Esempio n. 1
BasicRobot::BasicRobot() :
    // define collision type
    SetCollisionType (1 << 2);
    SetCollisionFilter (0x7FFFFFFF);
    void StaticMeshActorProxy::LoadFile(const std::string &fileName)
        dtCore::Object *obj = static_cast<dtCore::Object*>(GetActor());

        //First load the mesh (with cacheing on).
        if (obj->LoadFile(fileName,true) == NULL)
           if (!fileName.empty())
              LOG_ERROR("Error loading mesh file: " + fileName);

        //We need this little hack to ensure that when a mesh is loaded, the collision
        //properties get updated properly.

        //std::cout << "Writing node file." << std::endl;
        //std::cout << "Done writing node file." << std::endl;

        //Next, run our visitor over the loaded mesh and extract the texture slots.
//         const std::string texGroupName = "Textures";
//         const std::string texPropBaseName = "Channel";
//         ExtractTexturesVisitor tv;
//         obj->GetOSGNode()->accept(tv);
//         //Now dynamically add each texture attribute as a resource property.
//         ExtractTexturesVisitor::TextureList &texList = tv.GetTextureList();
//         ExtractTexturesVisitor::TextureList::iterator texItor;
//         std::ostringstream ss;
//         std::cout << "NumTextures: " << texList.size() << std::endl;
//         std::cout << "NumTexCoords: " << tv.GetMaxTexCoordCount() << std::endl;

//         for (texItor=texList.begin(); texItor!=texList.end(); ++texItor) {
//             ss.clear();
//             ss.str("");
//             ss << texPropBaseName << count++;
//             //First see if we already have a resource
//             TextureEntry *texEntry = new TextureEntry(const_cast<osg::Texture2D *>(texItor->get()));
//             this->mTextureSlots.push_back(texEntry);
//             ss << texPropBaseName << count++;
//             AddProperty(new dtDAL::ResourceActorProperty(*this,dtDAL::DataType::TEXTURE,
//                 ss.str(),"Texture",dtDAL::MakeFunctor(*texEntry,&TextureEntry::LoadFile),
//                 "A texture slot in the static mesh.",texGroupName));
//         }