Esempio n. 1
SpritePtr CreateStatsSpriteClone(
    SpritePtr masterSpriteP,
    short numDigits,
    JustifyType justification,
    int fillWithZeros)
    StatsStructPtr  spriteStructP;
    SpritePtr       newSpriteP;
    SWError         err = kNoError;
    SW_ASSERT(masterSpriteP != NULL);
    SW_ASSERT(masterSpriteP->maxFrames >= 10);
        // Allocate memory for the StatsStruct
    spriteStructP = (StatsStructPtr)calloc(1,sizeof(StatsStruct));
    if (!spriteStructP)
            err = kMemoryAllocationError;
    if (err == kNoError)
        err = SWCloneSprite(masterSpriteP, &newSpriteP, spriteStructP);
    if (err == kNoError)
            // Set the Sprite's DrawProc to our special digit-drawing DrawProc.
        newSpriteP->frameDrawProc = StatsItemDrawProc;
            // Adjust the Sprite's width to match the width of all the digits put together.
        newSpriteP->drawData->scaledWidth = SW_RECT_WIDTH(newSpriteP->destFrameRect) * numDigits;
        newSpriteP->drawData->scaledHeight = SW_RECT_HEIGHT(newSpriteP->destFrameRect);
        SWSetCurrentFrameIndex(newSpriteP, newSpriteP->curFrameIndex);
        spriteStructP->numDigits = numDigits;
        spriteStructP->theNum = -1;
        spriteStructP->justification = justification;
        spriteStructP->fillWithZeros = fillWithZeros;
        spriteStructP->drawProc = SWStdSpriteDrawProc;
        newSpriteP = NULL;
    return newSpriteP;
Esempio n. 2
SWError st_CreateStaticText(
	const char* string,
	const char* fontPath,
	int fontSize,
	SWRect* bounds,
	int wrap,
	StaticTextPtr* newStaticTextPP )
	SWError err = kNoError;
	FramePtr frameP = NULL;
	StaticTextPtr tempStaticTextP = NULL;
	*newStaticTextPP = 0;
	if( ! gSTHasBeenInitialized )
		err = kSTHasNotBeenInitedError;
	if( err == kNoError )
		if( strlen( string ) > kMaxStringLength - 1 )
			err = kSTStringTooLongError;

	if( err == kNoError )
		if( strlen( fontPath ) > kMaxPathLength - 1 )
			err = kSTPathTooLongError;
	if( err == kNoError )
		tempStaticTextP = malloc( sizeof( StaticTextRec ) );
		if( ! tempStaticTextP ) err = kMemoryAllocationError;
	if( err == kNoError )
		err = SWCreateSprite( (SpritePtr*)&tempStaticTextP, tempStaticTextP, 1 );		

	if( err == kNoError )
		SWSetSpriteMoveProc( (SpritePtr)tempStaticTextP, handleStaticText );
			// make the frame to which we will be copying each line of text
		err = SWCreateBlankFrame(
			SW_RECT_WIDTH( *bounds ),
			SW_RECT_HEIGHT( *bounds ),
			true );
	if( err == kNoError )
		SWSetSpriteLocation( (SpritePtr)tempStaticTextP, bounds->left, bounds->top );
		err = SWAddFrame( (SpritePtr)tempStaticTextP, frameP );
	if( err == kNoError )
		strcpy( tempStaticTextP->string, string );
		strcpy( tempStaticTextP->fontPath, fontPath );
		tempStaticTextP->fontSize = fontSize;
		tempStaticTextP->fontStyle = gDefaultStyle;
		tempStaticTextP->wrap = wrap;
		tempStaticTextP->bounds = *bounds;
		tempStaticTextP->align = gDefaultAlign;
		tempStaticTextP->rendering = gDefaultRendering;
		tempStaticTextP->textColor = gDefaultTextColor;
		tempStaticTextP->backColor = gDefaultBackColor;
		err = SWSetCurrentFrameIndex( (SpritePtr)tempStaticTextP, 0 );
	if( err == kNoError )
		err = renderStaticText( tempStaticTextP );

	if( err == kNoError )
		SWLockSprite( (SpritePtr)tempStaticTextP );
		*newStaticTextPP = tempStaticTextP;
	if( err != kNoError )
			// clean up what we can
		if( tempStaticTextP ) st_DisposeStaticText( &tempStaticTextP );
		if( frameP ) SWDisposeFrame( &frameP );
	SWSetStickyIfError( err );
	return err;
Esempio n. 3
void StatsItemDrawProc(
    FramePtr srcFrameP,
    FramePtr dstFrameP,
    SWRect* srcRectP,
    SWRect* dstRectP)
    short           n, theDigit, width, index, fillValue;
    long            theNum;
    char            digitArray[10];         // Enough digits for a long
    StatsStructPtr      statsStructP;
    FramePtr        *srcFrameArray;
    SWRect          destRect, srcRect, frameRect, clippedDstRect;
    SW_ASSERT(gSWCurrentElementDrawData != NULL);
    statsStructP = (StatsStructPtr)gSWCurrentElementDrawData->parentSpriteP;
    srcFrameArray = gSWCurrentElementDrawData->parentSpriteP->frameArray;
    theNum = statsStructP->theNum;

    if (statsStructP->fillWithZeros)
        fillValue = 0;
        fillValue = -1;

        // Fill the unused part of the display with either nothing or 0s.
    for (n=0; n < statsStructP->numDigits; n++)
        digitArray[n] = fillValue;
        // Put the number into the digitArray
    if (theNum >= 0)
        if (statsStructP->justification == kLeftJustify)
            index = GetNumberLength(theNum)-1;
            index = statsStructP->numDigits-1;

        {       // Fill digitArray with the digits from the new number
            digitArray[index] = theNum%10;      // Get the right-most digit
            theNum /= 10;                       // Remove the right-most digit
        } while (theNum > 0 && index >= 0);
    destRect = *dstRectP;
    frameRect = srcFrameArray[0]->frameRect;
    width = SW_RECT_WIDTH(frameRect);
        // Expand destRect's left and top to its original size before it was clipped
    if (srcRectP->top > += - srcRectP->top;
    if (srcRectP->left > frameRect.left)
        destRect.left += frameRect.left - srcRectP->left;
        // The destRect's width and height should be the size of one digit.
    destRect.bottom = + SW_RECT_HEIGHT(frameRect);
    destRect.right = destRect.left + width;

        // Draw the number
    for (index = 0; index < statsStructP->numDigits; index++)
        theDigit = digitArray[index];
        if (theDigit >= 0)
            srcFrameP = srcFrameArray[theDigit];
            srcRect = srcFrameP->frameRect;
                // Clip each digit with the dstRect passed to this drawProc.
            clippedDstRect = destRect;
            SW_CLIP_DST_AND_SRC_RECT(clippedDstRect, srcRect, (*dstRectP));

                // Set the sprite's location (used by hardware drawprocs)
            gSWCurrentElementDrawData->horizLoc = clippedDstRect.left;
            gSWCurrentElementDrawData->vertLoc =;

            if (gSWCurrentSpriteWorld != NULL)
                gSWCurrentElementDrawData->horizLoc += gSWCurrentSpriteWorld->visScrollRect.left;
                gSWCurrentElementDrawData->vertLoc += gSWCurrentSpriteWorld->;
                // Draw the digit
            (*statsStructP->drawProc)(srcFrameP, dstFrameP, &srcRect, &clippedDstRect);
        destRect.left += width;
        destRect.right += width;