void AsyncPanZoomController::NotifyLayersUpdated(const FrameMetrics& aViewportFrame, bool aIsFirstPaint) {
  MonitorAutoLock monitor(mMonitor);

  mLastContentPaintMetrics = aViewportFrame;

  if (aIsFirstPaint || mFrameMetrics.IsDefault()) {
    mFrameMetrics = aViewportFrame;
    mFrameMetrics.mResolution.width = 1 / mFrameMetrics.mResolution.width;
    mFrameMetrics.mResolution.height = 1 / mFrameMetrics.mResolution.height;

    // Bug 776413/fixme: Request a repaint as soon as a page is loaded so that
    // we get a larger displayport. This is very bad because we're wasting a
    // paint and not initializating the displayport correctly.
  } else if (!mFrameMetrics.mContentRect.IsEqualEdges(aViewportFrame.mContentRect)) {
    mFrameMetrics.mCSSContentRect = aViewportFrame.mCSSContentRect;
Esempio n. 2
	SetNumber("Form.Width",  400);
	SetNumber("Form.Height", 300);

	SetBool("Form.MaximizeBox", false);
	SetBool("Form.MinimizeBox", false);
	SetBool("Form.Sizeable",    false);
	SetBool("Form.ToolWindow",  false);

	Set("Form.Name", t_("Noname"));

	SetPageRect( Rect(Point(10, 10), Size(400, 300)) );
void AsyncPanZoomController::ScaleWithFocus(float aScale, const nsIntPoint& aFocus) {
  FrameMetrics metrics(mFrameMetrics);

  // Don't set the scale to the inputted value, but rather multiply it in.
  float scaleFactor = aScale / metrics.mResolution.width;

  metrics.mResolution.width = metrics.mResolution.height = aScale;

  // Force a recalculation of the page rect based on the new zoom and the
  // current CSS page rect (which is unchanged since it's not affected by zoom).

  nsIntPoint scrollOffset = metrics.mViewportScrollOffset;

  scrollOffset.x += aFocus.x * (scaleFactor - 1.0f);
  scrollOffset.y += aFocus.y * (scaleFactor - 1.0f);

  metrics.mViewportScrollOffset = scrollOffset;

  mFrameMetrics = metrics;
AsyncCompositionManager::TransformScrollableLayer(Layer* aLayer, const LayoutDeviceToLayerScale& aResolution)
  LayerComposite* layerComposite = aLayer->AsLayerComposite();
  ContainerLayer* container = aLayer->AsContainerLayer();

  const FrameMetrics& metrics = container->GetFrameMetrics();
  // We must apply the resolution scale before a pan/zoom transform, so we call
  // GetTransform here.
  const gfx3DMatrix& currentTransform = aLayer->GetTransform();
  gfx3DMatrix oldTransform = currentTransform;

  gfx3DMatrix treeTransform;

  CSSToLayerScale geckoZoom = metrics.mDevPixelsPerCSSPixel * aResolution;

  LayerIntPoint scrollOffsetLayerPixels = RoundedToInt(metrics.mScrollOffset * geckoZoom);

  if (mIsFirstPaint) {
    mContentRect = metrics.mScrollableRect;
    mIsFirstPaint = false;
  } else if (!metrics.mScrollableRect.IsEqualEdges(mContentRect)) {
    mContentRect = metrics.mScrollableRect;

  // We synchronise the viewport information with Java after sending the above
  // notifications, so that Java can take these into account in its response.
  // Calculate the absolute display port to send to Java
  LayerIntRect displayPort = RoundedToInt(
      ? metrics.mDisplayPort
      : metrics.mCriticalDisplayPort
    ) * geckoZoom);
  displayPort += scrollOffsetLayerPixels;

  LayerMargin fixedLayerMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
  ScreenPoint offset(0, 0);

  // Ideally we would initialize userZoom to AsyncPanZoomController::CalculateResolution(metrics)
  // but this causes a reftest-ipc test to fail (see bug 883646 comment 27). The reason for this
  // appears to be that metrics.mZoom is poorly initialized in some scenarios. In these scenarios,
  // however, we can assume there is no async zooming in progress and so the following statement
  // works fine.
  CSSToScreenScale userZoom(metrics.mDevPixelsPerCSSPixel.scale * metrics.mResolution.scale);
  ScreenPoint userScroll = metrics.mScrollOffset * userZoom;
  SyncViewportInfo(displayPort, geckoZoom, mLayersUpdated,
                   userScroll, userZoom, fixedLayerMargins,
  mLayersUpdated = false;

  // Apply the render offset

  // Handle transformations for asynchronous panning and zooming. We determine the
  // zoom used by Gecko from the transformation set on the root layer, and we
  // determine the scroll offset used by Gecko from the frame metrics of the
  // primary scrollable layer. We compare this to the user zoom and scroll
  // offset in the view transform we obtained from Java in order to compute the
  // transformation we need to apply.
  LayerToScreenScale zoomAdjust = userZoom / geckoZoom;

  LayerIntPoint geckoScroll(0, 0);
  if (metrics.IsScrollable()) {
    geckoScroll = scrollOffsetLayerPixels;

  LayerPoint translation = (userScroll / zoomAdjust) - geckoScroll;
  treeTransform = gfx3DMatrix(ViewTransform(-translation, userZoom / metrics.mDevPixelsPerCSSPixel));

  // The transform already takes the resolution scale into account.  Since we
  // will apply the resolution scale again when computing the effective
  // transform, we must apply the inverse resolution scale here.
  gfx3DMatrix computedTransform = treeTransform * currentTransform;
               "overwriting animated transform!");

  // Apply resolution scaling to the old transform - the layer tree as it is
  // doesn't have the necessary transform to display correctly.
  oldTransform.Scale(aResolution.scale, aResolution.scale, 1);

  // Make sure that overscroll and under-zoom are represented in the old
  // transform so that fixed position content moves and scales accordingly.
  // These calculations will effectively scale and offset fixed position layers
  // in screen space when the compensatory transform is performed in
  // AlignFixedLayersForAnchorPoint.
  ScreenRect contentScreenRect = mContentRect * userZoom;
  gfxPoint3D overscrollTranslation;
  if (userScroll.x < contentScreenRect.x) {
    overscrollTranslation.x = contentScreenRect.x - userScroll.x;
  } else if (userScroll.x + metrics.mCompositionBounds.width > contentScreenRect.XMost()) {
    overscrollTranslation.x = contentScreenRect.XMost() -
      (userScroll.x + metrics.mCompositionBounds.width);
  if (userScroll.y < contentScreenRect.y) {
    overscrollTranslation.y = contentScreenRect.y - userScroll.y;
  } else if (userScroll.y + metrics.mCompositionBounds.height > contentScreenRect.YMost()) {
    overscrollTranslation.y = contentScreenRect.YMost() -
      (userScroll.y + metrics.mCompositionBounds.height);

  gfxSize underZoomScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
  if (mContentRect.width * userZoom.scale < metrics.mCompositionBounds.width) {
    underZoomScale.width = (mContentRect.width * userZoom.scale) /
  if (mContentRect.height * userZoom.scale < metrics.mCompositionBounds.height) {
    underZoomScale.height = (mContentRect.height * userZoom.scale) /
  oldTransform.Scale(underZoomScale.width, underZoomScale.height, 1);

  // Make sure fixed position layers don't move away from their anchor points
  // when we're asynchronously panning or zooming
  AlignFixedLayersForAnchorPoint(aLayer, aLayer, oldTransform, fixedLayerMargins);
Esempio n. 5
  Layer* layer = GetPrimaryScrollableLayer();
  ShadowLayer* shadow = layer->AsShadowLayer();
  ContainerLayer* container = layer->AsContainerLayer();

  const FrameMetrics& metrics = container->GetFrameMetrics();
  const gfx3DMatrix& rootTransform = mLayerManager->GetRoot()->GetTransform();
  const gfx3DMatrix& currentTransform = layer->GetTransform();

  float rootScaleX = rootTransform.GetXScale();
  float rootScaleY = rootTransform.GetYScale();

  if (mIsFirstPaint) {
    mContentRect = metrics.mContentRect;
    mIsFirstPaint = false;
  } else if (!metrics.mContentRect.IsEqualEdges(mContentRect)) {
    mContentRect = metrics.mContentRect;
    SetPageRect(1/rootScaleX, mContentRect, metrics.mCSSContentRect);

  // We synchronise the viewport information with Java after sending the above
  // notifications, so that Java can take these into account in its response.
  // Calculate the absolute display port to send to Java
  nsIntRect displayPort = metrics.mDisplayPort;
  nsIntPoint scrollOffset = metrics.mViewportScrollOffset;
  displayPort.x += scrollOffset.x;
  displayPort.y += scrollOffset.y;

  SyncViewportInfo(displayPort, 1/rootScaleX, mLayersUpdated,
                   mScrollOffset, mXScale, mYScale);
  mLayersUpdated = false;

  // Handle transformations for asynchronous panning and zooming. We determine the
  // zoom used by Gecko from the transformation set on the root layer, and we
  // determine the scroll offset used by Gecko from the frame metrics of the
  // primary scrollable layer. We compare this to the desired zoom and scroll
  // offset in the view transform we obtained from Java in order to compute the
  // transformation we need to apply.
  float tempScaleDiffX = rootScaleX * mXScale;
  float tempScaleDiffY = rootScaleY * mYScale;

  nsIntPoint metricsScrollOffset(0, 0);
  if (metrics.IsScrollable())
    metricsScrollOffset = metrics.mViewportScrollOffset;

  nsIntPoint scrollCompensation(
    (mScrollOffset.x / tempScaleDiffX - metricsScrollOffset.x) * mXScale,
    (mScrollOffset.y / tempScaleDiffY - metricsScrollOffset.y) * mYScale);
  ViewTransform treeTransform(-scrollCompensation, mXScale, mYScale);
  shadow->SetShadowTransform(gfx3DMatrix(treeTransform) * currentTransform);

  // Alter the scroll offset so that fixed position layers remain within
  // the page area.
  float offsetX = mScrollOffset.x / tempScaleDiffX;
  float offsetY = mScrollOffset.y / tempScaleDiffY;
  offsetX = NS_MAX((float)mContentRect.x, NS_MIN(offsetX, (float)(mContentRect.XMost() - mWidgetSize.width)));
  offsetY = NS_MAX((float)mContentRect.y, NS_MIN(offsetY, (float)(mContentRect.YMost() - mWidgetSize.height)));
  gfxPoint reverseViewTranslation(offsetX - metricsScrollOffset.x,
                                  offsetY - metricsScrollOffset.y);

  TranslateFixedLayers(layer, reverseViewTranslation);