Esempio n. 1
  INTN multiplication

  Performs the requested operation using the input parameters into a value
  specified by Result type and stores the converted value into the caller
  allocated output buffer specified by Result.  The caller must pass in a
  Result buffer that is at least as large as the Result type.

  If Result is NULL, RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.

  If the requested operation results in an overflow or an underflow condition,
  then Result is set to INTN_ERROR and RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned.

  @param[in]   Multiplicand  A number that is to be multiplied by another
  @param[in]   Multiplier    A number by which the multiplicand is to be multiplied
  @param[out]  Result        Pointer to the result of multiplication

  @retval  RETURN_SUCCESS            Successful multiplication
  @retval  RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   Overflow
SafeIntnMult (
  IN  INTN  Multiplicand,
  IN  INTN  Multiplier,
  OUT INTN  *Result
  return SafeInt64Mult ((INT64)Multiplicand, (INT64)Multiplier, (INT64 *)Result);
  INTN multiplication

  Performs the requested operation using the input parameters into a value
  specified by Result type and stores the converted value into the caller
  allocated output buffer specified by Result.  The caller must pass in a
  Result buffer that is at least as large as the Result type.

  If Result is NULL, RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.

  If the requested operation results in an overflow or an underflow condition,
  then Result is set to INTN_ERROR and RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned.

  @param[in]   Multiplicand  A number that is to be multiplied by another
  @param[in]   Multiplier    A number by which the multiplicand is to be multiplied
  @param[out]  Result        Pointer to the result of multiplication

  @retval  RETURN_SUCCESS            Successful multiplication
  @retval  RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   Overflow
SafeIntnMult (
  IN  INTN  Multiplicand,
  IN  INTN  Multiplier,
  OUT INTN  *Result
  if (sizeof (UINTN) == sizeof (UINT32)) {
    return SafeInt64ToIntn (((INT64)Multiplicand) *((INT64)Multiplier), Result);
  return SafeInt64Mult ((INT64)Multiplicand, (INT64)Multiplier, (INT64 *)Result);