void JXFontCharSetMenu::SelectDefaultCharSet() { JString charSet; if (!JXGetCharacterSetName(&charSet) || !SetCharSet(charSet)) { SetCharSet("iso8859-1"); } }
void JXFontCharSetMenu::Receive ( JBroadcaster* sender, const Message& message ) { if ((sender == itsFontNameMenu && message.Is(JXFontNameMenu::kNameChanged)) || (sender == itsFontSizeMenu && message.Is(JXFontSizeMenu::kSizeChanged))) { itsBroadcastChangeFlag = kJFalse; const JString charSet = GetCharSet(); const JString fontName = itsFontNameMenu->GetFontName(); BuildMenu(fontName, itsFontSizeMenu->GetFontSize()); SetCharSet(charSet); itsBroadcastChangeFlag = kJTrue; } else if (sender == this && message.Is(JXMenu::kNeedsUpdate)) { itsBroadcastChangeFlag = kJFalse; Broadcast(CharSetNeedsUpdate()); CheckItem(itsCurrIndex); itsBroadcastChangeFlag = kJTrue; } else if (sender == this && message.Is(JXMenu::kItemSelected)) { const JXMenu::ItemSelected* selection = dynamic_cast(const JXMenu::ItemSelected*, &message); assert( selection != NULL ); ChooseCharSet(selection->GetIndex()); } else {
void CPWL_Edit::OnKillFocus() { ShowVScrollBar(false); m_pEdit->SelectNone(); SetCaret(false, CFX_PointF(), CFX_PointF()); SetCharSet(FXFONT_ANSI_CHARSET); m_bFocus = false; }
void CIniFile::SetValue(const DESC_KEY key, const CString& value, const bool isQuot) { CString v; if(isQuot) v = Util::Text::UnQuot(value); else v = value; switch(key){ case DESC_KEY_SHIOLINK2_CHARSET: SetCharSet(v); return; case DESC_KEY_SHIOLINK2_LINK_TYPE: SetLinkType(v); return; case DESC_KEY_SHIOLINK2_ACTIVE_CODE_GUID: SetActiveCodeGUID(v); return; } }
void CNumberEdit::Prepare() { if( m_nType == ntDouble ) { struct lconv *pConv = localeconv(); CString charSet( _T("1234567890") ); if( m_dMin < 0.0 || m_dMax < 0.0 ) charSet+= _T('-'); SetCharSet( charSet + pConv->decimal_point ); } else { CString charSet( _T("1234567890") ); if( m_lMin < 0 || m_lMax < 0 ) charSet+= _T('-'); SetCharSet( charSet ); } }
bool CPWL_Edit::OnChar(uint16_t nChar, uint32_t nFlag) { if (m_bMouseDown) return true; bool bRC = true; bool bExit = false; if (!IsCTRLpressed(nFlag)) { if (m_pFillerNotify) { CFX_WideString swChange; int nSelStart = 0; int nSelEnd = 0; GetSel(nSelStart, nSelEnd); switch (nChar) { case FWL_VKEY_Back: if (nSelStart == nSelEnd) nSelStart = nSelEnd - 1; break; case FWL_VKEY_Return: break; default: swChange += nChar; break; } CFX_WideString strChangeEx; m_pFillerNotify->OnBeforeKeyStroke(GetAttachedData(), swChange, strChangeEx, nSelStart, nSelEnd, true, bRC, bExit, nFlag); } } if (!bRC) return true; if (bExit) return false; if (IPVT_FontMap* pFontMap = GetFontMap()) { int32_t nOldCharSet = GetCharSet(); int32_t nNewCharSet = pFontMap->CharSetFromUnicode(nChar, FXFONT_DEFAULT_CHARSET); if (nOldCharSet != nNewCharSet) { SetCharSet(nNewCharSet); } } return CPWL_EditCtrl::OnChar(nChar, nFlag); }
FX_BOOL CPWL_Edit::OnChar(FX_WORD nChar, FX_DWORD nFlag) { if (m_bMouseDown) return TRUE; FX_BOOL bRC = TRUE; FX_BOOL bExit = FALSE; if (!IsCTRLpressed(nFlag)) { if (m_pFillerNotify) { CFX_WideString swChange; int nSelStart = 0; int nSelEnd = 0; GetSel(nSelStart, nSelEnd); switch (nChar) { case FWL_VKEY_Back: if (nSelStart == nSelEnd) nSelStart = nSelEnd - 1; break; case FWL_VKEY_Return: break; default: swChange += nChar; break; } CFX_WideString strChangeEx; m_pFillerNotify->OnBeforeKeyStroke(GetAttachedData(), swChange, strChangeEx, nSelStart, nSelEnd, TRUE, bRC, bExit, nFlag); } } if (!bRC) return TRUE; if (bExit) return FALSE; if (IFX_Edit_FontMap* pFontMap = GetFontMap()) { int32_t nOldCharSet = GetCharSet(); int32_t nNewCharSet = pFontMap->CharSetFromUnicode(nChar, DEFAULT_CHARSET); if (nOldCharSet != nNewCharSet) { SetCharSet(nNewCharSet); } } return CPWL_EditCtrl::OnChar(nChar, nFlag); }
void CPWL_Edit::OnKillFocus() { ShowVScrollBar(FALSE); m_pEdit->SelectNone(); SetCaret(FALSE, CPDF_Point(0.0f, 0.0f), CPDF_Point(0.0f, 0.0f)); SetCharSet(0); if (!IsReadOnly()) { if (IPWL_FocusHandler* pFocusHandler = GetFocusHandler()) pFocusHandler->OnKillFocus(this); } m_bFocus = FALSE; }
void JXFontCharSetMenu::SetFont ( const JCharacter* name, const JSize size ) { JString fontName, charSet; JFontManager::ExtractCharacterSet(name, &fontName, &charSet); if (charSet.IsEmpty()) { charSet = GetCharSet(); } BuildMenu(name, size); SetCharSet(charSet); }
void JXFontCharSetMenu::BuildMenu ( const JCharacter* fontName, const JSize fontSize ) { RemoveAllItems(); JPtrArray<JString> charSetList(JPtrArrayT::kDeleteAll); if (!(GetFontManager())->GetFontCharSets(fontName, fontSize, &charSetList)) { itsCurrIndex = 0; itsCharSet.Clear(); StopListening(this); return; } const JSize count = charSetList.GetElementCount(); JString id; for (JIndex i=1; i<=count; i++) { const JString* charSet = charSetList.NthElement(i); id = *charSet + "::JX"; AppendItem(*charSet, kJTrue, kJTrue, NULL, NULL, id); } SetUpdateAction(kDisableNone); itsCurrIndex = 1; itsCharSet = *(charSetList.FirstElement()); StopListening(this); JString name, charSet; if (JFontManager::ExtractCharacterSet(fontName, &name, &charSet)) { SetCharSet(charSet); } else { SelectDefaultCharSet(); } ListenTo(this); }
EXC_TYPE CAttachInfo::SetInfo (LPCTSTR lpszName, const UINT32 ulSize, // may be zero LPCTSTR lpszPath, // may be NULL/empty LPCTSTR lpszType, LPCTSTR lpszSubType, LPCTSTR lpszCharSet, // may be NULL/empty const RFC822ENCCASE attEnc, LPCTSTR lpszDesc, LPCTSTR lpszID) { Cleanup(); EXC_TYPE exc=EOK; if (EOK == exc) exc = SetName(lpszName, FALSE); if (EOK == exc) exc = SetPath(lpszPath); if (EOK == exc) exc = SetContentType(lpszType, lpszSubType); if (EOK == exc) exc = SetCharSet(lpszCharSet); if (EOK == exc) exc = SetEncoding(attEnc); if (EOK == exc) exc = SetDescription(lpszDesc); if (EOK == exc) exc = SetID(lpszID); if (exc != EOK) Cleanup(); else m_ulSize = ulSize; return exc; }
CFormatEdit::CFormatEdit( LPCTSTR lpszCharSet /*= NULL*/ ) : CEdit() { SetCharSet( lpszCharSet ); }