Esempio n. 1
void UPnpDeviceDesc::ProcessServiceList( QDomNode oListNode, UPnpDevice *pDevice )
    for ( QDomNode oNode = oListNode.firstChild();
                   oNode = oNode.nextSibling() )
        QDomElement e = oNode.toElement();

        if (!e.isNull())
            if ( e.tagName() == "service" )
                UPnpService *pService = new UPnpService();
                pDevice->m_listServices.append( pService );

                SetStrValue( e.namedItem( "serviceType" ),
                             pService->m_sServiceType     );
                SetStrValue( e.namedItem( "serviceId"   ),
                             pService->m_sServiceId       );
                SetStrValue( e.namedItem( "SCPDURL"     ),
                             pService->m_sSCPDURL         );
                SetStrValue( e.namedItem( "controlURL"  ),
                             pService->m_sControlURL      );
                SetStrValue( e.namedItem( "eventSubURL" ),
                             pService->m_sEventSubURL     );

                        QString("ProcessServiceList adding service : %1 : %2 :")
                        .arg(pService->m_sServiceId ));
Esempio n. 2
void IniHash::Load(const sys_char_t *fileName)
//	Clear();
	SysTextFileIn in;
	try {
	} catch (csyserr *ex) {
		if (SysErrorIsFileNotFound(ex->code))
	char buf[4096];
	carray<char> section;
	while (in.GetLine(buf, sizeof(buf)))

		char *s = buf;
		while (IsSpace(*s)) s++;
		if (!*s || *s == '#') continue;
		if (*s == '[')
			while (IsSpace(*s)) s++;
			char *t = s;
			while (*t && *t != ']') t++;
			if (*t != ']') continue;
			while ( t>s && IsSpace(*(t-1))) t--;
			*t = 0;
			section = new_char_str(s);
		} else {
			if (!section.ptr()) continue;

			char *t = s;
			while (*t && *t != '=') t++;
			if (*t != '=') continue;

			char *v = t + 1;
			while ( t>s && IsSpace(*(t-1))) t--;
			*t = 0;
			while (IsSpace(*v)) v++;
			t = v;
			while (*t) t++;
			while ( t>v && IsSpace(*(t-1))) t--;
			*t = 0;

			SetStrValue(section.ptr(), s, v);
Esempio n. 3
void UPnpDeviceDesc::ProcessIconList( QDomNode oListNode, UPnpDevice *pDevice )
    for ( QDomNode oNode = oListNode.firstChild();
                   oNode = oNode.nextSibling() )
        QDomElement e = oNode.toElement();

        if (!e.isNull())
            if ( e.tagName() == "icon" )
                UPnpIcon *pIcon = new UPnpIcon();
                pDevice->m_listIcons.append( pIcon );

                SetStrValue( e.namedItem( "mimetype" ), pIcon->m_sMimeType );
                SetNumValue( e.namedItem( "width"    ), pIcon->m_nWidth    );
                SetNumValue( e.namedItem( "height"   ), pIcon->m_nHeight   );
                SetNumValue( e.namedItem( "depth"    ), pIcon->m_nDepth    );
                SetStrValue( e.namedItem( "url"      ), pIcon->m_sURL      );
Esempio n. 4
void UPnpDeviceDesc::_InternalLoad( QDomNode oNode, UPnpDevice *pCurDevice )
    QString pin = GetMythDB()->GetSetting( "SecurityPin", "");
    pCurDevice->m_securityPin = (pin.isEmpty() || pin == "0000") ?
                                false : true;

    for ( oNode = oNode.firstChild();
                  oNode = oNode.nextSibling() )
        QDomElement e = oNode.toElement();

        if (!e.isNull())
            if ( e.tagName() == "deviceType"       )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sDeviceType      ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "friendlyName"     )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sFriendlyName    ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "manufacturer"     )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sManufacturer    ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "manufacturerURL"  )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sManufacturerURL ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "modelDescription" )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sModelDescription); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "modelName"        )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sModelName       ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "modelNumber"      )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sModelNumber     ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "modelURL"         )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sModelURL        ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "serialNumber"     )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sSerialNumber    ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "UPC"              )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sUPC             ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "presentationURL"  )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sPresentationURL ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "UDN"              )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sUDN             ); continue; }

            if ( e.tagName() == "iconList"         )
            { ProcessIconList   ( oNode, pCurDevice ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "serviceList"      )
            { ProcessServiceList( oNode, pCurDevice ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "deviceList"       )
            { ProcessDeviceList ( oNode, pCurDevice ); continue; }

            if ( e.tagName() == "mythtv:X_secure"  )
            { SetBoolValue( e, pCurDevice->m_securityPin ); continue; }
            if ( e.tagName() == "mythtv:X_protocol"  )
            { SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_protocolVersion ); continue; }

            // Not one of the expected element names... add to extra list.

            QString sValue = "";

            SetStrValue( e, sValue );

            pCurDevice->m_lstExtra.push_back(NameValue(e.tagName(), sValue));
Esempio n. 5
void IniHash::SetIntValue(const char *section, const char *var, int value){ char buf[64]; int_to_char<int>(value, buf); SetStrValue(section, var, buf); }
Esempio n. 6
void UPnpDeviceDesc::_InternalLoad( QDomNode oNode, UPnpDevice *pCurDevice )
    QString pin = GetMythDB()->GetSetting( "SecurityPin", "");
    pCurDevice->m_securityPin = !(pin.isEmpty() || pin == "0000");

    for ( oNode = oNode.firstChild();
          oNode = oNode.nextSibling() )
        QDomElement e = oNode.toElement();

        if (e.isNull())

        // TODO: make this table driven (using offset within structure)
        if ( e.tagName() == "deviceType" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sDeviceType);
        else if ( e.tagName() == "friendlyName" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sFriendlyName );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "manufacturer" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sManufacturer );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "manufacturerURL" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sManufacturerURL );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "modelDescription" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sModelDescription);
        else if ( e.tagName() == "modelName" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sModelName );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "modelNumber" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sModelNumber );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "modelURL" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sModelURL );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "serialNumber" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sSerialNumber );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "UPC" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sUPC );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "presentationURL" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sPresentationURL );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "UDN" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_sUDN );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "iconList" )
            ProcessIconList( oNode, pCurDevice );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "serviceList" )
            ProcessServiceList( oNode, pCurDevice );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "deviceList" )
            ProcessDeviceList ( oNode, pCurDevice );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "mythtv:X_secure" )
            SetBoolValue( e, pCurDevice->m_securityPin );
        else if ( e.tagName() == "mythtv:X_protocol" )
            SetStrValue( e, pCurDevice->m_protocolVersion );
            // Not one of the expected element names... add to extra list.
            QString sValue = "";
            SetStrValue( e, sValue );
            NameValue node = NameValue(e.tagName(), sValue);
            QDomNamedNodeMap attributes =  e.attributes();
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++)
                                  true); // TODO Check whether all attributes are in fact requires for the device xml