\n", (int) cnt); failed = 1; } Disconnect(); return failed ? 1: 0; }
//*********************************************************************** // FETCH ROWS FROM THE TABLE "T1" * from T1; int FetchTest(SQLHANDLE env, SQLHANDLE dbc, SQLHANDLE stmt) { int ret; int f1=10; // f1 field int f2=20;//f2 field int rettype ; ret = SQLPrepare(stmt,(unsigned char*)"SELECT F3,F2 FROM T1 ",SQL_NTS); rettype = ret; if(rettype!=0)return 1; //ret = SQLBindParameter(stmt,1,SQL_PARAM_INPUT,SQL_C_SMALL,SQL_SMALL,0,0,) ret = SQLBindCol(stmt,1,SQL_C_SLONG,&f1,0,NULL); ret = SQLBindCol(stmt,2,SQL_C_SLONG,&f2,0,NULL); int j, count=0; ret = SQLExecute(stmt); SQLSMALLINT noc; ret = SQLNumResultCols(stmt,&noc); rettype=ret; if(rettype != 0 ) { printf("SQLNumResultCol() returns = %d\n",noc); return 1; } while(SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret = SQLFetch(stmt))) { count++; } /*SQLSMALLINT noc; ret =SQLNumResultCols(stmt,&noc); printf("SQLNumResultCols() returns=%d\n",noc);*/ ret = SQLCloseCursor(stmt); checkrc(ret,__LINE__); ret = SQLTransact(env,dbc,SQL_COMMIT); checkrc(ret,__LINE__); printf("Total row fetched=%d\n",count); return 0; }
void Prepare(const std::wstring& sql) { std::string message; SQLRETURN rc = SQLPrepare(mStmt, (SQLWCHAR*)sql.c_str(), SQL_NTS); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(rc)) { HANAException::GetHANAErrorMessage(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, mStmt, rc, message); throw HANAException(message.c_str()); } }
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void Parse() { int j; struct Cursor *cur = (struct Cursor *)ptoc_int(2); RETCODE rc; if (cur->Status == 2) { /* reusing opened cursor*/ rc = SQLFreeStmt(cur->hstmt,SQL_CLOSE); if ((rc != SQL_SUCCESS) && (rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { ctop_int(3, PrintErrorMsg(cur)); SetCursorClose(cur); return; } /* reset just char select vars, since they store addr of chars*/ for (j = 0; j < cur->NumBindVars; j++) { if (cur->BindTypes[j] == 2) rc = SQLBindParameter(cur->hstmt, (short)(j+1), SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR, 0, 0,(char *) cur->BindList[j], 0, &SQL_NTSval); } } else { if (SQLPrepare(cur->hstmt, cur->Sql, SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) { ctop_int(3,PrintErrorMsg(cur)); SetCursorClose(cur); return; } /* set the bind variables*/ for (j = 0; j < cur->NumBindVars; j++) { if (cur->BindTypes[j] == 2) /* we're sloppy here. it's ok for us to use the default values*/ rc = SQLBindParameter(cur->hstmt, (short)(j+1), SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR, 0, 0,(char *)cur->BindList[j], 0, &SQL_NTSval); else if (cur->BindTypes[j] == 1) { rc = SQLBindParameter(cur->hstmt, (short)(j+1), SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_FLOAT, SQL_FLOAT, 0, 0, (float *)cur->BindList[j], 0, NULL); } else rc = SQLBindParameter(cur->hstmt, (short)(j+1), SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0, (int *)(cur->BindList[j]), 0, NULL); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { ctop_int(3,PrintErrorMsg(cur)); SetCursorClose(cur); return; } } } /* submit it for execution*/ if (SQLExecute(cur->hstmt) != SQL_SUCCESS) { ctop_int(3,PrintErrorMsg(cur)); SetCursorClose(cur); return; } ctop_int(3,0); return; }
std::shared_ptr<detail::prepared_statement_handle_t> prepare_statement(detail::connection_handle_t& handle, const std::string& statement) { if(handle.debug) { std::cerr << "ODBC debug: Preparing: " << statement << std::endl; } SQLHSTMT stmt; SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, handle.dbc, &stmt); std::shared_ptr<detail::prepared_statement_handle_t> ret = std::make_shared<detail::prepared_statement_handle_t>(stmt, handle.debug); if(SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLPrepare(stmt, make_sqlchar(statement), statement.length()))){ return ret; } else { throw sqlpp::exception("ODBC error: couldn't SQLPrepare " + statement + ": "+detail::odbc_error(stmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT)); } }
static SQLRETURN doSql(SQLHENV henv, SQLHDBC hdbc, SQLHSTMT shdl, SQLCHAR sql[]) { SQLRETURN rc; btlogger_debug("doSql %s\n", sql); rc = SQLPrepare(shdl, sql, SQL_NTS); CHECK_HANDLE(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, shdl, rc, "SQLPrepare", sql); SQLExecDirect(shdl, sql, SQL_NTS); CHECK_HANDLE(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, shdl, rc, "SQLExecDirect", sql); return SQL_SUCCESS; }
void test () { HSTMT hstmt; SQLRETURN rc; rc = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, (SQLHANDLE) hdbc, (SQLHANDLE *) & hstmt); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { err_printf ("SQLAllocHandle() failed.\n"); return; } rc = SQLPrepare (hstmt, "burstoff_rs_proc ()", SQL_NTS); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { err_printf ("prepare failed.\n"); error (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, (SQLHANDLE) hstmt); exit (1); } call_proc (10); printf ("test: SQLExecute\n"); rc = SQLExecute (hstmt); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { err_printf ("exec failed.\n"); error (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, (SQLHANDLE) hstmt); exit (1); } printf ("test: SQLFetch\n"); rc = SQLFetch (hstmt); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { err_printf ("fetch failed.\n"); error (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, (SQLHANDLE) hstmt); exit (1); } printf ("test: SQLCancel\n"); rc = SQLCancel (hstmt); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { err_printf ("SQLCancel() failed.\n"); exit (-1); } printf ("test: SQLFreeHandle\n"); rc = SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, (SQLHANDLE) hstmt); }
/* ** Executes a SQL statement. ** Returns ** cursor object: if there are results or ** row count: number of rows affected by statement if no results */ static int conn_execute (lua_State *L) { conn_data *conn = (conn_data *) getconnection (L); const char *statement = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); SQLHDBC hdbc = conn->hdbc; SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLSMALLINT numcols; SQLRETURN ret; ret = SQLAllocHandle(hSTMT, hdbc, &hstmt); if (error(ret)) return fail(L, hDBC, hdbc); ret = SQLPrepare(hstmt, (char *) statement, SQL_NTS); if (error(ret)) { ret = fail(L, hSTMT, hstmt); SQLFreeHandle(hSTMT, hstmt); return ret; } /* execute the statement */ ret = SQLExecute (hstmt); if (error(ret)) { ret = fail(L, hSTMT, hstmt); SQLFreeHandle(hSTMT, hstmt); return ret; } /* determine the number of results */ ret = SQLNumResultCols (hstmt, &numcols); if (error(ret)) { ret = fail(L, hSTMT, hstmt); SQLFreeHandle(hSTMT, hstmt); return ret; } if (numcols > 0) /* if there is a results table (e.g., SELECT) */ return create_cursor (L, 1, conn, hstmt, numcols); else { /* if action has no results (e.g., UPDATE) */ SQLINTEGER numrows; ret = SQLRowCount(hstmt, &numrows); if (error(ret)) { ret = fail(L, hSTMT, hstmt); SQLFreeHandle(hSTMT, hstmt); return ret; } lua_pushnumber(L, numrows); SQLFreeHandle(hSTMT, hstmt); return 1; } }
string ODBCHandler::execute_query(unsigned char* query, ssize_t threashold, off_t *row_count, ssize_t *len, ssize_t *last_row_len) { SQLHSTMT stmt; SQLRETURN ret; SQLSMALLINT nr_columns; string ODBC_error; stringstream result_str; bool row_bound = false; cout<<"Query: "<<query<<endl; SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, dbc, &stmt); ret = SQLPrepare(stmt, query , SQL_NTS); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) { ODBC_error = extract_error(stmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT); cout<<ODBC_error<<endl; } ret = SQLExecute(stmt); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) { ODBC_error = extract_error(stmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT); cout<<ODBC_error<<endl; } SQLNumResultCols(stmt, &nr_columns); *row_count = 0; *len = 0; while (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret = SQLFetch(stmt))) { SQLUSMALLINT i; *len += *last_row_len; (*last_row_len) = 0; for (i = 1; i <= nr_columns; i++) { SQLLEN indicator; char buf[512]; ret = SQLGetData(stmt, i, SQL_C_CHAR, buf, sizeof(buf), &indicator); if (i == nr_columns) row_bound = true; if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) { if (indicator == SQL_NULL_DATA) strcpy(buf, "NULL"); *last_row_len += encode_results(result_str, buf, row_bound); } } if (*len + *last_row_len >= threashold) break; (*row_count)++; row_bound = false; } return result_str.str(); }
/************************************************************************ * name: SQLPrepareW * arguments: * returns/side-effects: * description: * NOTE: ************************************************************************/ ODBC_INTERFACE RETCODE SQL_API SQLPrepareW (SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLWCHAR *str, SQLINTEGER str_len) { RETCODE ret = ODBC_ERROR; char* sql_state = NULL; int sql_state_len = 0; OutputDebugString ("SQLPrepareW called.\n"); wide_char_to_bytes (str, str_len, &sql_state, &sql_state_len, NULL); ret = SQLPrepare(hstmt, sql_state, sql_state_len); UT_FREE(sql_state); return ret; }
static int odbc_dispatch13(void) { unsigned long retval; PWord rval; int rtype; PWord arg1; int type1; PWord arg2; int type2; PWord arg3; int type3; PWord arg4; int type4; PWord arg5; int type5; PI_getan(&arg1,&type1,1); if (type1 != PI_INT) if (!CI_get_integer((unsigned long *)&arg1,type1)) PI_FAIL; PI_getan(&arg2,&type2,2); if (type2 != PI_INT) if (!CI_get_integer((unsigned long *)&arg2,type2)) PI_FAIL; PI_getan(&arg3,&type3,3); if (type3 == PI_SYM) arg3 = (unsigned long) PI_getsymname(0,arg3,0); else if (!CI_get_integer((unsigned long *)&arg3,type3)) PI_FAIL; PI_getan(&arg4,&type4,4); if (type4 != PI_INT) if (!CI_get_integer((unsigned long *)&arg4,type4)) PI_FAIL; PI_getan(&arg5,&type5,5); switch(arg1) { case 0: retval = (unsigned long) SQLSetCursorName(((SQLHSTMT ) arg2),((SQLCHAR * ) arg3),((SQLSMALLINT ) arg4)); break; case 1: retval = (unsigned long) SQLPrepare(((SQLHSTMT ) arg2),((SQLCHAR * ) arg3),((SQLINTEGER ) arg4)); break; case 2: retval = (unsigned long) SQLExecDirect(((SQLHSTMT ) arg2),((SQLCHAR * ) arg3),((SQLINTEGER ) arg4)); break; default: PI_FAIL; } PI_makedouble(&rval,&rtype,(double) retval); if (PI_unify(arg5,type5,rval,rtype)) PI_SUCCEED; PI_FAIL; }
int odbc_command(ClipMachine* cm,SQLSTMT* s,ClipVar* ap){ ODBC_STMT* stmt = (ODBC_STMT*)s; SQLRETURN er; SDWORD count; odbc_bindpars(stmt,ap); if((er = SQLAllocStmt(stmt->conn->conn,&stmt->hstmt))) goto err; if((er = SQLPrepare(stmt->hstmt,stmt->sql,strlen(stmt->sql)))) goto err; if((er = SQLExecute(stmt->hstmt))) goto err; if((er = SQLRowCount(stmt->hstmt,&count))) goto err; if(count < 0) count = 0; return count; err: return odbc_error(cm,stmt->conn->loc,0,stmt->conn->conn,stmt->hstmt,__LINE__,er_execute); }
static void Test(const char *query) { int res; if (SQLPrepare(Statement, (SQLCHAR *) query, SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to prepare statement\n"); exit(1); } if (SQLExecute(Statement) != SQL_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to execute statement\n"); exit(1); } res = SQLFetch(Statement); if (res != SQL_SUCCESS && res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to fetch row.\n"); CheckReturn(); exit(1); } if (SQLFetch(Statement) != SQL_NO_DATA) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning was returned as a result row -- bad!\n"); exit(1); } /* * Microsoft SQL Server 2000 provides a diagnostic record * associated with the second SQLFetch (which returns * SQL_NO_DATA) saying "Warning: Null value is eliminated by * an aggregate or other SET operation." * We check for "NO DM" cause unixODBC till 2.2.11 do not read * errors on SQL_NO_DATA */ if (db_is_microsoft() && tds_no_dm) { SQLCHAR output[256]; if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, Statement, 1, NULL, NULL, output, sizeof(output), NULL))) { fprintf(stderr, "SQLGetDiagRec should not fail\n"); exit(1); } printf("Message: %s\n", (char *) output); } ResetStatement(); }
int dbd_db2_statement_create(lua_State *L, connection_t *conn, const char *sql_query) { SQLRETURN rc = SQL_SUCCESS; statement_t *statement = NULL; SQLHANDLE stmt; SQLCHAR message[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1]; SQLCHAR sqlstate[SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE + 1]; SQLINTEGER sqlcode; SQLSMALLINT length; rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, conn->db2, &stmt); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, conn->db2, 1, sqlstate, &sqlcode, message, SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1, &length); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushfstring(L, DBI_ERR_ALLOC_STATEMENT, message); return 2; } /* * turn off deferred prepare * statements will be sent to the server at prepare time, * and therefore we can catch errors now rather * than at execute time */ rc = SQLSetStmtAttr(stmt,SQL_ATTR_DEFERRED_PREPARE,(SQLPOINTER)SQL_DEFERRED_PREPARE_OFF,0); rc = SQLPrepare(stmt, (SQLCHAR *)sql_query, SQL_NTS); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt, 1, sqlstate, &sqlcode, message, SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1, &length); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushfstring(L, DBI_ERR_PREP_STATEMENT, message); return 2; } statement = (statement_t *)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(statement_t)); statement->stmt = stmt; statement->db2 = conn->db2; statement->resultset = NULL; statement->bind = NULL; luaL_getmetatable(L, DBD_DB2_STATEMENT); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); return 1; }
/** * Prepare a query for execution. * * @param chan R ODBC handle * @param query character string with query * @retval 1 on success, -1 on error */ SEXP RODBCPrepare(SEXP chan, SEXP query) { pRODBCHandle thisHandle = R_ExternalPtrAddr(chan); const char *cquery; SQLRETURN res = 0; FreeHandleResources(thisHandle); res = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, thisHandle->hDbc, &thisHandle->hStmt); SQL_RESULT_CHECK(res, thisHandle, _("[RODBCext] Error: SQLAllocStmt failed"), ScalarInteger(-1)); cquery = translateChar(STRING_ELT(query, 0)); res = SQLPrepare(thisHandle->hStmt, (SQLCHAR *) cquery, strlen(cquery) ); SQL_RESULT_CHECK(res, thisHandle, _("[RODBCext] Error: SQLPrepare failed"), ScalarInteger(-1)); return ScalarInteger(1); }
bool CSQLEx::Execute(char* szQuery,...) { if(this->m_bConnected == 0) { return false; } if(SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT,this->m_SQLConnection,&this->m_STMT)) == 0) { return false; } char szTemp[1024]; va_list pArguments; va_start(pArguments,szQuery); vsprintf(szTemp,szQuery,pArguments); va_end(pArguments); if(SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLPrepare(this->m_STMT,(unsigned char*)szTemp,strlen(szTemp))) == 0) { return false; } SQLRETURN Execute = SQLExecute(this->m_STMT); if(Execute == SQL_SUCCESS || Execute == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO || Execute == SQL_NO_DATA) { if(SQLRowCount(this->m_STMT,&this->m_RowCount) != SQL_SUCCESS) { this->m_RowCount = 0; } if(SQLNumResultCols(this->m_STMT,(SQLSMALLINT*)&this->m_ColCount) != SQL_SUCCESS) { this->m_ColCount = 0; } return true; } return false; }
// Prepare statement bool statement::prepare(connection & _conn, const _tstring & _stmt) { RETCODE rc; // Close previous close(); // open a new one if (!open(_conn)) return false; // Prepare statement SQLTCHAR_buf buff = ybstring2sqltchar(_stmt, ""); rc = SQLPrepare(stmt_h,, SQL_NTS); if (!TIODBC_SUCCESS_CODE(rc)) return false; return true; }
bool OdbcCommand::Prepare(const tstring & szSQL) { if (!Open()) return false; #ifdef USE_SQL_TRACE TRACE((szSQL + _T("\n")).c_str()); #endif if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLPrepare(m_hStmt, (SQLTCHAR *)szSQL.c_str(), szSQL.length()))) { if (m_odbcConnection != nullptr) m_szError = m_odbcConnection->ReportSQLError(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hStmt, _T("SQLPrepare"), _T("Failed to prepare statement.")); else m_szError = OdbcConnection::GetSQLError(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hStmt); Close(); return false; } if (!BindParameters()) return false; SQLRETURN result = SQLExecute(m_hStmt); if (!(result == SQL_SUCCESS || result == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO || result == SQL_NO_DATA)) { if (m_odbcConnection != nullptr) m_szError = m_odbcConnection->ReportSQLError(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hStmt, (TCHAR *)szSQL.c_str(), _T("Failed to execute prepared statement.")); else m_szError = OdbcConnection::GetSQLError(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hStmt); Close(); return false; } // If there's no rows to move through, skip to the next result set. if (!MoveNext()) MoveNextSet(); ClearParameters(); return true; }
bool OdbcCommand::Prepare(const tstring & szSQL) { if (!Open()) return false; #ifdef _DEBUG OutputDebugString((szSQL + _T("\n")).c_str()); #endif if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLPrepare(m_hStmt, (SQLTCHAR *)szSQL.c_str(), szSQL.length()))) { if (m_odbcConnection != NULL) m_szError = m_odbcConnection->ReportSQLError(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hStmt, _T("SQLPrepare"), _T("Failed to prepare statement.")); else m_szError = OdbcConnection::GetSQLError(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hStmt); Close(); return false; } if (!BindParameters()) return false; if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLExecute(m_hStmt))) { if (m_odbcConnection != NULL) m_szError = m_odbcConnection->ReportSQLError(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hStmt, (TCHAR *)szSQL.c_str(), _T("Failed to execute prepared statement.")); else m_szError = OdbcConnection::GetSQLError(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, m_hStmt); Close(); return false; } // If there's no rows to move through, skip to the next result set. if (!MoveNext()) MoveNextSet(); ClearParameters(); return true; }
int odbc_refresh(ClipMachine* cm,SQLROWSET* rs,SQLSTMT* s,ClipVar* ap){ ODBC_STMT* stmt = (ODBC_STMT*)s; SQLRETURN er; ODBC_ROWSET* rowset = (ODBC_ROWSET*)rs; SQLSMALLINT cols; int i; void** rec; odbc_bindpars(stmt,ap); if((er = SQLAllocStmt(stmt->conn->conn,&stmt->hstmt))) goto err; if((er = SQLPrepare(stmt->hstmt,stmt->sql,strlen(stmt->sql)))) goto err; if((er = SQLExecute(stmt->hstmt))) goto err; if((er = SQLNumResultCols(stmt->hstmt,&cols))) goto err; rec = malloc(sizeof(void*)*rowset->nfields); for(i=0;i<rowset->nfields;i++){ rec[i] = malloc(rowset->fields[i].buflen+4+_TERM_ZERO); if((er = SQLBindCol(stmt->hstmt,i+1,SQL_DEFAULT, rec[i]+4,rowset->fields[i].buflen+_TERM_ZERO,rec[i]))) goto err; } er = SQLFetch(stmt->hstmt); if(er != SQL_NO_DATA){ for(i=0;i<rowset->nfields;i++) free(rowset->data[rowset->recno-1][i]); free(rowset->data[rowset->recno-1]); rowset->data[rowset->recno-1] = rec; } else { for(i=0;i<rowset->nfields;i++) free(rec[i]); free(rec); odbc_delete((SQLROWSET*)rowset); rowset->lastrec--; if(rowset->recno > rowset->lastrec) rowset->recno = rowset->lastrec; } return 0; err: return odbc_error(cm,stmt->conn->loc,0,stmt->conn->conn,stmt->hstmt,__LINE__,er_refresh); }