// Purpose: 
void CTextureBrowser::OnUsed()

// Purpose: Invokes the replace texture dialog.
void CTextureBrowser::OnReplace(void)
	CMapDoc *pDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc();

	CReplaceTexDlg dlg(pDoc->GetSelection()->GetCount());

	dlg.m_strFind = m_cTextureWindow.szCurTexture;

	if(dlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
	// mark undo position
	GetHistory()->MarkUndoPosition(pDoc->GetSelection()->GetList(), "Replace Textures");

		pDoc->SelectObject(NULL, scClear);	// clear selection first



	if (m_bUsed)
Esempio n. 3
POINTER GetSetMemberEx( GENERICSET **pSet, INDEX nMember, int setsize, int unitsize, int maxcnt DBG_PASS )
	POINTER result;
	int bUsed;
	if( nMember == INVALID_INDEX )
		return NULL;
	//if( nMember > 1000 )
	//	DebugBreak();
	result = GetSetMemberExx( pSet, nMember, setsize, unitsize, maxcnt, &bUsed DBG_RELAY );
	if( !bUsed )
		SetUsed( *pSet, nMember );
	return result;
Esempio n. 4
bool UserDefinedEncodings::Get(uint16 unicode, uint8 &encoding, uint8 &index) {
	bool missing = !IsUsed(unicode);
	if (missing) {
		fEncoding[unicode] = fCurrentEncoding; fIndex[unicode] = fCurrentIndex;
		if (fCurrentIndex == 255) {
			fCurrentIndex = 0; fCurrentEncoding ++;
		} else {
			fCurrentIndex ++;
	encoding = fEncoding[unicode]; index = fIndex[unicode];
	return missing;
Esempio n. 5
MonthCell::MonthCell(int CellNum,BRect frame,int DayOfMonth,bool isCellUsed):BView(frame,"noname",B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES,B_WILL_DRAW|B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE|B_FRAME_EVENTS){
	myCellNum = CellNum;
	mDay = DayOfMonth; 
	isToday = false;
	listView = 0;
	isUsed = isCellUsed;
	mCalendarView = (BHandler*)Global::calendarView();
	char buffer[3]; /*contains DayOfMonth in a string*/
	/* setup the listview */
	BRect listViewRect = Bounds(); 
	listView = new EventListView(myCellNum,listViewRect,"name");
	listView->SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(EVENT_EDITOR));
	/* setup the topItem , the reserved first item in the listView, users click on this to create a new event */
	topItem = new EventListItem(BString(""),buffer,0);
	/* Setup first item in listview */

// Purpose: 
BOOL CTextureBrowser::OnInitDialog() 

	// Iterate all the active textures for debugging.
	//int nCount = g_Textures.GetActiveTextureCount();
	//for (int nTexture = 0; nTexture < nCount; nTexture++)
	//	IEditorTexture *pTexture = g_Textures.GetActiveTexture(nTexture);
	//	const char *pszName = pTexture->GetName();
	//	DBG("%d: %s\n", nTexture, pszName);
	m_cSizeList.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TEXTURESIZE, this);
	m_cFilter.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_FILTER, this);
	m_cKeywords.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_KEYWORDS, this);
	m_cCurName.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_CURNAME, this);
	m_cCurDescription.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_CURDESCRIPTION, this);
	m_cUsed.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_USED, this);
	m_FilterOpaque.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_FILTER_OPAQUE, this);
	m_FilterTranslucent.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_FILTER_TRANSLUCENT, this);
	m_FilterSelfIllum.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_FILTER_SELFILLUM, this);
	m_FilterEnvMask.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_FILTER_ENVMASK, this);
	m_ShowErrors.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_SHOW_ERROR, this);

	m_FilterOpaque.SetCheck( true );
	m_FilterTranslucent.SetCheck( true );
	m_FilterSelfIllum.SetCheck( true );
	m_FilterEnvMask.SetCheck( true );
	m_ShowErrors.SetCheck( true );

	// Create CTextureWindow that takes up area of dummy control.
	RECT r;
	m_cTextureWindow.Create(this, r);

	// Show everything initially
	m_cTextureWindow.SetTypeFilter( ~0, true );

	// Add latest history to the filter combo.
	for (int i = 0; i < m_nFilterHistory; i++)

	// Set the name filter unless one was explicitly specified.
	if (m_szNameFilter[0] == '\0')
		// No name filter specified. Use whatever is on top of the history.
		if (m_cFilter.GetCount() > 0)
			m_cFilter.GetLBText(0, m_szNameFilter);


	// Done with the name filter; clear it for next time.
	m_szNameFilter[0] = '\0';

	// Add the global list of keywords to the keywords combo.
	for( int i=0; i< g_Textures.GetNumKeywords(); i++ )
		m_cKeywords.AddString( g_Textures.GetKeyword(i) );

	// Set the keyword filter.


	// Refresh the list of used textures if enabled.
	if (m_bUsed)

	CWinApp *pApp = AfxGetApp();
	CString str = pApp->GetProfileString(pszIniSection, "Position");
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		CRect r;
		sscanf(str, "%d %d %d %d", &r.left, &r.top, &r.right, &r.bottom);

		if (r.left < 0)
			MoveWindow(r.left, r.top, r.right-r.left, r.bottom-r.top, FALSE);

	int iSize = pApp->GetProfileInt(pszIniSection, "ShowSize", 0);

	if (szInitialTexture[0])


	SetTimer(1, 500, NULL);


Esempio n. 7
int NFCRecord::AddRow(const int nRow, const NFDataList& var)
	bool bCover = false;
    int nFindRow = nRow;
    if (nFindRow >= mnMaxRow)
        return -1;

    if (var.GetCount() != GetCols())
        return -1;

    if (nFindRow < 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < mnMaxRow; i++)
            if (!IsUsed(i))
                nFindRow = i;
		if (IsUsed(nFindRow))
	        bCover = true;

    if (nFindRow < 0)
        return -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < GetCols(); ++i)
        if (var.Type(i) != GetColType(i))
            return -1;

    SetUsed(nFindRow, 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < GetCols(); ++i)
        NF_SHARE_PTR<NFData>& pVar = mtRecordVec.at(GetPos(nFindRow, i));
		if (nullptr == pVar)
			pVar = NF_SHARE_PTR<NFData>(NF_NEW NFData(var.Type(i)));

		pVar->variantData = var.GetStack(i)->variantData;

	xEventData.nOpType = bCover? RECORD_EVENT_DATA::Cover : RECORD_EVENT_DATA::Add;
	xEventData.nRow = nFindRow;
	xEventData.nCol = 0;
	xEventData.strRecordName = mstrRecordName;

	NFData tData;
    OnEventHandler(mSelf, xEventData, tData, tData); //FIXME:RECORD

    return nFindRow;
Esempio n. 8
    PHHIVE      Hive,
    PCELL_DATA List,
    ULONG       Count

Routine Description:

    Check consistency of a value list.
        .   Each element allocated?
        .   Each element have valid signature?
        .   Data properly allocated?


    Hive - containing Hive.

    List - pointer to an array of HCELL_INDEX entries.

    Count - number of entries in list.

Return Value:

    0 if Hive is OK.  Error return indicator if not.

    RANGE:  5000 - 5999

    ULONG   i;
    PCELL_DATA pcell;
    ULONG   size;
    ULONG   usedlen;
    ULONG   DataLength;
    ULONG   rc = 0;

    CmpCheckValueListDebug.Hive = Hive;
    CmpCheckValueListDebug.Status = 0;
    CmpCheckValueListDebug.List = List;
    CmpCheckValueListDebug.Index = (ULONG)-1;
    CmpCheckValueListDebug.Cell = 0;   // NOT HCELL_NIL
    CmpCheckValueListDebug.CellPoint = NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) {

        // Check out value entry's refs.
        Cell = List->u.KeyList[i];
        if (Cell == HCELL_NIL) {
            KdPrint(("CmpCheckValueList: List:%08lx i:%08lx\n", List, i));
            KdPrint(("\tEntry is null\n"));
            rc = 5010;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Status = rc;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Index = i;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Cell = Cell;
            return rc;
        if (HvIsCellAllocated(Hive, Cell) == FALSE) {
            KdPrint(("CmpCheckValueList: List:%08lx i:%08lx\n", List, i));
            KdPrint(("\tEntry is not allocated\n"));
            rc = 5020;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Status = rc;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Index = i;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Cell = Cell;
            return rc;
        } else {
            SetUsed(Hive, Cell);

        // Check out the value entry itself
        pcell = HvGetCell(Hive, Cell);
        size = HvGetCellSize(Hive, pcell);
        if (pcell->u.KeyValue.Signature != CM_KEY_VALUE_SIGNATURE) {
            KdPrint(("CmpCheckValueList: List:%08lx i:%08lx\n", List, i));
            KdPrint(("\tCell:%08lx - invalid value signature\n", Cell));
            rc = 5030;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Status = rc;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Index = i;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Cell = Cell;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.CellPoint = pcell;
            return rc;
        usedlen = FIELD_OFFSET(CM_KEY_VALUE, Name) + pcell->u.KeyValue.NameLength;
        if (usedlen > size) {
            KdPrint(("CmpCheckValueList: List:%08lx i:%08lx\n", List, i));
            KdPrint(("\tCell:%08lx - value bigger than containing cell\n", Cell));
            rc = 5040;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Status = rc;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Index = i;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.Cell = Cell;
            CmpCheckValueListDebug.CellPoint = pcell;
            return rc;

        // Check out value entry's data
        DataLength = pcell->u.KeyValue.DataLength;
        if (DataLength < CM_KEY_VALUE_SPECIAL_SIZE) {
            Data = pcell->u.KeyValue.Data;
            if ((DataLength == 0) && (Data != HCELL_NIL)) {
                KdPrint(("CmpCheckValueList: List:%08lx i:%08lx\n", List, i));
                KdPrint(("\tCell:%08lx Data:%08lx - data not null\n", Cell, Data));
                rc = 5050;
                CmpCheckValueListDebug.Status = rc;
                CmpCheckValueListDebug.Index = i;
                CmpCheckValueListDebug.Cell = Cell;
                CmpCheckValueListDebug.CellPoint = pcell;
                return rc;
            if (DataLength > 0) {
                if (HvIsCellAllocated(Hive, Data) == FALSE) {
                    KdPrint(("CmpCheckValueList: List:%08lx i:%08lx\n", List, i));
                    KdPrint(("\tCell:%08lx Data:%08lx - unallocated\n", Cell, Data));
                    rc = 5060;
                    CmpCheckValueListDebug.Status = rc;
                    CmpCheckValueListDebug.Index = i;
                    CmpCheckValueListDebug.Cell = Cell;
                    CmpCheckValueListDebug.CellPoint = pcell;
                    return rc;
                } else {
                    SetUsed(Hive, Data);
    return rc;
Esempio n. 9
    HCELL_INDEX ParentCell

Routine Description:

    Check consistency of the registry, for a particular cell

        .   Check that the cell's value list, child key list, class,
            security are OK.
        .   Check that each value entry IN the list is OK.


    CmpCheckHive - hive we're working on

    CmpCheckClean - flag TRUE -> clean off volatiles, FALSE -> don't


    Cell - HCELL_INDEX of subkey to work on.

    ParentCell - expected value of parent cell for Cell, unless
                 HCELL_NIL, in which case ignore.

Return Value:

    0 if Hive is OK.  Error return indicator if not.

    RANGE:  4000 - 4999

    PCELL_DATA      pcell;
    ULONG           size;
    ULONG           usedlen;
    ULONG           ClassLength;
    HCELL_INDEX     Class;
    ULONG           ValueCount;
    HCELL_INDEX     ValueList;
    HCELL_INDEX     Security;
    ULONG           rc = 0;
    ULONG           nrc = 0;
    ULONG           i;
    PCM_KEY_INDEX   Root;
    PCM_KEY_INDEX   Leaf;
    ULONG           SubCount;

    CmpCheckKeyDebug.Hive = CmpCheckHive;
    CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = 0;
    CmpCheckKeyDebug.Cell = Cell;
    CmpCheckKeyDebug.CellPoint = NULL;
    CmpCheckKeyDebug.RootPoint = NULL;
    CmpCheckKeyDebug.Index = (ULONG)-1;

    // Check key itself
    if (! HvIsCellAllocated(CmpCheckHive, Cell)) {
        KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
        KdPrint(("\tNot allocated\n"));
        rc = 4010;
        CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
        return rc;
    pcell = HvGetCell(CmpCheckHive, Cell);
    SetUsed(CmpCheckHive, Cell);

    CmpCheckKeyDebug.CellPoint = pcell;

    size = HvGetCellSize(CmpCheckHive, pcell);
    if (size > REG_MAX_PLAUSIBLE_KEY_SIZE) {
        KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
        KdPrint(("\tImplausible size %lx\n", size));
        rc = 4020;
        CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
        return rc;
    usedlen = FIELD_OFFSET(CM_KEY_NODE, Name) + pcell->u.KeyNode.NameLength;
    if (usedlen > size) {
        KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
        KdPrint(("\tKey is bigger than containing cell.\n"));
        rc = 4030;
        CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
        return rc;
    if (pcell->u.KeyNode.Signature != CM_KEY_NODE_SIGNATURE) {
        KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
        KdPrint(("\tNo key signature\n"));
        rc = 4040;
        CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
        return rc;
    if (ParentCell != HCELL_NIL) {
        if (pcell->u.KeyNode.Parent != ParentCell) {
            KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
            KdPrint(("\tWrong parent value.\n"));
            rc = 4045;
            CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
            return rc;
    ClassLength = pcell->u.KeyNode.ClassLength;
    Class = pcell->u.KeyNode.Class;
    ValueCount = pcell->u.KeyNode.ValueList.Count;
    ValueList = pcell->u.KeyNode.ValueList.List;
    Security = pcell->u.KeyNode.Security;

    // Check simple non-empty cases
    if (ClassLength > 0) {
        if( Class == HCELL_NIL ) {
            pcell->u.KeyNode.ClassLength = 0;
            HvMarkCellDirty(CmpCheckHive, Cell);
            KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx has ClassLength = %lu and Class == HCELL_NIL\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell,ClassLength));
        } else {
            if (HvIsCellAllocated(CmpCheckHive, Class) == FALSE) {
                    KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
                    KdPrint(("\tClass:%08lx - unallocated class\n", Class));
                    rc = 4080;
                    CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
                    return rc;
                } else {
                    SetUsed(CmpCheckHive, Class);

    if (Security != HCELL_NIL) {
        if (HvIsCellAllocated(CmpCheckHive, Security) == FALSE) {
            KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
            KdPrint(("\tSecurity:%08lx - unallocated security\n", Security));
            rc = 4090;
            CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
            return rc;
        } else if (HvGetCellType(Security) == Volatile) {
            SetUsed(CmpCheckHive, Security);
        // Else CmpValidateHiveSecurityDescriptors must do computation

    // Check value list case
    if (ValueCount > 0) {
        if (HvIsCellAllocated(CmpCheckHive, ValueList) == FALSE) {
            KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
            KdPrint(("\tValueList:%08lx - unallocated valuelist\n", ValueList));
            rc = 4100;
            CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
            return rc;
        } else {
            SetUsed(CmpCheckHive, ValueList);
            pcell = HvGetCell(CmpCheckHive, ValueList);
            nrc = CmpCheckValueList(CmpCheckHive, pcell, ValueCount);
            if (nrc != 0) {
                KdPrint(("List was for CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
                rc = nrc;
                CmpCheckKeyDebug.CellPoint = pcell;
                CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
                return rc;

    // Check subkey list case

    pcell = HvGetCell(CmpCheckHive, Cell);
    CmpCheckKeyDebug.CellPoint = pcell;
    if ((HvGetCellType(Cell) == Volatile) &&
        (pcell->u.KeyNode.SubKeyCounts[Stable] != 0))
        KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
        KdPrint(("\tVolatile Cell has Stable children\n"));
        rc = 4108;
        CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
        return rc;
    } else if (pcell->u.KeyNode.SubKeyCounts[Stable] > 0) {
        if (! HvIsCellAllocated(CmpCheckHive, pcell->u.KeyNode.SubKeyLists[Stable])) {
            KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
            KdPrint(("\tStableKeyList:%08lx - unallocated\n", pcell->u.KeyNode.SubKeyLists[Stable]));
            rc = 4110;
            CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
            return rc;
        } else {
            SetUsed(CmpCheckHive, pcell->u.KeyNode.SubKeyLists[Stable]);

            // Prove that the index is OK
            Root = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(
            CmpCheckKeyDebug.RootPoint = Root;
            if ((Root->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF) ||
                (Root->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF)) {
                if ((ULONG)Root->Count != pcell->u.KeyNode.SubKeyCounts[Stable]) {
                    KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
                    KdPrint(("\tBad Index count @%08lx\n", Root));
                    rc = 4120;
                    CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
                    return rc;
            } else if (Root->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT) {
                SubCount = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < Root->Count; i++) {
                    CmpCheckKeyDebug.Index = i;
                    if (! HvIsCellAllocated(CmpCheckHive, Root->List[i])) {
                        KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: Hive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
                        KdPrint(("\tBad Leaf Cell %08lx Root@%08lx\n", Root->List[i], Root));
                        rc = 4130;
                        CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
                        return rc;
                    Leaf = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(CmpCheckHive,
                    if ((Leaf->Signature != CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF) &&
                        (Leaf->Signature != CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF)) {
                        KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
                        KdPrint(("\tBad Leaf Index @%08lx Root@%08lx\n", Leaf, Root));
                        rc = 4140;
                        CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
                        return rc;
                    SetUsed(CmpCheckHive, Root->List[i]);
                    SubCount += Leaf->Count;
                if (pcell->u.KeyNode.SubKeyCounts[Stable] != SubCount) {
                    KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
                    KdPrint(("\tBad count in index, SubCount=%08lx\n", SubCount));
                    rc = 4150;
                    CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
                    return rc;
            } else {
                KdPrint(("CmpCheckKey: CmpCheckHive:%08lx Cell:%08lx\n", CmpCheckHive, Cell));
                KdPrint(("\tBad Root index signature @%08lx\n", Root));
                rc = 4120;
                CmpCheckKeyDebug.Status = rc;
                return rc;
    // force volatiles to be empty, if this is a load operation
    if (CmpCheckClean == TRUE) {
        pcell->u.KeyNode.SubKeyCounts[Volatile] = 0;
        pcell->u.KeyNode.SubKeyLists[Volatile] = HCELL_NIL;

    return rc;