Esempio n. 1
void DeleteRecord( Node* Head ) // found record from the search
  int record;
  printf("%s\n", "Which record do you want to delete? ");
  scanf(" %d", &record );
  Node* SearchResult = SearchLinkedList( Head, record );
  SearchResult->prev->next = SearchResult->next;
Esempio n. 2
void UpdateRecord( Node* Head ) // found record from the search
  int record;
  printf("%s\n", "Which record do you want to update? ");
  scanf(" %d", &record );
  Node* SearchResult = SearchLinkedList( Head, record );
  char ToolName[ 30 ];
  int quantity;
  double cost;
  printf("%s", "Give me the updated values: toolname quantity cost\n");
  scanf(" %s %d %lf", ToolName, &quantity, &cost);
  strcpy( SearchResult->p.ToolName, ToolName );
  SearchResult->p.quantity = quantity;
  SearchResult->p.cost = cost;
Esempio n. 3
int main()
	ofstream outFile;
	ifstream inFile;		//IN      - file used in the function

	string inFileName;		//IN      - name of file the user will enter
	string outFileName;

	MovieInfo *head;
//	MovieInfo *headPtr;
	bool validMenuChoice;
	int menuChoice;
	Menu commandMenu;
	bool quit;
	quit = false;

	head    = NULL;
	commandMenu = OUTPUT;


	head    = ReadInput(head,inFile);

//	PrintHeader("Searching Linked List",'A',7,cout);
//	PrintHeader("Searching Linked List",'A',7,outFile);

	while(commandMenu != EXIT)
//		do
//		{
			cout << "DVD MENU OPTIONS"       << endl << endl;
			cout << "1 - Output Entire List" << endl;
			cout << "2 - Title Search"       << endl;
			cout << "3 - Genre Search"       << endl;
			cout << "4 - Actor Search"       << endl;
			cout << "5 - Year Search"        << endl;
			cout << "6 - Rating Search (0-9)"<< endl;
			cout << "0 - EXIT"               << endl;

			menuChoice = ErrorCheckingMenu
					   ("Enter an option (0 to exit): ",
						"**** The number  is an invalid entry ****",
						"**** Please input a number between 0 and 6 ****", 6,0 );
//		}while();
		if(menuChoice > 0)
		commandMenu = Menu(menuChoice);
		if (commandMenu == OUTPUT && menuChoice >0)
			cout << endl <<"Listing all movies!" << endl << endl;
					ListAllMovies(head, outFile);

			if (commandMenu ==	TITLESEARCH ||
				 commandMenu == GENRESEARCH ||
				 commandMenu == ACTORSEARCH ||
				 commandMenu == YEARSEARCH ||
				 commandMenu == RATINGSEARCH )
			SearchLinkedList(head,commandMenu, outFile);

	cout <<"Done reading File";
	cout << "Done outputting File";


	return 0;