Esempio n. 1
BOOL CNoticeDlg::OnInitDialog()
	return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
	// 异常: OCX 属性页应返回 FALSE
Esempio n. 2
// CSettingsSA::SetValidVideoMode
// Set/validate the required video mode
void CSettingsSA::SetValidVideoMode( void )
    bool bValid = false;
    int iWidth, iHeight, iColorBits, iAdapterIndex;
    bool bAllowUnsafeResolutions = false;

    // First, try to get MTA saved info
    if ( !bValid )
        bValid = g_pCore->GetRequiredDisplayResolution( iWidth, iHeight, iColorBits, iAdapterIndex, bAllowUnsafeResolutions );

    // Otherwise deduce from GTA saved video mode
    if ( !bValid )
        SetAdapter( 0 );
        uint numVidModes = GetNumVideoModes();
        if ( VAR_SavedVideoMode > 0 && VAR_SavedVideoMode < numVidModes )
            VideoMode modeInfo;
            if ( GetVideoModeInfo( &modeInfo, VAR_SavedVideoMode ) )
                iWidth = modeInfo.width;
                iHeight = modeInfo.height;
                iColorBits = modeInfo.depth;
                iAdapterIndex = 0;
                bValid = true;        

    // Finally use default
    if ( !bValid )
        bValid = true;
        iWidth = 800;
        iHeight = 600;
        iColorBits = 32;
        iAdapterIndex = 0;

    // Set adapter
    if ( (uint)iAdapterIndex >= GetNumAdapters() )
        iAdapterIndex = 0;
    SetAdapter( iAdapterIndex );

    // Save desktop resolution
        m_iDesktopWidth = 800;
        m_iDesktopHeight = 600;

        VideoMode currentModeInfo;
        if ( GetVideoModeInfo( &currentModeInfo, GetCurrentVideoMode() ) )
            m_iDesktopWidth = currentModeInfo.width;
            m_iDesktopHeight = currentModeInfo.height;

    // Handle 'unsafe' resolution stuff
    if ( IsUnsafeResolution( iWidth, iHeight ) )
        if ( bAllowUnsafeResolutions )
            // Confirm that res should be used
            SString strMessage = _("Are you sure you want to use this screen resolution?" );
            strMessage += SString( "\n\n%d x %d", iWidth, iHeight );
            if ( MessageBoxUTF8( NULL, strMessage, _("MTA: San Andreas"), MB_YESNO | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONQUESTION ) == IDNO )
                bAllowUnsafeResolutions = false;

        if ( !bAllowUnsafeResolutions )
            // Force down to desktop res if required
            iWidth = m_iDesktopWidth;
            iHeight = m_iDesktopHeight;

    // Ensure res is no smaller than 640 x 480
    iWidth = Max( 640, iWidth );
    iHeight = Max( 480, iHeight );

    // Find mode number which best matches required settings
    uint uiUseVideoMode = FindVideoMode( iWidth, iHeight, iColorBits );

    // Set for GTA to use
    VAR_CurVideoMode = uiUseVideoMode;
    VAR_SavedVideoMode = uiUseVideoMode;
    VAR_CurAdapter = iAdapterIndex;
Esempio n. 3
BOOL NetmonProfile::Load(const TCHAR *szDefaultAdapter)
    TCHAR szCurrentExe[MAX_PATH]={ 0 };
    TCHAR szCurrentDir[MAX_PATH]={ 0 };
    TCHAR szProfile[MAX_PATH]={ 0 };
    TCHAR *pFilePart;
    TCHAR szHiddenProcesses[1000];

    // Get full path name of Netmon.exe
    GetModuleFileName(0, szCurrentExe, MAX_PATH);

    // Get base directory
    GetFullPathName(szCurrentExe, MAX_PATH, szCurrentDir, &pFilePart);
    *pFilePart = TEXT('\0');

    // Get full path name of Netmon.ini
    _tcscpy_s(szProfile, MAX_PATH, szCurrentDir);
    _tcscat_s(szProfile, MAX_PATH, _T("Netmon.ini"));

    // Init
    _pf.Init(szProfile, _T("Netmon Profile v1"));

    // Load preferences
    // If the key doesn't exist, a default value is written to the ini file
    if( _pf.GetString(_T("Adapter"), _szAdapter, 256) == FALSE )

    if( _pf.GetString(_T("AutoStart"), _szAutoStart, MAX_PATH) == FALSE )

    if( _pf.GetInt(_T("AutoCapture"), &_bAutoCapture) == FALSE )

    if( _pf.GetInt(_T("DtViewEnable"), &_bDtViewEnable) == FALSE )

    if( _pf.GetInt(_T("DtViewMaxSpace"), &_iDtViewMaxSpace) == FALSE )
        SetDtViewMaxSpace(0); // No limit

    if( _pf.GetString(_T("HiddenProcess"), szHiddenProcesses, 1000) == FALSE)
        int puid;
        int offset = 0;
        while (_stscanf_s(szHiddenProcesses + offset, _T("%d"), &puid) == 1)

            // Offset
            TCHAR buf[16];
            _stprintf_s(buf, 16, _T("%d"), puid);
            offset += _tcslen(buf) + 1;

    if( _pf.GetString(_T("Language"), _szLanguage, 64) == FALSE )

    if( _pf.GetInt(_T("ShowHidden"), &_bShowHidden) == FALSE )

    return TRUE;