void TableGet::Compile() { CheckTable(); SwithTag(); PerformGet(); SearchForTM(); SaveResult(); FinishGet(); }
void Transform(const TxmlDocHolder& srcDoc, TBuffer& dest, const TXslParams& params) { //xmlXIncludeProcessFlags(srcDoc.Get(), XSLT_PARSE_OPTIONS); if (!srcDoc) ythrow yexception() << "source xml is not valid: " << ErrorMessage; TxmlDocHolder res(xsltApplyStylesheet(Stylesheet.Get(), srcDoc.Get(), ~TParamsArray(params).Array)); // no params ENSURE(!!res, "Failed to apply xslt!"); SaveResult(res.Get(), Stylesheet.Get(), dest); }
void CEle_Power_DecomposeView::OnSaveToExcel() { if(!AnalyseFinishedFlag) { AfxMessageBox("还没有完成任何功率分析计算,无法保存!"); return; } SaveResult(); }
int main() { DisplayStart(); while(SystemInit() == ERROR); BLE_start(); currentState = TIME_SYNC; for(;;) { switch (currentState) { case TIME_SYNC: { result = TimeSynchronize(); if(result == TIME_SYNC_OK) { currentState = READY; } break; } case READY: { result = CheckReady(); if(result == NO_ERROR) { currentState = CHECK_GATE; } else if(result == REBOOT) { currentState = TIME_SYNC; } break; } case CHECK_GATE: { result = CheckGate(); if(result == GATE_OPEN) { currentState = SAVE_RESULT; } else { currentState = READY; } break; } case SAVE_RESULT: { SaveResult(); currentState = READY; break; } } MyDelay(TIMEOUT_DELAY); } }
/*********************************************************************\ Function name : CCompareTableDialog::Command Description : Created at : 09.10.01, @ 21:07:17 Created by : Thomas Kunert Modified by : \*********************************************************************/ Bool CCompareTableDialog::Command(Int32 id,const BaseContainer &msg) { switch (id) { case IDS_SAVE_BTN: SaveResult(); break; } return true; }
void CBiteThroldWnd::OnNMReleasedcaptureSlidbiteradio(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { Stringoper oper; char szPath[MAX_PATH]; //保存参数 SaveResult(); //重新设置参数模型 oper.CStringtoChars(m_nConfigFile, szPath); if (m_pBase) m_pBase->LoadModel(szPath); *pResult = 0; }
int GradientBoostingForest::Fit(InstancePool * pInstancepool) { m_pInstancePool = pInstancepool; m_pInstancePool->MakeBucket(); if(NULL == m_pInstancePool) { Comm::LogErr("GradientBoostingForest::Fit pInstancepool is NULL"); return -1; } int ret = -1; for(int i=0;i<m_pconfig->TreeNum;i++) { DecisionTree * pTree = new DecisionTree(m_pconfig); ret = pTree->Fit(m_pInstancePool); // printf("i = %d Fited pTree->FitError = %f\n",i,pTree->FitError()); if(ret != 0) { Comm::LogErr("GradientBoostingForest::Fit fail! tree i = %d Fit fail!",i); return -1; } m_Forest.push_back(pTree); if(m_pconfig->LogLevel >= 2)printf("i = %d FitError = %f TestError = %f\n",i,FitError(),TestError()); ret = Residual(); printf("i = %d Residualed\n",i); if(ret != 0) { Comm::LogErr("GradientBoostingForest::Fit fail! Residual fail!"); return -1; } } if(m_pconfig->IsLearnNewInstances) { ret = LearnNewInstance(); if(ret != 0) { Comm::LogErr("GradientBoostingForest::Fit fail! LearnNewInstance fail!"); return -1; } } ret = SaveResult(); if(ret != 0) { Comm::LogErr("GradientBoostingForest::Fit fail ! SaveResult fail!"); return -1; } if(m_pconfig->LogLevel >= 2)FeatureStat(); return 0; }
void CBiteThroldWnd::ProcessDoneState() { UPDATACONTROLTOVAL; if (m_bIsOpen) //实现完成时工作 { m_nFile.Close(); m_bIsOpen = false; } m_Ratio = m_BiteThreshold.voltvalue; //save the model. SaveResult(); GetParent()->SendMessage(MYWM_TRAINWMD, TRAINWND_BITEDONE); //通知父窗口,完成训练 }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int nRank, nTotalRank; double fStartTime, fEndTime; MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nTotalRank); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nRank); initVariables(); LoadBalance(nTotalRank, nRank, atoi(argv[1])); if( 0 == nRank ) fStartTime = MPI_Wtime(); if(LoadMatrixNVectorData(g_nSize, atoi(argv[2]))) { if( 0 == nRank ) { fEndTime = MPI_Wtime(); printf("File Read Time: %lf\n", fEndTime - fStartTime); } MVMul(); if( 0 == nRank ) { fStartTime = MPI_Wtime(); printf("MVMul Time: %lf\n", fStartTime - fEndTime); } SaveResult(nRank, nTotalRank); if( 0 == nRank ) { fEndTime = MPI_Wtime(); printf("File Writing Time: %lf\n", fEndTime - fStartTime); } } else { if( 0 == nRank ) printf("Can't allocate memeory!\n"); } FinalVariables(); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
LRESULT CBiteThroldWnd::OnReceivMsg(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { Stringoper oper; char szPath[MAX_PATH]; switch (wparam) { case THREADMSG_PROCESSFINISH: m_CurState = BITEDONE; m_Bctrl.SetWindowTextW(L"完成"); if (m_pOutPut) (*m_pOutPut)(L"阈值训练模块:处理完成!"); //保存模型 SaveResult(); //创建数据处理算法: m_pBase = new CCalcuteColor(m_Winlen); oper.CStringtoChars(m_nConfigFile, szPath); if (!m_pBase->LoadModel(szPath)) { (*m_pOutPut)(L"无法加载阈值模型,无法计算咬牙!"); delete m_pBase; m_pBase = NULL; } else { (*m_pOutPut)(L"加载阈值模型完成!"); m_pAlogrithm[0] = m_pBase; } break; case THREADMSG_LOADFINISH: if (m_pOutPut) (*m_pOutPut)(L"阈值训练模块:导入数据完成!"); break; case THREADMSG_SAVEFINISH: if (m_pOutPut) (*m_pOutPut)(L"阈值训练模块:保存数据完成!"); break; default: break; } return 0; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! Run a simple test for CUDA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void runTest(int argc, char **argv, char *ref_file) { // Register the window class WNDCLASSEX wc = { sizeof(WNDCLASSEX), CS_CLASSDC, MsgProc, 0L, 0L, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "CUDA/D3D10 simpleD3D10", NULL }; RegisterClassEx(&wc); // Create the application's window int xBorder = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME); int yMenu = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU); int yBorder = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME); HWND hWnd = CreateWindow(wc.lpszClassName, "CUDA/D3D10 simpleD3D10", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, g_WindowWidth + 2*xBorder, g_WindowHeight+ 2*yBorder+yMenu, NULL, NULL, wc.hInstance, NULL); // Initialize Direct3D if (SUCCEEDED(InitD3D(hWnd))) { // Create the scene geometry if (SUCCEEDED(InitGeometry())) { // Initialize interoperability between CUDA and Direct3D // Register vertex buffer with CUDA // DEPRECATED: cudaD3D10RegisterResource(g_pVB, cudaD3D10RegisterFlagsNone); cudaGraphicsD3D10RegisterResource(&cuda_VB_resource, g_pVB, cudaD3D10RegisterFlagsNone); getLastCudaError("cudaGraphicsD3D10RegisterResource (g_pVB) failed"); // Initialize vertex buffer with CUDA runCuda(); // Save result SaveResult(argc, argv); // Show the window ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); UpdateWindow(hWnd); // Enter the message loop MSG msg; ZeroMemory(&msg, sizeof(msg)); while (msg.message!=WM_QUIT) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else { Render(); if (ref_file != NULL) { for (int count=0; count<g_iFrameToCompare; count++) { Render(); } const char *cur_image_path = "simpleD3D10.ppm"; // Save a reference of our current test run image CheckRenderD3D10::ActiveRenderTargetToPPM(g_pd3dDevice,cur_image_path); // compare to offical reference image, printing PASS or FAIL. g_bPassed = CheckRenderD3D10::PPMvsPPM(cur_image_path, ref_file, argv[0],MAX_EPSILON, 0.15f); Cleanup(); PostQuitMessage(0); } } } } } // Release D3D Library (after message loop) dynlinkUnloadD3D10API(); UnregisterClass(wc.lpszClassName, wc.hInstance); }
SaveResult SaveResult::SaveFailed(const utf8_string& error){ return SaveResult(false, error); }
SaveResult SaveResult::SaveSuccessful(){ return SaveResult(true, utf8_string("")); }
void CEnsemble3dExt::Ensemble3Dvolume(const char* folder_name) { _init_temporal(); int k = 0, max_nodule_size = 35; int start = seedz, z = seedz; int org_x = seedx, org_y = seedy, org_z = seedz; for(z=start; z>=0; z--) { //printf ("%s\n", slices_name[z].c_str()); cout<<z<<":"<<seedx<<','<<seedy<<endl; aslice = _dcm.getSllice(z); // cv::namedWindow( "Display window", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );// Create a window for display. // cv::imshow( "Display window", cv::Mat(aslice) ); // Show our image inside it. // // cv::waitKey(0); outmask = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(aslice),8,1); cvZero(outmask); //cvShowImage("in", aslice); //cvWaitKey(0); CvPoint seed = cvPoint(seedx,seedy); //cvSmooth(aslice, aslice); CEnsemble ensemble(aslice, seed, outmask); ensemble.doEnsembleSegmentation(); SaveResult(folder_name, z); if(!UpdateSeed(z, BACKWARD)) break; k ++; if(k > max_nodule_size) break; cvReleaseImage(&outmask); } seedx = org_x; seedy = org_y; seedz = org_z; k = 0; for(z=start+1; z<slices_name.size(); z++) { ////printf ("%s\n", slices_name[i].c_str()); cout<<z<<":"<<seedx<<','<<seedy<<endl; aslice = _dcm.getSllice(z); outmask = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(aslice),8,1); cvZero(outmask); CvPoint seed = cvPoint(seedx,seedy); //cvSmooth(aslice, aslice); CEnsemble ensemble(aslice, seed, outmask); ensemble.doEnsembleSegmentation(); SaveResult(folder_name, z); if(!UpdateSeed(z, FORWARD)) break; k ++; if(k > max_nodule_size) break; //cvWaitKey(0); cvReleaseImage(&outmask); } _saveToNiffty(_temporal, folder_name ); }