Esempio n. 1
void checkKeyDowns()
	if (keyIsDown('d'))
		vec3 lp = VectorSub(l,p);
		vec3 dir = CrossProduct(v, lp);
		p = VectorSub(p, ScalarMult(Normalize(dir), 0.1));
		l = VectorSub(l, ScalarMult(Normalize(dir), 0.1));
	if (keyIsDown('a'))
		vec3 lp = VectorSub(l,p);
		vec3 dir = CrossProduct(lp, v);
		p = VectorSub(p, ScalarMult(Normalize(dir), 0.1));
		l = VectorSub(l, ScalarMult(Normalize(dir), 0.1));
	if (keyIsDown('s'))
		vec3 lp = VectorSub(l,p);
		p = VectorSub(p, ScalarMult(Normalize(lp), 0.1));
		l = VectorSub(l, ScalarMult(Normalize(lp), 0.1));
	if (keyIsDown('w'))
		vec3 lp = VectorSub(l,p);
		p = VectorAdd(p, ScalarMult(Normalize(lp), 0.1));
		l = VectorAdd(l, ScalarMult(Normalize(lp), 0.1));
	if (keyIsDown('r'))
		vec3 lp = VectorSub(l,p);
		vec3 dir = CrossProduct(v, lp);
		l = VectorSub(l, ScalarMult(Normalize(dir), 0.5));
	if (keyIsDown('e'))
		vec3 lp = VectorSub(l,p);
		vec3 dir = CrossProduct(v, lp);
		l = VectorAdd(l, ScalarMult(Normalize(dir), 0.5));
	float y1 = ttex.imageData[((int)p.x + (int)p.z * ttex.width) * (ttex.bpp/8)] / 25.0;
	float y2 = ttex.imageData[(((int)p.x + 1) + ((int)p.z + 1) * ttex.width) * (ttex.bpp/8)] / 25.0;
	float diff = ((p.x - (int)p.x) + (p.z - (int)p.z))/2;
	float yDiff = y2-y1;
	float y = y1 + diff * yDiff + 5;			
	p.y = y;
	l.y = y;
	//printf("X : %4.2f - Y : %4.2f - Z : %4.2f\n", p.x, p.y, p.z);	
Esempio n. 2
void check_keys(void){
        VectorSub(&obj_pos, &cam_pos, &vdiff);
                vdiff.y = 0;
                ScalarMult(&vdiff, move_speed, &vdiff);
                VectorAdd(&vdiff, &cam_pos, &cam_pos);
                        cam_pos.y = calculate_height(cam_pos.x, cam_pos.z, ttex.width, vertexArray) + cam_height;
                VectorAdd(&vdiff, &obj_pos, &obj_pos);
        } else if (keyIsDown('s')) {
                ScalarMult(&vdiff, move_speed, &vdiff);
                VectorSub(&cam_pos, &vdiff, &cam_pos);
                        cam_pos.y = calculate_height(cam_pos.x, cam_pos.z, ttex.width, vertexArray) + cam_height;
                VectorSub(&obj_pos, &vdiff, &obj_pos);
        } else if (keyIsDown('a')) {
                CrossProduct(&up, &vdiff, &vdiff);
                ScalarMult(&vdiff, move_speed, &vdiff);
                VectorAdd(&vdiff, &cam_pos, &cam_pos);
                        cam_pos.y = calculate_height(cam_pos.x, cam_pos.z, ttex.width, vertexArray) + cam_height;
                VectorAdd(&vdiff, &obj_pos, &obj_pos);
        } else if (keyIsDown('d')) {
                CrossProduct(&up, &vdiff, &vdiff);
                ScalarMult(&vdiff, move_speed, &vdiff);
                VectorSub(&cam_pos, &vdiff, &cam_pos);
                        cam_pos.y = calculate_height(cam_pos.x, cam_pos.z, ttex.width, vertexArray) + cam_height;
                VectorSub(&obj_pos, &vdiff, &obj_pos);                                
        } else if (keyIsDown('q')) {
        } else if (keyIsDown('p')) {
                printf("Your position is; x=%f, y=%f, z=%f\n", cam_pos.x, cam_pos.y, cam_pos.z);
                printf("Ground height is; y=%f\n", calculate_height(cam_pos.x, cam_pos.z, ttex.width, vertexArray));
        } else if (keyIsDown('f')){
                fly = !fly; 
Esempio n. 3
// camera movement. Other keyboard input is handled by keyboardControl
void moveTimer(int i)
    glutTimerFunc(20, &moveTimer, i);

    vec3 camRight = Normalize(CrossProduct(camDir, camUp));
    vec3 moveDir = {0,0,0};
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_W)) {
        moveDir = VectorAdd(moveDir, Normalize(camDir));
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_A)) {
        moveDir = VectorSub(moveDir, camRight);
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_S)) {
        moveDir = VectorSub(moveDir, Normalize(camDir));
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_D)) {
        moveDir = VectorAdd(moveDir, camRight);

    if (Norm(moveDir) > 0.0) {
        cam = VectorAdd(cam, ScalarMult(Normalize(moveDir), camMoveSpeed));
    if (!freeCam)
        cam.y = 1.0 + GetMapHeight(tm, ttex.width, ttex.height, cam.x, cam.z);
Esempio n. 4
	vec3 CalcNormalVector(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c)
		vec3 n;

		n = CrossProduct(VectorSub(a, b), VectorSub(a, c));
		n = ScalarMult(n, 1/Norm(n));
		return n;
Esempio n. 5
int sphereInFrustum(vec3 position, float radius) {
    int i;
    vec3 closestPoint;
    for (i=0; i < 5; i++) {
        closestPoint = VectorAdd(position, ScalarMult(cullingFrustumNormals[i], -radius));
        if (DotProduct(closestPoint, cullingFrustumNormals[i]) > 0.f)
            return 0;
    return 1;
Esempio n. 6
void Ball::handleBallCollision(vector<float> targetPosition , vector<float> targetVelocity , float targetMass , float targetRadius) {			//Resolves Ball Collisions
	vector<float> newPos  	= addVectors(this->getPosition() , ScalarMult(this->getVelocity() , DELTA_T)); 					// Position in next iteration
	vector<float> deltaPos 	= addVectors(newPos , ScalarMult(targetPosition , -1.0)); 										//R1 - R2
	float speedAlongNormal 	= dotProduct(deltaPos , addVectors(targetVelocity , ScalarMult(this->getVelocity() , -1.0))); 	// (V1-V2).N
	float distSquare 		= dotProduct(deltaPos , deltaPos);									
	if( (distSquare <= pow( this->getRadius() + targetRadius , 2)) &&( speedAlongNormal >= 0.0) ) {
		this->setVelocity(solveBallCollision(this->getVelocity(), targetVelocity, newPos, targetPosition, this->getMass(), targetMass , coefficientRestitution).first); /// checks and updates the balls velocity if it collides with some other ball
		this-> setTimeSinceCollision(BLINK_TIME); //Display changes according to timeSinceCollision

	#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(BALL_DEBUG)
		float x 			= this->getMass();
		float y 			= this->getMass() * pow(this->getVelocity(),2) * 0.5;
		string temp_output	= "Mass =" + to_string(x) + " Energy= " + to_string(y);
Esempio n. 7
void check_keys(void){
        VectorSub(&obj_pos, &cam_pos, &vdiff);
                ScalarMult(&vdiff, move_speed, &vdiff);
                VectorAdd(&vdiff, &cam_pos, &cam_pos);
                VectorAdd(&vdiff, &obj_pos, &obj_pos);
        } else if (keyIsDown('s')) {
                ScalarMult(&vdiff, move_speed, &vdiff);
                VectorSub(&cam_pos, &vdiff, &cam_pos);
                VectorSub(&obj_pos, &vdiff, &obj_pos);
        } else if (keyIsDown('a')) {
                CrossProduct(&up, &vdiff, &vdiff);
                ScalarMult(&vdiff, move_speed, &vdiff);
                VectorAdd(&vdiff, &cam_pos, &cam_pos);
                VectorAdd(&vdiff, &obj_pos, &obj_pos);
        } else if (keyIsDown('d')) {
                CrossProduct(&up, &vdiff, &vdiff);
                ScalarMult(&vdiff, move_speed, &vdiff);
                VectorSub(&cam_pos, &vdiff, &cam_pos);
                VectorSub(&obj_pos, &vdiff, &obj_pos);
        } else if (keyIsDown('u')) {
                cam_pos.y += 0.1;
                obj_pos.y += 0.1;
        } else if (keyIsDown('j')) {
                cam_pos.y -= 0.1;
                obj_pos.y -= 0.1;
        } else if (keyIsDown('r')) {
                if(dr < 80){
                        dr += 0.5; 
        } else if (keyIsDown('t')) {
                if(dr > -80){
                        dr -= 0.5; 
        } else if (keyIsDown('q')) {
Esempio n. 8
void keyboard(unsigned char key,int x, int y) {
    Point3D diff;
    float scale = 0.4;
    if(key == 'w') {
        VectorSub(&look_at, &position, &diff);
        ScalarMult(&diff, scale, &diff);
        VectorAdd(&look_at, &diff, &look_at);
        VectorAdd(&position, &diff, &position);
    } else if(key == 's') {
        VectorSub(&position, &look_at, &diff);
        ScalarMult(&diff, scale, &diff);
        VectorAdd(&look_at, &diff, &look_at);
        VectorAdd(&position, &diff, &position);
    } else if(key == 'd') {
        Point3D y; y.x = 0; y.z = 0; y.y = 1;
        VectorSub(&position, &look_at, &diff);
        CrossProduct(&y, &diff, &diff);
        ScalarMult(&diff, scale, &diff);
        VectorAdd(&look_at, &diff, &look_at);
        VectorAdd(&position, &diff, &position);
    } else if(key == 'a') {
        Point3D y; y.x = 0; y.z = 0; y.y = 1;
        VectorSub(&position, &look_at, &diff);
        CrossProduct(&diff, &y, &diff);
        ScalarMult(&diff, scale, &diff);
        VectorAdd(&look_at, &diff, &look_at);
        VectorAdd(&position, &diff, &position);
    } else if(key == 'x') {
        windspeed -= .05;
    } else if(key == 'c') {
        windspeed += .05;
    } else if(key == 'r') {
        programs[WINDMILL_PROGRAM] = loadShaders("lab3-3.vert", "lab3-3.frag");
        printf("Recompiled shaders\n");

Esempio n. 9
	void CalcNormalVector(Point3D *a, Point3D *b, Point3D *c, Point3D *result)
		Point3D ab, ac, n;
		VectorSub(a, b, &ab);
		VectorSub(a, c, &ac);
		CrossProduct(&ab, &ac, &n);
		ScalarMult(&n, 1/Norm(&n), &n);
		result->x = n.x;
		result->y = n.y;
		result->z = n.z;
Esempio n. 10
// Splits v into vn (parallell to n) and vp (perpendicular). Does not demand n to be normalized.
	void SplitVector(vec3 v, vec3 n, vec3 *vn, vec3 *vp)
		GLfloat nlen;
		GLfloat nlen2;

		nlen = DotProduct(v, n);
		nlen2 = n.x*n.x+n.y*n.y+n.z*n.z; // Squared length
		if (nlen2 == 0)
			*vp = v;
			*vn = SetVector(0, 0, 0);
			*vn = ScalarMult(n, nlen/nlen2);
			*vp = VectorSub(v, *vn);
Esempio n. 11
	// Delar v i vn (parallell med n) och vp (vinkelrŠt). KrŠver INTE att n Šr normerad!
	void SplitVector(Point3D *v, Point3D *n, Point3D *vn, Point3D *vp)
		GLfloat nlen;
		GLfloat nlen2;
		nlen = DotProduct(v, n);
		nlen2 = n->x*n->x+n->y*n->y+n->z*n->z; // lŠngen av n i kvadrat
		if (nlen2 == 0)
			CopyVector(v, vp);
			SetVector(0, 0, 0, vn);
			ScalarMult(n, nlen/nlen2, vn);
			VectorSub(v, vn, vp);
Esempio n. 12
// camera movement. Other keyboard input is handled by keyboardControl
void moveTimer(int i)
    glutTimerFunc(20, &moveTimer, i);

    vec3 camRight = Normalize(CrossProduct(camDir, camUp));
    vec3 moveDir = {0,0,0};
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_W)) {
        moveDir = VectorAdd(moveDir, Normalize(camDir));
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_A)) {
        moveDir = VectorSub(moveDir, camRight);
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_S)) {
        moveDir = VectorSub(moveDir, Normalize(camDir));
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_D)) {
        moveDir = VectorAdd(moveDir, camRight);

    if (Norm(moveDir) > 0.0) {
        cam = VectorAdd(cam, ScalarMult(Normalize(moveDir), CAM_MOVE_SPEED));
Esempio n. 13
File: main.c Progetto: ErikHK/tsbk03
void calc_bone_transform(joint_s * j, int acc)
  joint_s * jc;
  joint_s * rootj = j;
  mat4 tmp, tmptrans, invtrans;
  //tmp = IdentityMatrix();
    tmp = j->parent->tmp;
    //tmp = j->parent->Mtot;
    //tmp = IdentityMatrix();
    tmp = Mult(T(cow.pos.x, cow.pos.y, cow.pos.z), Ry(cow.angle));

  GLfloat Ms[8][16];
  int i=0,ii=0, k=0;
  float currpos[8*3] = {0};
  float bonepos[8*3] = {0};

  while(j->child[0] != NULL)
    //calc_bone_transform(j->child[0], 1);
    for(k=1; k < MAX_CHILDREN; k++)
      if(j->child[k] != NULL)
        calc_bone_transform(j->child[k], 1);

    jc = j->child[0];
    vec3 tmp_bonepos;
    tmptrans = j->T;
    tmp = Mult(tmp, tmptrans);
    invtrans = InvertMat4(tmptrans);
    tmp = Mult(tmp, Mult(j->R, invtrans));
    j->tmp = tmp;
    j->isnull = 0;

    //middle of bone
    tmp_bonepos = ScalarMult(
		VectorAdd(j->pos, jc->pos), .5);

      Ms[i][ii] = (tmp).m[ii];

    currpos[i*3] = 10*j->pos.x;
    currpos[i*3+1] = 10*j->pos.y;
    currpos[i*3+2] = 10*j->pos.z;

    bonepos[i*3] = 10*tmp_bonepos.x;
    bonepos[i*3+1] = 10*tmp_bonepos.y;
    bonepos[i*3+2] = 10*tmp_bonepos.z;

    j = j->child[0];


  if(rootj->posvar != NULL)

  //printf("%f %f %f\n", currpos[0], currpos[1], currpos[2]);
  glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(g_shader, rootj->Mvar), 8, GL_TRUE, Ms[0]);
  glUniform3fv(glGetUniformLocation(g_shader, rootj->posvar), 8, currpos);
  glUniform3fv(glGetUniformLocation(g_shader, rootj->boneposvar), 8, bonepos);
Esempio n. 14
//		D E F O R M  C Y L I N D E R 
// Desc:	deformera cylinder meshen enligt skelettet
void DeformCylinder()
  //vec3 v[kMaxBones];

  //float w[kMaxBones];
  int row, corner, bonesnum, bonesnum2;
  //bonesnum = 0;

  // för samtliga vertexar 
  for (row = 0; row < kMaxRow; row++)
    for (corner = 0; corner < kMaxCorners; corner++)
      // ---------=========  UPG 4 ===========---------
      // TODO: skinna meshen mot alla benen.
      // data som du kan använda:
      // g_bonesRes[].rot //Rotation på benen
      // g_bones[].pos //Benens position
      // g_boneWeights //g_boneWeights[kMaxRow][kMaxCorners][kMaxBones]
      // g_vertsOrg //Originalet
      // g_vertsRes //Det som ska skickas

    	//g_vertsRes[row][corner] = g_vertsOrg[row][corner];
    	vec3 sum = SetVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    	for(bonesnum = 0; bonesnum < kMaxBones; bonesnum++)
    		//Beräknar T för Org och Res
    		mat4 currOrgT = T(g_bones[bonesnum].pos.x, g_bones[bonesnum].pos.y, g_bones[bonesnum].pos.z);
    		mat4 currResT = T(g_bonesRes[bonesnum].pos.x, g_bonesRes[bonesnum].pos.y, g_bonesRes[bonesnum].pos.z);
    		//Beräknar M för Org och Res, och även inverterad M
    		mat4 currOrgM = Mult(currOrgT, g_bones[bonesnum].rot);
    		mat4 currResM = Mult(currResT, g_bonesRes[bonesnum].rot);
			mat4 currInvM = InvertMat4(currOrgM);

			mat4 sumOrgM = currOrgM;
			mat4 sumResM = currResM;
			mat4 sumInvM = currInvM;

    		for(bonesnum2 = bonesnum - 1; bonesnum2 >= 0; bonesnum2--)
    			//Beräknar T för Org och Res för ben innan bonesnum
    			mat4 preOrgT = T(g_bones[bonesnum2].pos.x, g_bones[bonesnum2].pos.y, g_bones[bonesnum2].pos.z);
    			mat4 preResT = T(g_bonesRes[bonesnum2].pos.x, g_bonesRes[bonesnum2].pos.y, g_bonesRes[bonesnum2].pos.z);
				//Beräknar M för Org och Res, och även inverterad M för ben innan bonesnum
				mat4 preOrgM = Mult(preOrgT, g_bones[bonesnum2].rot);
    			mat4 preResM = Mult(preResT, g_bonesRes[bonesnum2].rot);
    			mat4 preInvM = InvertMat4(preOrgM);

    			sumOrgM = Mult(sumOrgM, preOrgM);
    			sumResM = Mult(sumResM, preResM);
    			sumInvM = Mult(preInvM, sumInvM);
    		vec3 resV = MultVec3(sumOrgM, g_vertsOrg[row][corner]);

    		mat4 temp1 = Mult(sumResM, sumInvM);
    		vec3 temp2 = MultVec3(temp1, resV);
    		temp2 = ScalarMult(temp2, g_boneWeights[row][corner][bonesnum]);

    		sum = VectorAdd(sum, temp2);
    	g_vertsRes[row][corner] = sum;
Esempio n. 15
void display(void)

  // Clear the screen____________________________________

if((cam.x < goalx + 2 && cam.x > goalx - 2) && (cam.z < goalz + 2 && cam.z > goalz - 2))
	third_person = true;


  // Variables
  mat4 total, modelView, camMatrix;
  GLfloat t =(GLfloat)glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)/1000; //Scale with constant to make animation slower.

  //Read input_____________________________________________
  if (third_person)

	goal_found = true;

      if (glutKeyIsDown('t'))
	  third_person = false;  
  vec3 pos =  {200, 200, 150};// SetVector(keyx,keyy,keyz);
      //Mouse control_____________________________________________
      //fmin and fmax doesn't really make sense but looks good. 
      GLfloat mousexlocal = 0;
      GLfloat mouseylocal = 0;

      if (mousex < 350 ||  mousex > 250)
	  mousexlocal = 300-mousex;
	  mousexlocal = 0;

      deltaphi = deltaphi + deltaphi*-mousexlocal;
      deltaphi = fmin(0.0001,deltaphi);
      deltaphi = fmax(deltaphi,2 * PI - 0.0001);
      forward = MultVec3(Ry(deltaphi*-mousexlocal), forward);

      vec3 crossvec = CrossProduct(forward,up);

      if (mousey < 350 || mousey > 250)
	  mouseylocal = 300-mousey;
	  mouseylocal = 0;

      deltatheta = deltatheta + deltatheta* -mouseylocal;
      deltatheta = fmin(0.0001,deltatheta);
      deltatheta = fmax(deltatheta,2*PI - 0.0001);
      forward = MultVec3( ArbRotate(crossvec,deltatheta*-mouseylocal), forward);

      //Create camera matrix_____________________________________________
      camMatrix = lookAtv(pos,VectorAdd(forward,pos),up);

// FIRST PERSON VIEW --------------------------------------------------------
      vec3 moveVec;
      if (glutKeyIsDown('w')) // forwards, obviously
	  vec3 oldcam = cam; //Save old position to check if its legal.
	  moveVec = ScalarMult(VectorSub(cam, SetVector(lookAtPoint.x, cam.y, lookAtPoint.z)), 0.1); // VectorSub makes a vector in the direction we're looking.
	  cam = VectorSub(cam, moveVec); // The new camera position is the old camera position + the move vector
	  cam.y = getHeight(&ttex,cam.x, cam.z)+2; // Get the correct height from the new position  
	  GLfloat maze_height = getHeight(&ttexm, cam.x, cam.z); // Get the height of the maze at the new (possible) camera position
	  GLfloat ground_height = getHeight(&ttex, cam.x, cam.z); // Get the height of the ground at the new (possible) camera position

	  //Check if the new position is legal
	    if ((ground_height - maze_height) < ground_height) // If 0, shouldn't move ever: OK!
						   // When does it start to move??
		cam = oldcam;
       else if (glutKeyIsDown('t'))
	   third_person = true;

       GLfloat mousexlocal = 0;
      GLfloat mouseylocal = 0;

      if (mousex < 350 ||  mousex > 250)
	  mousexlocal = 300-mousex;
	  mousexlocal = 0;

      deltaphi = deltaphi + deltaphi*-mousexlocal;
      deltaphi = fmin(0.0001,deltaphi);
      deltaphi = fmax(deltaphi,2 * PI - 0.0001);
      forward = MultVec3(Ry(deltaphi*-mousexlocal), forward);

      vec3 crossvec = CrossProduct(forward,up);

      if (mousey < 350 || mousey > 250)
	  mouseylocal = 300-mousey;
	  mouseylocal = 0;

      deltatheta = deltatheta + deltatheta* -mouseylocal;
      deltatheta = fmin(0.0001,deltatheta);
      deltatheta = fmax(deltatheta,2*PI - 0.0001);
      forward = MultVec3( ArbRotate(crossvec,deltatheta*-mouseylocal), forward);
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(forward,cam);
      //Create camera matrix_____________________________________________
      camMatrix = lookAtv(cam,lookAtPoint,up);


  // --------------------------------------------------------//
  // --------------------------------------------------------//


	//glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex2);
	trans = T(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

       	rot = Rx(0);
	total = Mult(trans, rot);
       	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(programSky, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);

	lookSky = camMatrix;

	lookSky.m[3] = 0;
	lookSky.m[7] = 0;
	lookSky.m[11] = 0;

	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(programSky, "lookMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, lookSky.m);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(programSky, "projectionMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, projectionMatrix.m);

	glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(programSky, "texUnit2"), 2); // Texture unit 2
	DrawModel(skybox, programSky, "in_Position", NULL, "inTexCoord");



  modelView = IdentityMatrix();
  total = Mult(camMatrix, modelView);

  glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex2);		// Bind Our Texture tex1
  DrawModel(tm, program,"inPosition", "inNormal", "inTexCoord");

  glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 0, GL_TRUE, total.m);
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex1);		// Bind Our Texture tex1
  DrawModel(mm, program,"inPosition", "inNormal", "inTexCoord");

  GLfloat y = getHeight(&ttexm, 200, 147);
  mat4 trans = T(goalx, 2, goalz);
  mat4 scale = S(1, 1, 1);
 total = Mult(total, trans);
 total = Mult(total, scale);

 if (goal_found)
	char* string = "GOOD JOB!! You won :D";
	sfDrawString(100, 100, string);

  glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex3);		// Bind Our Texture tex1

  DrawModel(goal, program,"inPosition", "inNormal", "inTexCoord");


  printError("display 2");
  printf("x %f\n", cam.x);
  printf("y %f\n", cam.y);
  printf("z %f\n", cam.z);
  /* if ( (cam.x < 95) && (cam.x > 85) && */
  /*      (cam.z < 85) && (cam.z > 75)) */

Esempio n. 16
///The thread
void* ballThread(void* args) {
	BallThreadParameters* arg = (BallThreadParameters*)args ;
	int ID = arg->ID;
	float myMass = ball[ID]->getMass();
	float myRadius = ball[ID]->getRadius();
	#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(THREAD_DEBUG)
		cout << ID << " created \n";

	while(true) {
		//Thread for exitting from the thread.
		pthread_mutex_lock(&vecMutexThreadTerminate[ID] );
			if(threadTerminate[ID]) {
		pthread_mutex_unlock(&vecMutexThreadTerminate[ID] );

		//Functional Code.
		while(numBallUpdates == 0 || !vecShouldBallUpdate[ID] )
			pthread_cond_wait(&vecCondBallUpdateBegin[ID] , &vecMutexBallPthreads[ID]);
		while( (numBallUpdates > 0) && ( vecShouldBallUpdate[ID] ) ) {
			vecShouldBallUpdate[ID] = false;
			//Timer-related things have been started.

			///Generate N messages, and push them all.
			for(int i=0; i<NUM_BALLS; i++) {
				if ( i!= ID) {
					//Construct a message which contains present thread's data.
					BallDetailsMessage msg;
						msg.senderID = ID;
						msg.senderRadius = myRadius;
						msg.senderMass = myMass;
						msg.senderVelocity = ball[ID]->getVelocity();
						msg.senderPosition = addVectors(ball[ID]->getPosition() , ScalarMult( ball[ID]->getVelocity(), DELTA_T));
						msg.receiverID = i; 
						sendMessage(msg); //Send message to everyone.
				} //Message sent.

			#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(THREAD_DEBUG)
				cout << "thread: " << ID <<	" will now begin waiting \n";		
			//waitForMessages(ID); //Deprecated

			///Process messages received.
			for(int i = 1 ; i< NUM_BALLS; i++) { //Pop n-1 messages.
				///Wait to receive atleast one message.
				//ASSERT : MailBox is not empty.
					BallDetailsMessage msg = mailBox[ID].front();
					///BallToBall Collisions
					ball[ID]->handleBallCollision(msg.senderPosition , msg.senderVelocity , msg.senderMass , msg.senderRadius); //Changes the velocity,not the 
			//Ensure that ball isn't speeding
			float ratio = (ball[ID]->getSpeed() / MAX_VELOCITY);
			if ( ratio >= 1.0) {

			//Self explanotry code follows

			//Updates have ended
Esempio n. 17
Model* GenerateTerrain(TextureData *tex)
	int vertexCount = tex->width * tex->height;
	int triangleCount = (tex->width-1) * (tex->height-1) * 2;
	int x, z;
	//GLfloat *vertexArray = malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * 3 * vertexCount);
	vertexArray = malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * 3 * vertexCount);
	GLfloat *normalArray = malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * 3 * vertexCount);
	for(int i = 0; i < 3*vertexCount;i++){
		normalArray[i] = 0;
	GLfloat *texCoordArray = malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * 2 * vertexCount);
	GLuint *indexArray = malloc(sizeof(GLuint) * triangleCount*3);
	printf("bpp %d\n", tex->bpp);

	// Temporary normal vector
	Point3D normal;
	for (x = 0; x < tex->width; x++)
		for (z = 0; z < tex->height; z++)
// Vertex array. You need to scale this properly
			vertexArray[(x + z * tex->width)*3 + 0] = x / 1.0;
			vertexArray[(x + z * tex->width)*3 + 1] = 
                                tex->imageData[(x + z * tex->width) * (tex->bpp/8)] / 5.0;
			//vertexArray[(x + z * tex->width)*3 + 1] = 0;
			vertexArray[(x + z * tex->width)*3 + 2] = z / 1.0;
// Normal vectors. You need to calculate these.
                                // Doing something to get rid of warnings
				int a = 0;
                                a += 1;
			} else if(x>1 && x<(tex->width-1) && z > 0 && z < (tex->height-1)){
				//printf("In general case: x=%d, z=%d\n", x, z);
				//Lower triangle
				make_vertice_normal(vertexArray, x, z, tex->width, false, &normal);
				//printf("Normal: (%f,%f,%f)\n", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/6, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z-1, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z, tex->width, &normal);

				//Upper triangle
				make_vertice_normal(vertexArray, x, z, tex->width, true, &normal);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/6, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z+1, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z, tex->width, &normal);
			} else if(x==1 && z==0){
				//printf("In bottom left corner: x=%d, z=%d\n", x, z);
				//Upper triangle
				make_vertice_normal(vertexArray, x, z, tex->width, true, &normal);
				//printf("Normal: (%f,%f,%f)\n", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, 0, 0, tex->width, &normal);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/3, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, 0, 1, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, 1, 1, tex->width, &normal);
			} else if(x==tex->width-1 && z == tex->height-1){
				//printf("In top right corner: x=%d, z=%d\n", x, z);
				//Lower triangle
				make_vertice_normal(vertexArray, x, z, tex->width, false, &normal);
				//printf("Normal: (%f,%f,%f)\n", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z, tex->width, &normal);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/3, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z-1, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z, tex->width, &normal);
			} else if(x==1 && z < tex->height-1){
				//printf("In left edge: x=%d, z=%d\n", x, z);
				// Left edge
				// Lower triangle
				make_vertice_normal(vertexArray, x, z, tex->width, false, &normal);
				//printf("Normal: (%f,%f,%f)\n", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/3, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z-1, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z, tex->width, &normal);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/2, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z, tex->width, &normal);

				// Upper Triangle
				make_vertice_normal(vertexArray, x, z, tex->width, true, &normal);
				//printf("Normal: (%f,%f,%f)\n", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/3, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z+1, tex->width, &normal);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/2, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z, tex->width, &normal);
			} else if(z==0){
				//printf("In bottom edge: x=%d, z=%d\n", x, z);
				// Bottom edge
				// Upper Triangle
				make_vertice_normal(vertexArray, x, z, tex->width, true, &normal);
				//printf("Normal: (%f,%f,%f)\n", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/3, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z, tex->width, &normal);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/2, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z+1, tex->width, &normal);
			} else if(x==tex->width-1 && z < tex->height-1){
				//printf("In right edge: x=%d, z=%d\n", x, z);
				// Right edge
				// Lower triangle
				make_vertice_normal(vertexArray, x, z, tex->width, false, &normal);
				//printf("Normal: (%f,%f,%f)\n", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/3, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z-1, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z, tex->width, &normal);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/2, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z, tex->width, &normal);

				// Upper Triangle
				make_vertice_normal(vertexArray, x, z, tex->width, true, &normal);
				//printf("Normal: (%f,%f,%f)\n", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/3, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z, tex->width, &normal);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/2, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z+1, tex->width, &normal);
			} else if(z==tex->height-1){
				//printf("In top edge: x=%d, z=%d\n", x, z);
				// Top edge
				// Lower triangle
				make_vertice_normal(vertexArray, x, z, tex->width, false, &normal);
				//printf("Normal: (%f,%f,%f)\n", normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/3, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x-1, z, tex->width, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z, tex->width, &normal);
				ScalarMult(&normal, 1.0/2, &normal);
				put_vertex_normal(normalArray, x, z-1, tex->width, &normal);
// Texture coordinates. You may want to scale them.
			texCoordArray[(x + z * tex->width)*2 + 0] = 5*(float)x / tex->width;
			texCoordArray[(x + z * tex->width)*2 + 1] = 5*(float)z / tex->height;
	for (x = 0; x < tex->width-1; x++)
		for (z = 0; z < tex->height-1; z++)
		// Triangle 1
			indexArray[(x + z * (tex->width-1))*6 + 0] = x + z * tex->width;
			indexArray[(x + z * (tex->width-1))*6 + 1] = x + (z+1) * tex->width;
			indexArray[(x + z * (tex->width-1))*6 + 2] = x+1 + z * tex->width;
		// Triangle 2
			indexArray[(x + z * (tex->width-1))*6 + 3] = x+1 + z * tex->width;
			indexArray[(x + z * (tex->width-1))*6 + 4] = x + (z+1) * tex->width;
			indexArray[(x + z * (tex->width-1))*6 + 5] = x+1 + (z+1) * tex->width;
	// End of terrain generation
	// Create Model and upload to GPU:

	Model* model = LoadDataToModel(

	return model;
Esempio n. 18
//Keyhandler class to move araound in the world.
void Camera::handleKeyPress()
  //w,a,s,d to move forward,backwards and sideways
      vec3 w = Normalize(VectorSub(lookAtPoint,position));
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(lookAtPoint,ScalarMult(w,velocity));
      position = VectorAdd(position,ScalarMult(w,velocity));
      vec3 s = Normalize(VectorSub(position,lookAtPoint));
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(lookAtPoint,ScalarMult(s,velocity));
      position = VectorAdd(position,ScalarMult(s,velocity));
      vec3 w = VectorSub(lookAtPoint,position);
      vec3 a = Normalize(CrossProduct(upVector,w));
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(lookAtPoint,ScalarMult(a,velocity));
      position = VectorAdd(position,ScalarMult(a,velocity));
      vec3 w = VectorSub(lookAtPoint,position);
      vec3 d = Normalize(CrossProduct(w,upVector));
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(lookAtPoint,ScalarMult(d,velocity));
      position = VectorAdd(position,ScalarMult(d,velocity));
  //y,h,g,j to rotate camera up, left, down right
      vec3 w = VectorSub(lookAtPoint,position);
      vec3 a = Normalize(VectorAdd(w,ScalarMult(upVector,1.0/10.0)));
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(position,a);
      vec3 w = VectorSub(lookAtPoint,position);
      vec3 a = Normalize(VectorAdd(w,ScalarMult(upVector,-1.0/10.0)));
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(position,a);
      vec3 w = VectorSub(lookAtPoint,position);
      vec3 a = Normalize(CrossProduct(upVector,w));
      a = Normalize(VectorAdd(w,ScalarMult(a,1.0/10.0)));
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(position,a);
      vec3 w = VectorSub(lookAtPoint,position);
      vec3 a = Normalize(CrossProduct(upVector,w));
      a = Normalize(VectorAdd(w,ScalarMult(a,-1.0/10.0)));
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(position,a);
  //space and c to increase or decrease height
  if(keyIsDown(' '))
      vec3 w = vec3(0,1,0);
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(lookAtPoint,ScalarMult(w,velocity));
      position = VectorAdd(position,ScalarMult(w,velocity));
      vec3 w = vec3(0,-1,0);
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(lookAtPoint,ScalarMult(w,velocity));
      position = VectorAdd(position,ScalarMult(w,velocity));
  //p and o to toggle warp pointer on and off
      warpPointer = true;
      warpPointer = false;
  //m and n to toggle flight mode on and off
      flying = true;
  if(keyIsDown('M') && !followFlock)
      flying = false;
  //+ and - to increase or decrease movement speed
      velocity = min(3.0,velocity + 1.0);
      velocity = max(1.0,velocity - 1.0);

  //1 and 3 to lock or unlock frustum, for debugging purposes
      lockFrustum = true;
      lockFrustum = false;
  if(keyIsDown('o') && timer > 20 && flying)
      timer = 0;
      followFlock = true;
      flockIndex++; // Follow next flock each time 'o' is pressed.
  if(keyIsDown('O') && followFlock)
      followFlock = false;
      flockIndex--; // Next time 'o' is pressed, we will follow the previous followed flock.
  if(keyIsDown('0') && birdView && followFlock)
      birdView = false;
  if(keyIsDown('=') && !birdView && followFlock)
      birdView = true;
