	const JBroadcaster::Message&	message,
	JBoolean*						changed
	assert( itsCBPrintSetupDialog != NULL );

	const JBoolean ok = JXPTPrinter::EndUserPrintSetup(message, changed);
	if (ok)
		*changed = JI2B(*changed ||
			itsCBPrintSetupDialog->ShouldPrintHeader() != itsPrintHeaderFlag);

		itsPrintHeaderFlag = itsCBPrintSetupDialog->ShouldPrintHeader();
		if (GetPageHeight() <= GetHeaderLineCount())
			SetPageHeight(GetHeaderLineCount() + 1);
			*changed = kJTrue;

	itsCBPrintSetupDialog = NULL;
	return ok;
	istream& input
	JFileVersion vers;
	input >> vers;
	if (vers == 0)
		JString printCmd;
		JSize pageHeight;
		input >> printCmd >> pageHeight;
		JIgnoreUntil(input, '\1');

Esempio n. 3
   KillAbsBoxAboveLimit tue tous les paves contenus dans le            
   pave pointe' par pP et qui sont au-dessus de la limite. 
void KillAbsBoxAboveLimit (PtrAbstractBox pP, int limit, int viewNb,
			   PtrDocument pDoc, PtrAbstractBox *RedispAbsBox)
  int               haut, y, NCar;

  pP = pP->AbFirstEnclosed;
  while (pP != NULL)
      /* on ignore les paves deja morts */
      if (!pP->AbDead)
	if (pP->AbElement->ElTypeNumber != PageBreak + 1)
	  /* demande au Mediateur la position et la hauteur du pave */
	    SetPageHeight (pP, &haut, &y, &NCar);
	    if (y < limit)
	      /* le haut du pave est au-dessus de la limite */
	      /* on ne tue pas les paves qui contiennent une marque de page */
	      if (y + haut <= limit && !pP->AbOnPageBreak)
		if (pP->AbPresentationBox)
		  /* Tue les paves de presentation */
		    SetDeadAbsBox (pP);
		    ApplyRefAbsBoxSupp (pP, RedispAbsBox, pDoc);
		  DestroyAbsBoxesView (pP->AbElement, pDoc, FALSE, viewNb);
		/* le pave est traverse par la limite */
		KillAbsBoxAboveLimit (pP, limit, viewNb, pDoc, RedispAbsBox);
      pP = pP->AbNext;
Esempio n. 4
bool Toolkit::ParseOptions( const std::string &json_options ) {

    jsonxx::Object json;

    // Read JSON options
    if (!json.parse(json_options)) {
        LogError( "Can not parse JSON string." );
        return false;

    if (json.has<jsonxx::String>("inputFormat"))
        SetFormat( json.get<jsonxx::String>("inputFormat") );

    if (json.has<jsonxx::Number>("scale"))
        SetScale( json.get<jsonxx::Number>("scale") );

    if (json.has<jsonxx::Number>("border"))
        SetBorder( json.get<jsonxx::Number>("border") );

    if (json.has<jsonxx::String>("font"))

    if (json.has<jsonxx::Number>("pageWidth"))
        SetPageWidth( json.get<jsonxx::Number>("pageWidth") );

    if (json.has<jsonxx::Number>("pageHeight"))
        SetPageHeight( json.get<jsonxx::Number>("pageHeight") );

    if (json.has<jsonxx::Number>("spacingStaff"))
        SetSpacingStaff( json.get<jsonxx::Number>("spacingStaff") );

    if (json.has<jsonxx::Number>("spacingSystem"))
        SetSpacingSystem( json.get<jsonxx::Number>("spacingSystem") );

    if (json.has<jsonxx::String>("rdgXPathQuery"))
        SetRdgXPathQuery( json.get<jsonxx::String>("rdgXPathQuery") );

    // Parse the various flags
    // Note: it seems that there is a bug with jsonxx and emscripten
    // Boolean value false do not parse properly. We have to use Number instead

    if (json.has<jsonxx::Number>("noLayout"))

    if (json.has<jsonxx::Number>("ignoreLayout"))

    if (json.has<jsonxx::Number>("adjustPageHeight"))

    if (json.has<jsonxx::Number>("noJustification"))

    if (json.has<jsonxx::Number>("showBoundingBoxes"))

    return true;

    // The non js version of the app should not use this function.
    return false;
Esempio n. 5
   KillAbsBoxBeforePage detruit tous les paves qui precedent le filet  
   marquant la frontiere de page qui est a l'interieur du pave Marque
   de Page pointe' par pPage sauf ceux qui appartiennent au BoTable
   englobant pPage.
   Retourne vrai si l'image restante est plus petite qu'une page.
ThotBool KillAbsBoxBeforePage (PtrAbstractBox pPage, int frame,
			       PtrDocument pDoc, int viewNb, int *clipOrg)
  PtrAbstractBox    pAb, RedispAbsBox, rootAbsBox;
  PtrAbstractBox    pGather, pNext, pPageLine;
  int               h, yTop, NbCar, yRef;
  ThotBool          stop, ret;

  *clipOrg = 0;
  /* is there an enclosing table? */
  pGather = GetEnclosingGather (pPage);
  /* remove page footer boxes (above the page break line) within this page element */
  pAb = pPage->AbFirstEnclosed;
  stop = FALSE;
    if (pAb == NULL)
      stop = TRUE;
    else if (!pAb->AbPresentationBox)
      /* the page break line is not a presentation box, all others are */
      /* presentation boxes */
	stop = TRUE;
	/* get the new page break line position */
	pPageLine = pAb;
	SetPageHeight (pAb, &h, &yRef, &NbCar);
	SetDeadAbsBox (pAb);
	pAb = pAb->AbNext;
  while (!stop);

  /* remove all abstract boxes above the page element or gather element
     that includes the page */
  if (pGather)
    pAb = pGather;
    pAb = pPage;
  while (pAb)
      while (pAb->AbPrevious)
	  pAb = pAb->AbPrevious;
	  /* avoid to kill abstract boxes linked to the current gather */
	  if (pGather == NULL || pGather->AbElement != pAb->AbElement)
	      if (pAb->AbPresentationBox)
		  /* Kill all presentation abstract boxes */
		  SetDeadAbsBox (pAb);
		  ApplyRefAbsBoxSupp (pAb, &RedispAbsBox, pDoc);
	      else if (!pAb->AbOnPageBreak && !pAb->AbAfterPageBreak)
		DestroyAbsBoxesView (pAb->AbElement, pDoc, FALSE, viewNb);
		  /* clear previous indicators */
		  pAb->AbOnPageBreak = FALSE;
		  pAb->AbAfterPageBreak = FALSE;
	      /* clear previous indicators */
	      pAb->AbOnPageBreak = FALSE;
	      pAb->AbAfterPageBreak = FALSE;
      pAb = pAb->AbEnclosing;
      /* set AbOnPageBreak to all enclosing abstract boxes of the page element */
      if (pAb)
	pAb->AbOnPageBreak = TRUE;

  /* check whether abstract boxes after the page element or the gather element
     are displayed above the page break line */
  if (pGather)
    pAb = pGather;
    pAb = pPage;
  while (pAb)
      pNext = pAb->AbNext;
      while (pNext)
	  /* avoid to kill abstract boxes linked to the current gather */
	  if (pGather == NULL || pGather->AbElement != pNext->AbElement)
	      if (!pNext->AbDead)
		  /* get the new page break line position */
		  SetPageHeight (pNext, &h, &yTop, &NbCar);
		  if (yTop < yRef)
		      if (yTop + h <= yRef && !pNext->AbOnPageBreak)
			  /* the top of that box is above the page break */
			  if (pNext->AbPresentationBox)
			      /* Kill all presentation abstract boxes */
			      SetDeadAbsBox (pNext);
			      ApplyRefAbsBoxSupp (pNext, &RedispAbsBox, pDoc);
			    DestroyAbsBoxesView (pNext->AbElement, pDoc, FALSE, viewNb);
			  /* the page break line crosses that box */
			  KillAbsBoxAboveLimit (pNext, yRef, viewNb, pDoc, &RedispAbsBox);
			  /* clear previous indicators */
			  //pNext->AbOnPageBreak = FALSE;
			  pNext->AbAfterPageBreak = FALSE;
		      /* clear previous indicators */
		      pNext->AbOnPageBreak = FALSE;
		      pNext->AbAfterPageBreak = FALSE;
	      /* clear previous indicators */
	      pNext->AbOnPageBreak = FALSE;
	      pNext->AbAfterPageBreak = FALSE;
	  pNext = pNext->AbNext;
      pAb = pAb->AbEnclosing;
  /* take killed abstract boxes into account in the Concrete Image */
  RealPageHeight = 0;
  rootAbsBox = ViewFrameTable[frame - 1].FrAbstractBox;
  ret = ChangeConcreteImage (frame, &RealPageHeight, rootAbsBox);
  /* free killed abstract boxes */
  FreeDeadAbstractBoxes (rootAbsBox, frame);
  SetPageHeight (pPage, &h, clipOrg, &NbCar);
  /* compute AbOnPageBreak and AbAfterPageBreak according to the new situation */
  RealPageHeight = PageHeight + *clipOrg;
  ret = ChangeConcreteImage (frame, &RealPageHeight, rootAbsBox);
  return ret;