Esempio n. 1
File: z09.c Progetto: thektulu/lout
OBJECT ParameterCheck(OBJECT x, OBJECT env)
{ OBJECT link, y, res, prnt_env, par, prnt;
  debug2(DCE, DD, "ParameterCheck(%s, %s)", EchoObject(x), EchoObject(env));
  assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "ParameterCheck given non-CLOSURE!");

  /* case x is a parameter */
  prnt = SearchEnv(env, enclosing(actual(x)));
  if( prnt == nilobj )
  { debug0(DCE, DD, "ParameterCheck returning nilobj (prnt fail)");
    return nilobj;
  prnt_env = GetEnv(prnt);
  for( link = Down(prnt);  link != prnt;  link = NextDown(link) )
  { Child(par, link);
    if( type(par) == PAR && actual(par) == actual(x) )
    {	assert( Down(par) != par, "ParameterCheck: Down(par)!");
	Child(y, Down(par));
	res = is_word(type(y)) ? CopyObject(y, no_fpos) : nilobj;
	debug1(DCE, DD, "  ParameterCheck returning %s", EchoObject(res));
	return res;

  /* case x is a default parameter */
  y = sym_body(actual(x));
  if( y == nilobj )
  { res = nilobj;
  else if( is_word(type(y)) )
  { res = CopyObject(y, &fpos(y));
  else if( type(y) == CLOSURE && is_par(type(actual(y))) )
  { res = ParameterCheck(y, prnt_env);
  { res = nilobj;
  debug1(DCE, DD, "ParameterCheck returning %s", EchoObject(res));
  return res;
} /* end ParameterCheck */
Esempio n. 2
File: lgm_domain.c Progetto: rolk/ug
/* domain interface function: for description see domain.h */
BVP_GetByName (const char *name)
  return((BVP *) SearchEnv(name,"/LGM_BVP",theLGMDomainVarID,theBVPDirID));
Esempio n. 3
File: lgm_domain.c Progetto: rolk/ug
static LGM_PROBLEM *Lgm_Problem_GetByName (const char *name)
  return((LGM_PROBLEM *) SearchEnv(name,"/LGM_PROBLEM",theProblemVarID,theProblemDirID));
Esempio n. 4
File: enrol.c Progetto: rolk/ug
FORMAT* NS_DIM_PREFIX GetFormat (const char *name)
  return((FORMAT *) SearchEnv(name,"/Formats",theFormatDirID,theFormatDirID));
Esempio n. 5
File: z09.c Progetto: thektulu/lout
OBJECT ClosureExpand(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, BOOLEAN crs_wanted,
OBJECT *crs, OBJECT *res_env)
{ OBJECT link, y, res, prnt_env, par, prnt;
  debug3(DCE, D, "[ ClosureExpand( %s, %s, %s, crs, res_env )",
    EchoObject(x), EchoObject(env), bool(crs_wanted));
  assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "ClosureExpand given non-CLOSURE!");
  assert( predefined(actual(x)) == FALSE, "ClosureExpand given predefined!" );

  /* add tag to x if needed but not provided;  add cross-reference to crs  */
  if( has_tag(actual(x)) )  CrossAddTag(x);
  if( crs_wanted && has_tag(actual(x)) )
  { OBJECT tmp = CopyObject(x, no_fpos);  AttachEnv(env, tmp);
    y = CrossMake(actual(x), tmp, CROSS_TARG);
    New(tmp, CROSS_TARG);  actual(tmp) = y;  Link(tmp, y);
    if( *crs == nilobj )  New(*crs, CR_LIST);   Link(*crs, tmp);

  /* case x is a parameter */
  res = *res_env = nilobj;
  if( is_par(type(actual(x))) )
  { prnt = SearchEnv(env, enclosing(actual(x)));
    if( prnt != nilobj )
      prnt_env = GetEnv(prnt);
      for( link = Down(prnt);  link != prnt;  link = NextDown(link) )
      { Child(par, link);
        if( type(par) == PAR && actual(par) == actual(x) )
        { assert( Down(par) != par, "ExpandCLosure: Down(par)!");
	  Child(res, Down(par));
	  if( dirty(enclosing(actual(par))) || is_enclose(actual(par)) )
	  { debug2(DCE, DD, "copy %s %s", SymName(actual(par)), EchoObject(res));
	    res = CopyObject(res, no_fpos);
	    debug2(DCE, DD, "link %s %s",
	      FullSymName(actual(par), AsciiToFull(".")), EchoObject(res));
	    y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NOCROSS, &fpos(res));
	    Link(par, y);
	  ReplaceNode(res, x);
	  if( type(actual(x)) == RPAR && has_body(enclosing(actual(x))) )
	  { debug0(DCR, DDD, "  calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (a)");
	    *res_env = SetEnv(prnt, nilobj);  DisposeObject(x);
	  else if( type(actual(x)) == NPAR && imports_encl(actual(x)) )
	  { debug0(DCR, DDD, "  calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (x)");
	    AttachEnv(env, x);
	    *res_env = SetEnv(x, nilobj);
	  { AttachEnv(env, x);
	    debug0(DCR, DDD, "  calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (b)");
	    *res_env = SetEnv(x, prnt_env);
      /* fail only if there is no default value available */
      if( sym_body(actual(x)) == nilobj )
        debug3(DCE, D, "failing ClosureExpand( %s, crs, %s, %s, res_env )",
	  EchoObject(x), bool(crs_wanted), EchoObject(env));
        Error(9, 2, "no value for parameter %s of symbol %s:", WARN, &fpos(x),
	  SymName(actual(x)), SymName(enclosing(actual(x))));
        Error(9, 1, "symbol with import list misused", FATAL, &fpos(x));

  /* case x is a user-defined symbol or default parameter */
  if( res == nilobj )
  { if( sym_body(actual(x)) == nilobj )
      res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NOCROSS, &fpos(x));
      res = CopyObject(sym_body(actual(x)), &fpos(x));
    ReplaceNode(res, x);  AttachEnv(env, x);
    debug0(DCR, DDD, "  calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (c)");
    *res_env = SetEnv(x, nilobj);

  assert( *res_env!=nilobj && type(*res_env)==ENV, "ClosureExpand: *res_env!");
  debug0(DCE, D, "] ClosureExpand returning, res =");
  ifdebug(DCE, D, DebugObject(res));
  debug1(DCE, D, "  environment = %s", EchoObject(*res_env));
  return res;
} /* end ClosureExpand */