Esempio n. 1
* This function performs an edge-based FM refinement
void MocGeneral2WayBalance(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph, float *tpwgts, float lbfactor)
  int i, ii, j, k, l, kwgt, nvtxs, ncon, nbnd, nswaps, from, to, pass, me, limit, tmp, cnum;
  idxtype *xadj, *adjncy, *adjwgt, *where, *id, *ed, *bndptr, *bndind;
  idxtype *moved, *swaps, *perm, *qnum;
  float *nvwgt, *npwgts, mindiff[MAXNCON], origbal, minbal, newbal;
  PQueueType parts[MAXNCON][2];
  int higain, oldgain, mincut, newcut, mincutorder;
  int qsizes[MAXNCON][2];

  nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
  ncon = graph->ncon;
  xadj = graph->xadj;
  nvwgt = graph->nvwgt;
  adjncy = graph->adjncy;
  adjwgt = graph->adjwgt;
  where = graph->where;
  id = graph->id;
  ed = graph->ed;
  npwgts = graph->npwgts;
  bndptr = graph->bndptr;
  bndind = graph->bndind;

  moved = idxwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  swaps = idxwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  perm = idxwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  qnum = idxwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);

  limit = amin(amax(0.01*nvtxs, 15), 100);

  /* Initialize the queues */
  for (i=0; i<ncon; i++) {
    PQueueInit(ctrl, &parts[i][0], nvtxs, PLUS_GAINSPAN+1);
    PQueueInit(ctrl, &parts[i][1], nvtxs, PLUS_GAINSPAN+1);
    qsizes[i][0] = qsizes[i][1] = 0;

  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
    qnum[i] = samax(ncon, nvwgt+i*ncon);

  printf("Weight Distribution:    \t");
  for (i=0; i<ncon; i++) 
    printf(" [%d %d]", qsizes[i][0], qsizes[i][1]); 

  for (from=0; from<2; from++) {
    for (j=0; j<ncon; j++) {
      if (qsizes[j][from] == 0) {
        for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
          if (where[i] != from)

          k = samax2(ncon, nvwgt+i*ncon);
          if (k == j && qsizes[qnum[i]][from] > qsizes[j][from] && nvwgt[i*ncon+qnum[i]] < 1.3*nvwgt[i*ncon+j]) {
            qnum[i] = j;

  printf("Weight Distribution (after):\t ");
  for (i=0; i<ncon; i++) 
    printf(" [%d %d]", qsizes[i][0], qsizes[i][1]); 

  for (i=0; i<ncon; i++) 
    mindiff[i] = fabs(tpwgts[0]-npwgts[i]);
  minbal = origbal = Compute2WayHLoadImbalance(ncon, npwgts, tpwgts);
  newcut = mincut = graph->mincut;
  mincutorder = -1;

  if (ctrl->dbglvl&DBG_REFINE) {
    printf("Parts: [");
    for (l=0; l<ncon; l++)
      printf("(%.3f, %.3f) ", npwgts[l], npwgts[ncon+l]);
    printf("] T[%.3f %.3f], Nv-Nb[%5d, %5d]. ICut: %6d, LB: %.3f [B]\n", tpwgts[0], tpwgts[1], graph->nvtxs, graph->nbnd, graph->mincut, origbal);

  idxset(nvtxs, -1, moved);

  ASSERT(ComputeCut(graph, where) == graph->mincut);

  /* Insert all nodes in the priority queues */
  nbnd = graph->nbnd;
  RandomPermute(nvtxs, perm, 1);
  for (ii=0; ii<nvtxs; ii++) {
    i = perm[ii];
    PQueueInsert(&parts[qnum[i]][where[i]], i, ed[i]-id[i]);

  for (nswaps=0; nswaps<nvtxs; nswaps++) {
    if (minbal < lbfactor)

    SelectQueue(ncon, npwgts, tpwgts, &from, &cnum, parts);
    to = (from+1)%2;

    if (from == -1 || (higain = PQueueGetMax(&parts[cnum][from])) == -1)

    saxpy(ncon, 1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+to*ncon, 1);
    saxpy(ncon, -1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+from*ncon, 1);
    newcut -= (ed[higain]-id[higain]);
    newbal = Compute2WayHLoadImbalance(ncon, npwgts, tpwgts);

    if (newbal < minbal || (newbal == minbal && 
        (newcut < mincut || (newcut == mincut && BetterBalance(ncon, npwgts, tpwgts, mindiff))))) {
      mincut = newcut;
      minbal = newbal;
      mincutorder = nswaps;
      for (i=0; i<ncon; i++)
        mindiff[i] = fabs(tpwgts[0]-npwgts[i]);
    else if (nswaps-mincutorder > limit) { /* We hit the limit, undo last move */
      newcut += (ed[higain]-id[higain]);
      saxpy(ncon, 1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+from*ncon, 1);
      saxpy(ncon, -1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+to*ncon, 1);

    where[higain] = to;
    moved[higain] = nswaps;
    swaps[nswaps] = higain;

    if (ctrl->dbglvl&DBG_MOVEINFO) {
      printf("Moved %6d from %d(%d). Gain: %5d, Cut: %5d, NPwgts: ", higain, from, cnum, ed[higain]-id[higain], newcut);
      for (l=0; l<ncon; l++) 
        printf("(%.3f, %.3f) ", npwgts[l], npwgts[ncon+l]);
      printf(", %.3f LB: %.3f\n", minbal, newbal);

    * Update the id[i]/ed[i] values of the affected nodes
    SWAP(id[higain], ed[higain], tmp);
    if (ed[higain] == 0 && bndptr[higain] != -1 && xadj[higain] < xadj[higain+1]) 
      BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind,  bndptr, higain);
    if (ed[higain] > 0 && bndptr[higain] == -1)
      BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind,  bndptr, higain);

    for (j=xadj[higain]; j<xadj[higain+1]; j++) {
      k = adjncy[j];
      oldgain = ed[k]-id[k];

      kwgt = (to == where[k] ? adjwgt[j] : -adjwgt[j]);
      INC_DEC(id[k], ed[k], kwgt);

      /* Update the queue position */
      if (moved[k] == -1)
        PQueueUpdate(&parts[qnum[k]][where[k]], k, oldgain, ed[k]-id[k]);

      /* Update its boundary information */
      if (ed[k] == 0 && bndptr[k] != -1) 
        BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
      else if (ed[k] > 0 && bndptr[k] == -1)  
        BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);

  * Roll back computations
  for (nswaps--; nswaps>mincutorder; nswaps--) {
    higain = swaps[nswaps];

    to = where[higain] = (where[higain]+1)%2;
    SWAP(id[higain], ed[higain], tmp);
    if (ed[higain] == 0 && bndptr[higain] != -1 && xadj[higain] < xadj[higain+1])
      BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind,  bndptr, higain);
    else if (ed[higain] > 0 && bndptr[higain] == -1)
      BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind,  bndptr, higain);

    saxpy(ncon, 1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+to*ncon, 1);
    saxpy(ncon, -1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+((to+1)%2)*ncon, 1);
    for (j=xadj[higain]; j<xadj[higain+1]; j++) {
      k = adjncy[j];

      kwgt = (to == where[k] ? adjwgt[j] : -adjwgt[j]);
      INC_DEC(id[k], ed[k], kwgt);

      if (bndptr[k] != -1 && ed[k] == 0)
        BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
      if (bndptr[k] == -1 && ed[k] > 0)
        BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);

  if (ctrl->dbglvl&DBG_REFINE) {
    printf("\tMincut: %6d at %5d, NBND: %6d, NPwgts: [", mincut, mincutorder, nbnd);
    for (l=0; l<ncon; l++)
      printf("(%.3f, %.3f) ", npwgts[l], npwgts[ncon+l]);
    printf("], LB: %.3f\n", Compute2WayHLoadImbalance(ncon, npwgts, tpwgts));

  graph->mincut = mincut;
  graph->nbnd = nbnd;

  for (i=0; i<ncon; i++) {
    PQueueFree(ctrl, &parts[i][0]);
    PQueueFree(ctrl, &parts[i][1]);

  idxwspacefree(ctrl, nvtxs);
  idxwspacefree(ctrl, nvtxs);
  idxwspacefree(ctrl, nvtxs);
  idxwspacefree(ctrl, nvtxs);

Esempio n. 2
void FM_Mc2WayCutRefine(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, real_t *ntpwgts, idx_t niter)
    idx_t i, ii, j, k, l, kwgt, nvtxs, ncon, nbnd, nswaps, from, to, pass,
          me, limit, tmp, cnum;
    idx_t *xadj, *adjncy, *vwgt, *adjwgt, *pwgts, *where, *id, *ed,
          *bndptr, *bndind;
    idx_t *moved, *swaps, *perm, *qnum;
    idx_t higain, mincut, initcut, newcut, mincutorder;
    real_t *invtvwgt, *ubfactors, *minbalv, *newbalv;
    real_t origbal, minbal, newbal, rgain, ffactor;
    rpq_t **queues;


    nvtxs    = graph->nvtxs;
    ncon     = graph->ncon;
    xadj     = graph->xadj;
    vwgt     = graph->vwgt;
    adjncy   = graph->adjncy;
    adjwgt   = graph->adjwgt;
    invtvwgt = graph->invtvwgt;
    where    = graph->where;
    id       = graph->id;
    ed       = graph->ed;
    pwgts    = graph->pwgts;
    bndptr   = graph->bndptr;
    bndind   = graph->bndind;

    moved     = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
    swaps     = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
    perm      = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
    qnum      = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
    ubfactors = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon);
    newbalv   = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon);
    minbalv   = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, ncon);

    limit = gk_min(gk_max(0.01*nvtxs, 25), 150);

    /* Determine a fudge factor to allow the refinement routines to get out
       of tight balancing constraints. */
    ffactor = .5/gk_max(20, nvtxs);

    /* Initialize the queues */
    queues = (rpq_t **)wspacemalloc(ctrl, 2*ncon*sizeof(rpq_t *));
    for (i=0; i<2*ncon; i++)
        queues[i] = rpqCreate(nvtxs);
    for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++)
        qnum[i] = iargmax_nrm(ncon, vwgt+i*ncon, invtvwgt);

    /* Determine the unbalance tolerance for each constraint. The tolerance is
       equal to the maximum of the original load imbalance and the user-supplied
       allowed tolerance. The rationale behind this approach is to allow the
       refinement routine to improve the cut, without having to worry about fixing
       load imbalance problems. The load imbalance is addressed by the balancing
       routines. */
    origbal = ComputeLoadImbalanceDiffVec(graph, 2, ctrl->pijbm, ctrl->ubfactors, ubfactors);
    for (i=0; i<ncon; i++)
        ubfactors[i] = (ubfactors[i] > 0 ? ctrl->ubfactors[i]+ubfactors[i] : ctrl->ubfactors[i]);

    IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_REFINE,
          Print2WayRefineStats(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts, origbal, -2));

    iset(nvtxs, -1, moved);
    for (pass=0; pass<niter; pass++) { /* Do a number of passes */
        for (i=0; i<2*ncon; i++)

        mincutorder = -1;
        newcut = mincut = initcut = graph->mincut;

        minbal = ComputeLoadImbalanceDiffVec(graph, 2, ctrl->pijbm, ubfactors, minbalv);

        ASSERT(ComputeCut(graph, where) == graph->mincut);

        /* Insert boundary nodes in the priority queues */
        nbnd = graph->nbnd;
        irandArrayPermute(nbnd, perm, nbnd/5, 1);
        for (ii=0; ii<nbnd; ii++) {
            i = bndind[perm[ii]];
            ASSERT(ed[i] > 0 || id[i] == 0);
            ASSERT(bndptr[i] != -1);
            //rgain = 1.0*(ed[i]-id[i])/sqrt(vwgt[i*ncon+qnum[i]]+1);
            //rgain = (ed[i]-id[i] > 0 ? 1.0*(ed[i]-id[i])/sqrt(vwgt[i*ncon+qnum[i]]+1) : ed[i]-id[i]);
            rgain = ed[i]-id[i];
            rpqInsert(queues[2*qnum[i]+where[i]], i, rgain);

        for (nswaps=0; nswaps<nvtxs; nswaps++) {
            SelectQueue(graph, ctrl->pijbm, ubfactors, queues, &from, &cnum);

            to = (from+1)%2;

            if (from == -1 || (higain = rpqGetTop(queues[2*cnum+from])) == -1)
            ASSERT(bndptr[higain] != -1);

            newcut -= (ed[higain]-id[higain]);

            iaxpy(ncon,  1, vwgt+higain*ncon, 1, pwgts+to*ncon,   1);
            iaxpy(ncon, -1, vwgt+higain*ncon, 1, pwgts+from*ncon, 1);
            newbal = ComputeLoadImbalanceDiffVec(graph, 2, ctrl->pijbm, ubfactors, newbalv);

            if ((newcut < mincut && newbal <= ffactor) ||
                    (newcut == mincut && (newbal < minbal ||
                                          (newbal == minbal && BetterBalance2Way(ncon, minbalv, newbalv))))) {
                mincut      = newcut;
                minbal      = newbal;
                mincutorder = nswaps;
                rcopy(ncon, newbalv, minbalv);
            else if (nswaps-mincutorder > limit) { /* We hit the limit, undo last move */
                newcut += (ed[higain]-id[higain]);
                iaxpy(ncon,  1, vwgt+higain*ncon, 1, pwgts+from*ncon, 1);
                iaxpy(ncon, -1, vwgt+higain*ncon, 1, pwgts+to*ncon,   1);

            where[higain] = to;
            moved[higain] = nswaps;
            swaps[nswaps] = higain;

            if (ctrl->dbglvl&METIS_DBG_MOVEINFO) {
                printf("Moved%6"PRIDX" from %"PRIDX"(%"PRIDX") Gain:%5"PRIDX", "
                       "Cut:%5"PRIDX", NPwgts:", higain, from, cnum, ed[higain]-id[higain], newcut);
                for (l=0; l<ncon; l++)
                    printf("(%.3"PRREAL" %.3"PRREAL")", pwgts[l]*invtvwgt[l], pwgts[ncon+l]*invtvwgt[l]);
                printf(" %+.3"PRREAL" LB: %.3"PRREAL"(%+.3"PRREAL")\n",
                       minbal, ComputeLoadImbalance(graph, 2, ctrl->pijbm), newbal);

            * Update the id[i]/ed[i] values of the affected nodes
            SWAP(id[higain], ed[higain], tmp);
            if (ed[higain] == 0 && xadj[higain] < xadj[higain+1])
                BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind,  bndptr, higain);

            for (j=xadj[higain]; j<xadj[higain+1]; j++) {
                k = adjncy[j];

                kwgt = (to == where[k] ? adjwgt[j] : -adjwgt[j]);
                INC_DEC(id[k], ed[k], kwgt);

                /* Update its boundary information and queue position */
                if (bndptr[k] != -1) { /* If k was a boundary vertex */
                    if (ed[k] == 0) { /* Not a boundary vertex any more */
                        BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
                        if (moved[k] == -1)  /* Remove it if in the queues */
                            rpqDelete(queues[2*qnum[k]+where[k]], k);
                    else { /* If it has not been moved, update its position in the queue */
                        if (moved[k] == -1) {
                            //rgain = 1.0*(ed[k]-id[k])/sqrt(vwgt[k*ncon+qnum[k]]+1);
                            //rgain = (ed[k]-id[k] > 0 ?
                            //              1.0*(ed[k]-id[k])/sqrt(vwgt[k*ncon+qnum[k]]+1) : ed[k]-id[k]);
                            rgain = ed[k]-id[k];
                            rpqUpdate(queues[2*qnum[k]+where[k]], k, rgain);
                else {
                    if (ed[k] > 0) {  /* It will now become a boundary vertex */
                        BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
                        if (moved[k] == -1) {
                            //rgain = 1.0*(ed[k]-id[k])/sqrt(vwgt[k*ncon+qnum[k]]+1);
                            //rgain = (ed[k]-id[k] > 0 ?
                            //              1.0*(ed[k]-id[k])/sqrt(vwgt[k*ncon+qnum[k]]+1) : ed[k]-id[k]);
                            rgain = ed[k]-id[k];
                            rpqInsert(queues[2*qnum[k]+where[k]], k, rgain);


        * Roll back computations
        for (i=0; i<nswaps; i++)
            moved[swaps[i]] = -1;  /* reset moved array */
        for (nswaps--; nswaps>mincutorder; nswaps--) {
            higain = swaps[nswaps];

            to = where[higain] = (where[higain]+1)%2;
            SWAP(id[higain], ed[higain], tmp);
            if (ed[higain] == 0 && bndptr[higain] != -1 && xadj[higain] < xadj[higain+1])
                BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind,  bndptr, higain);
            else if (ed[higain] > 0 && bndptr[higain] == -1)
                BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind,  bndptr, higain);

            iaxpy(ncon,  1, vwgt+higain*ncon, 1, pwgts+to*ncon,         1);
            iaxpy(ncon, -1, vwgt+higain*ncon, 1, pwgts+((to+1)%2)*ncon, 1);
            for (j=xadj[higain]; j<xadj[higain+1]; j++) {
                k = adjncy[j];

                kwgt = (to == where[k] ? adjwgt[j] : -adjwgt[j]);
                INC_DEC(id[k], ed[k], kwgt);

                if (bndptr[k] != -1 && ed[k] == 0)
                    BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
                if (bndptr[k] == -1 && ed[k] > 0)
                    BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);

        graph->mincut = mincut;
        graph->nbnd   = nbnd;

        IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_REFINE,
              Print2WayRefineStats(ctrl, graph, ntpwgts, minbal, mincutorder));

        if (mincutorder <= 0 || mincut == initcut)

    for (i=0; i<2*ncon; i++)

Esempio n. 3
File: mfm.c Progetto: cran/BigQuic
* This function performs an edge-based FM refinement
void MocFM_2WayEdgeRefine(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph, float *tpwgts, int npasses)
  int i, ii, j, k, l, kwgt, nvtxs, ncon, nbnd, nswaps, from, to, pass, me, limit, tmp, cnum;
  idxtype *xadj, *adjncy, *adjwgt, *where, *id, *ed, *bndptr, *bndind;
  idxtype *moved, *swaps, *perm, *qnum;
  float *nvwgt, *npwgts, mindiff[MAXNCON], origbal, minbal, newbal;
  PQueueType parts[MAXNCON][2];
  int higain, oldgain, mincut, initcut, newcut, mincutorder;
  float rtpwgts[2];

  nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
  ncon = graph->ncon;
  xadj = graph->xadj;
  nvwgt = graph->nvwgt;
  adjncy = graph->adjncy;
  adjwgt = graph->adjwgt;
  where = graph->where;
  id = graph->id;
  ed = graph->ed;
  npwgts = graph->npwgts;
  bndptr = graph->bndptr;
  bndind = graph->bndind;

  moved = idxwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  swaps = idxwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  perm = idxwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
  qnum = idxwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);

  limit = amin(amax(0.01*nvtxs, 25), 150);

  /* Initialize the queues */
  for (i=0; i<ncon; i++) {
    PQueueInit(ctrl, &parts[i][0], nvtxs, PLUS_GAINSPAN+1);
    PQueueInit(ctrl, &parts[i][1], nvtxs, PLUS_GAINSPAN+1);
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++)
    qnum[i] = samax(ncon, nvwgt+i*ncon);

  origbal = Compute2WayHLoadImbalance(ncon, npwgts, tpwgts);

  rtpwgts[0] = origbal*tpwgts[0];
  rtpwgts[1] = origbal*tpwgts[1];

  if (ctrl->dbglvl&DBG_REFINE) {
    printf("Parts: [");
    for (l=0; l<ncon; l++)
      printf("(%.3f, %.3f) ", npwgts[l], npwgts[ncon+l]);
    printf("] T[%.3f %.3f], Nv-Nb[%5d, %5d]. ICut: %6d, LB: %.3f\n", tpwgts[0], tpwgts[1], graph->nvtxs, graph->nbnd, graph->mincut, origbal);

  idxset(nvtxs, -1, moved);
  for (pass=0; pass<npasses; pass++) { /* Do a number of passes */
    for (i=0; i<ncon; i++) { 

    mincutorder = -1;
    newcut = mincut = initcut = graph->mincut;
    for (i=0; i<ncon; i++)
      mindiff[i] = fabs(tpwgts[0]-npwgts[i]);
    minbal = Compute2WayHLoadImbalance(ncon, npwgts, tpwgts);

    ASSERT(ComputeCut(graph, where) == graph->mincut);

    /* Insert boundary nodes in the priority queues */
    nbnd = graph->nbnd;
    RandomPermute(nbnd, perm, 1);
    for (ii=0; ii<nbnd; ii++) {
      i = bndind[perm[ii]];
      ASSERT(ed[i] > 0 || id[i] == 0);
      ASSERT(bndptr[i] != -1);
      PQueueInsert(&parts[qnum[i]][where[i]], i, ed[i]-id[i]);

    for (nswaps=0; nswaps<nvtxs; nswaps++) {
      SelectQueue(ncon, npwgts, rtpwgts, &from, &cnum, parts);
      to = (from+1)%2;

      if (from == -1 || (higain = PQueueGetMax(&parts[cnum][from])) == -1)
      ASSERT(bndptr[higain] != -1);

      saxpy(ncon, 1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+to*ncon, 1);
      saxpy(ncon, -1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+from*ncon, 1);

      newcut -= (ed[higain]-id[higain]);
      newbal = Compute2WayHLoadImbalance(ncon, npwgts, tpwgts);

      if ((newcut < mincut && newbal-origbal <= .00001) || 
          (newcut == mincut && (newbal < minbal || 
                                (newbal == minbal && BetterBalance(ncon, npwgts, tpwgts, mindiff))))) {
        mincut = newcut;
        minbal = newbal;
        mincutorder = nswaps;
        for (i=0; i<ncon; i++)
          mindiff[i] = fabs(tpwgts[0]-npwgts[i]);
      else if (nswaps-mincutorder > limit) { /* We hit the limit, undo last move */
        newcut += (ed[higain]-id[higain]);
        saxpy(ncon, 1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+from*ncon, 1);
        saxpy(ncon, -1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+to*ncon, 1);

      where[higain] = to;
      moved[higain] = nswaps;
      swaps[nswaps] = higain;

      if (ctrl->dbglvl&DBG_MOVEINFO) {
        printf("Moved %6d from %d(%d). Gain: %5d, Cut: %5d, NPwgts: ", higain, from, cnum, ed[higain]-id[higain], newcut);
        for (l=0; l<ncon; l++) 
          printf("(%.3f, %.3f) ", npwgts[l], npwgts[ncon+l]);
        printf(", %.3f LB: %.3f\n", minbal, newbal);

      * Update the id[i]/ed[i] values of the affected nodes
      SWAP(id[higain], ed[higain], tmp);
      if (ed[higain] == 0 && xadj[higain] < xadj[higain+1]) 
        BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind,  bndptr, higain);

      for (j=xadj[higain]; j<xadj[higain+1]; j++) {
        k = adjncy[j];
        oldgain = ed[k]-id[k];

        kwgt = (to == where[k] ? adjwgt[j] : -adjwgt[j]);
        INC_DEC(id[k], ed[k], kwgt);

        /* Update its boundary information and queue position */
        if (bndptr[k] != -1) { /* If k was a boundary vertex */
          if (ed[k] == 0) { /* Not a boundary vertex any more */
            BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
            if (moved[k] == -1)  /* Remove it if in the queues */
              PQueueDelete(&parts[qnum[k]][where[k]], k, oldgain);
          else { /* If it has not been moved, update its position in the queue */
            if (moved[k] == -1)
              PQueueUpdate(&parts[qnum[k]][where[k]], k, oldgain, ed[k]-id[k]);
        else {
          if (ed[k] > 0) {  /* It will now become a boundary vertex */
            BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
            if (moved[k] == -1) 
              PQueueInsert(&parts[qnum[k]][where[k]], k, ed[k]-id[k]);


    * Roll back computations
    for (i=0; i<nswaps; i++)
      moved[swaps[i]] = -1;  /* reset moved array */
    for (nswaps--; nswaps>mincutorder; nswaps--) {
      higain = swaps[nswaps];

      to = where[higain] = (where[higain]+1)%2;
      SWAP(id[higain], ed[higain], tmp);
      if (ed[higain] == 0 && bndptr[higain] != -1 && xadj[higain] < xadj[higain+1])
        BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind,  bndptr, higain);
      else if (ed[higain] > 0 && bndptr[higain] == -1)
        BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind,  bndptr, higain);

      saxpy(ncon, 1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+to*ncon, 1);
      saxpy(ncon, -1.0, nvwgt+higain*ncon, 1, npwgts+((to+1)%2)*ncon, 1);
      for (j=xadj[higain]; j<xadj[higain+1]; j++) {
        k = adjncy[j];

        kwgt = (to == where[k] ? adjwgt[j] : -adjwgt[j]);
        INC_DEC(id[k], ed[k], kwgt);

        if (bndptr[k] != -1 && ed[k] == 0)
          BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
        if (bndptr[k] == -1 && ed[k] > 0)
          BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);

    if (ctrl->dbglvl&DBG_REFINE) {
      printf("\tMincut: %6d at %5d, NBND: %6d, NPwgts: [", mincut, mincutorder, nbnd);
      for (l=0; l<ncon; l++)
        printf("(%.3f, %.3f) ", npwgts[l], npwgts[ncon+l]);
      printf("], LB: %.3f\n", Compute2WayHLoadImbalance(ncon, npwgts, tpwgts));

    graph->mincut = mincut;
    graph->nbnd = nbnd;

    if (mincutorder == -1 || mincut == initcut)

  for (i=0; i<ncon; i++) {
    PQueueFree(ctrl, &parts[i][0]);
    PQueueFree(ctrl, &parts[i][1]);

  idxwspacefree(ctrl, nvtxs);
  idxwspacefree(ctrl, nvtxs);
  idxwspacefree(ctrl, nvtxs);
  idxwspacefree(ctrl, nvtxs);
