Esempio n. 1
      // Casts Rinex3NavData to a QZSEphemeris object.
   Rinex3NavData::operator QZSEphemeris() const throw()
      QZSEphemeris qzse;

      // fill the OrbitEph parts

      // is it right?
      if(qzse.satID.system != SatID::systemQZSS)
         qzse.dataLoadedFlag = false;

         return qzse;          // throw?

      // get the epochs right
      CommonTime ct = time;
      unsigned int year = static_cast<CivilTime>(ct).year;

      // Get week for clock, to build Toc
      double dt = Toc - HOWtime;
      int week = weeknum;
      if(dt < -HALFWEEK) week++; else if(dt > HALFWEEK) week--;
      QZSWeekSecond qzsws = QZSWeekSecond(week, Toc, TimeSystem::QZS);
      qzse.ctToc = CommonTime(qzsws);

      //MGEX NB MGEX data has GPS week numbers in all systems except BeiDou,
      //MGEX so must implement temporary fixes: use GPS Toc for QZS and QZSS
      CommonTime gpstoc = GPSWeekSecond(week, Toc, TimeSystem::GPS);    //MGEX
      qzse.ctToc = gpstoc;                                              //MGEX


      // now load the QZSS-specific parts
      qzse.satID = SatID( + 192, SatID::systemQZSS);
      qzse.IODC = IODC;
      qzse.IODE = IODE; = health;
      qzse.accuracy = accuracy;
      qzse.Tgd = Tgd;

      qzse.HOWtime = HOWtime;
      week = static_cast<QZSWeekSecond>(qzse.ctToe).getWeek();
      qzse.transmitTime = QZSWeekSecond(week, static_cast<double>(HOWtime),

      qzse.codeflags = codeflgs;
      qzse.L2Pdata = L2Pdata;

      // NB IODC must be set first...
      qzse.fitint = fitint;
      qzse.setFitIntervalFlag(int(fitint));  // calls adjustValidity();

      return qzse;
Esempio n. 2
    /// Change the file system, keeping fileType, fileSys, and fileSysSat
    /// consistent.
    /// @param string str beginning with system character or "M" for mixed
 void setFileSystem(const std::string& str) throw(Exception)
    try {
       if(str[0] == 'M' || str[0] == 'm') {
          if(version < 3) {
             Exception e("RINEX version 2 'Mixed' Nav files do not exist");
          fileType = "NAVIGATION";
          fileSys = "MIXED";
          fileSysSat = SatID(-1, SatID::systemMixed);
       else {
          RinexSatID sat(std::string(1,str[0]));
          fileSysSat = SatID(sat);
          fileSys = StringUtils::asString(sat.systemChar())
                         + ": (" + sat.systemString3()+")";
          if(version >= 3) {
             fileType = "NAVIGATION";
          else {            // RINEX 2
             if(sat.system == SatID::systemGPS)
                fileType = "N (GPS Nav)";
             else if(sat.system == SatID::systemGlonass)
                fileType = "G (GLO Nav)";
             else if(sat.system == SatID::systemGeosync)
                fileType = "H (GEO Nav)";
             else {
                Exception e( std::string("RINEX version 2 ") +
                             sat.systemString3() +
                             std::string(" Nav files do not exist") );
    catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Esempio n. 3
   // Private helper routine for casts from this to OrbitEph-based Ephemerides
   void Rinex3NavData::castTo(OrbitEph *oeptr) const
      try {
         // Glonass and Geosync do not have a orbit-based ephemeris
         if(satSys == "R" || satSys == "S") {
            oeptr->dataLoadedFlag = false;

         // Overhead
         RinexSatID sat;
         sat.fromString(satSys + StringUtils::asString(PRNID));
         oeptr->satID = SatID(sat);
         //obsID = ?? ObsID obsID; // Defines carrier and tracking code
         oeptr->ctToe = time;

         // clock model
         oeptr->af0 = af0;
         oeptr->af1 = af1;
         oeptr->af2 = af2;
         // Major orbit parameters
         oeptr->M0 = M0;
         oeptr->dn = dn;
         oeptr->ecc = ecc;
         oeptr->A = Ahalf * Ahalf;
         oeptr->OMEGA0 = OMEGA0;
         oeptr->i0 = i0;
         oeptr->w = w;
         oeptr->OMEGAdot = OMEGAdot;
         oeptr->idot = idot;
         // modern nav msg
         oeptr->dndot = 0.;
         oeptr->Adot = 0.;
         // Harmonic perturbations
         oeptr->Cuc = Cuc;
         oeptr->Cus = Cus;
         oeptr->Crc = Crc;
         oeptr->Crs = Crs;
         oeptr->Cic = Cic;
         oeptr->Cis = Cis;
         oeptr->dataLoadedFlag = true;
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Esempio n. 4
   // Add all ephemerides to an existing list<QZSEphemeris> for given satellite
   // If is -1 (the default), all ephemerides are added.
   // @return the number of ephemerides added.
   int QZSEphemerisStore::addToList(list<QZSEphemeris>& qzslist, SatID sat) const
      // get the list from OrbitEphStore
      list<OrbitEph*> oelst;

      int n(0);
      list<OrbitEph*>::const_iterator it;
      for(it = oelst.begin(); it != oelst.end(); ++it) {
         OrbitEph *ptr = *it;
         QZSEphemeris *qzsptr = dynamic_cast<QZSEphemeris*>(ptr);
         QZSEphemeris qzseph(*qzsptr);

      return n;
Esempio n. 5
 P0CodeGenerator(const int prn)
    : CodeGenerator(ObsID::tcP, SatID(prn, SatID::systemGPS))
Esempio n. 6
      // Method to store load ocean tide harmonics data in this class'
      // data map
   void DCBDataReader::loadData()
      throw( FFStreamError, gpstk::StringUtils::StringException )


            // a buffer
         string line;
            // read first line 
         formattedGetLine(line, true);
            // Let's skip 6 lines
         for(int i=0; i<6; i++) formattedGetLine(line, true);
            // Now, let's read data
            formattedGetLine(line, true);

            if(line.length() < 46) continue;
            string sysFlag = line.substr(0,1);
            int satPRN = StringUtils::asInt(line.substr(1,2));
            string station = StringUtils::strip(line.substr(6,4));
            const double dcbVal = StringUtils::asDouble(line.substr(26,9));
            //const double dcbRms = StringUtils::asDouble(line.substr(38,9));
            if(station.length() < 4)       // this is satellite DCB data

               SatID sat;
               if(sysFlag == "G")
                  sat = SatID(satPRN,SatID::systemGPS);
               else if(sysFlag == "R")
                  sat = SatID(satPRN,SatID::systemGlonass);
                  // Unexpected and we do nothing here

               allDCB.satDCB[sat] = dcbVal;
            else                           // this is receiver DCB data
               if(sysFlag == "G")
                  allDCB.gpsDCB[station] = dcbVal;
               else if(sysFlag == "R")
                  allDCB.glonassDCB[station] = dcbVal;
                  // Unexpected and we do nothing here


         }  // End of 'while(1)'

      }  // End of try block
      catch (EndOfFile& e)
            // We should close this data stream before returning

      catch (...)

         // We should close this data stream before returning



   }  // End of 'DCBDataReader::loadData()'
Esempio n. 7
 CACodeGenerator(int prn)
    : CodeGenerator(ObsID::tcCA, SatID(prn, SatID::systemGPS)),
Esempio n. 8
   // Convert this RinexNavData to a GPSEphemeris object.
   // for backward compatibility only - use Rinex3NavData
   RinexNavData::operator GPSEphemeris() const
      GPSEphemeris gpse;
      try {
         // Overhead
         gpse.satID = SatID(PRNID, SatID::systemGPS);
         gpse.ctToe = time;

         // clock model
         gpse.af0 = af0;
         gpse.af1 = af1;
         gpse.af2 = af2;
         // Major orbit parameters
         gpse.M0 = M0;
         gpse.dn = dn;
         gpse.ecc = ecc;
         gpse.A = Ahalf * Ahalf;
         gpse.OMEGA0 = OMEGA0;
         gpse.i0 = i0;
         gpse.w = w;
         gpse.OMEGAdot = OMEGAdot;
         gpse.idot = idot;
         // modern nav msg
         gpse.dndot = 0.;
         gpse.Adot = 0.;
         // Harmonic perturbations
         gpse.Cuc = Cuc;
         gpse.Cus = Cus;
         gpse.Crc = Crc;
         gpse.Crs = Crs;
         gpse.Cic = Cic;
         gpse.Cis = Cis;
         gpse.dataLoadedFlag = true;

         // get the epochs right
         CommonTime ct = time;
         //unsigned int year = static_cast<CivilTime>(ct).year;

         // Get week for clock, to build Toc
         double dt = Toc - HOWtime;
         int week = weeknum;
         if(dt < -HALFWEEK) week++; else if(dt > HALFWEEK) week--;
         gpse.ctToc = GPSWeekSecond(week, Toc, TimeSystem::GPS);

         // now load the GPS-specific parts
         gpse.IODC = IODC;
         gpse.IODE = IODE; = health;
         gpse.accuracyFlag = accuracy;
         gpse.Tgd = Tgd;

         gpse.HOWtime = HOWtime;
         week = static_cast<GPSWeekSecond>(gpse.ctToe).getWeek();
         gpse.transmitTime = GPSWeekSecond(week, static_cast<double>(HOWtime),

         gpse.codeflags = codeflgs;
         gpse.L2Pdata = L2Pdata;

         // NB IODC must be set first...
         gpse.fitint = fitint;
         gpse.setFitIntervalFlag(int(fitint));  // calls adjustValidity();
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }

      return gpse;