static int check_patch(patch_t **start_patch, unsigned int start_instr, unsigned int *skip_addr, int *func_vals) { patch_t *cur_patch; cur_patch = *start_patch; while (cur_patch != NULL && start_instr == cur_patch->begin) { if (func_vals[cur_patch->patch_func] == 0) { int skip; /* Start rejecting code */ *skip_addr = start_instr + cur_patch->skip_instr; for (skip = cur_patch->skip_patch; skip > 0 && cur_patch != NULL; skip--) cur_patch = STAILQ_NEXT(cur_patch, links); } else { /* Accepted this patch. Advance to the next * one and wait for our intruction pointer to * hit this point. */ cur_patch = STAILQ_NEXT(cur_patch, links); } } *start_patch = cur_patch; if (start_instr < *skip_addr) /* Still skipping */ return (0); return (1); }
void ESP8266WiFiClass::_scanDone(void* result, int status) { if (status != OK) { ESP8266WiFiClass::_scanCount = 0; ESP8266WiFiClass::_scanResult = 0; } else { int i = 0; bss_info_head_t* head = reinterpret_cast<bss_info_head_t*>(result); for (bss_info* it = STAILQ_FIRST(head); it; it = STAILQ_NEXT(it, next), ++i); ESP8266WiFiClass::_scanCount = i; if (i == 0) { ESP8266WiFiClass::_scanResult = 0; } else { bss_info* copied_info = new bss_info[i]; i = 0; for (bss_info* it = STAILQ_FIRST(head); it; it = STAILQ_NEXT(it, next), ++i) { memcpy(copied_info + i, it, sizeof(bss_info)); } ESP8266WiFiClass::_scanResult = copied_info; } } esp_schedule(); }
static void fwip_stop(struct fwip_softc *fwip) { struct firewire_comm *fc; struct fw_xferq *xferq; struct ifnet *ifp = fwip->fw_softc.fwip_ifp; struct fw_xfer *xfer, *next; int i; fc = fwip->fd.fc; if (fwip->dma_ch >= 0) { xferq = fc->ir[fwip->dma_ch]; if (xferq->flag & FWXFERQ_RUNNING) fc->irx_disable(fc, fwip->dma_ch); xferq->flag &= ~(FWXFERQ_MODEMASK | FWXFERQ_OPEN | FWXFERQ_STREAM | FWXFERQ_EXTBUF | FWXFERQ_HANDLER | FWXFERQ_CHTAGMASK); xferq->hand = NULL; for (i = 0; i < xferq->bnchunk; i ++) m_freem(xferq->bulkxfer[i].mbuf); free(xferq->bulkxfer, M_FWIP); fw_bindremove(fc, &fwip->fwb); for (xfer = STAILQ_FIRST(&fwip->fwb.xferlist); xfer != NULL; xfer = next) { next = STAILQ_NEXT(xfer, link); fw_xfer_free(xfer); } for (xfer = STAILQ_FIRST(&fwip->xferlist); xfer != NULL; xfer = next) { next = STAILQ_NEXT(xfer, link); fw_xfer_free(xfer); } STAILQ_INIT(&fwip->xferlist); xferq->bulkxfer = NULL; fwip->dma_ch = -1; } #if defined(__FreeBSD__) ifp->if_drv_flags &= ~(IFF_DRV_RUNNING | IFF_DRV_OACTIVE); #else ifp->if_flags &= ~(IFF_RUNNING | IFF_OACTIVE); #endif }
mpc_url_t * mpc_url_task_get(void) { mpc_url_t *mpc_url; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_task); if (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&mpc_url_task_queue)) { mpc_url = STAILQ_FIRST(&mpc_url_task_queue); mpc_url_ntask--; STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&mpc_url_task_queue, next); ASSERT(mpc_url->magic == MPC_URL_MAGIC); STAILQ_NEXT(mpc_url, next) = NULL; /* mpc_log_debug(0, "get task url(%d), total %d, host: \"%V\" uri: \"%V\"", mpc_url->url_id, mpc_url_ntask, &mpc_url->host, &mpc_url->uri); */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_task); return mpc_url; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_task); return NULL; }
mpc_url_t * mpc_url_get(void) { mpc_url_t *mpc_url; uint8_t *buf; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_free); if (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&mpc_url_free_queue)) { mpc_url = STAILQ_FIRST(&mpc_url_free_queue); mpc_url_nfree--; STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&mpc_url_free_queue, next); ASSERT(mpc_url->magic == MPC_URL_MAGIC); goto done; } buf = (uint8_t *)mpc_calloc(sizeof(mpc_url_t) + MPC_URL_BUF_SIZE, 1); if (buf == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_free); return NULL; } mpc_url = (mpc_url_t *)(buf + MPC_URL_BUF_SIZE); mpc_url->buf = buf; mpc_url->buf_size = MPC_URL_BUF_SIZE; SET_MAGIC(mpc_url, MPC_URL_MAGIC); done: STAILQ_NEXT(mpc_url, next) = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_free); return mpc_url; }
static inline void _klog_write_get(struct request *req, struct response *rsp, char *buf, int len) { struct response *nr = rsp; int suffix_len; uint32_t i; struct bstring *key; for (i = 0; i < array_nelem(req->keys); ++i) { key = array_get(req->keys, i); if (nr->type != RSP_END && bstring_compare(key, &nr->key) == 0) { /* key was found, rsp at nr */ suffix_len = cc_scnprintf(buf + len, KLOG_MAX_LEN - len, KLOG_GET_FMT, req_strings[req->type].len, req_strings[req->type].data, key->len, key->data, rsp->type, _get_val_rsp_len(nr, key)); nr = STAILQ_NEXT(nr, next); } else { /* key not found */ suffix_len = cc_scnprintf(buf + len, KLOG_MAX_LEN - len, KLOG_GET_FMT, req_strings[req->type].len, req_strings[req->type].data, key->len, key->data, RSP_UNKNOWN, 0); } ASSERT(len + suffix_len <= KLOG_MAX_LEN); if (log_write(klogger, buf, len + suffix_len)) { INCR(klog_metrics, klog_logged); } else { INCR(klog_metrics, klog_discard); } } ASSERT(nr ->type == RSP_END); }
static struct mbuf * _mbuf_get_proxy_adm(void) { struct mbuf *mbuf; uint8_t *buf; if (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&free_mbufq_proxy_adm)) { ASSERT(nfree_mbufq_proxy_adm > 0); mbuf = STAILQ_FIRST(&free_mbufq_proxy_adm); nfree_mbufq_proxy_adm--; STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&free_mbufq_proxy_adm, next); ASSERT(mbuf->magic == MBUF_MAGIC); goto done; } buf = nc_alloc(mbuf_chunk_size); if (buf == NULL) { return NULL; } #if 1 //shenzheng 2015-7-9 proxy administer #ifdef NC_DEBUG_LOG ntotal_mbuf_proxy_adm ++; #endif #endif //shenzheng 2015-7-9 proxy administer mbuf = (struct mbuf *)(buf + mbuf_offset); mbuf->magic = MBUF_MAGIC; done: STAILQ_NEXT(mbuf, next) = NULL; return mbuf; }
Elf_Data * elf_rawdata(Elf_Scn *s, Elf_Data *ed) { Elf *e; int elf_class; uint32_t sh_type; struct _Libelf_Data *d; uint64_t sh_align, sh_offset, sh_size; if (s == NULL || (e = s->s_elf) == NULL || e->e_rawfile == NULL) { LIBELF_SET_ERROR(ARGUMENT, 0); return (NULL); } assert(e->e_kind == ELF_K_ELF); d = (struct _Libelf_Data *) ed; if (d == NULL && (d = STAILQ_FIRST(&s->s_rawdata)) != NULL) return (&d->d_data); if (d != NULL) return (&STAILQ_NEXT(d, d_next)->d_data); elf_class = e->e_class; assert(elf_class == ELFCLASS32 || elf_class == ELFCLASS64); if (elf_class == ELFCLASS32) { sh_type = s->s_shdr.s_shdr32.sh_type; sh_offset = (uint64_t) s->s_shdr.s_shdr32.sh_offset; sh_size = (uint64_t) s->s_shdr.s_shdr32.sh_size; sh_align = (uint64_t) s->s_shdr.s_shdr32.sh_addralign; } else { sh_type = s->s_shdr.s_shdr64.sh_type; sh_offset = s->s_shdr.s_shdr64.sh_offset; sh_size = s->s_shdr.s_shdr64.sh_size; sh_align = s->s_shdr.s_shdr64.sh_addralign; } if (sh_type == SHT_NULL) { LIBELF_SET_ERROR(SECTION, 0); return (NULL); } if ((d = _libelf_allocate_data(s)) == NULL) return (NULL); d->d_data.d_buf = (sh_type == SHT_NOBITS || sh_size == 0) ? NULL : e->e_rawfile + sh_offset; d->d_data.d_off = 0; d->d_data.d_align = sh_align; d->d_data.d_size = sh_size; d->d_data.d_type = ELF_T_BYTE; d->d_data.d_version = e->e_version; STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&s->s_rawdata, d, d_next); return (&d->d_data); }
void mbuf_recycle(struct context *ctx, struct mbuf *mbuf) { ctx->stats.buffers--; STAILQ_NEXT(mbuf, next) = NULL; STAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&ctx->free_mbufq, mbuf, next); ctx->nfree_mbufq++; }
void yasm_vps_delete(yasm_valparamhead *headp) { yasm_valparam *cur, *next; cur = STAILQ_FIRST(headp); while (cur) { next = STAILQ_NEXT(cur, link); if (cur->val) yasm_xfree(cur->val); switch (cur->type) { case YASM_PARAM_ID: yasm_xfree(cur->; break; case YASM_PARAM_STRING: yasm_xfree(cur->param.str); break; case YASM_PARAM_EXPR: yasm_expr_destroy(cur->param.e); break; } yasm_xfree(cur); cur = next; } STAILQ_INIT(headp); }
static void _process_get(struct response *rsp, struct request *req) { struct bstring *key; struct response *r = rsp; uint32_t i; INCR(process_metrics, get); /* use chained responses, move to the next response if key is found. */ for (i = 0; i < array_nelem(req->keys); ++i) { INCR(process_metrics, get_key); key = array_get(req->keys, i); if (_get_key(r, key)) { req->nfound++; r->cas = false; r = STAILQ_NEXT(r, next); if (r == NULL) { INCR(process_metrics, get_ex); log_warn("get response incomplete due to lack of rsp objects"); return; } INCR(process_metrics, get_key_hit); } else { INCR(process_metrics, get_key_miss); } } r->type = RSP_END; log_verb("get req %p processed, %d out of %d keys found", req, req->nfound, i); }
// Lua: table = wifi.ap.getclient() static int wifi_ap_listclient( lua_State* L ) { if (wifi_get_opmode() == STATION_MODE) { return luaL_error( L, "Can't list client in STATION_MODE mode" ); } char temp[64]; lua_newtable(L); struct station_info * station = wifi_softap_get_station_info(); struct station_info * next_station; while (station != NULL) { c_sprintf(temp, IPSTR, IP2STR(&station->ip)); lua_pushstring(L, temp); c_sprintf(temp, MACSTR, MAC2STR(station->bssid)); lua_setfield(L, -2, temp); next_station = STAILQ_NEXT(station, next); c_free(station); station = next_station; } return 1; }
static void back_patch(void) { struct instruction *cur_instr; for (cur_instr = STAILQ_FIRST(&seq_program); cur_instr != NULL; cur_instr = STAILQ_NEXT(cur_instr, links)) { if (cur_instr->patch_label != NULL) { struct ins_format3 *f3_instr; u_int address; if (cur_instr->patch_label->type != LABEL) { char buf[255]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Undefined label %s", cur_instr->patch_label->name); stop(buf, EX_DATAERR); /* NOTREACHED */ } f3_instr = &cur_instr->format.format3; address = f3_instr->address; address += cur_instr->patch_label->info.linfo->address; f3_instr->address = address; } } }
static int nr_turn_permission_find(nr_turn_client_ctx *ctx, nr_transport_addr *addr, nr_turn_permission **permp) { nr_turn_permission *perm; int _status; perm = STAILQ_FIRST(&ctx->permissions); while (perm) { if (!nr_transport_addr_cmp(&perm->addr, addr, NR_TRANSPORT_ADDR_CMP_MODE_ADDR)) break; perm = STAILQ_NEXT(perm, entry); } if (!perm) { ABORT(R_NOT_FOUND); } if (perm->stun->last_error_code == 403) { ABORT(R_NOT_PERMITTED); } *permp = perm; _status=0; abort: return(_status); }
void request_reset(struct request *req) { ASSERT(req != NULL && req->keys != NULL); STAILQ_NEXT(req, next) = NULL; req->free = false; req->rstate = REQ_PARSING; req->type = REQ_UNKNOWN; req->keys->nelem = 0; bstring_init(&req->vstr); req->nfound = 0; req->flag = 0; req->expiry = 0; req->vlen = 0; req->delta = 0; req->vcas = 0; req->noreply = 0; req->val = 0; req->serror = 0; req->cerror = 0; }
void linker_table(){ nf_buff_t *buff1=NULL; nf_bp_t *buffer_pool = NULL; struct block_frame *bf, *tvar; int ret,i=0,n; buffer_pool = (nf_bp_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(nf_bp_t)); printf("sizeof(nf_bp_t) = %d\n",sizeof(nf_bp_t)); //first buff buff1 = (nf_buff_t *)malloc(sizeof(nf_buff_t)); printf("sizeof(nf_buff_t) = %d\n\n",sizeof(nf_buff_t)); buff1->len = 1; buff1->off = 1; buff1->last = "first buff"; buff1->pool = buffer_pool; STAILQ_INIT(&buff1->head); for(n=0;n<3;n++){ ret = try_expand_buffer(buff1, NF_PAGE_SIZE); } for ( (bf) = STAILQ_FIRST((&buff1->head)); (bf) && ( (tvar) = STAILQ_NEXT((bf), field), 1 ); (bf) = (tvar) ){ printf("buff %d\n",++i); } printf("ret = %d\n",ret); }
int dwarf_linesrc(Dwarf_Line ln, char **ret_linesrc, Dwarf_Error *error) { Dwarf_LineInfo li; Dwarf_LineFile lf; int i; if (ln == NULL || ret_linesrc == NULL) { DWARF_SET_ERROR(NULL, error, DW_DLE_ARGUMENT); return (DW_DLV_ERROR); } li = ln->ln_li; assert(li != NULL); for (i = 1, lf = STAILQ_FIRST(&li->li_lflist); (Dwarf_Unsigned) i < ln->ln_fileno && lf != NULL; i++, lf = STAILQ_NEXT(lf, lf_next)) ; if (lf == NULL) { DWARF_SET_ERROR(NULL, error, DW_DLE_LINE_FILE_NUM_BAD); return (DW_DLV_ERROR); } if (lf->lf_fullpath) { *ret_linesrc = (char *) lf->lf_fullpath; return (DW_DLV_OK); } *ret_linesrc = lf->lf_fname; return (DW_DLV_OK); }
int nr_turn_client_process_response(nr_turn_client_ctx *ctx, UCHAR *msg, int len, nr_transport_addr *turn_server_addr) { int r, _status; nr_turn_stun_ctx *sc1; switch (ctx->state) { case NR_TURN_CLIENT_STATE_ALLOCATING: case NR_TURN_CLIENT_STATE_ALLOCATED: break; default: ABORT(R_FAILED); } sc1 = STAILQ_FIRST(&ctx->stun_ctxs); while (sc1) { r = nr_stun_client_process_response(sc1->stun, msg, len, turn_server_addr); if (!r) break; if (r==R_RETRY) /* Likely a 401 and we will retry */ break; if (r != R_REJECTED) ABORT(r); sc1 = STAILQ_NEXT(sc1, entry); } if (!sc1) ABORT(R_REJECTED); _status=0; abort: return(_status); }
int nr_turn_client_cancel(nr_turn_client_ctx *ctx) { nr_turn_stun_ctx *stun = 0; if (ctx->state == NR_TURN_CLIENT_STATE_CANCELLED || ctx->state == NR_TURN_CLIENT_STATE_FAILED) return(0); if (ctx->label) r_log(NR_LOG_TURN, LOG_INFO, "TURN(%s): cancelling", ctx->label); /* Cancel the STUN client ctxs */ stun = STAILQ_FIRST(&ctx->stun_ctxs); while (stun) { nr_stun_client_cancel(stun->stun); stun = STAILQ_NEXT(stun, entry); } /* Cancel the timers, if not already cancelled */ NR_async_timer_cancel(ctx->connected_timer_handle); NR_async_timer_cancel(ctx->refresh_timer_handle); ctx->state = NR_TURN_CLIENT_STATE_CANCELLED; return(0); }
int dwarf_get_abbrev_entry(Dwarf_Abbrev abbrev, Dwarf_Signed ndx, Dwarf_Half *attr_num, Dwarf_Signed *form, Dwarf_Off *offset, Dwarf_Error *error) { Dwarf_AttrDef ad; int i; if (abbrev == NULL || attr_num == NULL || form == NULL || offset == NULL) { DWARF_SET_ERROR(NULL, error, DW_DLE_ARGUMENT); return (DW_DLV_ERROR); } if (ndx < 0 || (uint64_t) ndx >= abbrev->ab_atnum) { DWARF_SET_ERROR(NULL, error, DW_DLE_NO_ENTRY); return (DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY); } ad = STAILQ_FIRST(&abbrev->ab_attrdef); for (i = 0; i < ndx && ad != NULL; i++) ad = STAILQ_NEXT(ad, ad_next); assert(ad != NULL); *attr_num = ad->ad_attrib; *form = ad->ad_form; *offset = ad->ad_offset; return (DW_DLV_OK); }
static void khttpd_log_abort(struct khttpd_log *log) { struct thread *td; struct mbuf *pkt, *m; int fd; td = curthread; mtx_lock(&khttpd_log_lock); pkt = mbufq_flush(&log->queue); if (pkt != NULL) { if (log->draining) { log->draining = FALSE; wakeup(log); } TAILQ_REMOVE(&khttpd_busy_logs, log, link); while ((m = pkt) != NULL) { pkt = STAILQ_NEXT(pkt, m_stailqpkt); m_freem(m); } } fd = log->fd; log->fd = -1; mtx_unlock(&khttpd_log_lock); kern_close(td, fd); }
struct resource * pcib_host_res_alloc(struct pcib_host_resources *hr, device_t dev, int type, int *rid, u_long start, u_long end, u_long count, u_int flags) { struct resource_list_entry *rle; struct resource *r; u_long new_start, new_end; if (flags & RF_PREFETCHABLE) KASSERT(type == SYS_RES_MEMORY, ("only memory is prefetchable")); rle = resource_list_find(&hr->hr_rl, type, 0); if (rle == NULL) { /* * No decoding ranges for this resource type, just pass * the request up to the parent. */ return (bus_generic_alloc_resource(hr->hr_pcib, dev, type, rid, start, end, count, flags)); } restart: /* Try to allocate from each decoded range. */ for (; rle != NULL; rle = STAILQ_NEXT(rle, link)) { if (rle->type != type) continue; if (((flags & RF_PREFETCHABLE) != 0) != ((rle->flags & RLE_PREFETCH) != 0)) continue; new_start = ulmax(start, rle->start); new_end = ulmin(end, rle->end); if (new_start > new_end || new_start + count - 1 > new_end || new_start + count < new_start) continue; r = bus_generic_alloc_resource(hr->hr_pcib, dev, type, rid, new_start, new_end, count, flags); if (r != NULL) { if (bootverbose) device_printf(hr->hr_pcib, "allocated type %d (%#lx-%#lx) for rid %x of %s\n", type, rman_get_start(r), rman_get_end(r), *rid, pcib_child_name(dev)); return (r); } } /* * If we failed to find a prefetch range for a memory * resource, try again without prefetch. */ if (flags & RF_PREFETCHABLE) { flags &= ~RF_PREFETCHABLE; rle = resource_list_find(&hr->hr_rl, type, 0); goto restart; } return (NULL); }
void elf_strtab_entry_set_str(elf_strtab_entry *entry, const char *str) { elf_strtab_entry *last; if (entry->str) yasm_xfree(entry->str); entry->str = yasm__xstrdup(str); /* Update all following indices since string length probably changes */ last = entry; entry = STAILQ_NEXT(last, qlink); while (entry) { entry->index = last->index + (unsigned long)strlen(last->str) + 1; last = entry; entry = STAILQ_NEXT(last, qlink); } }
/* * Remove mbuf from the mhdr Q */ void mbuf_remove(struct mhdr *mhdr, struct mbuf *mbuf) { log_debug(LOG_VVERB, "remove mbuf %p len %d", mbuf, mbuf->last - mbuf->pos); STAILQ_REMOVE(mhdr, mbuf, mbuf, next); STAILQ_NEXT(mbuf, next) = NULL; }
/* * Remove mbuf_block from the mhdr Q */ static void mbuf_block_remove(struct mhdr *mhdr, struct mbuf_block *mbuf_block) { //log_debug(LOG_VVERB, "remove mbuf_block %p", mbuf_block); STAILQ_REMOVE(mhdr, mbuf_block, struct mbuf_block, next); STAILQ_NEXT(mbuf_block, next) = NULL; }
void conn_cq_push(struct conn_q *cq, struct conn *c) { STAILQ_NEXT(c, c_tqe) = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&cq->lock); STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&cq->hdr, c, c_tqe); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cq->lock); }
/** * mutt_list_compare - Compare two string lists * @param ah First string list * @param bh Second string list * @retval true Lists are identical * * To be identical, the lists must both be the same length and contain the same * strings. Two empty lists are identical. */ bool mutt_list_compare(const struct ListHead *ah, const struct ListHead *bh) { struct ListNode *a = STAILQ_FIRST(ah); struct ListNode *b = STAILQ_FIRST(bh); while (a && b) { if (mutt_str_strcmp(a->data, b->data) != 0) return false; a = STAILQ_NEXT(a, entries); b = STAILQ_NEXT(b, entries); } if (a || b) return false; return true; }
static struct mbuf_block * _mbuf_block_get(struct mbuf_pool *pool) { struct mbuf_block *mbuf_block; char *buf; if (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&pool->free_mbuf_blockq)) { assert(pool->nfree_mbuf_blockq > 0); mbuf_block = STAILQ_FIRST(&pool->free_mbuf_blockq); pool->nfree_mbuf_blockq--; STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&pool->free_mbuf_blockq, next); assert(mbuf_block->magic == MBUF_BLOCK_MAGIC); goto done; } buf = (char *) malloc(pool->mbuf_block_chunk_size); if (OXT_UNLIKELY(buf == NULL)) { return NULL; } /* * mbuf_block header is at the tail end of the mbuf_block. This enables us to catch * buffer overrun early by asserting on the magic value during get or * put operations * * <------------- mbuf_block_chunk_size -------------------> * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * | mbuf_block data | mbuf_block header | * | (mbuf_block_offset) | (struct mbuf_block) | * +-------------------------------------------------------+ * ^ ^^ * | || * \ |\ * block->start | block->end (one byte past valid bound) * \ * block * */ mbuf_block = (struct mbuf_block *)(buf + pool->mbuf_block_offset); mbuf_block->magic = MBUF_BLOCK_MAGIC; mbuf_block->pool = pool; mbuf_block->refcount = 1; done: STAILQ_NEXT(mbuf_block, next) = NULL; #ifdef MBUF_ENABLE_DEBUGGING TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pool->active_mbuf_blockq, mbuf_block, active_q); #endif #ifdef MBUF_ENABLE_BACKTRACES mbuf_block->backtrace = strdup(oxt::thread::current_backtrace().c_str()); #endif pool->nactive_mbuf_blockq++; return mbuf_block; }
gdp_event_t * gdp_event_next(gdp_gcl_t *gcl, EP_TIME_SPEC *timeout) { gdp_event_t *gev; EP_TIME_SPEC *abs_to = NULL; EP_TIME_SPEC tv; if (timeout != NULL) { ep_time_deltanow(timeout, &tv); abs_to = &tv; } ep_thr_mutex_lock(&ActiveListMutex); for (;;) { int err; while ((gev = STAILQ_FIRST(&ActiveList)) == NULL) { // wait until we have at least one thing to try err = ep_thr_cond_wait(&ActiveListSig, &ActiveListMutex, abs_to); if (err == ETIMEDOUT) goto fail0; } while (gev != NULL) { // if this isn't the GCL we want, keep searching the list if (gcl == NULL || gev->gcl == gcl) break; // not the event we want gev = STAILQ_NEXT(gev, queue); } if (gev != NULL) { // found a match! break; } // if there is no match, wait until something is added and try again err = ep_thr_cond_wait(&ActiveListSig, &ActiveListMutex, abs_to); if (err == ETIMEDOUT) break; } if (gev != NULL) STAILQ_REMOVE(&ActiveList, gev, gdp_event, queue); fail0: ep_thr_mutex_unlock(&ActiveListMutex); // the callback must call gdp_event_free(gev) return gev; }
void mbuf_put(struct mbuf *mbuf) { log_debug(LOG_VVERB, "put mbuf %p len %d", mbuf, mbuf->last - mbuf->pos); ASSERT(STAILQ_NEXT(mbuf, next) == NULL); ASSERT(mbuf->magic == MBUF_MAGIC); nfree_mbufq++; STAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&free_mbufq, mbuf, next); }