Esempio n. 1
Int2 Main(void)
	AsnIoPtr aip;
	SeqEntryPtr sep;
	BytePtr buf;
	Uint2 size = 32000, count;
	AsnIoMemPtr aimp;

					/* check command line arguments */

	if ( ! GetArgs("testmem",NUMARG, myargs))
		return 1;

					/* load the sequence alphabets  */
					/* (and sequence parse trees)   */
	if (! SeqEntryLoad())

					/* open the ASN.1 input file in the right mode */

	if ((aip = AsnIoOpen (myargs[0].strvalue, myargs[1].intvalue?"rb":"r"))
          == NULL)
	sep = SeqEntryAsnRead(aip, NULL);   	/* read the entry */

	SeqEntryPack(sep);						/* pack it */

	buf = MemNew(size);                     /* allocate a buffer */
	aimp = AsnIoMemOpen("wb", buf, size);	/* open to write asn1 to it */
	SeqEntryAsnWrite(sep, aimp->aip, NULL);	/* write it */
	AsnIoFlush(aimp->aip);					/* flush it */
	count = aimp->count;					/* record how many bytes in it */
	AsnIoMemClose(aimp);					/* close it */

	SeqEntryFree(sep);						/* release the object */

	aimp = AsnIoMemOpen("rb", buf, count);	/* open to read from buffer */
	sep = SeqEntryAsnRead(aimp->aip, NULL);	/* read it */
	AsnIoMemClose(aimp);					/* close it */
	MemFree(buf);							/* free the buffer */

				  				/* open the output file */

	aip = AsnIoOpen (myargs[2].strvalue, "w");
	SeqEntryAsnWrite(sep, aip, NULL);	/* print it */


Esempio n. 2
static Int4 ProcessStream (InputStreamPtr isp, OutputStreamPtr osp, AsnStreamPtr asp, Int4Ptr gap_sizes)
  AsnTypePtr   atp, atp_srch;
  AsnIoPtr asn_in, asn_out;
  Int4         rval = 0;
  SeqEntryPtr  sep;
  Uint2        entityID;
  DataVal av;
  if (isp == NULL || osp == NULL || asp == NULL || gap_sizes == NULL) return 1;

  asn_in = AsnIoFromInputStream (isp);
  asn_out = AsnIoFromOutputStream (osp);

  if (isp->is_seqentry) {
    atp = asp->atp_se;
    atp_srch = asp->atp_se;
  else {
    atp = asp->atp_bss;
    atp_srch = asp->atp_bss_se;

  while ((atp = AsnReadId(asn_in, asp->amp, atp)) != NULL && rval == 0) {
    if (atp != atp_srch) {
      AsnReadVal(asn_in, atp, &av);
      AsnWrite(asn_out, atp, &av);
      AsnKillValue(atp, &av);
    if ((sep = SeqEntryAsnRead(asn_in, atp)) == NULL) {
      Message (MSG_POSTERR, "SeqEntryAsnRead failure");
      rval = 1;
    } else  {
      entityID = ObjMgrRegister (OBJ_SEQENTRY, sep);
      ProcessSeqEntry (sep, gap_sizes);

      if (! SeqEntryAsnWrite(sep, asn_out, atp)) {
       Message (MSG_POSTERR, "SeqEntryAsnWrite failure");
       rval = 1;
      ObjMgrFreeByEntityID (entityID);
  }                             /* Endwhile, AsnReadId */

  if (asn_out != osp->aip) {
  return rval;
Esempio n. 3
Int2 Main (void)

  AsnIoPtr     aip;
  Boolean      convertgis;
  Boolean      extractmrnas;
  CharPtr      infile, outfile;
  SeqEntryPtr  sep;

  /* standard setup */

  ErrSetFatalLevel (SEV_MAX);
  ErrClearOptFlags (EO_SHOW_USERSTR);
  UseLocalAsnloadDataAndErrMsg ();
  ErrPathReset ();

  /* finish resolving internal connections in ASN.1 parse tables */

  if (! AllObjLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "AllObjLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! SubmitAsnLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "SubmitAsnLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! FeatDefSetLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "FeatDefSetLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! SeqCodeSetLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "SeqCodeSetLoad failed");
    return 1;
  if (! GeneticCodeTableLoad ()) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "GeneticCodeTableLoad failed");
    return 1;

  /* process command line arguments */

  if (! GetArgs ("gi2accn", sizeof (myargs) / sizeof (Args), myargs)) {
    return 0;

  infile = (CharPtr) myargs [i_argInputFile].strvalue;
  outfile = (CharPtr) myargs [o_argOutputFile].strvalue;
  convertgis = (Boolean) myargs [c_argConvertGIs].intvalue;
  extractmrnas = (Boolean) myargs [x_argExtractMrnas].intvalue;

  aip = AsnIoOpen (infile, "r");
  if (aip == NULL) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "AsnIoOpen input file failed");
    return 1;

  sep = SeqEntryAsnRead (aip, NULL);
  AsnIoClose (aip);
  if (sep == NULL) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "SeqEntryAsnRead failed");
    return 1;

  PubSeqFetchEnable ();


  /* Extract mRNA hits from BLAST against nr */

  if (extractmrnas) {
    VisitAnnotsInSep (sep, NULL, FindBlastNR);
    DeleteMarkedObjects (0, OBJ_SEQENTRY, (Pointer) sep);

  /* convert gi numbers to accession.version */

  if (convertgis) {
    VisitAlignmentsInSep (sep, NULL, UpdateAligns);

  PubSeqFetchDisable ();

  BasicSeqEntryCleanup (sep);

  aip = AsnIoOpen (outfile, "w");
  if (aip == NULL) {
    Message (MSG_FATAL, "AsnIoOpen output file failed");
    return 1;

  SeqEntryAsnWrite (sep, aip, NULL);
  AsnIoClose (aip);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
Int2 Main(void)
	AsnIoPtr aip;
	FILE * aa = NULL, * na = NULL, * ql = NULL;
	SeqEntryPtr sep;
	SeqSubmitPtr ssp;
	AsnTypePtr atp, atp2;
	AsnModulePtr amp;
	Uint1 group_segs = 0;
	Boolean limit_to_genbank,

					/* check command line arguments */

	if ( ! GetArgs("asn2fast",NUMARG, myargs))
		return 1;

					/* load the sequence alphabets  */
					/* (and sequence parse trees)   */
	if (! SeqEntryLoad())
		return 1;
				    /* get pointer to all loaded ASN.1 modules */
	amp = AsnAllModPtr();
	if (amp == NULL)
		return 1;

	if (myargs[11].intvalue) {
		if (! SubmitAsnLoad())
			Message(MSG_FATAL, "Unable to load parse trees.");
		atp2 = AsnFind("Seq-submit");
		if (atp2 == NULL)
			Message(MSG_FATAL, "Unable to find Seq-submit");
		atp = AsnFind("Seq-submit");
		if (atp == NULL)
			Message(MSG_FATAL, "Unable to find Seq-submit");

	} else {
		atp = AsnFind("Bioseq-set"); /* get the initial type pointers */
		if (atp == NULL)
			return 1;
		atp2 = AsnFind("Bioseq-set.seq-set.E");
		if (atp2 == NULL)
			return 1;

	make_protein = (Boolean)(myargs[7].intvalue);
	make_dna = (Boolean)(myargs[8].intvalue);
	make_quality = (Boolean)(myargs[12].intvalue);
	far_quality = (Boolean)(myargs[14].intvalue);

					/* open the ASN.1 input file in the right mode */

	if ((aip = AsnIoOpen (myargs[0].strvalue, myargs[2].intvalue?"rb":"r"))
          == NULL)
		return 1;

				  				/* open the output file */

	if ((myargs[3].strvalue != NULL) && (make_protein))
		if ( (aa = FileOpen (myargs[3].strvalue, "w")) == NULL)
			return 1;

	if ((myargs[4].strvalue != NULL) && (make_dna))
		if ( (na = FileOpen (myargs[4].strvalue, "w")) == NULL)
			return 1;

	if ((myargs[13].strvalue != NULL) && (make_quality))
		if ( (ql = FileOpen (myargs[13].strvalue, "w")) == NULL)
			return 1;

                                /* log errors instead of die */
    if (myargs[5].strvalue != NULL)
        if (! ErrSetLog (myargs[5].strvalue))
            ErrSetOpts (ERR_CONTINUE, ERR_LOG_ON);

	if (myargs[6].intvalue)  /* combine segmented seqs */
		group_segs = 1;
		if (myargs[10].intvalue)
			group_segs = 3;       /* and instantiate virtuals */

	limit_to_genbank = (Boolean)(myargs[9].intvalue);

	if (myargs [15].intvalue) {
		ID1BioseqFetchEnable ("asn2fast", FALSE);
	if (myargs [16].intvalue) {
		LocalSeqFetchInit (FALSE);

	if ( myargs[1].intvalue)   /* read one Seq-entry */

		sep = SeqEntryAsnRead(aip, NULL);
		do_it = TRUE;
		if (limit_to_genbank)
			do_it = CheckIsGenBank(sep);
		if (do_it)
			if (make_protein)
				SeqEntrysToFasta(sep, aa, FALSE, group_segs);
			if (make_dna)
				SeqEntrysToFasta(sep, na, TRUE, group_segs);
			if (make_quality) {
				if (far_quality) {
					SeqEntryExplore (sep, (Pointer) ql, PrintFarQualScores);
				} else {
					SeqEntryExplore (sep, (Pointer) ql, PrintQualScores);
	else if ( myargs[11].intvalue)   /* read Seq-submit's */
		while ((atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, atp)) != NULL)
			if (atp == atp2)    /* top level Seq-entry */
				ssp = SeqSubmitAsnRead(aip, atp);
				if (ssp->datatype == 1)
					sep = (SeqEntryPtr) ssp->data;
					do_it = TRUE;
					if (limit_to_genbank)
						do_it = CheckIsGenBank(sep);
					if (do_it)
						if (make_protein)
							SeqEntrysToFasta(sep, aa, FALSE, group_segs);
						if (make_dna)
							SeqEntrysToFasta(sep, na, TRUE, group_segs);
						if (make_quality) {
							if (far_quality) {
								SeqEntryExplore (sep, (Pointer) ql, PrintFarQualScores);
							} else {
								SeqEntryExplore (sep, (Pointer) ql, PrintQualScores);
				AsnReadVal(aip, atp, NULL);
	else                      /* read Seq-entry's from a Bioseq-set */
		while ((atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, atp)) != NULL)
			if (atp == atp2)    /* top level Seq-entry */
				sep = SeqEntryAsnRead(aip, atp);
				do_it = TRUE;
				if (limit_to_genbank)
					do_it = CheckIsGenBank(sep);
				if (do_it)
					if (make_protein)
						SeqEntrysToFasta(sep, aa, FALSE, group_segs);
					if (make_dna)
						SeqEntrysToFasta(sep, na, TRUE, group_segs);
					if (make_quality) {
						if (far_quality) {
							SeqEntryExplore (sep, (Pointer) ql, PrintFarQualScores);
						} else {
							SeqEntryExplore (sep, (Pointer) ql, PrintQualScores);
				AsnReadVal(aip, atp, NULL);

	if (make_protein)
	if (make_dna)
	if (make_quality)
		FileClose (ql);

	if (myargs [16].intvalue) {
		LocalSeqFetchDisable ();
	if (myargs [15].intvalue) {
		ID1BioseqFetchDisable ();

Esempio n. 5
static void GetThisBioseq (XOSPtr xosp)
  GatherScopePtr  gsp;
  CharPtr         asnseqentfile;
  Int4            gi;
  AsnIoPtr        aiop;
  Boolean         flagHaveNet;
  SeqEntryPtr     sep;

  gsp = xosp->gsp;

  aiop = NULL;
  asnseqentfile = xosp->filename;
  gi = xosp->gi;
  xosp->sep = SeqEntryFree (xosp->sep);

  if (gi > 0)
    if (!EntrezInit ("twopv", FALSE, &flagHaveNet))
      ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 102,
                 "Entrez init failed");
      ErrShow ();

  if (gi > 0)
    sep = EntrezSeqEntryGet (gi, SEQENTRY_READ_BIOSEQ);
  else if (asnseqentfile != NULL)
    if ((aiop = AsnIoOpen (asnseqentfile, "r")) == NULL)
      Message (MSG_ERROR, "Failed to open: %s", asnseqentfile);
    sep = SeqEntryAsnRead (aiop, NULL);
    sep = NULL;

  if (sep == NULL)
    ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 104,
               "No SeqEntry");
    ErrShow ();
    xosp->sep = sep;
    xosp->bsp = NULL;
    xosp->gi = gi;
    GatherSeqEntry (sep, (Pointer) xosp, GetBioseq, (Pointer) gsp);

  if (gi > 0)
    EntrezFini ();
    AsnIoClose (aiop);

  if (xosp->bsp != NULL)
    if (!ISA_na (xosp->bsp->mol))
      xosp->sep = SeqEntryFree (xosp->sep);
      xosp->bsp = NULL;
      xosp->filename = (CharPtr) MemFree (xosp->filename);
      xosp->gi = 0;
      ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 101, "Not nucleic acid Bioseq");
      ErrShow ();
    xosp->sep = SeqEntryFree (xosp->sep);
    xosp->filename = (CharPtr) MemFree (xosp->filename);
    xosp->gi = 0;
    ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 101, "No Bioseq");
    ErrShow ();
Esempio n. 6
char *readASNSeq(const short whichEntry, const char *filename,
                const long skiplines,
                const short format,     /* note: this is kASNseqentry or kASNseqset */
                long *seqlen, short *nseq,
                short *error, char **seqid )
  AsnIoPtr aip = NULL;
  SeqEntryPtr the_set;
  AsnTypePtr atp, atp2;
  AsnModulePtr amp;
  Boolean inIsBinary= FALSE; /* damn, why can't asn routines test this? */
  char  *seq, stemp[200];
  int   i, count;

  *seqlen= 0;
  *nseq= 0;
  *error= 0;
  seq= NULL;

/*fprintf(stderr,"readASNseq: SeqEntryLoad\n");*/
    /* asn dictionary setups */
  if (! SeqEntryLoad()) goto errxit; /*  sequence alphabets (and sequence parse trees) */
  amp = AsnAllModPtr();   /* get pointer to all loaded ASN.1 modules */
  if (amp == NULL) goto errxit;
  atp = AsnFind("Bioseq-set");    /* get the initial type pointers */
  if (atp == NULL) goto errxit;
  atp2 = AsnFind("Bioseq-set.seq-set.E");
  if (atp2 == NULL) goto errxit;

      /* open the ASN.1 input file in the right mode */
/*fprintf(stderr,"readASNseq: AsnIoOpen(%s)\n", filename);*/
  if ((aip = AsnIoOpen(filename, inIsBinary?"rb":"r")) == NULL) goto errxit;
  for (i=0; i<skiplines; i++) fgets( stemp, 255, aip->fp);  /* this may mess up asn routines... */

  if (! ErrSetLog ("stderr"))  goto errxit;
  else ErrSetOpts(ERR_CONTINUE, ERR_LOG_ON);    /*??  log errors instead of die */

  seq= NULL;
  if (format == kASNseqentry) {  /* read one Seq-entry */
/*fprintf(stderr,"readASNseq: SeqEntryAsnRead\n");*/
    the_set = SeqEntryAsnRead(aip, NULL);
    SeqEntryToRaw(the_set, false, whichEntry, nseq, &seq, seqid, seqlen);
    goto goodexit;

  else   {                   /* read Seq-entry's from a Bioseq-set */
    count = 0;
/*fprintf(stderr,"readASNseq: AsnReadId\n");*/
    while ((atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, atp)) != NULL) {
      if (atp == atp2)  {  /* top level Seq-entry */
        the_set = SeqEntryAsnRead(aip, atp);
        SeqEntryToRaw(the_set, false, whichEntry, nseq, &seq, seqid, seqlen);
        if (*nseq >= whichEntry) goto goodexit;
        AsnReadVal(aip, atp, NULL);

  *error= 0;
  return seq;

  *error= eASNerr;
  if (seq) free(seq);
  return NULL;
Esempio n. 7
static void ProcessMultipleRecord (
  CharPtr filename,
  CSpeedFlagPtr cfp

  AsnIoPtr     aip;
  AsnTypePtr   atp;
  BioseqPtr    bsp;
  Char         buf [41];
  Uint2        entityID;
  FILE         *fp;
  SeqEntryPtr  fsep;
  Char         longest [41];
  Int4         numrecords, x;
  SeqEntryPtr  sep;
  time_t       starttime, stoptime, worsttime;
#ifdef OS_UNIX
  Char         cmmd [256];
  CharPtr      gzcatprog;
  int          ret;
  Boolean      usedPopen = FALSE;

  if (cfp == NULL) return;

  if (StringHasNoText (filename)) return;

#ifndef OS_UNIX
  if (cfp->compressed) {
    Message (MSG_POSTERR, "Can only decompress on-the-fly on UNIX machines");

#ifdef OS_UNIX
  if (cfp->compressed) {
    gzcatprog = getenv ("NCBI_UNCOMPRESS_BINARY");
    if (gzcatprog != NULL) {
      sprintf (cmmd, "%s %s", gzcatprog, filename);
    } else {
      ret = system ("gzcat -h >/dev/null 2>&1");
      if (ret == 0) {
        sprintf (cmmd, "gzcat %s", filename);
      } else if (ret == -1) {
        Message (MSG_POSTERR, "Unable to fork or exec gzcat in ScanBioseqSetRelease");
      } else {
        ret = system ("zcat -h >/dev/null 2>&1");
        if (ret == 0) {
          sprintf (cmmd, "zcat %s", filename);
        } else if (ret == -1) {
          Message (MSG_POSTERR, "Unable to fork or exec zcat in ScanBioseqSetRelease");
        } else {
          Message (MSG_POSTERR, "Unable to find zcat or gzcat in ScanBioseqSetRelease - please edit your PATH environment variable");
    fp = popen (cmmd, /* cfp->binary? "rb" : */ "r");
    usedPopen = TRUE;
  } else {
    fp = FileOpen (filename, cfp->binary? "rb" : "r");
  fp = FileOpen (filename, cfp->binary? "rb" : "r");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    Message (MSG_POSTERR, "FileOpen failed for input file '%s'", filename);

  aip = AsnIoNew (cfp->binary? ASNIO_BIN_IN : ASNIO_TEXT_IN, fp, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (aip == NULL) {
    Message (MSG_ERROR, "AsnIoNew failed for input file '%s'", filename);

  if (cfp->logfp != NULL) {
    fprintf (cfp->logfp, "%s\n\n", filename);
    fflush (cfp->logfp);

  longest [0] = '\0';
  worsttime = 0;
  numrecords = 0;

  atp = cfp->atp_bss;

  while ((atp = AsnReadId (aip, cfp->amp, atp)) != NULL) {
    if (atp == cfp->atp_se) {

      sep = SeqEntryAsnRead (aip, atp);
      if (sep != NULL) {

        entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);

        fsep = FindNthBioseq (sep, 1);
        if (fsep != NULL && fsep->choice == 1) {
          bsp = (BioseqPtr) fsep->data.ptrvalue;
          if (bsp != NULL) {
            SeqIdWrite (bsp->id, buf, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG, sizeof (buf));
            if (cfp->logfp != NULL) {
              fprintf (cfp->logfp, "%s\n", buf);
              fflush (cfp->logfp);

        starttime = GetSecs ();

        for (x = 0; x < cfp->maxcount; x++) {
          DoProcess (sep, entityID, cfp);
        stoptime = GetSecs ();

        if (stoptime - starttime > worsttime) {
          worsttime = stoptime - starttime;
          StringCpy (longest, buf);

        ObjMgrFreeByEntityID (entityID);

    } else {

      AsnReadVal (aip, atp, NULL);

  AsnIoFree (aip, FALSE);

#ifdef OS_UNIX
  if (usedPopen) {
    pclose (fp);
  } else {
    FileClose (fp);
  FileClose (fp);
  if (cfp->logfp != NULL && (! StringHasNoText (longest))) {
    fprintf (cfp->logfp, "Longest processing time %ld seconds on %s\n",
             (long) worsttime, longest);
    fprintf (cfp->logfp, "Total number of records %ld\n", (long) numrecords);
    fflush (cfp->logfp);
Esempio n. 8
static void ProcessSingleRecord (
  CharPtr filename,
  CSpeedFlagPtr cfp

  AsnIoPtr      aip;
  BioseqPtr     bsp;
  ValNodePtr    bsplist = NULL;
  BioseqSetPtr  bssp;
  Pointer       dataptr = NULL;
  Uint2         datatype, entityID = 0;
  FileCache     fc;
  FILE          *fp;
  Int1          iotype;
  Char          line [512];
  Int4          maxio = 1;
  SeqEntryPtr   sep;
  time_t        starttime, stoptime, worsttime;
  CharPtr       str;
  Int4          x;

  if (cfp == NULL) return;

  if (StringHasNoText (filename)) return;

  if (StringChr (cfp->io, 'r') != NULL) {
    maxio = cfp->maxcount;

  starttime = GetSecs ();

  for (x = 0; x < maxio; x++) {
    if (entityID != 0) {
      ObjMgrFreeByEntityID (entityID);
      entityID = 0;
      dataptr = NULL;

    if (cfp->type == 1) {

      fp = FileOpen (filename, "r");
      if (fp == NULL) {
        Message (MSG_POSTERR, "Failed to open '%s'", filename);

      dataptr = ReadAsnFastaOrFlatFile (fp, &datatype, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);

      FileClose (fp);

      entityID = ObjMgrRegister (datatype, dataptr);

    } else if (cfp->type >= 2 && cfp->type <= 5) {

      aip = AsnIoOpen (filename, cfp->binary? "rb" : "r");
      if (aip == NULL) {
        Message (MSG_POSTERR, "AsnIoOpen failed for input file '%s'", filename);

      switch (cfp->type) {
        case 2 :
          dataptr = (Pointer) SeqEntryAsnRead (aip, NULL);
          datatype = OBJ_SEQENTRY;
        case 3 :
          dataptr = (Pointer) BioseqAsnRead (aip, NULL);
          datatype = OBJ_BIOSEQ;
        case 4 :
          dataptr = (Pointer) BioseqSetAsnRead (aip, NULL);
          datatype = OBJ_BIOSEQSET;
        case 5 :
          dataptr = (Pointer) SeqSubmitAsnRead (aip, NULL);
          datatype = OBJ_SEQSUB;
        default :

      AsnIoClose (aip);

      entityID = ObjMgrRegister (datatype, dataptr);

    } else if (cfp->type == 6) {

      fp = FileOpen (filename, "r");
      if (fp == NULL) {
        Message (MSG_POSTERR, "Failed to open '%s'", filename);

      dataptr = ReadAsnFastaOrFlatFile (fp, &datatype, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);

      FileClose (fp);

      entityID = ObjMgrRegister (datatype, dataptr);

    } else if (cfp->type == 7) {

      fp = FileOpen (filename, "r");
      if (fp == NULL) {
        Message (MSG_POSTERR, "Failed to open '%s'", filename);

      FileCacheSetup (&fc, fp);

      str = FileCacheReadLine (&fc, line, sizeof (line), NULL);
      while (str != NULL) {
        str = FileCacheReadLine (&fc, line, sizeof (line), NULL);

      FileClose (fp);


    } else {
      Message (MSG_POSTERR, "Input format type '%d' unrecognized", (int) cfp->type);

  if (entityID < 1 || dataptr == NULL) {
    Message (MSG_POSTERR, "Data read failed for input file '%s'", filename);

  if (datatype == OBJ_SEQSUB || datatype == OBJ_SEQENTRY ||
        datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQ || datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQSET) {

    stoptime = GetSecs ();
    worsttime = stoptime - starttime;
    if (cfp->logfp != NULL) {
      fprintf (cfp->logfp, "ASN reading time %ld seconds\n", (long) worsttime);
      fflush (cfp->logfp);

    sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);

    if (sep == NULL) {
      sep = SeqEntryNew ();
      if (sep != NULL) {
        if (datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQ) {
          bsp = (BioseqPtr) dataptr;
          sep->choice = 1;
          sep->data.ptrvalue = bsp;
          SeqMgrSeqEntry (SM_BIOSEQ, (Pointer) bsp, sep);
        } else if (datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQSET) {
          bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) dataptr;
          sep->choice = 2;
          sep->data.ptrvalue = bssp;
          SeqMgrSeqEntry (SM_BIOSEQSET, (Pointer) bssp, sep);
        } else {
          sep = SeqEntryFree (sep);
      sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);

    if (sep != NULL) {

      if (cfp->lock) {
        starttime = GetSecs ();

        bsplist = LockFarComponents (sep);

        stoptime = GetSecs ();
        worsttime = stoptime - starttime;
        if (cfp->logfp != NULL) {
          fprintf (cfp->logfp, "Far component locking time %ld seconds\n", (long) worsttime);
          fflush (cfp->logfp);

      if (StringChr (cfp->io, 'w') != NULL) {
        starttime = GetSecs ();

        iotype = ASNIO_TEXT_OUT;
        if (StringChr (cfp->io, 'b') != NULL) {
          iotype = ASNIO_BIN_OUT;

        for (x = 0; x < cfp->maxcount; x++) {
          aip = AsnIoNew (iotype, cfp->ofp, NULL, NULL, NULL);
          if (aip != NULL) {
            SeqEntryAsnWrite (sep, aip, NULL);
            AsnIoFree (aip, FALSE);

        stoptime = GetSecs ();
        worsttime = stoptime - starttime;
        if (cfp->logfp != NULL) {
          fprintf (cfp->logfp, "ASN writing time %ld seconds\n", (long) worsttime);
          fflush (cfp->logfp);

      starttime = GetSecs ();

      for (x = 0; x < cfp->maxcount; x++) {
        DoProcess (sep, entityID, cfp);

      stoptime = GetSecs ();
      worsttime = stoptime - starttime;
      if (cfp->logfp != NULL) {
        fprintf (cfp->logfp, "Internal processing time %ld seconds\n", (long) worsttime);
        fflush (cfp->logfp);

      ObjMgrFreeByEntityID (entityID);

      bsplist = UnlockFarComponents (bsplist);

  } else {

    Message (MSG_POSTERR, "Datatype %d not recognized", (int) datatype);
Esempio n. 9
Int2 Main(void)
	AsnIoPtr       aip;
	SeqEntryPtr    sep;
	BioseqPtr PNTR seqlist;
	Int4           seqnum, i, numseg, lens[10], j;
	Int2           ctr;
	SeqPortPtr     spp;
	Uint1          residue;
	FILE*          fp;
	CharPtr        title;
	Char           buffer[101];
	MonitorPtr     mon;

						/* check command line arguments */

	if ( ! GetArgs("SeqTest",NUMARG, myargs))
		return 1;

	mon = MonitorStrNew("SeqTest", 40);
	SetProgMon(StdProgMon, (Pointer)mon);

	** Load SeqEntry object loader and sequence alphabets

	if (! SeqEntryLoad()) {
		Message(MSG_ERROR, "SeqEntryLoad failed");
		return 1;

	** Use the file "example.prt" as the ASN I/O stream.  This file
	** can be found in the ncbi/demo.  It is in ASN.1 Print Value format.

	if ((aip = AsnIoOpen(myargs[0].strvalue, "r")) == NULL)
		return 1;

	** Write the output to "seqtest.out".

	fp = FileOpen(myargs[1].strvalue, "w");
	fprintf(fp, "Sequence summary:\n\n");

	** Read in the whole entry into the Sequence Entry Pointer, sep.
	** Close the ASN stream, which in turn closes the input file.

	sep = SeqEntryAsnRead(aip, NULL);
	aip = AsnIoClose(aip);

	mon = MonitorFree(mon);
	SetProgMon(NULL, NULL);

	** Determine how many Bioseqs are in this SeqEntry. Allocate
	** enough memory to hold a list of pointer to all of these
	** Bioseqs.  Invoke an Explore function to "visit"each Bioseq.
	** We are allowed to pass one pointer for use by the exploring
	** function, in this case, "BuildList".

	seqnum = BioseqCount(sep);
	seqlist = MemNew((size_t)(seqnum * sizeof(BioseqPtr)));
	BioseqExplore(sep, (Pointer) seqlist, BuildList);

	** For each Bioseq in the SeqEntry write out it's title
	** len, number of gaps, and number of segments. Write out
	** the length of each segment, up to 10.

	for(i = 0; i < seqnum; i++) {
		numseg = BioseqCountSegs(seqlist[i]);
		title = BioseqGetTitle(seqlist[i]);
		FilePuts((VoidPtr)title, fp);
		FilePuts("\n", fp);
		fprintf(fp, "len=%ld gaps=%ld segs=%ld\n", BioseqGetLen(seqlist[i]),
		BioseqGetGaps(seqlist[i]), numseg);
		if ((numseg > 1) && (numseg <= 10)) {
			BioseqGetSegLens (seqlist[i], lens);
			for (j = 0; j < numseg; j++)
				fprintf(fp, "  len = %ld\n", lens[j]);
		FilePuts("\n", fp);

	spp = SeqPortNew(seqlist[0], 0, -1, 0, Seq_code_iupacna);
	if (spp == NULL)
		Message(MSG_ERROR, "fail on SeqPortNew");

	fprintf(fp, "SeqPort: plus strand with SeqPortGetResidue\n\n");

	i = 0;
	while ((residue = SeqPortGetResidue(spp)) != SEQPORT_EOF) {
		if (! IS_residue(residue)) {
			buffer[i] = '\0';
			fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buffer);
			i = 0;
			switch (residue)
				case SEQPORT_VIRT:
					fprintf(fp, "[Gap]\n");
				case SEQPORT_EOS:
					fprintf(fp, "[EOS]\n");
					fprintf(fp, "[Invalid Residue]\n");

		else {
			buffer[i] = residue;
			if (i == 60) {
				buffer[i] = '\0';
				fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buffer);
				i = 0;

	if (i) {
		buffer[i] = '\0';
		fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buffer);

	fprintf(fp, "[EOF]\n");

	fprintf(fp, "\nSeqPort on minus with SeqPortRead\n\n");
	spp = SeqPortNew(seqlist[0], 0, -1, Seq_strand_minus, Seq_code_iupacna);

	if (spp == NULL)
		Message(MSG_ERROR, "fail on SeqPortNew");

	do {
		ctr = SeqPortRead(spp, (Uint1Ptr)buffer, 60);
		if (ctr > 0) {
			buffer[ctr] = '\0';
			fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buffer);
		} else {
			ctr *= -1;
			switch (ctr)
				case SEQPORT_VIRT:
					fprintf(fp, "[Gap]\n");
				case SEQPORT_EOS:
					fprintf(fp, "[EOS]\n");
				case SEQPORT_EOF:
					fprintf(fp, "[EOF]\n");
					fprintf(fp, "[Invalid Residue]\n");
	} while (ctr != SEQPORT_EOF);


	** Write out the nucleic acid sequences in this SeqEntry

	fprintf(fp, "\nNucleic Acids in FASTA format:\n\n");
	SeqEntryToFasta(sep, fp, TRUE);

	** Write out the protein sequences in this SeqEntry.

	fprintf(fp, "\nProteins in FASTA format:\n\n");
	SeqEntryToFasta(sep, fp, FALSE);

	** Close the output file and free up allocated space.


	return 0;