Esempio n. 1
///	Function Break
void PowerOffTimerCallback(void)
	debug("Power Off Timer callback: activated.\r\n");

	// Handle and finish any processing
	StopMonitoring(g_triggerRecord.opMode, FINISH_PROCESSING);

	if (g_timerModeLastRun == YES)
		debug("Timer Mode: Ending last session, now disabling...\r\n");
		g_unitConfig.timerMode = DISABLED;

		// Save Unit Config (also covers LCD contrast change case)
		SaveRecordData(&g_unitConfig, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_UNIT_CONFIG_TYPE);
	else if (g_lcdContrastChanged == YES)
		// Save Unit Config here to prevent constant saving on LCD contrast adjustment
		SaveRecordData(&g_unitConfig, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_UNIT_CONFIG_TYPE);
	OverlayMessage(getLangText(TIMER_MODE_TEXT), getLangText(POWERING_UNIT_OFF_NOW_TEXT), 3 * SOFT_SECS);

	// Power the unit off
	debug("Timer mode: Finished for the day, sleep time.\r\n");

Esempio n. 2
///	Function Break
void LoadUnitConfig(void)
	GetRecordData(&g_unitConfig, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_UNIT_CONFIG_TYPE);

	// Check if the Unit Config is uninitialized
	if (g_unitConfig.validationKey != 0xA5A5)
		// Set defaults in Unit Config
		debugWarn("Unit Config: Not found.\r\n");
		debug("Loading Unit Config Defaults\r\n");

		SaveRecordData(&g_unitConfig, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_UNIT_CONFIG_TYPE);
		// Unit Config is valid
		debug("Unit Config record is valid\r\n");

		if ((g_unitConfig.pretrigBufferDivider != PRETRIGGER_BUFFER_QUARTER_SEC_DIV) && (g_unitConfig.pretrigBufferDivider != PRETRIGGER_BUFFER_HALF_SEC_DIV) &&
			(g_unitConfig.pretrigBufferDivider != PRETRIGGER_BUFFER_FULL_SEC_DIV))
			g_unitConfig.pretrigBufferDivider = PRETRIGGER_BUFFER_QUARTER_SEC_DIV;
			SaveRecordData(&g_unitConfig, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_UNIT_CONFIG_TYPE);

#if 1 // Forcing flash wrapping to be disabled
		g_unitConfig.flashWrapping = NO;

#if 0 // Moved this init to the hardware section to allow for the saved Baud rate to be established from the start
		// Set the baud rate to the user stored baud rate setting (initialized to 115200)
		switch (g_unitConfig.baudRate)
			case BAUD_RATE_57600: rs232Options.baudrate = 57600; break;
			case BAUD_RATE_38400: rs232Options.baudrate = 38400; break;
			case BAUD_RATE_19200: rs232Options.baudrate = 19200; break;
			case BAUD_RATE_9600: rs232Options.baudrate = 9600; break;

		if (g_unitConfig.baudRate != BAUD_RATE_115200)
			// Re-Initialize the RS232 with the stored baud rate
			usart_init_rs232(&AVR32_USART1, &rs232Options, FOSC0);
Esempio n. 3
///	Function Break
void TimerModeActiveMinutes(void)
	// Find the Time mode active time period in minutes

	// Check for specialty case hourly
	if (g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_HOURLY)
		// Check if the stop min is greater than the start min
		if (g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min > g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min)
			g_unitConfig.TimerModeActiveMinutes = (g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min - g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min);
		else // The timer mode hourly active period will cross the hour boundary
			g_unitConfig.TimerModeActiveMinutes = (60 + g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min - g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min);
		// In order to restart up every hour, the active minutes needs to be less than 60, 1 min for shutdown + 1 min for being off
		if (g_unitConfig.TimerModeActiveMinutes > 58)
		g_unitConfig.TimerModeActiveMinutes = 58;
	// Check if the stop time (in minutes resolution) is greater than the start time, thus running the same day
	else if (((g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min) >
	((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min))
		// Set active minutes as the difference in the stop and start times
		g_unitConfig.TimerModeActiveMinutes = (uint16)(((g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min) -
		((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min));

		// Check for specialty case one time
		if (g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_ONE_TIME)
			// Calculate the number of days to run consecutively (Days * Hours in a day * Minutes in an hour) and add to the active minutes
			g_unitConfig.TimerModeActiveMinutes += (24 * 60 * (GetTotalDaysFromReference(g_unitConfig.timerStopDate) -
	else // The timer mode active period will see midnight, thus running 2 consecutive days
		// Set active minutes as the difference from midnight and the start time, plus the stop time the next day
		g_unitConfig.TimerModeActiveMinutes = (uint16)((24 * 60) - ((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min) +
		((g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min));

		// Check for specialty case one time
		if (g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_ONE_TIME)
			// Calculate the number of days to run consecutively (Days * Hours in a day * Minutes in an hour) minus crossover day and add to the active minutes
			g_unitConfig.TimerModeActiveMinutes += (24 * 60 * (GetTotalDaysFromReference(g_unitConfig.timerStopDate) -
			GetTotalDaysFromReference(g_unitConfig.timerStartDate) - 1));

	debug("Timer Active Minutes: %d\r\n", g_unitConfig.TimerModeActiveMinutes);

	SaveRecordData(&g_unitConfig, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_UNIT_CONFIG_TYPE);
Esempio n. 4
///	Function Break
void LoadDefaultTriggerRecord(void)

	// Check if the Default Trig Record is uninitialized
	if (g_triggerRecord.validRecord != YES)
		debugWarn("Default Trigger Record: Invalid, loading defaults\r\n");
		LoadTrigRecordDefaults(&g_triggerRecord, WAVEFORM_MODE);
		SaveRecordData(&g_triggerRecord, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_TRIGGER_USER_MENU_TYPE);
		debug("Default Trigger record is valid\r\n");
Esempio n. 5
///	Function Break
void HandleUserPowerOffDuringTimerMode(void)
	uint8 choice;

	// Simulate a keypress if the user pressed the off key, which doesn't register as a keypess

	MessageBox(getLangText(STATUS_TEXT), getLangText(UNIT_IS_IN_TIMER_MODE_TEXT), MB_OK);
	choice = MessageBox(getLangText(WARNING_TEXT), getLangText(CANCEL_TIMER_MODE_Q_TEXT), MB_YESNO);

	// User decided to cancel Timer mode
	if (choice == MB_FIRST_CHOICE)
		g_unitConfig.timerMode = DISABLED;

		// Disable the Power Off timer

		// Save Unit Config
		SaveRecordData(&g_unitConfig, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_UNIT_CONFIG_TYPE);

		OverlayMessage(getLangText(STATUS_TEXT), getLangText(TIMER_MODE_DISABLED_TEXT), 2 * SOFT_SECS);
	else // User decided to stay in Timer mode
		choice = MessageBox(getLangText(STATUS_TEXT), getLangText(POWER_UNIT_OFF_EARLY_Q_TEXT), MB_YESNO);

		if (choice == MB_FIRST_CHOICE)
			MessageBox(getLangText(STATUS_TEXT), getLangText(POWERING_UNIT_OFF_NOW_TEXT), MB_OK);
			MessageBox(getLangText(STATUS_TEXT), getLangText(PLEASE_PRESS_ENTER_TEXT), MB_OK);

			// Turn unit off/sleep
			debug("Timer mode: Shutting down unit early due to user request. Powering off now...\r\n");
			PowerUnitOff(SHUTDOWN_UNIT); // Return unnecessary

Esempio n. 6
///	Function Break
void LoadModemSetupRecord(void)
	GetRecordData(&g_modemSetupRecord, 0, REC_MODEM_SETUP_TYPE);

	// Check if the Modem Setup Record is invalid
	if (g_modemSetupRecord.invalid)
		// Warn the user
		debugWarn("Modem setup record not found.\r\n");

		// Initialize the Modem Setup Record

		// Save the Modem Setup Record
		SaveRecordData(&g_modemSetupRecord, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_MODEM_SETUP_TYPE);
		debug("Modem Setup record is valid\r\n");
Esempio n. 7
///	Function Break
void ProcessTimerModeSettings(uint8 mode)
	//uint8 dayOfWeek = 0;
	uint8 startDay = 0;
	uint8 startHour = 0;
	uint16 minutesLeft = 0;
	DATE_TIME_STRUCT currentTime = GetCurrentTime();
	uint8 status = ValidateTimerModeSettings();

	// Check if the timer mode settings check failed or if the timer mode setting has been disabled
	if ((status == FAILED) || (g_unitConfig.timerMode == DISABLED))
		g_unitConfig.timerMode = DISABLED;
		SaveRecordData(&g_unitConfig, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_UNIT_CONFIG_TYPE);

		// Disable the Power Off timer in case it's set

		if (mode == PROMPT)
			sprintf((char*)g_spareBuffer, "%s %s", getLangText(TIMER_SETTINGS_INVALID_TEXT), getLangText(TIMER_MODE_DISABLED_TEXT));
			MessageBox(getLangText(ERROR_TEXT), (char*)g_spareBuffer, MB_OK);
	else // status == PASSED || status == IN_PROGRESS
		// Calculate timer mode active run time in minutes

		// Init start day based on the start date provided by the user
		startDay =;

		// Check if in progress, requiring extra logic to determine alarm settings
		if (status == IN_PROGRESS)
			// Check if the stop time is greater than the start time
			if ((g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour > g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour) ||
			((g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour == g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour) &&
			(g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min > g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min)))
				// Advance the start day

				// Check if the start day is beyond the total days in the current month
				if (startDay > g_monthTable[(uint8)(g_unitConfig.timerStartDate.month)].days)
					// Set the start day to the first day of next month
					startDay = 1;

		// Check for specialty case hourly mode and in progress, requiring extra logic to determine alarm settings
		if ((g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_HOURLY) && (status == IN_PROGRESS))
			// Check if another hour time slot to run again today
			if (currentTime.hour != g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour)
				// Start day remains the same
				startDay =;

				// Check if current hour time slot has not started
				if (currentTime.min < g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min)
					// Set alarm for the same hour
					startHour = currentTime.hour;
					// Set alarm for the next hour
					startHour = currentTime.hour + 1;
					// Account for end of day boundary
					if (startHour > 23)
						startHour = 0;

						// Advance the start day

						// Check if the start day is beyond the total days in the current month
						if (startDay > g_monthTable[(uint8)(g_unitConfig.timerStartDate.month)].days)
							// Set the start day to the first day of next month
							startDay = 1;
				EnableExternalRtcAlarm(startDay, startHour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, 0);
			else // This is the last hour time slot to run today, set alarm for next day
				// startDay calculated correctly in above previous status == IN_PROGRESS logic
				EnableExternalRtcAlarm(startDay, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, 0);
		else // All other timer modes
			EnableExternalRtcAlarm(startDay, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, 0);

		if (status == PASSED)
			if (mode == PROMPT)
				sprintf((char*)g_spareBuffer, "%s %s", getLangText(TIMER_MODE_NOW_ACTIVE_TEXT), getLangText(PLEASE_POWER_OFF_UNIT_TEXT));
				MessageBox(getLangText(STATUS_TEXT), (char*)g_spareBuffer, MB_OK);

			// Check if start time is greater than the current time
			if (((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min) >
			((currentTime.hour * 60) + currentTime.min))
				// Take the difference between start time and current time
				minutesLeft = (uint16)(((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min) -
				((currentTime.hour * 60) + currentTime.min));
			else // Current time is after the start time, meaning the start time is the next day
				// Take the difference between 24 hours and the current time plus the start time
				minutesLeft = (uint16)((24 * 60) - ((currentTime.hour * 60) + currentTime.min) +
				((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min));

			// Check if the start time is within the next minute
			if (minutesLeft <= 1)
				OverlayMessage(getLangText(WARNING_TEXT), getLangText(POWERING_UNIT_OFF_NOW_TEXT), 2 * SOFT_SECS);

				// Need to shutdown the unit now, otherwise the start time window will be missed
				PowerUnitOff(SHUTDOWN_UNIT); // Return unnecessary
			else // More than 1 minute left before the start time
				// Make sure the unit turns off one minute before the start time if the user forgets to turn the unit off
				minutesLeft -= 1;

				// Need to handle state where timer mode is going active but unit hasn't power cycled into timer mode yet
				g_allowQuickPowerOffForTimerModeSetup = YES;

				// Set the Power off soft timer to prevent the unit from staying on past the Timer mode start time
				AssignSoftTimer(POWER_OFF_TIMER_NUM, (uint32)(minutesLeft * 60 * 2), PowerOffTimerCallback);
		else // status == IN_PROGRESS
			if (mode == PROMPT)
				sprintf((char*)g_spareBuffer, "%s", getLangText(TIMER_MODE_NOW_ACTIVE_TEXT));
				MessageBox(getLangText(STATUS_TEXT), (char*)g_spareBuffer, MB_OK);

			// Check if specialty mode hourly
			if (g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_HOURLY)
				if (currentTime.min	< g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min)
					minutesLeft = (g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min - currentTime.min);
					minutesLeft = (60 + g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min - currentTime.min);
				if (minutesLeft > 58)
				minutesLeft = 58;
			// Check if the current time is greater than the stop time, indicating that midnight boundary was crossed
			else if (((currentTime.hour * 60) + currentTime.min) > ((g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min))
				// Calculate the time left before powering off to be 24 + the stop time minus the current time
				minutesLeft = (uint16)(((24 * 60) + (g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min) -
				((currentTime.hour * 60) + currentTime.min));
			else // Current time is less than start time, operating within the same day
				// Calculate the time left before powering off to be the stop time minus the current time
				minutesLeft = (uint16)(((g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour * 60) + g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.min) -
				((currentTime.hour * 60) + currentTime.min));

			// Make sure timeout value is not zero
			if (minutesLeft == 0) minutesLeft = 1;

			debug("Timer Mode: In progress, minutes left before power off: %d (Expired secs this min: %d)\r\n", minutesLeft, currentTime.sec);

			// Setup soft timer to turn system off when timer mode is finished for the day
			AssignSoftTimer(POWER_OFF_TIMER_NUM, (uint32)((minutesLeft * 60 * 2) - (currentTime.sec	* 2)), PowerOffTimerCallback);
Esempio n. 8
///	Function Break
BOOLEAN TimerModeActiveCheck(void)
	BOOLEAN status = FALSE;
	DATE_TIME_STRUCT time = GetExternalRtcTime();
	uint8 choice;

	if (g_unitConfig.validationKey == 0xA5A5)
		// Check if timer mode is enabled
		if (g_unitConfig.timerMode == ENABLED)
			debug("Timer Mode active\r\n");

			// Check if the timer mode settings match the current hour and minute meaning the unit powered itself on
			if ((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour == time.hour) && (g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min == time.min))
				debug("Timer Mode Check: Matched Timer settings...\r\n");
				status = TRUE;
			// Check again if settings match current hour and near minute meaning unit powered itself on but suffered from long startup
			else if ((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour == time.hour) &&
					((((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min + 1) == 60) && (time.min == 0)) || ((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min + 1) == time.min)))
				debug("Timer Mode Check: Matched Timer settings (long startup)...\r\n");
				status = TRUE;
			// Check specialty hourly mode and if current minute matches and the current hour is within range
			else if ((g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_HOURLY) && (g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min == time.min) &&
					// Check if the start and stop hours match meaning hourly mode runs every hour
					((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour == g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour) ||
					// OR Check if hourly mode does not cross a 24 hour boundary and the current hour is within range
					((g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour < g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour) && (time.hour >= g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour) &&
					(time.hour <= g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour)) ||
					// OR Check if the current hour is within range with an hourly mode that does cross a 24 hour boundary
					((time.hour >= g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour) || (time.hour <= g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour))))
				debug("Timer Mode Check: Matched Timer settings (hourly)...\r\n");
				status = TRUE;
				MessageBox(getLangText(STATUS_TEXT), getLangText(UNIT_IS_IN_TIMER_MODE_TEXT), MB_OK);
				choice = MessageBox(getLangText(WARNING_TEXT), getLangText(CANCEL_TIMER_MODE_Q_TEXT), MB_YESNO);

				if (choice == MB_FIRST_CHOICE)
					g_unitConfig.timerMode = DISABLED;

					// Save Unit Config
					SaveRecordData(&g_unitConfig, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_UNIT_CONFIG_TYPE);

					OverlayMessage(getLangText(STATUS_TEXT), getLangText(TIMER_MODE_DISABLED_TEXT), 2 * SOFT_SECS);
				else // User decided to stay in Timer mode
					// TOD Alarm registers still set from previous run, TOD Alarm Mask re-enabled in rtc init
					// Clear TOD Alarm Mask to allow TOD Alarm interrupt to be generated

					OverlayMessage(getLangText(WARNING_TEXT), getLangText(POWERING_UNIT_OFF_NOW_TEXT), 2 * SOFT_SECS);

					// Turn unit off/sleep
					debug("Timer mode: Staying in Timer mode. Powering off now...\r\n");
					PowerUnitOff(SHUTDOWN_UNIT); // Return unnecessary

	return (status);
Esempio n. 9
///	Function Break
void ResetTimeOfDayAlarm(void)
	DATE_TIME_STRUCT currTime = GetExternalRtcTime();
	uint8 startDay = 0;
	uint8 startHour = 0;
	uint8 month;

	// RTC Weekday's: Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, Tuesday = 3, Wednesday = 4, Thursday = 5, Friday = 6, Saturday = 7

	if (g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_DAILY)
#if 1 // Normal
		// Get the current day and add one
		startDay = ( + 1);

		// Check if the start day is beyond the total days in the current month
		if (startDay > g_monthTable[currTime.month].days)
			// Set the start day to the first of next month
			startDay = 1;

		debug("Timer mode: Resetting TOD Alarm with (hour) %d, (min) %d, (start day) %d\r\n",
				g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, startDay);
#else // Test
		// Loop test on and off in a cycle
		startDay =;
		g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min += 3;
		if (g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min >= 60)
			g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min -= 60;
			g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour	+= 1;
			if (g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour >= 24)
				g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour = 0;
				startDay = + 1; // Ignore month boundary for testing
		// Save new testing timer mode adjustments
		SaveRecordData(&g_unitConfig, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_UNIT_CONFIG_TYPE);

		debug("Timer mode: Resetting TOD Alarm with (hour) %d, (min) %d, (start day) %d\r\n",
				g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, startDay);

		EnableExternalRtcAlarm(startDay, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, 0);
	else if (g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_HOURLY)
		// Establish most common value for the start day
		startDay =;
		// Check if another hour time slot to run again today
		if (currTime.hour != g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour)
			// Set alarm for the next hour
			startHour = currTime.hour + 1;
			// Account for end of day boundary
			if (startHour > 23)
				startHour = 0;

				// Get the current day and add one
				startDay = ( + 1);

				// Check if the start day is beyond the total days in the current month
				if (startDay > g_monthTable[currTime.month].days)
					// Set the start day to the first of next month
					startDay = 1;
		else // Last hour time slot to run today, set alarm for next hour grouping
			// Establish the most common value for the start hour
			startHour = g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour;

			// Check if the setup time did not cross the midnight boundary
			if (g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour < g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour)
				// Set to the following day

				// Check if the start day is beyond the total days in the current month
				if (startDay > g_monthTable[currTime.month].days)
					// Set the start day to the first of next month
					startDay = 1;
			// Check if start and stop hour are the same meaning hourly mode runs every hour of every day
			else if (g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour == g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour)
				// Current hour matches start and stop, need to set start hour to the following hour slot
				startHour = (currTime.hour + 1);
				// Check if start hour is into tomorrow
				if (startHour > 23)
					// Set start hour to the first hour
					startHour = 0;
					// Set to the following day

					// Check if the start day is beyond the total days in the current month
					if (startDay > g_monthTable[currTime.month].days)
						// Set the start day to the first of next month
						startDay = 1;
			// else the startDay remains today (start day is today, start hour is timer mode start hour)

		debug("Timer mode: Resetting TOD Alarm with (hour) %d, (min) %d, (start day) %d\r\n",
				startHour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, startDay);

		EnableExternalRtcAlarm(startDay, startHour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, 0);
	else if (g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_WEEKDAYS)
		// Get the current day
		startDay =;

		if (currTime.weekday == FRI)
			// Advance 3 days
			startDay += 3;
		else if (currTime.weekday == SAT)
			// Advance 2 days
			startDay += 2;
		else // The rest of the days of the week
			// Advance 1 day

		// Check if the start day is beyond the number of days in the current month
		if (startDay > g_monthTable[currTime.month].days)
			// Subtract out the number of days in the current month to get the start day for next month
			startDay -= g_monthTable[currTime.month].days;

		debug("Timer mode: Resetting TOD Alarm with (hour) %d, (min) %d, (start ay) %d\r\n",
				g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, startDay);

		EnableExternalRtcAlarm(startDay, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, 0);
	else if (g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_WEEKLY)
		// Set the start day to the current day + 7 days
		startDay = (uint8)( + 7);

		// Check if the start day is beyond the number of days in the current month
		if (startDay > g_monthTable[currTime.month].days)
			// Subtract out the days of the current month to get the start day for next month
			startDay -= g_monthTable[currTime.month].days;

		debug("Timer mode: Resetting TOD Alarm with (hour) %d, (min) %d, (start day) %d\r\n",
				g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, startDay);

		EnableExternalRtcAlarm(startDay, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, 0);
	else if (g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_MONTHLY)
		// Check if advancing a month is still within the same year
		if (currTime.month + 1 <= 12)
			month = (uint8)(currTime.month + 1);
		else // It's December and next month is Jan
			month = 1;

		// Get the current day
		startDay =;

		// Check if the stat day is greater than the total number of days in the next month
		if (startDay > g_monthTable[month].days)
			// Limit the start day to the last day of the next month
			startDay = (uint8)(g_monthTable[month].days);

		debug("Timer mode: Resetting TOD Alarm with (hour) %d, (min) %d, (start day) %d\r\n",
				g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, startDay);

		EnableExternalRtcAlarm(startDay, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.hour, g_unitConfig.timerStartTime.min, 0);
Esempio n. 10
///	Function Break
void ProcessTimerMode(void)
	DATE_TIME_STRUCT currTime = GetExternalRtcTime();

	// Check if the Timer mode activated after stop date
	if (// First Check for past year
		(currTime.year > g_unitConfig.timerStopDate.year) ||

		// Second check for equal year but past month
		((currTime.year == g_unitConfig.timerStopDate.year) && (currTime.month > g_unitConfig.timerStopDate.month)) ||

		// Third check for equal year, equal month, but past day
		((currTime.year == g_unitConfig.timerStopDate.year) && (currTime.month == g_unitConfig.timerStopDate.month) &&
		( >
		// Disable alarm output generation
		debug("Timer Mode: Activated after date...\r\n");
		debug("Timer Mode: Disabling...\r\n");
		g_unitConfig.timerMode = DISABLED;

		// Save Unit Config
		SaveRecordData(&g_unitConfig, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_UNIT_CONFIG_TYPE);

		// Deactivate alarm interrupts

		// Turn unit off/sleep
		debug("Timer mode: Powering unit off...\r\n");
		PowerUnitOff(SHUTDOWN_UNIT); // Return unnecessary
	// Check if the Timer mode activated before start date
	else if (// First Check for before year
		(currTime.year < g_unitConfig.timerStartDate.year) ||

		// Second check for equal year but before month
		((currTime.year == g_unitConfig.timerStartDate.year) && (currTime.month < g_unitConfig.timerStartDate.month)) ||

		// Third check for equal year, equal month, but before day
		((currTime.year == g_unitConfig.timerStartDate.year) && (currTime.month == g_unitConfig.timerStartDate.month) &&
		( <
		debug("Timer Mode: Activated before date...\r\n");

		// Turn unit off/sleep
		debug("Timer mode: Powering unit off...\r\n");
		PowerUnitOff(SHUTDOWN_UNIT); // Return unnecessary
	// Check if the Timer mode activated during active dates but on an off day
	else if ((g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_WEEKDAYS) && ((currTime.weekday == SAT) || (currTime.weekday == SUN)))
		debug("Timer Mode: Activated on an off day (weekday freq)...\r\n");

		// Turn unit off/sleep
		debug("Timer mode: Powering unit off...\r\n");
		PowerUnitOff(SHUTDOWN_UNIT); // Return unnecessary
	// Check if the Timer mode activated during active dates but on an off day
	else if ((g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_MONTHLY) && ( !=
		debug("Timer Mode: Activated on off day (monthly freq)...\r\n");

		// Turn unit off/sleep
		debug("Timer mode: Powering unit off...\r\n");
		PowerUnitOff(SHUTDOWN_UNIT); // Return unnecessary
	// Check if the Timer mode activated on end date (and not hourly mode)
	else if ((g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency != TIMER_MODE_HOURLY) && (currTime.year == g_unitConfig.timerStopDate.year) &&
			(currTime.month == g_unitConfig.timerStopDate.month) && ( ==
		// Disable alarm output generation
		debug("Timer Mode: Activated on end date...\r\n");

		// Signal the timer mode end of session timer to stop timer mode due to this being the last run
		g_timerModeLastRun = YES;

		// Deactivate alarm interrupts
	// Check if the Timer mode activated on end date and end hour (hourly mode)
	else if ((g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_HOURLY) && (currTime.year == g_unitConfig.timerStopDate.year) &&
			(currTime.month == g_unitConfig.timerStopDate.month) && ( == &&
			(currTime.hour == g_unitConfig.timerStopTime.hour))
		// Disable alarm output generation
		debug("Timer Mode: Activated on end date...\r\n");

		// Signal the timer mode end of session timer to stop timer mode due to this being the last run
		g_timerModeLastRun = YES;

		// Deactivate alarm interrupts
	else // Timer mode started during the active dates on a day it's supposed to run
		if (g_unitConfig.timerModeFrequency == TIMER_MODE_ONE_TIME)
			// Signal the timer mode end of session timer to stop timer mode due to this being the last run
			g_timerModeLastRun = YES;

			// Deactivate alarm interrupts
		else // All other timer modes
			// Reset the Time of Day Alarm to wake the unit up again

	OverlayMessage(getLangText(STATUS_TEXT), getLangText(TIMER_MODE_NOW_ACTIVE_TEXT), (2 * SOFT_SECS));


	// Setup soft timer to turn system off when timer mode is finished for the day (minus the expired secs in the current minute
	AssignSoftTimer(POWER_OFF_TIMER_NUM, ((g_unitConfig.TimerModeActiveMinutes * 60 * 2) - (currTime.sec * 2)), PowerOffTimerCallback);

	debug("Timer mode: running...\r\n");
Esempio n. 11
///	Function Break
void LoadRecordMenuProc(INPUT_MSG_STRUCT msg, WND_LAYOUT_STRUCT *wnd_layout_ptr, MN_LAYOUT_STRUCT *mn_layout_ptr)
    uint8 buff[20];
    REC_EVENT_MN_STRUCT temp_rec;
    INPUT_MSG_STRUCT mn_msg;
    uint32 input;
    uint8 i;

    switch (msg.cmd)
        wnd_layout_ptr->start_col = LOAD_REC_WND_STARTING_COL;
        wnd_layout_ptr->end_col = LOAD_REC_WND_END_COL;
        wnd_layout_ptr->start_row = LOAD_REC_WND_STARTING_ROW;
        wnd_layout_ptr->end_row = LOAD_REC_WND_END_ROW;

        mn_layout_ptr->curr_ln = 1;
        mn_layout_ptr->top_ln = 1;


        for (i = 1; i <= MAX_NUM_OF_SAVED_SETUPS; i++)
            GetRecordData(&temp_rec, i, REC_TRIGGER_USER_MENU_TYPE);

            if (temp_rec.validRecord == YES)
                switch (temp_rec.opMode)
                case (WAVEFORM_MODE):
                    sprintf((char*)buff, "%s (%s)", (char*), getLangText(SELF_TRG_TEXT));
                case (BARGRAPH_MODE):
                    sprintf((char*)buff, "%s (%s)", (char*), getLangText(BAR_TEXT));
                case (COMBO_MODE):
                    sprintf((char*)buff, "%s (%s)", (char*), getLangText(COMBO_TEXT));
                    sprintf((char*)buff, "%s (UNK)", (char*);

                sprintf((char*)buff, "<%s>", getLangText(EMPTY_TEXT));

            // Add 3 to i to offset past the default settings
            strcpy((char*)&(g_menuPtr[i + 3].data[0]), (char*)buff);

        // Add in the "<END>" text to signal the end of the list
        sprintf((char*)buff, "<%s>", getLangText(END_TEXT));
        strcpy((char*)&(g_menuPtr[i + 3].data[0]), (char*)buff);

        // Add the end string to allow other routines to match on the end of the menu
        strcpy((char*)&(g_menuPtr[i + 3].data[0]), ".end.");

        input =[0];
        switch (input)
        case (ENTER_KEY):
            switch (mn_layout_ptr->curr_ln)
            case (1):
                LoadTrigRecordDefaults(&g_triggerRecord, WAVEFORM_MODE);
            case (2):
                LoadTrigRecordDefaults(&g_triggerRecord, BARGRAPH_MODE);
            case (3):
                LoadTrigRecordDefaults(&g_triggerRecord, COMBO_MODE);
                // Check if the first char matches a "<" for either "<EMPTY>" or "<END>"
                if (strncmp((char*)&g_menuPtr[mn_layout_ptr->curr_ln].data[0], "<", 1) == 0)
                    // Record slot is empty, do nothing
                    GetRecordData(&g_triggerRecord, (uint32)(mn_layout_ptr->curr_ln - 3), REC_TRIGGER_USER_MENU_TYPE);

            SETUP_USER_MENU_MSG(&modeMenu, MONITOR);

        case (DELETE_KEY):
            // Check if the current line is beyond the default entries
            if (mn_layout_ptr->curr_ln > 3)
                GetRecordData(&temp_rec, (uint32)(mn_layout_ptr->curr_ln - 3), REC_TRIGGER_USER_MENU_TYPE);

                if (temp_rec.validRecord == YES)
                    sprintf((char*)g_spareBuffer, "%s (%s)", getLangText(DELETE_SAVED_SETUP_Q_TEXT),;

                    if (MessageBox(getLangText(WARNING_TEXT), (char*)g_spareBuffer, MB_YESNO) == MB_FIRST_CHOICE)
                        memset(&, 0, sizeof(;
                        temp_rec.validRecord = NO;

                        SaveRecordData(&temp_rec, (uint32)(mn_layout_ptr->curr_ln - 3), REC_TRIGGER_USER_MENU_TYPE);

                        sprintf((char*)&(g_menuPtr[mn_layout_ptr->curr_ln].data[0]), "<%s>", getLangText(EMPTY_TEXT));

        case (DOWN_ARROW_KEY):
            MenuScroll(DOWN, SELECT_MN_WND_LNS, mn_layout_ptr);

            // Prevent the cursor from selecting the "<END>" text
            if (mn_layout_ptr->curr_ln == 18)
                mn_layout_ptr->curr_ln = 17;
        case (UP_ARROW_KEY):
            MenuScroll(UP, SELECT_MN_WND_LNS, mn_layout_ptr);
        case (ESC_KEY):
  [0] = ESC_KEY;
        case (HELP_KEY):
            SETUP_USER_MENU_MSG(&helpMenu, CONFIG);

Esempio n. 12
///	Function Break
void LoadFactorySetupRecord(void)
	char buff[50];

	GetRecordData(&g_factorySetupRecord, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_FACTORY_SETUP_TYPE);

	// Check if the Factory Setup Record is invalid
	if (g_factorySetupRecord.invalid)
		// Warn the user
		debugWarn("Factory setup record not found.\r\n");
		OverlayMessage(getLangText(ERROR_TEXT), getLangText(FACTORY_SETUP_DATA_COULD_NOT_BE_FOUND_TEXT), (2 * SOFT_SECS));

		// Check if the Shadow Factory setup is valid
			// Warn the user
			debugWarn("Factory setup shadow copy exists.\r\n");
				SaveRecordData(&g_factorySetupRecord, DEFAULT_RECORD, REC_FACTORY_SETUP_TYPE);

	// Check if the Factory Setup Record is valid (in case shadow factory setup was copied over)
	if (!g_factorySetupRecord.invalid)
		if (g_seismicSmartSensorMemory.version & SMART_SENSOR_OVERLAY_KEY)
			g_factorySetupRecord.seismicSensorType = (pow(2, g_seismicSmartSensorMemory.sensorType) * SENSOR_2_5_IN);

		if (g_acousticSmartSensorMemory.version & SMART_SENSOR_OVERLAY_KEY)
			if ((g_acousticSmartSensorMemory.sensorType == SENSOR_MIC_148) || (g_acousticSmartSensorMemory.sensorType == SENSOR_MIC_160))
				g_factorySetupRecord.acousticSensorType = g_acousticSmartSensorMemory.sensorType;


		// Print the Factory Setup Record to the console
		memset(&buff[0], 0, sizeof(buff));
		ConvertCalDatetoDateTime(&tempTime, &;
		ConvertTimeStampToString(buff, &tempTime, REC_DATE_TYPE);

		if (g_factorySetupRecord.seismicSensorType > SENSOR_ACC_RANGE_DIVIDER) { strcpy((char*)&g_spareBuffer, "Acc"); }
		else { sprintf((char*)&g_spareBuffer, "%3.1f in", (float)g_factorySetupRecord.seismicSensorType / (float)204.8); }

		// Check if an older unit doesn't have the Analog Channel Config set
		if ((g_factorySetupRecord.analogChannelConfig != CHANNELS_R_AND_V_SCHEMATIC) && (g_factorySetupRecord.analogChannelConfig != CHANNELS_R_AND_V_SWAPPED))
			// Set the default
			g_factorySetupRecord.analogChannelConfig = CHANNELS_R_AND_V_SWAPPED;

		debug("Factory Setup: Serial #: %s\r\n", g_factorySetupRecord.unitSerialNumber);
		debug("Factory Setup: Cal Date: %s\r\n", buff);
		debug("Factory Setup: Sensor Type: %s\r\n", (char*)g_spareBuffer);
		debug("Factory Setup: A-Weighting: %s\r\n", (g_factorySetupRecord.aWeightOption == YES) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
		debug("Factory Setup: Analog Channel Config: %s\r\n", (g_factorySetupRecord.analogChannelConfig == CHANNELS_R_AND_V_SCHEMATIC) ? "Schematic" : "Swapped");