Esempio n. 1
 * read in takeover game elements. Frees previous SDL-surfaces if 
 * they were allocated, this allows to used this fct also for theme-switching
GetTakeoverGraphics (void)
  int i,j;
  int curx = 0, cury = 0;
  SDL_Rect tmp;
  SDL_Surface* TempLoadSurface;

  Set_Rect (tmp, User_Rect.x, User_Rect.y, 0, 0);

  FreeIfUsed(to_blocks);   /* this happens when we do theme-switching */

  TempLoadSurface = IMG_Load (find_file (TO_BLOCK_FILE, GRAPHICS_DIR, USE_THEME, CRITICAL));
  to_blocks = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha( TempLoadSurface ); // the surface is converted
  SDL_FreeSurface ( TempLoadSurface );

  /* Set the fill-blocks */
  for (i=0; i<NUM_FILL_BLOCKS; i++,curx += TO_FillBlock.w + 2)
    Set_Rect (FillBlocks[i], curx, cury, TO_FillBlock.w, TO_FillBlock.h);

  /* Set the capsule Blocks */
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_CAPS_BLOCKS; i++, curx += TO_CapsuleRect.w + 2)
    Set_Rect (CapsuleBlocks[i], curx, cury, TO_CapsuleRect.w, TO_CapsuleRect.h-2);
  curx = 0;
  cury += TO_FillBlock.h + 2;

  /* get the game-blocks */

  for (j = 0; j < 2*NUM_PHASES; j++)
      for (i = 0; i < TO_BLOCKS; i++)
	  Set_Rect (ToGameBlocks[j*TO_BLOCKS+i], curx, cury, TO_ElementRect.w,TO_ElementRect.h);
	  curx += TO_ElementRect.w + 2;
      curx = 0;
      cury += TO_ElementRect.h + 2;

  /* Get the ground, column and leader blocks */
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_GROUND_BLOCKS; i++)
      Set_Rect (ToGroundBlocks[i], curx, cury, TO_GroundRect.w, TO_GroundRect.h);
      curx += TO_GroundRect.w + 2;
  cury += TO_GroundRect.h + 2;
  curx = 0;

  Set_Rect (ToColumnBlock, curx, cury, TO_ColumnRect.w, TO_ColumnRect.h);
  curx += TO_ColumnRect.w + 2;

  Set_Rect (ToLeaderBlock, curx, cury, 2*TO_LeaderLed.w-4, TO_LeaderLed.h);

}				// int GetTakeoverGraphics(void)
Esempio n. 2
@Desc: This function fills the whole combat window with the one color
       given as the only parameter to the function.  For this purpose
       a fast SDL basic function is used.

@Ret: none
* $Function----------------------------------------------------------*/
SetUserfenster (int color)
  SDL_Rect tmp;

  Set_Rect (tmp, User_Rect.x, User_Rect.y, User_Rect.w, User_Rect.h);

  SDL_FillRect( ne_screen , &tmp, color );

}				/* SetUserFenster() */
Esempio n. 3
 * @Desc: prepares _and displays_ the current Playground
 *   NOTE: this function should only change the USERFENSTER part
 *         so that we can do Infoline-setting before this
 * @Ret: void
ShowPlayground (void)
  int i, j;
  int color, player;
  int block;
  int xoffs, yoffs;
  SDL_Rect dst;
  SDL_Rect bak;

  xoffs = Classic_User_Rect.x;
  yoffs = Classic_User_Rect.y;

  //  SDL_SetColorKey (ne_screen, 0, 0);
  //  SDL_SetClipRect (ne_screen , &User_Rect);
  SDL_SetClipRect (ne_screen , NULL);

  //  Fill_Rect (User_Rect, to_bg_color);
  SDL_BlitSurface (takeover_bg_pic, &User_Rect, ne_screen, &User_Rect);

  PutInfluence (xoffs + DruidStart[YourColor].x, yoffs + DruidStart[YourColor].y);

  if (AllEnemys[DroidNum].status != OUT)
    PutEnemy (DroidNum, xoffs + DruidStart[!YourColor].x, yoffs + DruidStart[!YourColor].y);

  Set_Rect (dst, xoffs + TO_LeftGroundStart.x, yoffs + TO_LeftGroundStart.y, User_Rect.w, User_Rect.h);

  SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &ToGroundBlocks[GELB_OBEN], ne_screen, &dst);

  dst.y += TO_GroundRect.h;

  for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
      SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &ToGroundBlocks[GELB_MITTE], ne_screen, &dst);

      dst.y += TO_GroundRect.h;
    }				/* for i=1 to 12 */

  SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &ToGroundBlocks[GELB_UNTEN], ne_screen, &dst);

  /* Mittlere Saeule */
  Set_Rect (dst, xoffs + TO_LeaderBlockStart.x, yoffs + TO_LeaderBlockStart.y, 0, 0);
  SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &ToLeaderBlock, ne_screen, &dst);

  dst.y += TO_LeaderLed.h;
  for (i = 0; i < 12; i++, dst.y += TO_ColumnRect.h)
    SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &ToColumnBlock, ne_screen, &dst);

  /* rechte Saeule */
  Set_Rect (dst, xoffs + TO_RightGroundStart.x, yoffs + TO_RightGroundStart.y, 0, 0);

  SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &ToGroundBlocks[VIOLETT_OBEN], ne_screen, &dst);
  dst.y += TO_GroundRect.h;

  for (i = 0; i < 12; i++, dst.y += TO_GroundRect.h)
    SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &ToGroundBlocks[VIOLETT_MITTE], ne_screen, &dst);

  SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &ToGroundBlocks[VIOLETT_UNTEN], ne_screen, &dst);

  /* Fill the Leader-LED with its color */
  Set_Rect (dst, xoffs + TO_LeaderLed.x, yoffs + TO_LeaderLed.y, 0, 0);
  SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &FillBlocks[LeaderColor], ne_screen, &dst);
  dst.y += TO_FillBlock.h;
  SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &FillBlocks[LeaderColor], ne_screen, &dst);

  /* Fill the Display Column with its leds */
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; i++)
      Set_Rect (dst, xoffs + TO_ColumnStart.x, yoffs + TO_ColumnStart.y + i*TO_ColumnRect.h, 0, 0);
      SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &FillBlocks[DisplayColumn[i]], ne_screen, &dst);

  /* Show the yellow playground */
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_LAYERS - 1; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < NUM_LINES; j++)
	Set_Rect (dst, xoffs + PlaygroundStart[GELB].x + i * TO_ElementRect.w,
		  yoffs + PlaygroundStart[GELB].y + j * TO_ElementRect.h, 0, 0);
	block = ToPlayground[GELB][i][j] + ActivationMap[GELB][i][j]*TO_BLOCKS;
	SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &ToGameBlocks[block], ne_screen, &dst);

  /* Show the violett playground */
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_LAYERS - 1; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < NUM_LINES; j++)
	Set_Rect (dst,
		  xoffs + PlaygroundStart[VIOLETT].x +(NUM_LAYERS-i-2)*TO_ElementRect.w,
		  yoffs + PlaygroundStart[VIOLETT].y + j * TO_ElementRect.h, 0, 0);
	block = ToPlayground[VIOLETT][i][j]+
	SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &ToGameBlocks[block],ne_screen, &dst);

  /* Show the capsules left for each player */
  for (player = 0; player < 2; player++)
      if (player == YOU)
	color = YourColor;
	color = OpponentColor;

      Set_Rect (dst, xoffs + CurCapsuleStart[color].x, 
		yoffs + CurCapsuleStart[color].y + CapsuleCurRow[color] * TO_CapsuleRect.h,
      if (NumCapsules[player])
	SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &CapsuleBlocks[color], ne_screen, &dst);

      for (i = 0; i < NumCapsules[player]-1; i++)
	  Set_Rect (dst, xoffs + LeftCapsulesStart[color].x,
		    yoffs + LeftCapsulesStart[color].y + i*TO_CapsuleRect.h, 0, 0);
	  SDL_BlitSurface (to_blocks, &CapsuleBlocks[color],
			   ne_screen, &dst);
	} /* for capsules */
    } /* for player */

  SDL_Flip (ne_screen);


}				/* ShowPlayground */