Esempio n. 1
// Returns true if dll has been loaded with GTA.
bool IsRealDeal ( void )
    // Get current module full path
    char szBuffer[64000];
    GetModuleFileName ( NULL, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) - 1 );
    WriteDebugEvent( SString( "ModuleFileName: %s", szBuffer ) );
    if ( SStringX( szBuffer ).EndsWithI( "gta_sa.exe" )
        || SStringX( szBuffer ).EndsWithI( "proxy_sa.exe" ) )
        return true;
    return false;
Esempio n. 2
const SBindableKey* CKeyBinds::GetBindableFromKey ( const char* szKey )
    // Map for faster lookup
    static std::map < SString, const SBindableKey* > bindableKeyMap;

    // Init map if required
    if ( bindableKeyMap.empty () )
        for ( int i = 0 ; *g_bkKeys [ i ].szKey != 0 ; i++ )
            MapSet ( bindableKeyMap, SStringX ( g_bkKeys [ i ].szKey ).ToLower (), &g_bkKeys [ i ] );

    return MapFindRef ( bindableKeyMap, SStringX ( szKey ).ToLower () );
Esempio n. 3
const SBindableGTAControl* CKeyBinds::GetBindableFromControl ( const char* szControl )
    // Map for faster lookup
    static std::map < SString, const SBindableGTAControl* > bindableControlMap;

    // Init map if required
    if ( bindableControlMap.empty () )
        for ( int i = 0 ; *g_bcControls [ i ].szControl != 0 ; i++ )
            MapSet ( bindableControlMap, SStringX ( g_bcControls [ i ].szControl ).ToLower (), &g_bcControls [ i ] );

    return MapFindRef ( bindableControlMap, SStringX ( szControl ).ToLower () );
Esempio n. 4
// CheckLibVersions
// Ensure DLLs are the correct version
void CheckLibVersions( void )

    const char* moduleList [] =     { "MTA\\loader.dll"
    SString strReqFileVersion;
    for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( moduleList ) ; i++ )
        SString strFilename = moduleList[i];
#ifdef MTA_DEBUG
        strFilename = ExtractBeforeExtension( strFilename ) + "_d." + ExtractExtension( strFilename );
        SLibVersionInfo fileInfo;
        if ( FileExists( CalcMTASAPath( strFilename ) ) )
            SString strFileVersion = "";
            if ( GetLibVersionInfo( CalcMTASAPath( strFilename ), &fileInfo ) )
                strFileVersion = SString( "%d.%d.%d.%d", fileInfo.dwFileVersionMS >> 16, fileInfo.dwFileVersionMS & 0xFFFF
                                                       , fileInfo.dwFileVersionLS >> 16, fileInfo.dwFileVersionLS & 0xFFFF );
            if ( strReqFileVersion.empty() )
                strReqFileVersion = strFileVersion;
            if ( strReqFileVersion != strFileVersion )
                DisplayErrorMessageBox ( SStringX(_( "File version mismatch error."
                                            " Reinstall MTA:SA if you experience problems.\n" )
                                            + SString( "\n[%s %s/%s]\n", *strFilename, *strFileVersion, *strReqFileVersion )
                                            ), _E("CL40"), "bad-file-version" );
            DisplayErrorMessageBox ( SStringX(_( "Some files are missing."
                                        " Reinstall MTA:SA if you experience problems.\n" )
                                        + SString( "\n[%s]\n", *strFilename )
                                        ), _E("CL41"), "missing-file" );
Esempio n. 5
std::vector<SString> SharedUtil::FindFiles(const SString& strMatch, bool bFiles, bool bDirectories, bool bSortByDate)
    std::vector<SString>           strResult;
    std::multimap<uint64, SString> sortMap;

    DIR*           Dir;
    struct dirent* DirEntry;

    // Extract any filename matching characters
    SString strFileMatch;
    SString strSearchDirectory = PathJoin(PathConform(strMatch).SplitLeft("/", &strFileMatch, -1), "/");

    if ((Dir = opendir(strSearchDirectory)))
        while ((DirEntry = readdir(Dir)) != NULL)
            // Skip dotted entries
            if (strcmp(DirEntry->d_name, ".") && strcmp(DirEntry->d_name, ".."))
                struct stat Info;
                bool        bIsDir = false;

                // Do wildcard matching if required
                if (!strFileMatch.empty() && !WildcardMatch(strFileMatch, DirEntry->d_name))

                SString strPath = PathJoin(strSearchDirectory, DirEntry->d_name);

                // Determine the file stats
                if (lstat(strPath, &Info) != -1)
                    bIsDir = S_ISDIR(Info.st_mode);

                if (bIsDir ? bDirectories : bFiles)
                    if (bSortByDate)
                        SString     strAbsPath = strSearchDirectory + DirEntry->d_name;
                        struct stat attrib;
                        stat(strAbsPath, &attrib);
                        MapInsert(sortMap, (uint64)attrib.st_mtime, SStringX(DirEntry->d_name));

    // Resolve sorted map if required
    if (!sortMap.empty())
        for (std::multimap<uint64, SString>::iterator iter = sortMap.begin(); iter != sortMap.end(); ++iter)

    return strResult;
Esempio n. 6
void CElement::SetCustomData ( const char* szName, const CLuaArgument& Variable, CLuaMain* pLuaMain, bool bSynchronized, CPlayer* pClient, bool bTriggerEvent )
    assert ( szName );
    if ( strlen ( szName ) > MAX_CUSTOMDATA_NAME_LENGTH )
        // Don't allow it to be set if the name is too long
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Custom data name too long (%s)\n", *SStringX ( szName ).Left ( MAX_CUSTOMDATA_NAME_LENGTH + 1 ) );

    // Grab the old variable
    CLuaArgument oldVariable;
    const SCustomData * pData = m_pCustomData->Get ( szName );
    if ( pData )
        oldVariable = pData->Variable;

    // Set the new data
    m_pCustomData->Set ( szName, Variable, pLuaMain, bSynchronized );

    if ( bTriggerEvent )
        // Trigger the onElementDataChange event on us
        CLuaArguments Arguments;
        Arguments.PushString ( szName );
        Arguments.PushArgument ( oldVariable );
        Arguments.PushArgument ( Variable );
        CallEvent ( "onElementDataChange", Arguments, pClient );
// CFunctionUseLogger::OnFunctionUse
void CFunctionUseLogger::OnFunctionUse( lua_State* luaVM, const char* szFunctionName, const char* szArgs, uint uiArgsSize )
    if ( m_strLogFilename.empty() )

    CResource* pResource = g_pGame->GetResourceManager()->GetResourceFromLuaState( luaVM );
    SString strResourceName = pResource ? pResource->GetName() : "Unknown";

    SString strKey( "%s-%s", szFunctionName, *strResourceName );

    SFuncCallRecord* pItem = MapFind( m_FuncCallRecordMap, strKey );
    if ( !pItem )
        // Create new entry for this resource/function combo
        MapSet( m_FuncCallRecordMap, strKey, SFuncCallRecord() );
        pItem = MapFind( m_FuncCallRecordMap, strKey );
        pItem->strFunctionName = szFunctionName;
        pItem->strResourceName = strResourceName;
        pItem->uiCallCount = 0;
        pItem->timeFirstUsed = CTickCount::Now();

    if ( pItem->strExampleArgs.empty() )
        pItem->strExampleArgs = SStringX( szArgs ).Left( 40 );
Esempio n. 8
void ASE::SetRuleValue ( const char* szKey, const char* szValue )
    // Limit szKey length
    SString strKeyTemp;
    if ( szKey && strlen ( szKey ) > MAX_RULE_KEY_LENGTH )
        strKeyTemp = SStringX ( szKey ).Left ( MAX_RULE_KEY_LENGTH );
        szKey = *strKeyTemp;

    if ( szKey && szKey [ 0 ] )
        // Limit szValue to 200 characters
        SString strValueTemp;
        if ( szValue && strlen ( szValue ) > MAX_RULE_VALUE_LENGTH )
            strValueTemp = SStringX ( szValue ).Left ( MAX_RULE_VALUE_LENGTH );
            szValue = *strValueTemp;

        list < CASERule* > ::iterator iter = m_Rules.begin ();
        for ( ; iter != m_Rules.end () ; iter++ )
            CASERule* pRule = *iter;
            if ( strcmp ( (*iter)->GetKey (), szKey ) == 0 )
                if ( szValue && szValue [ 0 ] )
                    (*iter)->SetValue ( szValue );
                    // Remove from the list
                    delete pRule;
                    m_Rules.erase ( iter );
                // And return
        m_Rules.push_back ( new CASERule ( szKey, szValue ) );
Esempio n. 9
void SharedUtil::AddReportLog ( uint uiId, const SString& strText )
    SString strPathFilename = PathJoin ( GetMTADataPath (), "report.log" );
    MakeSureDirExists ( strPathFilename );

    SString strMessage ( "%u: %s %s - %s\n", uiId, GetTimeString ( true, false ).c_str (), GetReportLogHeaderText ().c_str (), strText.c_str () );
    FileAppend ( strPathFilename, & ( 0 ), strMessage.length () );
    OutputDebugLine ( SStringX ( "[ReportLog] " ) + strMessage );
Esempio n. 10
CMapEvent::CMapEvent ( CLuaMain* pMain, const char* szName, const CLuaFunctionRef& iLuaFunction, bool bPropagated, EEventPriorityType eventPriority, float fPriorityMod )
    // Init
    m_pMain = pMain;
    m_bDestroyFunction = false;
    m_iLuaFunction = iLuaFunction;
    m_bPropagated = bPropagated;
    m_bBeingDestroyed = false;
    m_eventPriority = eventPriority;
    m_fPriorityMod = fPriorityMod;
    m_strName.AssignLeft ( szName, MAPEVENT_MAX_LENGTH_NAME );
    // Only allow dxSetAspectRatioAdjustmentEnabled during these events
    m_bAllowAspectRatioAdjustment = ( m_strName == "onClientRender" ) || ( m_strName == "onClientPreRender" ) || ( m_strName == "onClientHUDRender" );
    // Force aspect ratio adjustment for 'customblips' resource
    m_bForceAspectRatioAdjustment = m_bAllowAspectRatioAdjustment && SStringX( pMain->GetScriptName() ) == "customblips";
Esempio n. 11
MTAEXPORT int Run ( int iArgumentCount, char* szArguments [] )
    if ( iArgumentCount > 1 )
        if ( strcmp ( szArguments[1], "--version" ) == 0 || strcmp ( szArguments[1], "-v" ) == 0 )
            printf ( MTA_DM_FULL_STRING " v" MTA_DM_BUILDTAG_LONG "\n" );
            return 1;

    #ifdef WIN32
        // Disable critical error message boxes
        SetErrorMode ( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS );

    #ifdef WIN_x86
        // Apply file hooks if not already done by the client
        bool bSkipFileHooks = false;
        for( int i = 1 ; i < iArgumentCount ; i++ )
            bSkipFileHooks |= SStringX( szArguments[i] ).Contains( "--clientfeedback" );
        if( !bSkipFileHooks )

    // Create the server
    #ifdef WIN32
        CServerImpl Server ( &g_CommandQueue );
        CServerImpl Server;

    // Run the main func
    int iReturn;
        iReturn = Server.Run ( iArgumentCount, szArguments );
    while ( iReturn == SERVER_RESET_RETURN );

    // Done
    #ifdef WIN_x86

    return iReturn;
Esempio n. 12
CAccessControlListRight* CAccessControlList::GetRight ( const char* szRightName, CAccessControlListRight::ERightType eRightType )
    unsigned int uiHash = HashString ( szRightName );

    list < CAccessControlListRight* > ::iterator iter = m_Rights.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Rights.end (); iter++ )
        CAccessControlListRight* pACLRight = *iter;
        if ( eRightType == pACLRight->GetRightType () )
            if ( pACLRight->GetRightNameHash () == uiHash && SStringX ( szRightName ) == pACLRight->GetRightName () )
                // Exact match
                return pACLRight;
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 13
const char* ASE::GetRuleValue ( const char* szKey )
    // Limit szKey length
    SString strKeyTemp;
    if ( szKey && strlen ( szKey ) > MAX_RULE_KEY_LENGTH )
        strKeyTemp = SStringX ( szKey ).Left ( MAX_RULE_KEY_LENGTH );
        szKey = *strKeyTemp;

    list < CASERule* > ::iterator iter = m_Rules.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Rules.end () ; iter++ )
        if ( strcmp ( (*iter)->GetKey (), szKey ) == 0 )
            return (*iter)->GetValue ();
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 14
bool CAccessControlList::RemoveRight ( const char* szRightName, CAccessControlListRight::ERightType eRightType )
    unsigned int uiHash = HashString ( szRightName );

    list < CAccessControlListRight* > ::iterator iter = m_Rights.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Rights.end (); iter++ )
        CAccessControlListRight* pACLRight = *iter;
        if ( pACLRight->GetRightNameHash () == uiHash && eRightType == pACLRight->GetRightType ()
             && SStringX ( szRightName ) == pACLRight->GetRightName () )
            m_Rights.remove ( pACLRight );
            delete pACLRight;
            OnChange ();
            return true;

    return false;
Esempio n. 15
// Case insensitive version of Replace()
SString SString::ReplaceI(const char* szOld, const char* szNew, bool bSearchJustReplaced) const
    SString strOldUpper = SStringX(szOld).ToUpper();

    // Check if anything to replace first
    size_t idx = 0;
    if ((idx = this->ToUpper().find(strOldUpper, idx)) == npos)
        return *this;

    size_t  iOldLength = strlen(szOld);
    size_t  iNewLength = strlen(szNew);
    SString strResult = *this;
        strResult.replace(idx, iOldLength, szNew);
        if (!bSearchJustReplaced)
            idx += iNewLength;
    } while ((idx = strResult.ToUpper().find(strOldUpper, idx)) != npos);
    return strResult;
Esempio n. 16
bool ASE::RemoveRuleValue ( const char* szKey )
    // Limit szKey length
    SString strKeyTemp;
    if ( szKey && strlen ( szKey ) > MAX_RULE_KEY_LENGTH )
        strKeyTemp = SStringX ( szKey ).Left ( MAX_RULE_KEY_LENGTH );
        szKey = *strKeyTemp;

    list < CASERule* > ::iterator iter = m_Rules.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Rules.end () ; iter++ )
        CASERule* pRule = *iter;
        if ( strcmp ( pRule->GetKey (), szKey ) == 0 )
            delete pRule;
            m_Rules.erase ( iter );
            return true;
    return false;
Esempio n. 17
void SString::AssignLeft ( const char* szOther, uint uiMaxLength )
    assign ( SStringX ( szOther ).Left ( uiMaxLength ) );
Esempio n. 18
    // Get max anisotropic setting
    g_pDeviceState->AdapterState.MaxAnisotropicSetting = 0;

    // Make sure device can do anisotropic minification and trilinear filtering
    if ((g_pDeviceState->DeviceCaps.TextureFilterCaps & D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MINFANISOTROPIC) &&
        (g_pDeviceState->DeviceCaps.TextureFilterCaps & D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MIPFLINEAR))
        int iLevel = std::max<int>(1, g_pDeviceState->DeviceCaps.MaxAnisotropy);
        // Convert level 1/2/4/8/16 into setting 0/1/2/3/4
        while (iLevel >>= 1)

    // Clipping is required for some graphic configurations
    g_pDeviceState->AdapterState.bRequiresClipping = SStringX(adaptIdent.Description).Contains("Intel");

    WriteDebugEvent(SString("*** Using adapter: %s (Mem:%d KB, MaxAnisotropy:%d)", (const char*)g_pDeviceState->AdapterState.Name,
                            g_pDeviceState->AdapterState.InstalledMemoryKB, g_pDeviceState->AdapterState.MaxAnisotropicSetting));

    // Give a default value for the streaming memory setting
    if (g_pCore->GetCVars()->Exists("streaming_memory") == false)
        g_pCore->GetCVars()->Set("streaming_memory", g_pCore->GetMaxStreamingMemory());

    // Call event handler

    WriteDebugEvent(SString("CProxyDirect3DDevice9::~CProxyDirect3DDevice9 %08x", this));
Esempio n. 19
bool CAccessControlList::CanBeModifiedByScript ( void )
    // If this isn't horrible, I don't know what is
    return !SStringX ( GetName () ).BeginsWith ( "autoACL_" );
Esempio n. 20
void ASE::SetGameType ( const char * szGameType )
    m_strGameType = SStringX ( szGameType ).Left ( MAX_ASE_GAME_TYPE_LENGTH );
Esempio n. 21
void ASE::SetMapName ( const char * szMapName )
    m_strMapName = SStringX ( szMapName ).Left ( MAX_ASE_MAP_NAME_LENGTH );
Esempio n. 22
// Handle format exception
void SString::OnFormatException ( const char* szFormat )
    dassert( 0 );
    // Replace format characters because it seems like a good idea
    *this = ( SStringX( "[Format exception] " ) + szFormat ).Replace( "%", "#" );
// CEffectTemplateImpl::CreateUnderlyingData
void CEffectTemplateImpl::CreateUnderlyingData ( const SString& strFilename, const SString& strRootPath, SString& strOutStatus, bool bDebug )
    assert ( !m_pD3DEffect );

    // Make defines
    bool bUsesRAWZ = CGraphics::GetSingleton ().GetRenderItemManager ()->GetDepthBufferFormat () == RFORMAT_RAWZ;

    std::vector < D3DXMACRO > macroList;

    macroList.push_back ( D3DXMACRO () );
    macroList.back ().Name = "IS_DEPTHBUFFER_RAWZ";
    macroList.back ().Definition = bUsesRAWZ ? "1" : "0";

    macroList.push_back ( D3DXMACRO () );
    macroList.back ().Name = NULL;
    macroList.back ().Definition = NULL;

    // Compile effect
    if ( bDebug )
        dwFlags |= D3DXSHADER_DEBUG;

    SString strMetaPath = strFilename.Right ( strFilename.length () - strRootPath.length () );
    CIncludeManager IncludeManager ( strRootPath, ExtractPath ( strMetaPath ) );
    LPD3DXBUFFER pBufferErrors = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( m_pDevice, ExtractFilename ( strMetaPath ), &macroList[0], &IncludeManager, dwFlags, NULL, &m_pD3DEffect, &pBufferErrors );            

    // Handle compile errors
    strOutStatus = "";
    if( pBufferErrors != NULL )
        strOutStatus = SStringX ( (CHAR*)pBufferErrors->GetBufferPointer() ).TrimEnd ( "\n" );

        // Error messages sometimes contain the current directory. Remove that here.
        SString strCurrentDirectory = GetSystemCurrentDirectory();
        strOutStatus = strOutStatus.ReplaceI ( strCurrentDirectory + "\\", "" );
        strOutStatus = strOutStatus.ReplaceI ( strCurrentDirectory, "" );
    SAFE_RELEASE( pBufferErrors );

    if( !m_pD3DEffect )
        if ( strOutStatus.empty () )
            strOutStatus = SString ( "[D3DXCreateEffectFromFile failed (%08x)%s]", hr, *IncludeManager.m_strReport );

    // Find first valid technique
    D3DXHANDLE hTechnique = NULL;
    D3DXEFFECT_DESC EffectDesc;
    m_pD3DEffect->GetDesc ( &EffectDesc );

    for ( uint uiAttempt = 0 ; true ; uiAttempt++ )
        SString strProblemInfo = "";
        for ( uint i = 0 ; i < EffectDesc.Techniques ; i++ )
            SString strErrorExtra;
            D3DXHANDLE hTemp = m_pD3DEffect->GetTechnique ( i );
            HRESULT hr = m_pD3DEffect->ValidateTechnique ( hTemp );
            if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
                // Check depth buffer rules
                if ( ValidateDepthBufferUsage ( hTemp, strErrorExtra ) )
                    hTechnique = hTemp;

            // Update problem string
            D3DXTECHNIQUE_DESC TechniqueDesc;
            m_pD3DEffect->GetTechniqueDesc( hTemp, &TechniqueDesc );
            strProblemInfo += SString ( "['%s' (%d/%d) failed (%08x)%s]", TechniqueDesc.Name, i, EffectDesc.Techniques, hr, *strErrorExtra );

        // Found valid technique
        if ( hTechnique )

        // Error if can't find a valid technique after 2nd attempt
        if ( uiAttempt > 0 )
            strOutStatus = SString ( "No valid technique; [Techniques:%d %s]%s", EffectDesc.Techniques, *strProblemInfo, *IncludeManager.m_strReport );
            SAFE_RELEASE ( m_pD3DEffect );

        // Try resetting samplers if 1st attempt failed
        LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice;
        m_pD3DEffect->GetDevice ( &pDevice );
        for ( uint i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
            pDevice->SetSamplerState ( i, D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR );
            pDevice->SetSamplerState ( i, D3DSAMP_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR );
            pDevice->SetSamplerState ( i, D3DSAMP_MIPFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR );

    // Set technique
    m_pD3DEffect->SetTechnique( hTechnique );

    // Inform user of technique name
    D3DXTECHNIQUE_DESC TechniqueDesc;
    m_pD3DEffect->GetTechniqueDesc( hTechnique, &TechniqueDesc );
    strOutStatus = TechniqueDesc.Name;

    if ( bDebug )
        // Disassemble effect
        LPD3DXBUFFER pDisassembly = NULL;
        if ( SUCCEEDED( D3DXDisassembleEffect( m_pD3DEffect, false, &pDisassembly ) ) && pDisassembly )
            LPVOID pData = pDisassembly->GetBufferPointer();
            DWORD Size = pDisassembly->GetBufferSize();

            if( pData && Size )
                SString strDisassemblyContents;
                strDisassemblyContents.assign ( (const char*)pData, Size - 1 );
                FileSave ( strFilename + ".dis", strDisassemblyContents );

            SAFE_RELEASE( pDisassembly );

    // Copy MD5s of all loaded files
    m_FileMD5Map = IncludeManager.m_FileMD5Map;
    dassert ( !HaveFilesChanged() );
Esempio n. 24
// BeginD3DStuff
// Look all busy and important in case any graphic drivers are looking
void BeginD3DStuff( void )
    pD3D9 = Direct3DCreate9( D3D_SDK_VERSION );

    if ( !pD3D9 )
        WriteDebugEvent( "D3DStuff - Direct3DCreate9 failed" );

    WriteDebugEvent( "D3DStuff -------------------------" );
    WriteDebugEvent( SString( "D3DStuff - Direct3DCreate9: 0x%08x", pD3D9 ) );

    bool bDetectedOptimus = false;
    bool bDetectedNVidia = false;
    // Get info about each connected adapter
    uint uiNumAdapters = pD3D9->GetAdapterCount();
    WriteDebugEvent( SString( "D3DStuff - %d Adapters", uiNumAdapters ) );

    for ( uint i = 0 ; i < uiNumAdapters ; i++ )
        D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9 Identifier;
        D3DDISPLAYMODE DisplayMode;
        D3DCAPS9 Caps9;

        HRESULT hr1 = pD3D9->GetAdapterIdentifier( i, 0, &Identifier );
        HRESULT hr2 = pD3D9->GetAdapterDisplayMode( i, &DisplayMode );
        HRESULT hr3 = pD3D9->GetDeviceCaps( i, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, &Caps9 );
        UINT ModeCount = pD3D9->GetAdapterModeCount( i, D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 );
        HMONITOR hMonitor = pD3D9->GetAdapterMonitor( i );

        if ( FAILED( hr1 ) || FAILED( hr2 ) || FAILED( hr3 ) )
            WriteDebugEvent( SString( "D3DStuff %d Failed GetAdapterIdentifier(%x) GetAdapterDisplayMode(%x) GetDeviceCaps(%x) ", i, hr1, hr2, hr3 ) );

        // Detect Optimus combo
        if ( SStringX( Identifier.Driver ).BeginsWithI( "nv" )
            && SStringX( Identifier.Description ).BeginsWithI( "Intel" )
            bDetectedOptimus = true;
            WriteDebugEvent( SString( "D3DStuff %d - Detected Optimus Combo", i ) );
        if ( GetModuleHandle( "nvd3d9wrap.dll" ) != NULL )
            bDetectedOptimus = true;
            WriteDebugEvent( SString( "D3DStuff %d - Detected nvd3d9wrap", i ) );
        if ( SStringX( Identifier.Driver ).BeginsWithI( "nv" ) )
            bDetectedNVidia = true;

        WriteDebugEvent( SString( "D3DStuff %d Identifier - %s", i, *ToString( Identifier ) ) );
        WriteDebugEvent( SString( "D3DStuff %d DisplayMode - %s", i, *ToString( DisplayMode ) ) );
        WriteDebugEvent( SString( "D3DStuff %d  hMonitor:0x%08x  ModeCount:%d", i, hMonitor, ModeCount ) );
        WriteDebugEvent( SString( "D3DStuff %d Caps9 - %s ", i, *ToString( Caps9 ) ) );

    if ( GetApplicationSettingInt( "nvhacks", "optimus-force-detection" ) )
        bDetectedOptimus = true;

    if ( NvOptimusDetect() )
        bDetectedOptimus = true;

    SetApplicationSettingInt( "nvhacks", "optimus", bDetectedOptimus );
    SetApplicationSettingInt( "nvhacks", "nvidia", bDetectedNVidia );

    if ( bDetectedOptimus )
        ShowOptimusDialog ( g_hInstance );
        HideOptimusDialog ();
        SetApplicationSettingInt( "nvhacks", "optimus-alt-startup", 0 );
        SetApplicationSettingInt( "nvhacks", "optimus-rename-exe", 0 );
        SetApplicationSettingInt( "nvhacks", "optimus-export-enablement", 0 );
        SetApplicationSettingInt( "nvhacks", "optimus-force-windowed", 0 );
Esempio n. 25
// Handle format invalid parameter
void SString::OnInvalidParameter ( const char* szFormat )
    dassert( 0 );
    // Replace format characters because it seems like a good idea
    *this = ( SStringX( "[Invalid parameter] " ) + szFormat ).Replace( "%", "#" );
Esempio n. 26
// GetMajorVersionString
SString SharedUtil::GetMajorVersionString ( void )
    return SStringX ( MTA_DM_ASE_VERSION ).Left ( 3 );