// Purpose: 
void CPropCrane::SetNPCDriver( CNPC_VehicleDriver *pDriver )
	m_hNPCDriver = pDriver;
	m_nNPCButtons = 0;

	if ( pDriver )
		m_flMaxExtensionSpeed = CRANE_EXTENSION_RATE_MAX * 1.5;
		m_flMaxTurnSpeed = CRANE_TURN_RATE_MAX * 1.5;
		m_flExtensionAccel = CRANE_EXTENSION_ACCEL * 2;
		m_flExtensionDecel = CRANE_EXTENSION_DECEL * 20; // Npcs stop quickly to make them more accurate
		m_flTurnAccel = CRANE_TURN_ACCEL * 2;
		m_flTurnDecel = CRANE_DECEL * 10;	// Npcs stop quickly to make them more accurate

		// Set our owner entity to be the NPC, so it can path check without hitting us
		SetOwnerEntity( pDriver );
		// Restore player crane speeds
		SetOwnerEntity( NULL );

		// Shutdown the crane's sounds
		m_ServerVehicle.SoundShutdown( 1.0 );
void CSatchelCharge::SatchelThink( void )
	// If attached resize so player can pick up off wall
	if (m_bIsAttached)
		UTIL_SetSize(this, Vector( -2, -2, -6), Vector(2, 2, 6));

	// See if I can lose my owner (has dropper moved out of way?)
	// Want do this so owner can shoot the satchel charge
	if (GetOwnerEntity())
		trace_t tr;
		Vector	vUpABit = GetAbsOrigin();
		vUpABit.z += 5.0;

		CBaseEntity* saveOwner	= GetOwnerEntity();
		SetOwnerEntity( NULL );
		UTIL_TraceEntity( this, GetAbsOrigin(), vUpABit, MASK_SOLID, &tr );
		if ( tr.startsolid || tr.fraction != 1.0 )
			SetOwnerEntity( saveOwner );
	// Bounce movement code gets this think stuck occasionally so check if I've 
	// succeeded in moving, otherwise kill my motions.
	else if ((GetAbsOrigin() - m_vLastPosition).LengthSqr()<1)
		SetAbsVelocity( vec3_origin );

		QAngle angVel = GetLocalAngularVelocity();
		angVel.y  = 0;
		SetLocalAngularVelocity( angVel );

		// Clear think function
	m_vLastPosition= GetAbsOrigin();

	StudioFrameAdvance( );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );

	if (!IsInWorld())
		UTIL_Remove( this );

	// Is it attached to a wall?
	if (m_bIsAttached)
void CBaseSpriteProjectile::Spawn(	char *pszModel,
								const Vector &vecOrigin,
								const Vector &vecVelocity,
								edict_t *pOwner,
								MoveType_t	iMovetype,
								MoveCollide_t nMoveCollide,
								int	iDamage,
								int iDamageType,
								CBaseEntity *pIntendedTarget )

	SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );
	SetModel( pszModel );

	UTIL_SetSize( this, vec3_origin, vec3_origin );

	m_iDmg = iDamage;
	m_iDmgType = iDamageType;

	SetMoveType( iMovetype, nMoveCollide );

	UTIL_SetOrigin( this, vecOrigin );
	SetAbsVelocity( vecVelocity );

	SetOwnerEntity( Instance( pOwner ) );

	m_hIntendedTarget.Set( pIntendedTarget );

	// Call think for free the first time. It's up to derived classes to rethink.
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );
Esempio n. 4
//Note - this only gets called on the server for now despite being shared
void CDHLProjectile::Fire( Vector vecOrigin, Vector vecVelocity, int iDamage, CBaseCombatWeapon *pSrcWeapon, CBasePlayer* pShooter, int iAmmoType )
	SetOwnerEntity( pShooter );
	m_iDamage = m_iOriginalDamage = iDamage;
	m_pFiringWeapon = pSrcWeapon;
	m_pShooter = pShooter;
	m_hShooter = pShooter;
	m_iAmmoType = iAmmoType;

	m_vecProjectileVelocity = vecVelocity;
	m_vecProjectileOrigin = vecOrigin;

	CDHLBaseWeapon* pDHLWep = static_cast<CDHLBaseWeapon*>(pShooter->GetActiveWeapon());

	m_iType = 0;
	if ( pDHLWep )
		m_iType = pDHLWep->GetProjectileType();

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	m_vecCurPosition = vecOrigin;
	m_vecCurVelocity = vecVelocity;

	SetupGravity(); //Client does this in OnDataChanged() creation

// Purpose: Drop/throw the weapon with the given velocity.
void CASW_Weapon::Drop( const Vector &vecVelocity )
	StopFollowingEntity( );
	// clear follow stuff, setup for collision
	RemoveEffects( EF_NODRAW );
	SetGroundEntity( NULL );

	IPhysicsObject *pObj = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pObj != NULL )
		AngularImpulse	angImp( 200, 200, 200 );
		pObj->AddVelocity( &vecVelocity, &angImp );
		SetAbsVelocity( vecVelocity );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f );
	SetOwnerEntity( NULL );
	SetOwner( NULL );
	SetModel( GetWorldModel() );
void CBaseSpriteProjectile::Spawn(	char *pszModel,
								const Vector &vecOrigin,
								const Vector &vecVelocity,
								edict_t *pOwner,
								MoveType_t	iMovetype,
								MoveCollide_t nMoveCollide,
								int	iDamage,
								int iDamageType )

	SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );
	SetModel( pszModel );

	UTIL_SetSize( this, vec3_origin, vec3_origin );

	m_iDmg = iDamage;
	m_iDmgType = iDamageType;

	SetMoveType( iMovetype, nMoveCollide );

	UTIL_SetOrigin( this, vecOrigin );
	SetAbsVelocity( vecVelocity );

	SetOwnerEntity( Instance( pOwner ) );
Esempio n. 7
	void CPlantedC4::Init( CCSPlayer *pevOwner, Vector vecStart, QAngle vecAngles )
		SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
		SetSolid( SOLID_NONE );

		SetModel( PLANTED_C4_MODEL );	// Change this to c4 model

		SetCollisionBounds( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), Vector( 8, 8, 8 ) );

		SetAbsOrigin( vecStart );
		SetAbsAngles( vecAngles );
		SetOwnerEntity( pevOwner );
		// Detonate in "time" seconds
		SetThink( &CPlantedC4::C4Think );

		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
		m_flTimerLength = mp_c4timer.GetInt();

		m_flC4Blow = gpGlobals->curtime + m_flTimerLength;
		m_flNextDefuse = 0;

		m_bStartDefuse = false;
		m_bBombTicking = true;
		SetFriction( 0.9 );

		m_flDefuseLength = 0.0f;
bool CBoneFollower::Init( CBaseEntity *pOwner, const char *pModelName, solid_t &solid, const Vector &position, const QAngle &orientation )
	SetOwnerEntity( pOwner );
	UTIL_SetModel( this, pModelName );

	m_fEffects |= EF_NODRAW; // invisible
	m_debugOverlays |= OVERLAY_BBOX_BIT;

	m_modelIndex = modelinfo->GetModelIndex( pModelName );
	m_solidIndex = solid.index;
	SetAbsOrigin( position );
	SetAbsAngles( orientation );
	SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_PUSH );
	SetCollisionGroup( pOwner->GetCollisionGroup() );
	solid.params.pGameData = (void *)this;
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = VPhysicsInitShadow( false, false, &solid );
	if ( !pPhysics )
		return false;

	pPhysics->SetCallbackFlags( pPhysics->GetCallbackFlags() | CALLBACK_GLOBAL_TOUCH );
	pPhysics->EnableGravity( false );

	return true;
Esempio n. 9
void CBeam::SetStartEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity )
	Assert( m_nNumBeamEnts >= 2 );
	m_hAttachEntity.Set( 0, pEntity );
	SetOwnerEntity( pEntity );
void CRagdollPropAttached::InitRagdollAttached( IPhysicsObject *pAttached, const Vector &forceVector, int forceBone, matrix3x4_t *pPrevBones, matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld, float dt, int collisionGroup, CBaseAnimating *pFollow, int boneIndexRoot, const Vector &boneLocalOrigin, int parentBoneAttach, const Vector &worldAttachOrigin )
	int ragdollAttachedIndex = 0;
	if ( parentBoneAttach > 0 )
		studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetModelPtr();
		mstudiobone_t *pBone = pStudioHdr->pBone( parentBoneAttach );
		ragdollAttachedIndex = pBone->physicsbone;

	InitRagdoll( forceVector, forceBone, vec3_origin, pPrevBones, pBoneToWorld, dt, collisionGroup, false );
	IPhysicsObject *pRefObject = m_ragdoll.list[ragdollAttachedIndex].pObject;

	Vector attachmentPointRagdollSpace;
	pRefObject->WorldToLocal( attachmentPointRagdollSpace, worldAttachOrigin );

	constraint_ragdollparams_t constraint;
	matrix3x4_t tmp, worldToAttached, worldToReference, constraintToWorld;

	Vector offsetWS;
	pAttached->LocalToWorld( offsetWS, boneLocalOrigin );

	AngleMatrix( QAngle(0, pFollow->GetAbsAngles().y, 0 ), offsetWS, constraintToWorld );

	constraint.axes[0].SetAxisFriction( -2, 2, 20 );
	constraint.axes[1].SetAxisFriction( 0, 0, 0 );
	constraint.axes[2].SetAxisFriction( -15, 15, 20 );
	pAttached->GetPositionMatrix( tmp );
	MatrixInvert( tmp, worldToAttached );

	pRefObject->GetPositionMatrix( tmp );
	MatrixInvert( tmp, worldToReference );

	ConcatTransforms( worldToReference, constraintToWorld, constraint.constraintToReference );
	ConcatTransforms( worldToAttached, constraintToWorld, constraint.constraintToAttached );

	// for now, just slam this to be the passed in value
	MatrixSetColumn( attachmentPointRagdollSpace, 3, constraint.constraintToReference );

	DisableCollisions( pAttached );
	m_pAttachConstraint = physenv->CreateRagdollConstraint( pRefObject, pAttached, m_ragdoll.pGroup, constraint );

	FollowEntity( pFollow );
	SetOwnerEntity( pFollow );
	RagdollActivate( m_ragdoll );

	m_boneIndexAttached = boneIndexRoot;
	m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex = ragdollAttachedIndex;
	m_attachmentPointBoneSpace = boneLocalOrigin;
	Vector vTemp;
	MatrixGetColumn( constraint.constraintToReference, 3, vTemp );
	m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace = vTemp;
void CTripmineGrenade::MakeBeam( void )
	trace_t tr;

	UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), m_vecEnd, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

	m_flBeamLength = tr.fraction;

	// If I hit a living thing, send the beam through me so it turns on briefly
	// and then blows the living thing up
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = tr.m_pEnt;
	CBaseCombatCharacter *pBCC  = ToBaseCombatCharacter( pEntity );

	// Draw length is not the beam length if entity is in the way
	float drawLength = tr.fraction;
	if (pBCC)
		SetOwnerEntity( pBCC );
		UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), m_vecEnd, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
		m_flBeamLength = tr.fraction;
		SetOwnerEntity( NULL );

	// set to follow laser spot
	SetThink( &CTripmineGrenade::BeamBreakThink );

	// Delay first think slightly so beam has time
	// to appear if person right in front of it
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f );

	Vector vecTmpEnd = GetLocalOrigin() + m_vecDir * 2048 * drawLength;

	m_pBeam = CBeam::BeamCreate( g_pModelNameLaser, 0.35 );
	m_pBeam->PointEntInit( vecTmpEnd, this );
	m_pBeam->SetColor( 255, 55, 52 );
	m_pBeam->SetScrollRate( 25.6 );
	m_pBeam->SetBrightness( 64 );
	int beamAttach = LookupAttachment("beam_attach");
	m_pBeam->SetEndAttachment( beamAttach );
Esempio n. 12
void CEconWearable::UnEquip( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
	if ( pPlayer )

		SetOwnerEntity( NULL );
void CStickyBomb::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	// Don't stick if already stuck
	if ( GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY )
		trace_t tr = GetTouchTrace();
		// stickies don't stick to each other or sky
		if ( FClassnameIs(pOther, "grenade_stickybomb") || (tr.surface.flags & SURF_SKY) )
			// bounce
			Vector vecNewVelocity;
			PhysicsClipVelocity( GetAbsVelocity(), tr.plane.normal, vecNewVelocity, 1.0 );
			SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity );
			SetAbsVelocity( vec3_origin );
			SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
			if ( pOther->entindex() != 0 )
				// set up notification if the parent is deleted before we explode
				g_pNotify->AddEntity( this, pOther );

				if ( (tr.surface.flags & SURF_HITBOX) && modelinfo->GetModelType( pOther->GetModel() ) == mod_studio )
					CBaseAnimating *pOtherAnim = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating *>(pOther);
					if ( pOtherAnim )
						matrix3x4_t bombWorldSpace;
						MatrixCopy( EntityToWorldTransform(), bombWorldSpace );

						// get the bone info so we can follow the bone
						FollowEntity( pOther );
						SetOwnerEntity( pOther );
						m_boneIndexAttached = pOtherAnim->GetHitboxBone( tr.hitbox );
						matrix3x4_t boneToWorld;
						pOtherAnim->GetBoneTransform( m_boneIndexAttached, boneToWorld );

						// transform my current position/orientation into the hit bone's space
						// UNDONE: Eventually we need to intersect with the mesh here
						// REVISIT: maybe do something like the decal code to find a spot on
						//			the mesh.
						matrix3x4_t worldToBone, localMatrix;
						MatrixInvert( boneToWorld, worldToBone );
						ConcatTransforms( worldToBone, bombWorldSpace, localMatrix );
						MatrixAngles( localMatrix, m_boneAngles.GetForModify(), m_bonePosition.GetForModify() );
				SetParent( pOther );
Esempio n. 14
// Purpose :
// Input   :
// Output  :
void CGrenade_Molotov::MolotovThink( void )
	// See if I can lose my owner (has dropper moved out of way?)
	// Want do this so owner can throw the brickbat
	if (GetOwnerEntity())
		trace_t tr;
		Vector	vUpABit = GetAbsOrigin();
		vUpABit.z += 5.0;

		CBaseEntity* saveOwner	= GetOwnerEntity();
		SetOwnerEntity( NULL );
		UTIL_TraceEntity( this, GetAbsOrigin(), vUpABit, MASK_SOLID, &tr );
		if ( tr.startsolid || tr.fraction != 1.0 )
			SetOwnerEntity( saveOwner );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
Esempio n. 15
void CEconWearable::Equip( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
	if ( pPlayer )
		FollowEntity( pPlayer, true );
		SetOwnerEntity( pPlayer );
		ChangeTeam( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() );

// Purpose: Marks the entity for deletion
void CBaseHelicopter::DelayedKillThink( )
	// tell owner ( if any ) that we're dead.This is mostly for NPCMaker functionality.
	CBaseEntity *pOwner = GetOwnerEntity();
	if ( pOwner )
		pOwner->DeathNotice( this );
		SetOwnerEntity( NULL );

	UTIL_Remove( this );
		virtual void OnUnload() override
			for (int i = 0; i < ITFBotHintEntityAutoList::AutoList().Count(); ++i) {
				auto hint = rtti_cast<CBaseTFBotHintEntity *>(ITFBotHintEntityAutoList::AutoList()[i]);
				if (hint != nullptr) {
					CBaseEntity *owner = hint->GetOwnerEntity();
					if (owner != nullptr && rtti_cast<CObjectDispenser *>(owner) != nullptr) {
void CRagdollPropAttached::Detach()
	SetOwnerEntity( NULL );
	SetAbsAngles( vec3_angle );
	physenv->DestroyConstraint( m_pAttachConstraint );
	m_pAttachConstraint = NULL;

	// Go non-solid
// When teleported (usually by portal)
void CRocket_Turret_Projectile::NotifySystemEvent(CBaseEntity *pNotify, notify_system_event_t eventType, const notify_system_event_params_t &params )
	// On teleport, we record a pointer to the portal we are arriving at
	if ( eventType == NOTIFY_EVENT_TELEPORT )
		// HACK: Clearing the owner allows collisions with launcher.
		// Players have had trouble realizing a launcher's own rockets don't kill it
		// because they didn't ever collide. We do this after a portal teleport so it avoids self-collisions on launch.
		SetOwnerEntity( NULL );

		// Restart smoke trail
		UTIL_Remove( m_hRocketTrail );
		m_hRocketTrail = NULL; // This shouldn't leak cause the pointer has been handed to the delete list
// Purpose: 
void CTFProjectile_Rocket::Deflected( CBaseEntity *pDeflectedBy, Vector &vecDir )
	// Get rocket's speed.
	float flVel = GetAbsVelocity().Length();

	QAngle angForward;
	VectorAngles( vecDir, angForward );

	// Now change rocket's direction.
	SetAbsAngles( angForward );
	SetAbsVelocity( vecDir * flVel );

	// And change owner.
	SetOwnerEntity( pDeflectedBy );
	ChangeTeam( pDeflectedBy->GetTeamNumber() );
	SetScorer( pDeflectedBy );
Esempio n. 21
// Purpose :
// Input   :
// Output  :
void CGrenadeHomer::Launch( CBaseEntity*		pOwner, 
							CBaseEntity*		pTarget, 
							const Vector&		vInitVelocity,
							float				flHomingSpeed,
							float				flGravity,
							int					nRocketTrailType)
	SetOwnerEntity( pOwner );
	m_hTarget					= pTarget;
	SetAbsVelocity( vInitVelocity );
	m_flHomingSpeed				= flHomingSpeed;
	SetGravity( flGravity );
	m_nRocketTrailType			= nRocketTrailType;

	// ----------------------------
	// Initialize homing parameters
	// ----------------------------
	m_flHomingLaunchTime	= gpGlobals->curtime;

	// -------------
	// Smoke trail.
	// -------------
	if ( (m_nRocketTrailType == HOMER_SMOKE_TRAIL_ON) || (m_nRocketTrailType == HOMER_SMOKE_TRAIL_ALIEN) )

	SetUse( &CGrenadeHomer::DetonateUse );
	SetTouch( &CGrenadeHomer::GrenadeHomerTouch );
	SetThink( &CGrenadeHomer::AimThink );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );

	// Issue danger!
	if ( pTarget )
		// Figure out how long it'll take for me to reach the target.
		float flDist = ( pTarget->WorldSpaceCenter() - WorldSpaceCenter() ).Length();
		float flTime = MAX( 0.5, flDist / GetAbsVelocity().Length() );

		CSoundEnt::InsertSound ( SOUND_DANGER, m_hTarget->GetAbsOrigin(), 300, flTime, pOwner );
void CGETKnife::SoundThink( void )
	if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flStopFlyingTime )
		EmitSound( "ThrowingKnife2" );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5f );
		// This should never happen, but JUST IN CASE we get stuck flying turn
		// us into a physics prop thats able to be picked up
		m_bInAir = false;
		CollisionProp()->UseTriggerBounds( true, 24 );
		SetOwnerEntity( NULL );

		SetTouch( &CGETKnife::PickupTouch );
		SetThink( &CGETKnife::RemoveThink );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 10.0f );
void CSnark::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &inputInfo )
//	pev->model = iStringNull;// make invisible
	SetThink( &CSnark::SUB_Remove );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
	SetTouch( NULL );

	// since squeak grenades never leave a body behind, clear out their takedamage now.
	// Squeaks do a bit of radius damage when they pop, and that radius damage will
	// continue to call this function unless we acknowledge the Squeak's death now. (sjb)
	m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;

	// play squeek blast
	CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this, 0.5 );
	enginesound->EmitSound( filter, entindex(), CHAN_ITEM, "squeek/sqk_blast1.wav", 1, 0.5, 0, PITCH_NORM );

	CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_COMBAT, GetAbsOrigin(), SNARK_EXPLOSION_VOLUME, 3.0 );

	UTIL_BloodDrips( WorldSpaceCenter(), Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW, 80 );

	if ( m_hOwner != NULL )
		RadiusDamage( CTakeDamageInfo( this, m_hOwner, GetDamage(), DMG_BLAST ), GetAbsOrigin(), GetDamage() * 2.5, CLASS_NONE );
		RadiusDamage( CTakeDamageInfo( this, this, GetDamage(), DMG_BLAST ), GetAbsOrigin(), GetDamage() * 2.5, CLASS_NONE );

	// reset owner so death message happens
	if ( m_hOwner != NULL )
		SetOwnerEntity( m_hOwner );

	CTakeDamageInfo info = inputInfo;
	info.SetDamageType( DMG_GIB_CORPSE );

	BaseClass::Event_Killed( info );
bool CBoneFollower::Init( CBaseEntity *pOwner, const char *pModelName, solid_t &solid, const Vector &position, const QAngle &orientation )
	SetOwnerEntity( pOwner );
	UTIL_SetModel( this, pModelName );

	AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); // invisible

	m_modelIndex = modelinfo->GetModelIndex( pModelName );
	m_solidIndex = solid.index;
	SetAbsOrigin( position );
	SetAbsAngles( orientation );
	SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_PUSH );
	SetCollisionGroup( pOwner->GetCollisionGroup() );
	solid.params.pGameData = (void *)this;
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = VPhysicsInitShadow( false, false, &solid );
	if ( !pPhysics )
		return false;

	// we can't use the default model bounds because each entity is only one bone of the model
	// so compute the OBB of the physics model and use that.
	Vector mins, maxs;
	physcollision->CollideGetAABB( &mins, &maxs, pPhysics->GetCollide(), vec3_origin, vec3_angle );
	SetCollisionBounds( mins, maxs );

	pPhysics->SetCallbackFlags( pPhysics->GetCallbackFlags() | CALLBACK_GLOBAL_TOUCH );
	pPhysics->EnableGravity( false );
	// This is not a normal shadow controller that is trying to go to a space occupied by an entity in the game physics
	// This entity is not running PhysicsPusher(), so Vphysics is supposed to move it
	// This line of code informs vphysics of that fact
	if ( pOwner->IsNPC() )
		pPhysics->GetShadowController()->SetPhysicallyControlled( true );

	return true;
Esempio n. 25
void CRagdollPropAttached::Detach()
	SetOwnerEntity( NULL );
	SetAbsAngles( vec3_angle );
	RemoveSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
	physenv->DestroyConstraint( m_pAttachConstraint );
	m_pAttachConstraint = NULL;
	const float dampingScale = 1.0f / ATTACHED_DAMPING_SCALE;
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_ragdoll.listCount; i++ )
		float damping, rotdamping;
		m_ragdoll.list[i].pObject->GetDamping( &damping, &rotdamping );
		damping *= dampingScale;
		rotdamping *= dampingScale;
		m_ragdoll.list[i].pObject->SetDamping( &damping, &damping );

	// Go non-solid
// Purpose: Setup this projectile's starting values
void CBasePlasmaProjectile::SetupProjectile( const Vector &vecOrigin, const Vector &vecForward, int damageType, CBaseEntity *pOwner )
	UTIL_SetOrigin( this, vecOrigin );

	QAngle angles;
	VectorAngles( vecForward, angles );
	SetLocalAngles( angles );

	SetOwnerEntity( pOwner );

	float flMySpeed = PLASMA_VELOCITY;// + RandomFloat( -500, 500 );
	SetAbsVelocity( vecForward * flMySpeed );
	m_DamageType = damageType;
	m_Shared.Init( vecOrigin, vecForward, flMySpeed );
	ResetPositionHistories( GetAbsOrigin() );
	m_Shared.SetSpawnTime( gpGlobals->curtime );

	// Set my team
	ChangeTeam( pOwner->GetTeamNumber() );
// Purpose: 
void CTFWeaponBaseGrenadeProj::InitGrenade( const Vector &velocity, const AngularImpulse &angVelocity, 
									CBaseCombatCharacter *pOwner, const CTFWeaponInfo &weaponInfo )
	// We can't use OwnerEntity for grenades, because then the owner can't shoot them with his hitscan weapons (due to collide rules)
	// Thrower is used to store the person who threw the grenade, for damage purposes.
	SetOwnerEntity( NULL );
	SetThrower( pOwner ); 

	SetupInitialTransmittedGrenadeVelocity( velocity );

	SetGravity( 0.4f/*BaseClass::GetGrenadeGravity()*/ );
	SetFriction( 0.2f/*BaseClass::GetGrenadeFriction()*/ );
	SetElasticity( 0.45f/*BaseClass::GetGrenadeElasticity()*/ );

	SetDamage( weaponInfo.GetWeaponData( TF_WEAPON_PRIMARY_MODE ).m_nDamage );
	SetDamageRadius( weaponInfo.m_flDamageRadius );
	ChangeTeam( pOwner->GetTeamNumber() );

	IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhysicsObject )
		pPhysicsObject->AddVelocity( &velocity, &angVelocity );
Esempio n. 28
	void CPlantedC4::Init( CCSPlayer *pevOwner, Vector vecStart, QAngle vecAngles )
		SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
		SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );

		SetModel( PLANTED_C4_MODEL );	// Change this to c4 model

		SetCollisionBounds( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), Vector( 8, 8, 8 ) );

		SetAbsOrigin( vecStart );
		SetAbsAngles( vecAngles );
		SetOwnerEntity( pevOwner );
		// Detonate in "time" seconds
		SetThink( &CPlantedC4::C4Think );
		//pGrenade->SetTouch( &CPlantedC4::C4Touch );

		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
		m_flC4Blow = gpGlobals->curtime + c4timer.GetInt();

		m_flNextFreqInterval = c4timer.GetInt() / 4;
		m_flNextFreq = gpGlobals->curtime;
		m_flNextBeep = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5;
		m_iCurWave = 0;
		m_sBeepName = NULL;

		m_flNextBlink = gpGlobals->curtime + BLINK_INTERVAL;
		m_flNextDefuse = 0;

		m_bStartDefuse = false;
		m_bJustBlew = false;
		SetFriction( 0.9 );

Esempio n. 29
// Purpose: Stick to an entity (using hierarchy if we can)
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CWeaponStriderBuster::StickToEntity( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	// Make sure the object is travelling fast enough to stick
	if ( m_flCollisionSpeedSqr > 50 && !m_bNoseDiving )
		// See if this is a valid strider bit
		if ( ShouldStickToEntity( pOther ) )
			// Attempt to constraint to it
			if ( CreateConstraintToObject( pOther ) )
				// Only works for striders, at the moment
				CBaseEntity *pFollowParent = pOther->GetOwnerEntity();
				if ( pFollowParent == NULL )
					return false;

				// Allows us to identify our constrained object later
				SetOwnerEntity( pFollowParent );

				// Make a sound
				EmitSound( "Weapon_StriderBuster.StickToEntity" );
				DispatchParticleEffect( "striderbuster_attach", GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles(), NULL );

				if( striderbuster_use_particle_flare.GetBool() )
					// We don't have to save any pointers or handles to this because it's parented to the buster.
					// So it will die when the buster dies. Yay.
					CParticleSystem *pFlare = (CParticleSystem *) CreateEntityByName( "info_particle_system" );
					if ( pFlare != NULL )
						pFlare->KeyValue( "start_active", "1" );
						pFlare->KeyValue( "effect_name", "striderbuster_attached_pulse" );
						pFlare->SetParent( this );
						pFlare->SetLocalOrigin( vec3_origin );
						DispatchSpawn( pFlare );
					// Create a glow sprite
					m_hGlowSprite = CSprite::SpriteCreate( "sprites/orangeflare1.vmt", GetLocalOrigin(), false );

					Assert( m_hGlowSprite );
					if ( m_hGlowSprite != NULL )
						m_hGlowSprite->SetTransparency( kRenderWorldGlow, 255, 255, 255, 255, kRenderFxNoDissipation );
						m_hGlowSprite->SetAbsOrigin( GetAbsOrigin() );
						m_hGlowSprite->SetScale( 5.0f );
						m_hGlowSprite->m_nRenderFX = kRenderFxStrobeFaster;
						m_hGlowSprite->SetGlowProxySize( 16.0f );
						m_hGlowSprite->SetParent( this );

				// Stop touching things
				SetTouch( NULL );

				// Must be a strider
				CNPC_Strider *pStrider = dynamic_cast<CNPC_Strider *>(pFollowParent);
				if ( pStrider == NULL )
					return false;

				// Notify the strider we're attaching to him
				pStrider->StriderBusterAttached( this );
				m_OnAttachToStrider.FireOutput( this, this );

				// Start the ping sound.
				SetContextThink( &CWeaponStriderBuster::BusterPingThink, gpGlobals->curtime + BUSTER_PING_SOUND_FREQ, s_pBusterPingThinkContext );
				// Don't autodelete this one!
				WeaponManager_RemoveManaged( this );

				return true;

			return false;

	return false;
// Purpose :
// Input   :
// Output  :
void CGrenade_Brickbat::BrickbatThink( void )
	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	// Might be physically simulated so get my velocity manually
	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	Vector vVelocity;
	AngularImpulse vAngVel;

	// See if I can lose my owner (has dropper moved out of way?)
	// Want do this so owner can throw the brickbat
	if (GetOwnerEntity())
		trace_t tr;
		Vector	vUpABit = GetAbsOrigin();
		vUpABit.z += 5.0;

		CBaseEntity* saveOwner = GetOwnerEntity();
		SetOwnerEntity( NULL );
		UTIL_TraceEntity( this, GetAbsOrigin(), vUpABit, MASK_SOLID, &tr );
		if ( tr.startsolid || tr.fraction != 1.0 )
			SetOwnerEntity( saveOwner );

	// ---------------------------------------------------------------
	//	Make sure we're not resting on a living thing's bounding box
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------
	if (vVelocity.Length() < 0.01)
		trace_t tr;
		UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() - Vector(0,0,10), MASK_SOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

		if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 && tr.m_pEnt)
			CBaseEntity *pEntity = tr.m_pEnt;
			if (pEntity->GetFlags() & (FL_CLIENT | FL_NPC))
				// --------------------
				// Bounce me off 
				// --------------------
				Vector vNewVel;
				vNewVel.y = 100;
				vNewVel.x = random->RandomInt(-100,100);
				vNewVel.z = random->RandomInt(-100,100);

				// If physically simulated
				IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
				if ( pPhysicsObject )
					pPhysicsObject->AddVelocity( &vNewVel, &vAngVel );
				// Otherwise
					SetAbsVelocity( vNewVel );

	if (vVelocity.Length() < 0.01)
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );