Esempio n. 1
//param radix:	10, output memery using %d
//			  	16, output memery using %x
//		uMask: 	trace ID defined in CSW
VOID CSW_TC_MEMBLOCK(UINT16 uMask, UINT8 *buffer, UINT16 len, UINT8 radix)
	INT32 i = 0;
	CHAR s[4] = {0};
	CHAR line_buff[64] = {0}; // Temporary buffer for print trace information.

	CSW_TRACE(uMask, "==================TRACE MEMORY BLOCK=====================>>");

	// Just print part of the data if the data length overrun the temporary buffer size.

	// the buffer of vsprintf is not more than 256(the max number chars of each line), so 
	// the size of the buffer to need to print is not limited, line_buffer size can be less 
	//than 256 each line and it can be used circularly, modify by wangqunyang 2008.06.02
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		if (radix == 10)
			SUL_StrPrint(s, "%3d ", buffer[i]);
		else if (radix == 16)
			SUL_StrPrint(s, "%02x ", buffer[i]);
		else //default case
			SUL_StrPrint(s, "%02x ", buffer[i]);

		/* we can print 10 chars each line or any others being less than 
		** line_buff size and in this function max size of line_buff is 64 */
		if (i != 0 && i % 10 == 0)
			CSW_TRACE(uMask, "%s", line_buff);
			SUL_MemSet8(line_buff, 0, sizeof(line_buff));

		SUL_StrCat(line_buff, s);

	if (SUL_Strlen(line_buff) > 0)
		CSW_TRACE(uMask, "%s", line_buff);

	CSW_TRACE(uMask, "==================TRACE MEMORY BLOCK=====================<<");
Esempio n. 2
VOID socketdata_initial(INT32 sockfd)
  SUL_MemSet8(&socketid[sockfd], 0, sizeof(struct socket_data));
Esempio n. 3
VOID stats_init(VOID)
	SUL_MemSet8(&lwip_stats, 0, sizeof(struct stats_));
Esempio n. 4
VOID socketdata_initial(INT32 sockfd, UINT8 type)

 CSW_TRACE(CFW_TCPIP_TS_ID_SXS, TSTXT("start socketdata_initial socketid: 0x%x, type: 0x%x !\n"),sockfd,type);

  COS_WaitForSemaphore(Tcp_receive_buf_sem, COS_WAIT_FOREVER);
 // void* buf = NULL;

       INT32 sid=0;
       for(sid = 0; sid<MEMP_NUM_NETCONN; sid++)
  	    SUL_MemSet8(&socketid[sid], 0, sizeof(struct socket_data));
           socketid[sid].type = type;
	CSW_TRACE(CFW_TCPIP_TS_ID_SXS, TSTXT("socketdata_initial in TCP init!\n"));


  if((sockfd < 0) && (sockfd>=MEMP_NUM_NETCONN))
	 CSW_TRACE(CFW_TCPIP_TS_ID_SXS, TSTXT("socketdata_initial socket error!\n"));

  struct socket_data *p = &socketid[sockfd];

        case NETCONN_UDP:
	       p->index[p->front] = NULL;	
	       p->front = INDEX_MOD(p->front + 1) ;
        case NETCONN_TCP:
	       p->index[p->front] = NULL;	
	       p->front = INDEX_MOD(p->front + 1) ;

  SUL_MemSet8(&socketid[sockfd], 0, sizeof(struct socket_data));
  socketid[sockfd].type = type;
 CSW_TRACE(CFW_TCPIP_TS_ID_SXS, TSTXT("end socketdata_initial socketid: 0x%x, type: 0x%x !\n"),sockfd,type);

Esempio n. 5
void CFW_GprsQos2Api(CFW_GPRS_QOS sQos, UINT8 ApiQos[11], UINT8 *pQosLength)

    TempQos.Length = 11;
		    SUL_MemSet8(&TempQos.QOS, 0x00, (UINT32)TempQos.Length);

    #if 1 //add by wuys for gprs test 2008-09-03 
    //TempQos.QOS.ReliabilityClass = 3;//sQos.nReliability;
    TempQos.QOS.ReliabilityClass = sQos.nReliability;//modify by wuys 2008-01-21
    //TempQos.QOS.DelayClass = 4;//sQos.nDelay;
    TempQos.QOS.DelayClass = sQos.nDelay;//modify by wuys 2008-01-21
    TempQos.QOS.Spare0 = 0;
    //TempQos.QOS.PrecedenceClass = 3;//sQos.nPrecedence;
    TempQos.QOS.PrecedenceClass = sQos.nPrecedence;//modify by wuys 2008-01-21
    TempQos.QOS.Spare1 = 0;
    //TempQos.QOS.PeakThroughput = 4;//sQos.nPeak;
    TempQos.QOS.PeakThroughput = sQos.nPeak;//modify by wuys 2008-01-21
    //TempQos.QOS.MeanThroughput = 16;//sQos.nMean;
      TempQos.QOS.MeanThroughput = 0x1F;//modify by wuys 2010-09-20, refer to Nokia
    TempQos.QOS.MeanThroughput = sQos.nMean;//modify by wuys 2008-01-21
    TempQos.QOS.Spare2 = 0;
    TempQos.QOS.DeliveryOfErroneousSDU = 1;
    TempQos.QOS.DeliveryOrder = 2;
    TempQos.QOS.TrafficClass = 4;
    TempQos.QOS.MaximumSDUSize = 0x96;
    TempQos.QOS.MaximumBitRateForUplink = 0x40;
    TempQos.QOS.MaximumBitRateForDownlink = 0x40;
    TempQos.QOS.SDUErrorRatio = 4;
    TempQos.QOS.ResidualBER = 7;
    TempQos.QOS.TrafficHandlingPriority = 0;
    TempQos.QOS.TransferDelay = 0;
    TempQos.QOS.GuaranteedBitRateForUplink = 0;
    TempQos.QOS.GuaranteedBitRateForDownlink = 0;

UINT8* PtQoS = &TempQos.QOS;
UINT8 PdpCtxNb = 15;

PtQoS[0]= ((tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][0])<<3) | tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][1];
                                  /*   Delay class    , Reliability class                          */
                                  /* 1    => Sapi 3   , 1 => RLC ack, LLC ack, protected mode      */
                                  /* 2    => Sapi 5   , 2 => RLC ack, LLC ack, protected mode      */
                                  /* 3    => Sapi 9   , 3 => RLC ack, LLC unack, protected mode    */
                                  /* else => Sapi 11  , 4 => RLC unack, LLC unack, protected mode  */
                                  /*                    5 => RLC unack, LLC unack, unprotected mode*/
  // En mode llc ack, plus le numero de sapi est grand plus la fenetre est petite
  // plus les emmerdes sont grands
   PtQoS[1]= ((tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][2])<<4) | 3;//tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][3];
                                  /* Peak throughput             , Precedence class */
                                  /* 1 => Up to 1 000 octet/s                       */
                                  /* 2 => Up to 2 000 octet/s                       */
                                  /* 3 => Up to 4 000 octet/s                       */
                                  /* 4 => Up to 8 000 octet/s                       */
                                  /* 5 => Up to 16 000 octet/s                      */
                                  /* 6 => Up to 32 000 octet/s                      */
                                  /* 7 => Up to 64 000 octet/s                      */
                                  /* 8 => Up to 128 000 octet/s                     */
                                  /* 9 => Up to 256 000 octet/s                     */
   PtQoS[2]= tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][4]; /* Mean throughput (1 => 100octets/s) */
   PtQoS[3]= ((tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][5])<<5) | ((tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][6])<<3) | (tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][7]); /* Traffic class,                Delivery order,             Delivery of erroneous SDU               */
                                  /* 0 => Subscribed traffic class 0 Subscribed delivery order 0 Subscribed delivery of erroneous SDUs */
                                  /* 1 => Conversational class     1 With delivery order       1 No detect ('-')                       */
                                  /* 2 => Streaming class          2 Without delivery order    2 Erroneous SDUs are delivered          */
                                  /* 3 => Interactive class                                    3 Erroneous SDUs are not delivered      */
                                  /* 4 => Background class                                                                             */
   PtQoS[4]= tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][8]; /* Maximum SDU size (0x99 => 1520 bytes)*/
   PtQoS[5]= tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][9]; /* Maximum bit rate for uplink (0x3F => 63 kbps) */
   PtQoS[6]= tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][10];/* Maximum bit rate for downlink (0x3F => 63 kbps) */
   PtQoS[7]= ((tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][11])<<4) | (tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][12]);
                                  /* Residual BER (1 => 5*10-2 ), SDU ratio error (1=>1*10-2 ) */
   PtQoS[8]= ((tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][13])<<2)| tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][14]; /* Transfer delay (0xF => 150ms), Traffic handling priority */
   PtQoS[9] = tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][15]; /* Guaranted bit rate for uplink */
   PtQoS[10]= tcpTabQos[PdpCtxNb][16]; /* Guaranted bit rate for downlink */
		    SUL_MemSet8(&TempQos.QOS, 0x00, (UINT32)TempQos.Length);
      TempQos.QOS.MeanThroughput = 0x1F;//modify by wuys 2010-09-20, refer to Nokia

    SUL_MemCopy8(ApiQos, &TempQos.QOS, (UINT32)TempQos.Length);

    *pQosLength = TempQos.Length;