Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	float Score;
	float BestScore = HugeScore;
	int p, i;
	SetupParams(argc, argv);
	clock_t Clock0;
	KK K1; // main KK class, for all data
	K1.penaltyMix = PenaltyMix;

	Clock0 = clock(); // start timer

	K1.LoadData(); // load .fet file
	// Seed random number generator
	// open distance dump file if required
	if (DistDump) Distfp = fopen("DISTDUMP", "w");	

    // start with provided file, if required
    if (*StartCluFile) {
        Output("Starting from cluster file %s\n", StartCluFile);
        BestScore = K1.CEM(StartCluFile, 1, 1);
		Output("%d->%d Clusters: Score %f\n\n", K1.nStartingClusters, K1.nClustersAlive, BestScore);
		for(p=0; p<K1.nPoints; p++) K1.BestClass[p] = K1.Class[p];

	// loop through numbers of clusters ...
	for(K1.nStartingClusters=MinClusters; K1.nStartingClusters<=MaxClusters; K1.nStartingClusters++) for(i=0; i<nStarts; i++) {
		// do CEM iteration
        Output("Starting from %d clusters...\n", K1.nStartingClusters);
		Score = K1.Cluster();
		Output("%d->%d Clusters: Score %f, best is %f\n", K1.nStartingClusters, K1.nClustersAlive, Score, BestScore);
		if (Score < BestScore) {
			Output("THE BEST YET!\n");
			// New best classification found
			BestScore = Score;
			for(p=0; p<K1.nPoints; p++) K1.BestClass[p] = K1.Class[p];
	Output("That took %f seconds.\n", (clock()-Clock0)/(float) CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	if (DistDump) fclose(Distfp);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
	m_strName = "cgUIButton";
Esempio n. 3
cgUIButton::cgUIButton( const string & strName )
	m_strName = strName;
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], 
				 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) 
	float Score;
	float BestScore = HugeScore;
	int p, i;

	clock_t Clock0;
	KK K1; // main KK class, for all data
	K1.penaltyMix = PenaltyMix;

	Clock0 = clock(); // start timer

	K1.LoadData(prhs[0]); // load .fet file

	mwSize     dim1[2] = {1,K1.nPoints};
	plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	double *OutputArray = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

	// Seed random number generator

	// open distance dump file if required
	//if (DistDump) Distfp = fopen("DISTDUMP", "w");

    // start with provided file, if required

	if (!mxIsEmpty(prhs[1])) {
        Output("Starting from existing clusters \n");
        BestScore = K1.CEM(prhs[1], 1, 1);
		Output("%d->%d Clusters: Score %f\n\n", K1.nStartingClusters, K1.nClustersAlive, BestScore);
		for(p=0; p<K1.nPoints; p++) K1.BestClass[p] = K1.Class[p];
		SaveOutput(K1.BestClass, OutputArray);

	// loop through numbers of clusters ...
	for(K1.nStartingClusters=MinClusters; K1.nStartingClusters<=MaxClusters; K1.nStartingClusters++) for(i=0; i<nStarts; i++) {
		// do CEM iteration
        Output("Starting from %d clusters...\n", K1.nStartingClusters);
		Score = K1.Cluster();

		Output("%d->%d Clusters: Score %f, best is %f\n", K1.nStartingClusters, K1.nClustersAlive, Score, BestScore);

		if (Score < BestScore) {
			Output("THE BEST YET!\n");
			// New best classification found
			BestScore = Score;
			for(p=0; p<K1.nPoints; p++) K1.BestClass[p] = K1.Class[p];
			SaveOutput(K1.BestClass, OutputArray);

	SaveOutput(K1.BestClass, OutputArray);

	Output("That took %f seconds.\n", (clock()-Clock0)/(float) CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	//if (DistDump) fclose(Distfp);

Esempio n. 5
bool CBettingGuy::MoveToNewNode( bool force )
	CGoalManager* pGoalManager = Game::GetGoalManager();
	Dbg_Assert( pGoalManager );
	uint32 minigameId = pGoalManager->GetRandomBettingMinigame();
	if ( minigameId == 0 || minigameId == m_currentMinigame )
		return false;	
	uint32 node_checksum;
	Script::CStruct* p_minigame_params = pGoalManager->GetGoal( minigameId )->GetParams();
	Dbg_Assert( p_minigame_params );
	p_minigame_params->GetChecksum( "betting_guy_node", &node_checksum, Script::ASSERT );

	if ( force )
		// move him!
		// printf("moving betting guy\n");

		// record his suspend state and turn off suspension
		m_currentMinigame = minigameId;

		uint32 betting_guy_id;
		mp_params->GetChecksum( "betting_guy_id", &betting_guy_id, Script::ASSERT );
//		Obj::CMovingObject* p_bet_guy = (Obj::CMovingObject*)(Obj::CMovingObject::m_hash_table.GetItem( betting_guy_id ));
		Obj::CMovingObject* p_bet_guy = (Obj::CMovingObject*)(Obj::CCompositeObjectManager::Instance()->GetObjectByID( betting_guy_id ));
		Dbg_Assert( p_bet_guy );

// Mick:  removed this, as suspension handled differently under new components system
//		bool suspend_state = p_bet_guy->m_never_suspend;
//		p_bet_guy->m_never_suspend = true;

		Script::CStruct* p_temp_params = new Script::CStruct();
		p_temp_params->AddChecksum( "goal_id", GetGoalId() );
		p_temp_params->AddChecksum( "new_node", node_checksum );
		Script::RunScript( "betting_guy_move_to_node", p_temp_params );
		delete p_temp_params;

		// make sure he's updated and restore his suspension state
//		p_bet_guy->m_never_suspend = suspend_state;
		mp_params->AddChecksum( "current_minigame", minigameId );

		m_currentNode = node_checksum;

		return true;

	// printf("got a minigameId of %x\n", minigameId);
	// get the local skater's position
	Mdl::Skate * skate_mod = Mdl::Skate::Instance();
	Obj::CSkater* pSkater = skate_mod->GetLocalSkater();
	Dbg_Assert( pSkater );
	Mth::Vector skater_pos = pSkater->GetPos();
	// see if the skater is too close to the betting guy
	Mth::Vector current_pos;
	if ( m_currentNode )
		int current_node = SkateScript::FindNamedNode( m_currentNode );
		SkateScript::GetPosition( current_node, &current_pos );
		float d = ( skater_pos - current_pos ).LengthSqr();
		// printf("square distance from the skater to the betting guy: %f\n", d);
		if ( d < vMINSQUAREDIST )
			// printf("the skater is too close to the betting guy\n");
			return false;
	// try out the destination node	
	// get the node's position
	int node = SkateScript::FindNamedNode( node_checksum );
	Mth::Vector node_pos;
	SkateScript::GetPosition(node, &node_pos);
	// get the square of the distance between them
	float distSqr = ( skater_pos - node_pos ).LengthSqr();
	// make sure it isn't too close
	// printf("sqaure distance from skater to next node: %f\n", distSqr);
	if ( distSqr < vMINSQUAREDIST )
		// printf("the skater is too close to the betting guy's destination node\n");
		return false;
		// move him!
		// printf("moving betting guy\n");
		m_currentMinigame = minigameId;

		Script::CStruct* p_temp_params = new Script::CStruct();
		p_temp_params->AddChecksum( "goal_id", GetGoalId() );
		p_temp_params->AddChecksum( "new_node", node_checksum );
		Script::RunScript( "betting_guy_move_to_node", p_temp_params );
		delete p_temp_params;
		mp_params->AddChecksum( "current_minigame", minigameId );

		m_currentNode = node_checksum;
		return true;
	return false;