void UPhilipsHueBridge::AquireUserID(bool FromFile) { if (FromFile&&GetUserIDFromLocalFile()) { // Test if the User ID stored local is authorized auto HttpRequest1 = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest(); { HttpRequest1->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindUObject(this, &UPhilipsHueBridge::HandleUserIDTestRequestComplete); HttpRequest1->SetURL(FString(TEXT("http://")) + Configuration.IpAddress + TEXT("/api/") + ConnectedUser); HttpRequest1->SetVerb(TEXT("GET")); HttpRequest1->ProcessRequest(); } return; } auto HttpRequest = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest(); { HttpRequest->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindUObject(this, &UPhilipsHueBridge::HandleUserIDRequestComplete); HttpRequest->SetURL(FString(TEXT("http://")) + Configuration.IpAddress + TEXT("/api")); HttpRequest->SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); HttpRequest->SetVerb(TEXT("POST")); HttpRequest->SetContentAsString(UserRequestJson()); HttpRequest->ProcessRequest(); } }
bool FCrashUpload::SendCheckReportRequest() { FString XMLString; UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Log, TEXT("Sending HTTP request (checking report)")); auto Request = CreateHttpRequest(); if (State == EUploadState::CheckingReport) { AssignReportIdToPostDataBuffer(); Request->SetURL(UrlPrefix / TEXT("CheckReport")); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("Content-Type"), TEXT("text/plain; charset=us-ascii")); } else { // This part is Windows-specific on the server ErrorReport.LoadWindowsReportXmlFile( XMLString ); // Convert the XMLString into the UTF-8. FTCHARToUTF8 Converter( (const TCHAR*)*XMLString, XMLString.Len() ); const int32 Length = Converter.Length(); PostData.Reset( Length ); PostData.AddUninitialized( Length ); CopyAssignItems( (ANSICHAR*)PostData.GetData(), Converter.Get(), Length ); Request->SetURL(UrlPrefix / TEXT("CheckReportDetail")); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("Content-Type"), TEXT("text/plain; charset=utf-8")); } UE_LOG( CrashReportClientLog, Log, TEXT( "PostData Num: %i" ), PostData.Num() ); Request->SetVerb(TEXT("POST")); Request->SetContent(PostData); return Request->ProcessRequest(); }
bool wxHyperlinkCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label, const wxString& url, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { wxASSERT_MSG(!url.empty() || !label.empty(), wxT("Both URL and label are empty ?")); #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ int alignment = (int)((style & wxHL_ALIGN_LEFT) != 0) + (int)((style & wxHL_ALIGN_CENTRE) != 0) + (int)((style & wxHL_ALIGN_RIGHT) != 0); wxASSERT_MSG(alignment == 1, wxT("Specify exactly one align flag!")); #endif if (!wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name)) return false; // set to non empty strings both the url and the label if(url.empty()) SetURL(label); else SetURL(url); if(label.empty()) SetLabel(url); else SetLabel(label); m_rollover = false; m_clicking = false; m_visited = false; // colours m_normalColour = *wxBLUE; m_hoverColour = *wxRED; m_visitedColour = wxColour(wxT("#551a8b")); SetForegroundColour(m_normalColour); // by default the font of an hyperlink control is underlined wxFont f = GetFont(); f.SetUnderlined(true); SetFont(f); SetInitialSize(size); return true; }
bool CAddressBookDialog::Initialize(HWND hWndParent, IDispatch* pDispatch, bool bShow) { if (::IsWindow(m_hWnd)) return false; if (!pDispatch) return false; if (!hWndParent) hWndParent = ::GetDesktopWindow(); m_pDisp = pDispatch; m_bShowOnInit = bShow; Create(hWndParent); //HICON hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(_AtlBaseModule.GetResourceInstance(), (LPCTSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_LOGO), IMAGE_ICON, 32, 32, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR|LR_SHARED); //SetIcon(hIcon, true/*bBigIcon*/); //hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(_AtlBaseModule.GetResourceInstance(), (LPCTSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_LOGO), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR|LR_SHARED); //SetIcon(hIcon, false/*bBigIcon*/); // Check registry for latest Host url and // Browse, Usage and Upgrade pages. If values // are empty in registry the hard coded defaults // are used. CString szBaseURL; ReadRegistryString(REGVAL_ADDRESSBOOK_URL, szBaseURL); SetURL(szBaseURL); return true; }
void FCrashUpload::PostReportComplete() { if (PauseState == EUploadState::PostingReportComplete) { // Wait for confirmation SetCurrentState(EUploadState::WaitingToPostReportComplete); return; } AssignReportIdToPostDataBuffer(); auto Request = CreateHttpRequest(); Request->SetVerb( TEXT( "POST" ) ); Request->SetURL(UrlPrefix / TEXT("UploadComplete")); Request->SetHeader( TEXT( "Content-Type" ), TEXT( "text/plain; charset=us-ascii" ) ); Request->SetContent(PostData); UE_LOG( CrashReportClientLog, Log, TEXT( "Sending HTTP request: %s" ), *Request->GetURL() ); if (Request->ProcessRequest()) { SetCurrentState(EUploadState::PostingReportComplete); } else { CheckPendingReportsForFilesToUpload(); } }
void CWkeWebkitUI::SetAttribute(LPCTSTR pstrName, LPCTSTR pstrValue) { if (_tcsicmp(pstrName, _T("URL")) == 0) { SetURL(pstrValue); } CControlUI::SetAttribute(pstrName,pstrValue); }
void CAddressBookDialog::Load(LPCTSTR lpszURL) { if (!::IsWindow(m_hWnd)) return; CString szURL = GetURL(); if (szURL != lpszURL) SetURL(lpszURL, TRUE/*bNavigate*/); }
void WebPageWindow::LoadPage(QString url) { qDebug("in LoadPAge, WebPageWindow"); SetURL(url); if (m_pUrl && ! m_pUrl->isEmpty() && m_pUrl->isValid()){ ui->m_webView->load(*m_pUrl); setWindowTitle(m_pUrl->toString()+" - ReallySimpleReader."); } }
void CWkeWebkitUI::DoInit() { m_pWindow = new CWkeWebkitWnd(); if(m_pWindow) { m_pWindow->Init(this); m_pWindow->ShowWindow(); SetURL(m_startUrl); } }
bool wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label, const wxString& url, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { // do validation checks: CheckParams(label, url, style); if ((style & wxHL_ALIGN_LEFT) == 0) style |= wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE; if (!wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name)) return false; // set to non empty strings both the url and the label SetURL(url.empty() ? label : url); SetLabel(label.empty() ? url : label); m_rollover = false; m_clicking = false; m_visited = false; // colours m_normalColour = *wxBLUE; m_hoverColour = *wxRED; m_visitedColour = wxColour("#551a8b"); SetForegroundColour(m_normalColour); // by default the font of an hyperlink control is underlined wxFont f = GetFont(); f.SetUnderlined(true); SetFont(f); SetInitialSize(size); // connect our event handlers: // NOTE: since this class is the base class of the GTK+'s native implementation // of wxHyperlinkCtrl, we cannot use the static macros in BEGIN/END_EVENT_TABLE // blocks, otherwise the GTK+'s native impl of wxHyperlinkCtrl would not // behave correctly (as we intercept events doing things which interfere // with GTK+'s native handling): Connect( wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnPaint) ); Connect( wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, wxMouseEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnLeaveWindow) ); Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnLeftDown) ); Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnLeftUp) ); Connect( wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnRightUp) ); Connect( wxEVT_MOTION, wxMouseEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnMotion) ); Connect( wxHYPERLINK_POPUP_COPY_ID, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnPopUpCopy) ); return true; }
CButtonST::CButtonST() { m_bIsPressed = FALSE; m_bIsFocused = FALSE; m_bIsDisabled = FALSE; m_bMouseOnButton = FALSE; FreeResources(FALSE); // Default type is "flat" button m_bIsFlat = TRUE; // Button will be tracked also if when the window is inactive (like Internet Explorer) m_bAlwaysTrack = TRUE; // @@ I change this default value to TRUE!!! // By default draw border in "flat" button m_bDrawBorder = TRUE; // By default icon is aligned horizontally m_byAlign = ST_ALIGN_HORIZ; // By default, for "flat" button, don't draw the focus rect m_bDrawFlatFocus = FALSE; // By default the button is not the default button m_bIsDefault = FALSE; // Invalid value, since type still unknown m_nTypeStyle = BS_TYPEMASK; // By default the button is not a checkbox m_bIsCheckBox = FALSE; m_nCheck = 0; // Set default colors SetDefaultColors(FALSE); // No tooltip created m_ToolTip.m_hWnd = NULL; // Do not draw as a transparent button m_bDrawTransparent = FALSE; m_pbmpOldBk = NULL; // No URL defined SetURL(NULL); // No cursor defined m_hCursor = NULL; // No associated menu m_hMenu = NULL; m_hParentWndMenu = NULL; m_bMenuDisplayed = FALSE; } // End of CButtonST
wxCurlThreadError wxCurlDownloadThread::Download(const wxString &url, wxOutputStream *out) { wxCurlThreadError ret; if ((ret=SetURL(url)) != wxCTE_NO_ERROR) return ret; if ((ret=SetOutputStream(out)) != wxCTE_NO_ERROR) return ret; return Download(); }
LRESULT CArtGalleryDialog::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { ModifyStyleEx(WS_EX_APPWINDOW|WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT/*dwRemove*/, 0/*dwAdd*/); DlgResize_Init(false/*bAddGripper*/, true/*bUseMinTrackSize*/, WS_CLIPCHILDREN/*dwForceStyle*/); // Create the web browser control m_BrowserWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_EXPLORER2); if (!::IsWindow(m_BrowserWnd.m_hWnd)) return TRUE; HRESULT hr = m_BrowserWnd.QueryControl(&m_pBrowser); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (FAILED(hr)) return IDOK; if (m_pDispatch) hr = m_BrowserWnd.SetExternalDispatch(m_pDispatch); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (m_pBrowser) { m_pBrowser->put_Silent(VARIANT_FALSE); // Allow dialog boxes such as security alerts. m_pBrowser->put_RegisterAsDropTarget(VARIANT_FALSE); Connect(m_pBrowser); // Connect DWebBrowserEvents } SetURL(m_szURL, true/*bNavigate*/); SetWindowText(m_szTitle); SetWindowPos(NULL, m_xpos, m_ypos, m_cx, m_cy, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE); HICON hIcon = ::LoadIcon(_AtlBaseModule.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_AGICON)); SetIcon(hIcon, true /*bBigIcon*/); // Big Icon SetIcon(hIcon, false /*bBigIcon*/); // Samll Icon // Suppress Drag/drop if (m_pBrowser) m_pBrowser->put_RegisterAsDropTarget(VARIANT_FALSE); DragAcceptFiles(false); m_BrowserWnd.DragAcceptFiles(false); // Allow client to override attributes if (m_pfnArtGalleryCallback) { m_pfnArtGalleryCallback(m_hWnd, WM_INITDIALOG, m_pCallbackParam, (LPARAM)this, m_szID); } ShowWindow(m_nShowCmd); return IDOK; // Let the system set the focus }
wxCurlThreadError wxCurlUploadThread::Upload(const wxString &url, wxInputStream *in) { wxCurlThreadError ret; if ((ret=SetURL(url)) != wxCTE_NO_ERROR) return ret; if ((ret=SetInputStream(in)) != wxCTE_NO_ERROR) return ret; return Upload(); }
CAddressBookDialog::CAddressBookDialog() { m_pDisp = NULL; m_pBrowser = NULL; m_bShowOnInit = false; m_bWaiting = false; m_bBrowserError = false; m_dwResultStatus = 0; m_dwMode = -1; SetURL(DEFAULT_HOST); }
void FCrashUpload::UploadNextFile() { UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Log, TEXT("UploadNextFile: have %d pending files"), PendingFiles.Num()); // Loop to keep trying files until a send succeeds or we run out of files while (PendingFiles.Num() != 0) { FString PathOfFileToUpload = PendingFiles.Pop(); // Remember if there was already a diagnostics file in the report, so we don't send it twice if (PathOfFileToUpload.EndsWith(GDiagnosticsFilename)) { bDiagnosticsFileSent = true; } if (FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile().FileSize(*PathOfFileToUpload) > MaxFileSizeToUpload) { UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Warning, TEXT("Skipping large crash report file")); continue; } if (!FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(PostData, *PathOfFileToUpload)) { UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Warning, TEXT("Failed to load crash report file")); continue; } UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Log, TEXT("UploadNextFile: uploading %d bytes ('%s')"), PostData.Num(), *PathOfFileToUpload); FString Filename = FPaths::GetCleanFilename(PathOfFileToUpload); if (Filename == "diagnostics.txt") { // Ensure diagnostics file is capitalized for server Filename[0] = 'D'; } // Set up request for upload UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Log, TEXT("Sending HTTP request (posting file)")); auto Request = CreateHttpRequest(); Request->SetVerb(TEXT("POST")); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("Content-Type"), TEXT("application/octet-stream")); Request->SetURL(UrlPrefix / TEXT("UploadReportFile")); Request->SetContent(PostData); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("DirectoryName"), *ErrorReport.GetReportDirectoryLeafName()); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("FileName"), Filename); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("FileLength"), FString::FromInt(PostData.Num())); if (Request->ProcessRequest()) { return; } UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Warning, TEXT("Failed to send file upload request")); } PostReportComplete(); }
status_t SVNSourceControl::CloneRepository(const char *url, const char *dest) { BString command("svn co --non-interactive "); command << "'" << url << "' '" << dest << "'"; BString out; RunCommand(command,out); SetURL(url); return B_OK; }
bool wxHyperlinkCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label, const wxString& url, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { if ( !HasNativeHyperlinkCtrl() ) { return wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::Create( parent, id, label, url, pos, size, style, name ); } if ( !CreateControl(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name) ) { return false; } SetURL( url ); SetVisited( false ); WXDWORD exstyle; WXDWORD msStyle = MSWGetStyle(style, &exstyle); if ( !MSWCreateControl(WC_LINK, msStyle, pos, size, GetLabelForSysLink( label, url ), exstyle) ) { return false; } // Make sure both the label and URL are non-empty strings. SetURL(url.empty() ? label : url); SetLabel(label.empty() ? url : label); ConnectMenuHandlers(); return true; }
bool wxHyperlinkCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label, const wxString& url, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { if ( UseNative() ) { // do validation checks: CheckParams(label, url, style); if (!PreCreation( parent, pos, size ) || !CreateBase( parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name )) { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxHyperlinkCtrl creation failed") ); return false; } m_widget = gtk_link_button_new("asdfsaf asdfdsaf asdfdsa"); g_object_ref(m_widget); gtk_widget_show(m_widget); // alignment float x_alignment = 0.5; if (HasFlag(wxHL_ALIGN_LEFT)) x_alignment = 0.0; else if (HasFlag(wxHL_ALIGN_RIGHT)) x_alignment = 1.0; gtk_button_set_alignment(GTK_BUTTON(m_widget), x_alignment, 0.5); // set to non empty strings both the url and the label SetURL(url.empty() ? label : url); SetLabel(label.empty() ? url : label); // our signal handlers: g_signal_connect_after (m_widget, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (gtk_hyperlink_clicked_callback), this); m_parent->DoAddChild( this ); PostCreation(size); SetInitialSize(size); // wxWindowGTK will connect to the enter_notify and leave_notify GTK+ signals // thus overriding GTK+'s internal signal handlers which set the cursor of // the widget - thus we need to manually set it here: SetCursor(wxCursor(wxCURSOR_HAND)); } else return wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::Create(parent, id, label, url, pos, size, style, name); return true; }
bool UPhilipsHueBridge::HandleTicker(float DeltaTime) { auto HttpRequest = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest(); { HttpRequest->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindUObject(this, &UPhilipsHueBridge::HandleHttpRequestComplete); HttpRequest->SetURL(FString(TEXT("http://")) + Configuration.IpAddress + TEXT("/api/") + ConnectedUser + TEXT("/lights")); HttpRequest->SetVerb(TEXT("GET")); HttpRequest->ProcessRequest(); } return !ConnectedUser.IsEmpty(); }
void UPhilipsHueBridge::SetLightStateByLightIDRaw(const int32 LightID, const FString StateJson) { if (!Connected)return; auto HttpRequest = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest(); { FString LightIDStr = FString::FromInt(LightID); HttpRequest->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindUObject(this, &UPhilipsHueBridge::HandleLightStateRequestComplete); HttpRequest->SetURL(FString(TEXT("http://")) + Configuration.IpAddress + TEXT("/api/") + ConnectedUser + TEXT("/lights/") + LightIDStr + TEXT("/state")); HttpRequest->SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); HttpRequest->SetVerb(TEXT("PUT")); HttpRequest->SetContentAsString(StateJson); HttpRequest->ProcessRequest(); } }
bool wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label, const wxString& url, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { // do validation checks: CheckParams(label, url, style); if ((style & wxHL_ALIGN_LEFT) == 0) style |= wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE; if (!wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name)) return false; // set to non empty strings both the url and the label SetURL(url.empty() ? label : url); SetLabel(label.empty() ? url : label); Init(); SetForegroundColour(m_normalColour); // by default the font of an hyperlink control is underlined wxFont f = GetFont(); f.SetUnderlined(true); SetFont(f); SetInitialSize(size); // connect our event handlers: // NOTE: since this class is the base class of the GTK+'s native implementation // of wxHyperlinkCtrl, we cannot use the static macros in BEGIN/END_EVENT_TABLE // blocks, otherwise the GTK+'s native impl of wxHyperlinkCtrl would not // behave correctly (as we intercept events doing things which interfere // with GTK+'s native handling): Connect( wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnPaint) ); Connect( wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, wxFocusEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnFocus) ); Connect( wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, wxFocusEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnFocus) ); Connect( wxEVT_CHAR, wxKeyEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnChar) ); Connect( wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, wxMouseEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnLeaveWindow) ); Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnLeftDown) ); Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnLeftUp) ); Connect( wxEVT_MOTION, wxMouseEventHandler(wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::OnMotion) ); ConnectMenuHandlers(); return true; }
bool CWebView::LoadURL ( const SString& strURL, bool bFilterEnabled, const SString& strPostData, bool bURLEncoded ) { if ( !m_pWebView ) return false; CefURLParts urlParts; if ( !CefParseURL ( strURL, urlParts ) ) return false; // Invalid URL // Are we allowed to browse this website? if ( bFilterEnabled && g_pCore->GetWebCore ()->GetURLState ( UTF16ToMbUTF8 ( urlParts.host.str ), true ) != eURLState::WEBPAGE_ALLOWED ) return false; // Load it! auto pFrame = m_pWebView->GetMainFrame (); if ( strPostData.empty () ) { pFrame->LoadURL ( strURL ); } else { // Load URL first, see https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/issue/579 pFrame->LoadURL ( "about:blank" ); // Perform HTTP POST auto request = CefRequest::Create (); auto postData = CefPostData::Create (); auto postDataElement = CefPostDataElement::Create (); postDataElement->SetToBytes ( strPostData.size (), strPostData.c_str () ); postData->AddElement ( postDataElement ); if ( bURLEncoded ) { CefRequest::HeaderMap headerMap; headerMap.insert ( std::make_pair ( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ); headerMap.insert ( std::make_pair ( "Content-Length", std::to_string ( strPostData.size () ) ) ); //headerMap.insert ( std::make_pair ( "Connection", "close" ) ); request->SetHeaderMap ( headerMap ); } request->SetURL ( strURL ); request->SetMethod ( "POST" ); request->SetPostData ( postData ); pFrame->LoadRequest ( request ); } return true; }
void btData::Init(string title, string size, string url, string type, string seed, string dl, string source) { b_post = false; m_source = source; SetTitle(title); SetSize(size); SetURL(url); SetSeeds(seed); SetDownloads(dl); SetType(type); m_tracker = ""; next = NULL; m_referer_url = ""; m_hash = ""; m_project_id = "0"; m_files = "0"; }
void FCrashUpload::SendPingRequest() { SetCurrentState(EUploadState::PingingServer); auto Request = CreateHttpRequest(); Request->SetVerb(TEXT("GET")); Request->SetURL(UrlPrefix / TEXT("Ping")); UE_LOG( CrashReportClientLog, Log, TEXT( "Sending HTTP request: %s" ), *Request->GetURL() ); if (Request->ProcessRequest()) { FTicker::GetCoreTicker().AddTicker(FTickerDelegate::CreateRaw(this, &FCrashUpload::PingTimeout), PingTimeoutSeconds); } else { PingTimeout(0); } }
OP_STATUS SpeedDialData::Set(const SpeedDialData& original, bool retain_uid) { RETURN_IF_ERROR(SetURL(original.GetURL())); RETURN_IF_ERROR(SetDisplayURL(original.HasDisplayURL() ? original.GetDisplayURL() : UNI_L(""))); RETURN_IF_ERROR(SetTitle(original.GetTitle(), original.m_is_custom_title)); RETURN_IF_ERROR(SetExtensionID(original.m_extension_id)); RETURN_IF_ERROR(m_partner_id.Set(original.m_partner_id)); RETURN_IF_ERROR(SetReload(original.GetReloadPolicy(), original.GetReloadTimeout(), original.GetReloadOnlyIfExpired())); if (!retain_uid) { RETURN_IF_ERROR(m_unique_id.Set(original.GetUniqueID().CStr())); } m_core_url = original.m_core_url; return GenerateIDIfNeeded(); }
status_t SVNSourceControl::CreateRepository(const char *path) { // The SourceControl class runs under the DSCM idea of the local directory // being a repository. Seeing how SVN doesn't allow for this, we create a // repository elsewhere on the hard drive, check it out to the path we were // given, and add the files to the repository. Checking in is not part of // this call, however. DPath workingDir(path); DPath repoPath(sRepoPath); repoPath << workingDir.GetFileName(); BDirectory dir(sRepoPath.String()); if (dir.InitCheck() != B_OK) create_directory(sRepoPath.String(), 0777); BString command("svnadmin create "); command << "'" << repoPath.GetFullPath() << "'"; BString out; RunCommand(command, out); BString repoURL = "file://"; repoURL << repoPath.GetFullPath(); SetURL(repoURL.String()); SetWorkingDirectory(path); CloneRepository(repoURL.String(), path); BPath svnpath(path); svnpath.Append(".svn"); if (!BEntry(svnpath.Path()).Exists()) return B_ERROR; command = ""; command << "cd '" << path << "'; " << "svn add --non-interactive *"; RunCommand(command, out); return B_OK; }
URLView::URLView( BRect frame, const char *name, const char *label, const char *url, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags ) : BStringView( frame, name, label, resizingMode, flags ) { // Set the default values for the other definable instance variables. this->color = blue; this->clickColor = red; this->hoverColor = dark_blue; this->disabledColor = gray; this->hoverEnabled = true; this->draggable = true; this->iconSize = 16; this->underlineThickness = 1; // The link should be enabled by default (unless the URL is invalid, which // is handled by the SetURL() function). enabled = true; // Set the instance variables. this->url = 0; SetURL( url ); // Create the cursor to use when over the link. this->linkCursor = new BCursor( url_cursor ); // The link is not currently selected. selected = false; // The URL is currently not hover-colored. hovering = false; // The user has not dragged out of the view. draggedOut = false; // The user has not yet opened the popup menu. inPopup = false; // Initialize the attributes list (there are 14 standard // Person attributes). attributes = new BList( 14 ); }
bool Stream::doInit(const char *url) { if(isInitializing()) { // this is not completely clean (should be within the lock) but otherwise the // caller would have to wait for the thread lock post("Still initializing %s/%s:%i",hostname.c_str(),mountpt.c_str(),port); return false; } bool ok = true; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); // close open file Reset(); // try to set host name, mount point, port number if(ok) { char *err = "Invalid URL"; try { ok = SetURL(url); } catch(char *tx) { err = tx; ok = false; } catch(...) { ok = false; } if(!ok) { post(err); ResetHost(); } } if(ok) { state = ST_INIT; pthread_cond_signal(&cond); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); // let the thread worker do the rest return ok; }
void FCrashUpload::CompressAndSendData() { UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Log, TEXT("CompressAndSendData have %d pending files"), PendingFiles.Num()); // Compress all files into one archive. const int32 BufferSize = 16*1024*1024; TArray<uint8> UncompressedData; UncompressedData.Reserve( BufferSize ); FMemoryWriter MemoryWriter( UncompressedData, false, true ); int32 CurrentFileIndex = 0; // Loop to keep trying files until a send succeeds or we run out of files while (PendingFiles.Num() != 0) { const FString PathOfFileToUpload = PendingFiles.Pop(); if (FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile().FileSize(*PathOfFileToUpload) > MaxFileSizeToUpload) { UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Warning, TEXT("Skipping large crash report file")); continue; } if (!FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(PostData, *PathOfFileToUpload)) { UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Warning, TEXT("Failed to load crash report file")); continue; } const bool bSkipLogFile = !FCrashReportClientConfig::Get().GetSendLogFile() && PathOfFileToUpload.EndsWith( TEXT( ".log" ) ); if (bSkipLogFile) { UE_LOG( CrashReportClientLog, Warning, TEXT( "Skipping the log file" ) ); continue; } UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Log, TEXT("CompressAndSendData compressing %d bytes ('%s')"), PostData.Num(), *PathOfFileToUpload); FString Filename = FPaths::GetCleanFilename(PathOfFileToUpload); if (Filename == "diagnostics.txt") { // Ensure diagnostics file is capitalized for server Filename[0] = 'D'; } FCompressedCrashFile FileToCompress( CurrentFileIndex, Filename, PostData ); CurrentFileIndex++; MemoryWriter << FileToCompress; } uint8* CompressedDataRaw = new uint8[BufferSize]; int32 CompressedSize = BufferSize; int32 UncompressedSize = UncompressedData.Num(); const bool bResult = FCompression::CompressMemory( COMPRESS_ZLIB, CompressedDataRaw, CompressedSize, UncompressedData.GetData(), UncompressedSize ); if( !bResult ) { UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't compress the crash report files")); SetCurrentState(EUploadState::Cancelled); return; } const FString Filename = ErrorReport.GetReportDirectoryLeafName() + TEXT(".ue4crash"); // Copy compressed data into the array. TArray<uint8> CompressedData; CompressedData.Append( CompressedDataRaw, CompressedSize ); delete [] CompressedDataRaw; CompressedDataRaw = nullptr; // Set up request for upload auto Request = CreateHttpRequest(); Request->SetVerb(TEXT("POST")); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("Content-Type"), TEXT("application/octet-stream")); Request->SetURL(UrlPrefix / TEXT("UploadReportFile")); Request->SetContent(CompressedData); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("DirectoryName"), *ErrorReport.GetReportDirectoryLeafName()); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("FileName"), Filename); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("FileLength"), TTypeToString<int32>::ToString(CompressedData.Num()) ); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("CompressedSize"), TTypeToString<int32>::ToString(CompressedSize) ); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("UncompressedSize"), TTypeToString<int32>::ToString(UncompressedSize) ); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("NumberOfFiles"), TTypeToString<int32>::ToString(CurrentFileIndex) ); UE_LOG( CrashReportClientLog, Log, TEXT( "Sending HTTP request: %s" ), *Request->GetURL() ); if (Request->ProcessRequest()) { return; } else { UE_LOG(CrashReportClientLog, Warning, TEXT("Failed to send file upload request")); SetCurrentState(EUploadState::Cancelled); } }