Esempio n. 1
  SMI handler for AP.

  @param     CpuIndex         AP processor Index.
  @param     ValidSmi         Indicates that current SMI is a valid SMI or not.
  @param     SyncMode         SMM MP sync mode.

APHandler (
  IN      UINTN                     CpuIndex,
  IN      BOOLEAN                   ValidSmi,
  IN      SMM_CPU_SYNC_MODE         SyncMode
  UINT64                            Timer;
  UINTN                             BspIndex;
  MTRR_SETTINGS                     Mtrrs;

  // Timeout BSP
  for (Timer = StartSyncTimer ();
       !IsSyncTimerTimeout (Timer) &&
       ) {
    CpuPause ();

  if (!mSmmMpSyncData->InsideSmm) {
    // BSP timeout in the first round
    if (mSmmMpSyncData->BspIndex != -1) {
      // BSP Index is known
      BspIndex = mSmmMpSyncData->BspIndex;
      ASSERT (CpuIndex != BspIndex);

      // Send SMI IPI to bring BSP in
      SendSmiIpi ((UINT32)gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo[BspIndex].ProcessorId);

      // Now clock BSP for the 2nd time
      for (Timer = StartSyncTimer ();
           !IsSyncTimerTimeout (Timer) &&
           ) {
        CpuPause ();

      if (!mSmmMpSyncData->InsideSmm) {
        // Give up since BSP is unable to enter SMM
        // and signal the completion of this AP
        WaitForSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->Counter);
    } else {
      // Don't know BSP index. Give up without sending IPI to BSP.
      WaitForSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->Counter);

  // BSP is available
  BspIndex = mSmmMpSyncData->BspIndex;
  ASSERT (CpuIndex != BspIndex);

  // Mark this processor's presence
  mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Present = TRUE;

  if (SyncMode == SmmCpuSyncModeTradition || SmmCpuFeaturesNeedConfigureMtrrs()) {
    // Notify BSP of arrival at this point
    ReleaseSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[BspIndex].Run);

  if (SmmCpuFeaturesNeedConfigureMtrrs()) {
    // Wait for the signal from BSP to backup MTRRs
    WaitForSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Run);

    // Backup OS MTRRs

    // Signal BSP the completion of this AP
    ReleaseSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[BspIndex].Run);

    // Wait for BSP's signal to program MTRRs
    WaitForSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Run);

    // Replace OS MTRRs with SMI MTRRs
    ReplaceOSMtrrs (CpuIndex);

    // Signal BSP the completion of this AP
    ReleaseSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[BspIndex].Run);

  while (TRUE) {
    // Wait for something to happen
    WaitForSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Run);

    // Check if BSP wants to exit SMM
    if (!mSmmMpSyncData->InsideSmm) {

    // BUSY should be acquired by SmmStartupThisAp()
    ASSERT (
      !AcquireSpinLockOrFail (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Busy)

    // Invoke the scheduled procedure
    (*mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Procedure) (

    // Release BUSY
    ReleaseSpinLock (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Busy);

  if (SmmCpuFeaturesNeedConfigureMtrrs()) {
    // Notify BSP the readiness of this AP to program MTRRs
    ReleaseSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[BspIndex].Run);

    // Wait for the signal from BSP to program MTRRs
    WaitForSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Run);

    // Restore OS MTRRs
    SmmCpuFeaturesReenableSmrr ();

  // Notify BSP the readiness of this AP to Reset states/semaphore for this processor
  ReleaseSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[BspIndex].Run);

  // Wait for the signal from BSP to Reset states/semaphore for this processor
  WaitForSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Run);

  // Reset states/semaphore for this processor
  mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Present = FALSE;

  // Notify BSP the readiness of this AP to exit SMM
  ReleaseSemaphore (&mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[BspIndex].Run);

Esempio n. 2
  Relocate SmmBases for each processor.

  Execute on first boot and all S3 resumes

SmmRelocateBases (
  UINT8                 BakBuf[BACK_BUF_SIZE];
  UINT8                 *U8Ptr;
  UINT32                ApicId;
  UINTN                 Index;
  UINTN                 BspIndex;

  // Make sure the reserved size is large enough for procedure SmmInitTemplate.
  ASSERT (sizeof (BakBuf) >= gcSmmInitSize);

  // Patch ASM code template with current CR0, CR3, and CR4 values
  gSmmCr0 = (UINT32)AsmReadCr0 ();
  gSmmCr3 = (UINT32)AsmReadCr3 ();
  gSmmCr4 = (UINT32)AsmReadCr4 ();

  // Patch GDTR for SMM base relocation
  gcSmiInitGdtr.Base  = gcSmiGdtr.Base;
  gcSmiInitGdtr.Limit = gcSmiGdtr.Limit;


  // Backup original contents at address 0x38000
  CopyMem (BakBuf, U8Ptr, sizeof (BakBuf));
  CopyMem (&BakBuf2, CpuStatePtr, sizeof (BakBuf2));

  // Load image for relocation
  CopyMem (U8Ptr, gcSmmInitTemplate, gcSmmInitSize);

  // Retrieve the local APIC ID of current processor
  ApicId = GetApicId ();

  // Relocate SM bases for all APs
  // This is APs' 1st SMI - rebase will be done here, and APs' default SMI handler will be overridden by gcSmmInitTemplate
  mIsBsp   = FALSE;
  BspIndex = (UINTN)-1;
  for (Index = 0; Index < mNumberOfCpus; Index++) {
    mRebased[Index] = FALSE;
    if (ApicId != (UINT32)gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].ProcessorId) {
      SendSmiIpi ((UINT32)gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].ProcessorId);
      // Wait for this AP to finish its 1st SMI
      while (!mRebased[Index]);
    } else {
      // BSP will be Relocated later
      BspIndex = Index;

  // Relocate BSP's SMM base
  ASSERT (BspIndex != (UINTN)-1);
  mIsBsp = TRUE;
  SendSmiIpi (ApicId);
  // Wait for the BSP to finish its 1st SMI
  while (!mRebased[BspIndex]);

  // Restore contents at address 0x38000
  CopyMem (CpuStatePtr, &BakBuf2, sizeof (BakBuf2));
  CopyMem (U8Ptr, BakBuf, sizeof (BakBuf));
Esempio n. 3
  Given timeout constraint, wait for all APs to arrive, and insure when this function returns, no AP will execute normal mode code before
  entering SMM, except SMI disabled APs.

SmmWaitForApArrival (
  UINT64                            Timer;
  UINTN                             Index;

  ASSERT (mSmmMpSyncData->Counter <= mNumberOfCpus);

  // Platform implementor should choose a timeout value appropriately:
  // - The timeout value should balance the SMM time constrains and the likelihood that delayed CPUs are excluded in the SMM run. Note
  //   the SMI Handlers must ALWAYS take into account the cases that not all APs are available in an SMI run.
  // - The timeout value must, in the case of 2nd timeout, be at least long enough to give time for all APs to receive the SMI IPI
  //   and either enter SMM or buffer the SMI, to insure there is no CPU running normal mode code when SMI handling starts. This will
  //   be TRUE even if a blocked CPU is brought out of the blocked state by a normal mode CPU (before the normal mode CPU received the
  //   SMI IPI), because with a buffered SMI, and CPU will enter SMM immediately after it is brought out of the blocked state.
  // - The timeout value must be longer than longest possible IO operation in the system

  // Sync with APs 1st timeout
  for (Timer = StartSyncTimer ();
       !IsSyncTimerTimeout (Timer) &&
       ) {
    CpuPause ();

  // Not all APs have arrived, so we need 2nd round of timeout. IPIs should be sent to ALL none present APs,
  // because:
  // a) Delayed AP may have just come out of the delayed state. Blocked AP may have just been brought out of blocked state by some AP running
  //    normal mode code. These APs need to be guaranteed to have an SMI pending to insure that once they are out of delayed / blocked state, they
  //    enter SMI immediately without executing instructions in normal mode. Note traditional flow requires there are no APs doing normal mode
  //    work while SMI handling is on-going.
  // b) As a consequence of SMI IPI sending, (spurious) SMI may occur after this SMM run.
  // c) ** NOTE **: Use SMI disabling feature VERY CAREFULLY (if at all) for traditional flow, because a processor in SMI-disabled state
  //    will execute normal mode code, which breaks the traditional SMI handlers' assumption that no APs are doing normal
  //    mode work while SMI handling is on-going.
  // d) We don't add code to check SMI disabling status to skip sending IPI to SMI disabled APs, because:
  //    - In traditional flow, SMI disabling is discouraged.
  //    - In relaxed flow, CheckApArrival() will check SMI disabling status before calling this function.
  //    In both cases, adding SMI-disabling checking code increases overhead.
  if (mSmmMpSyncData->Counter < mNumberOfCpus) {
    // Send SMI IPIs to bring outside processors in
    for (Index = mMaxNumberOfCpus; Index-- > 0;) {
      if (!mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[Index].Present && gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].ProcessorId != INVALID_APIC_ID) {
        SendSmiIpi ((UINT32)gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].ProcessorId);

    // Sync with APs 2nd timeout.
    for (Timer = StartSyncTimer ();
         !IsSyncTimerTimeout (Timer) &&
         ) {
      CpuPause ();
