void CDiagramEntity::Copy( CDiagramEntity* obj )
/* ============================================================
	Function :		CDiagramEntity::Copy
	Description :	Copy the information in obj to this object.
	Return :		void
	Parameters :	CDiagramEntity* obj	-	The object to copy 
	Usage :			Copies basic information. from obj to this.
					GetType can be used to check for the correct 
					object type in overridden versions.


	SetMarkerSize( obj->GetMarkerSize() );
	SetConstraints( obj->GetMinimumSize(), obj->GetMaximumSize() );

	Select( obj->IsSelected() );
	SetParent( obj->GetParent() );
	SetType( obj->GetType() );
	SetTitle( obj->GetTitle() );
	SetName( obj->GetName() );
	Freeze( obj->IsFreezed());

	SetRect( obj->GetLeft(), obj->GetTop(), obj->GetRight(), obj->GetBottom() );
Esempio n. 2
void ApplyConstraints(Eigen::SparseMatrix<float>& K, const std::vector<Constraint>& constraints)
	std::vector<int> indicesToConstraint;

	for (std::vector<Constraint>::const_iterator it = constraints.begin(); it != constraints.end(); ++it)
		if (it->type & Constraint::UX)
			indicesToConstraint.push_back(2 * it->node + 0);
		if (it->type & Constraint::UY)
			indicesToConstraint.push_back(2 * it->node + 1);

	for (int k = 0; k < K.outerSize(); ++k)
		for (Eigen::SparseMatrix<float>::InnerIterator it(K, k); it; ++it)
			for (std::vector<int>::iterator idit = indicesToConstraint.begin(); idit != indicesToConstraint.end(); ++idit)
				SetConstraints(it, *idit);
Esempio n. 3
void ConicSolver::SetConstraints(const LinearConstraint& constraint)
	const MatrixXd& A = constraint.GetLhs();
	const VectorXd& lb = constraint.GetLowerBounds();
	const VectorXi& blb = constraint.GetIsLowerBounded();
	const VectorXd& ub = constraint.GetUpperBounds();
	const VectorXi& bub = constraint.GetIsUpperBounded();
	SetConstraints(A, lb, blb, ub, bub);
Esempio n. 4
void CGumpButton::SetGump(STATE state, CGumpPtr pGump)
	m_pGump[state] = pGump;

	if (NORMAL==state && pGump) {
		CRect rect = GetRect();
		CSize size = pGump->GetDimensions();
void CDiagramEntity::Clear()
/* ============================================================
	Function :		CDiagramEntity::Clear
	Description :	Zero all properties of this object.
	Return :		void
	Parameters :	none

	Usage :			Call to initialize the object.

	SetParent( NULL );
	SetRect( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
	SetMarkerSize( CSize( 4, 4 ) );
	SetConstraints( CSize( 1, 1 ), CSize( -1, -1 ) );
	Select( FALSE );
	SetName( _T( "" ) );
	Freeze( FALSE );
	SetVisible( TRUE );
/* ============================================================
	Function :		CDiagramCombobox::CDiagramCombobox
	Description :	constructor
	Return :		void
	Parameters :	none

	Usage :			


	// Note the constraints
	SetConstraints( CSize( 20, 20 ), CSize( -1, 20 ) );

	SetTitle( "Combobox" );
	SetType( "combobox" );
	SetName( "combobox" );

//	SetPropertyDialog( &m_dlg, CEditPropertyDlg::IDD );

Esempio n. 7
BOOL CGumpButton::FromString( XML::Node* node )
	if (!CGumpEntity::FromString(node)) return FALSE;

	int normal, over, pressed;;

	XML::Node* gump_node = node->findNode("gump");
	if (gump_node) { 
		gump_node->lookupAttribute("normal", normal);
		gump_node->lookupAttribute("over", over);
		gump_node->lookupAttribute("pressed", pressed);

	CSize size = GetRect().Size();
	CGumpEditorDoc* pDoc = GfxGetGumpDocument(); ASSERT(pDoc);
	m_pGump[NORMAL] = pDoc->LoadGump(normal);
	m_pGump[HOVER] = pDoc->LoadGump(over);
	m_pGump[PRESSED] = pDoc->LoadGump(pressed);
	return TRUE;