FCrashUpload::FCrashUpload(const FString& ServerAddress) : UrlPrefix(ServerAddress / "CrashReporter") , State(EUploadState::NotSet) , PauseState(EUploadState::Ready) { SendPingRequest(); }
void CServerContext::Think() { HandleNetworking(); if(time(0) >= lastping + PING_INTERVAL) SendPingRequest(); }
int JoinGameLobby::Run(sf::RenderWindow & App) { m_running = true; if(!m_Inited) Init(); while(m_running) { App.Clear(); App.Draw(m_Background); while(App.GetEvent(m_Event)) { if(m_Event.Type == sf::Event::Closed) { m_running = false; return (-1); } // BACK TO MAIN MENU if(m_Event.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && m_Event.Key.Code == sf::Key::Escape) { m_running = false; return 1; } // CHECK PLAYERS ON SERVER if(m_Event.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && m_Event.Key.Code == sf::Key::F1) { SendPlayersRequest(); } // JOIN TO GAME if(m_Event.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && m_Event.Key.Code == sf::Key::F5) { SendNewPlayerJoin(); } m_serverIPBox->HandleEvent(m_Event); } // end of events while loop #pragma region debuginfo std::ostringstream bufor; sf::String tdebug; tdebug.SetFont(sf::Font::GetDefaultFont()); tdebug.SetSize(20); tdebug.SetColor(sf::Color(255,0,0,255)); bufor << "Port= " << GMGI->m_SocketUDP.GetPort() << "\nPing= " << m_ServerPing; bufor << "\n" << "Players Count= " << m_PlayerCount; tdebug.SetText(bufor.str()); App.Draw(tdebug); #pragma endregion // if server accept my connection. Go to OnlineGame if(m_StartGame) return 5; RecivePackets(); // draw textbox for server ip m_serverIPBox->Show(App); // check ping every 5sec if(m_pingclock.GetElapsedTime() >= 5.f) { SendPingRequest(); m_pingclock.Reset(); } App.Display(); sf::Sleep(0.01f); } // end of while loop return (-1); }