Esempio n. 1
void ScrollViewUp( LPCLASSDATA lpcd )
	int	nLines = ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) - 1;

	 *	Are we there already?
	if (( lpcd->ptViewPos.y + lpcd-> - 1 ) < nLines )
		 *	Go down one.
		VScroll( lpcd, -1 );

		 *	Setup the scroller.
		SetupVScroller( lpcd );

		 *	Caret OK?
		if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y < lpcd->ptViewPos.y )
			 *	Make it visible.
			lpcd->ptCaretPos.y = lpcd->ptViewPos.y;
			lpcd->ptCaretPos.x = lpcd->nLastColumnPos = 0;
			UpdateCaret( lpcd );
Esempio n. 2
void ScrollViewDown( LPCLASSDATA lpcd )
	 *	Are we there already?
	if ( lpcd->ptViewPos.y > 0 )
		 *	Go up one.
		VScroll( lpcd, 1 );

		 *	Setup the scroller.
		SetupVScroller( lpcd );

		 *	Caret OK?
		if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y > ( lpcd->ptViewPos.y + lpcd-> - 1 ))
			 *	Make it visible.
			lpcd->ptCaretPos.y = lpcd->ptViewPos.y + lpcd-> - 1;
			lpcd->ptCaretPos.x = lpcd->nLastColumnPos = 0;
			UpdateCaret( lpcd );
Esempio n. 3
	 *	Read only?
		return TRUE;

	 *	Do we have a mark and
	 *	is it valid?
	if ( HasMark( lpcd ))
		 *	Remove the text.
		DeleteText( lpcd, &lpcd->ptSelStart, &lpcd->ptSelEnd, TRUE );

		 *	We _must_ have atleast one
		 *	empty line.
		if ( ArrayGetSize( lpcd->lpLines ) == 0 )
			if ( InsertLine( lpcd, NULL, 0, -1, TRUE ) == FALSE )
				return FALSE;

		 *	Hide the caret.
		DisplayCaret( lpcd, FALSE );

		 *	Move to the start position.
		lpcd->ptCaretPos = lpcd->ptSelStart;

		 *	Update column position.
		lpcd->nLastColumnPos = GetCaretOffset( lpcd, lpcd->ptCaretPos.x );

		 *	Invalidate marks.
		lpcd->ptSelStart.x = lpcd->ptSelStart.y = -1;
		lpcd->ptSelEnd.x   = lpcd->ptSelEnd.y   = -1;

		 *	Is the caret inside
		 *	the view?
		if ( CaretInView( lpcd ) == FALSE )
			 *	No. Move the view to
			 *	make it visible.
			MakeCaretVisibleNoRedraw( lpcd );

		 *	Re-render.
		InvalidateRect( lpcd->hWnd, NULL, FALSE );

		 *	Setup scrollers.
		SetupHScroller( lpcd );
		SetupVScroller( lpcd );

		 *	We are modified.
		SetModified( lpcd, TRUE );

		 *	Send status message.
		SendStatusMessage( lpcd );

		 *	Show the caret.
		DisplayCaret( lpcd, TRUE );
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
void Paste( LPCLASSDATA lpcd )
	HANDLE		hData;
	LPCTSTR		lpszText;
	BOOL		bDeleted = FALSE;

	 *	Are we read-only?

	 *	Valid format on the clipboard?
	if ( IsClipboardFormatAvailable( CF_TEXT ) == FALSE )

	 *	Any marks set?
	if ( HasMark( lpcd ))
		bDeleted = Delete( lpcd );

	 *	Hide the caret.
	DisplayCaret( lpcd, FALSE );

	 *	Open the clipboard.
	if ( OpenClipboard( lpcd->hWnd ))
		 *	Get data handle.
		if (( hData = GetClipboardData( CF_TEXT )) != NULL )
			 *	Lock the data.
			if (( lpszText = GlobalLock( hData )) != NULL )
				 *	Insert the clipboard contents
				 *	into the text.
				InsertText( lpcd, lpcd->ptCaretPos.y, lpcd->ptCaretPos.x, lpszText, &lpcd->ptCaretPos, ! bDeleted );

				 *	Unlock the data handle.
				GlobalUnlock( hData );
		 *	Close the clipboard.

	 *	Update column position.
	lpcd->nLastColumnPos = GetCaretOffset( lpcd, lpcd->ptCaretPos.x );

	 *	Is the caret inside
	 *	the view?
	if ( CaretInView( lpcd ) == FALSE )
		 *	No. Move the view to
		 *	make it visible.
		MakeCaretVisibleNoRedraw( lpcd );

	 *	Re-render.
	InvalidateRect( lpcd->hWnd, NULL, FALSE );

	 *	Setup scrollers.
	SetupHScroller( lpcd );
	SetupVScroller( lpcd );

	 *	We are modified.
	SetModified( lpcd, TRUE );

	 *	Show the caret.
	DisplayCaret( lpcd, TRUE );
Esempio n. 5
LRESULT OnReplaceSelection( HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LPCLASSDATA lpcd )
	LPCTSTR		lpszText = ( LPCTSTR )lParam;
	BOOL		bDeleted = FALSE;

	 *	Are we read-only?
		return FALSE;

	 *	Any text?
	if ( lpszText == NULL || *lpszText == _T( '\0' ))
		return FALSE;

	 *	Any marks set? If not return FALSE since we need
	 *	to replace a text selection.
	if ( HasMark( lpcd ) == FALSE )
		return FALSE;

	 *	Delete the current selection from the text.
	bDeleted = Delete( lpcd );

	 *	Hide the caret.
	DisplayCaret( lpcd, FALSE );

	 *	Insert the clipboard contents
	 *	into the text.
	InsertText( lpcd, lpcd->ptCaretPos.y, lpcd->ptCaretPos.x, lpszText, &lpcd->ptCaretPos, ! bDeleted );

	 *	Update column position.
	lpcd->nLastColumnPos = GetCaretOffset( lpcd, lpcd->ptCaretPos.x );

	 *	Is the caret inside
	 *	the view?
	if ( CaretInView( lpcd ) == FALSE )
		 *	No. Move the view to
		 *	make it visible.
		MakeCaretVisibleNoRedraw( lpcd );

	 *	Re-render.
	InvalidateRect( lpcd->hWnd, NULL, FALSE );

	 *	Setup scrollers.
	SetupHScroller( lpcd );
	SetupVScroller( lpcd );

	 *	We are modified.
	SetModified( lpcd, TRUE );

	 *	Show the caret.
	DisplayCaret( lpcd, TRUE );
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 6
static void MakeVisible( LPCLASSDATA lpcd, BOOL bRedraw )
	int	nDiffY = lpcd->ptViewPos.y;
	BOOL	bRender = FALSE;

	 *	Is the caret visible?
	if ( CaretInView( lpcd ) == FALSE )
		 *	Get "real" caret position.
		int	nXPos = GetCaretOffset( lpcd, lpcd->ptCaretPos.x );

		 *	Is it in the view horizontally?
		if (( nXPos < lpcd->ptViewPos.x ) || ( nXPos > lpcd->ptViewPos.x + ( lpcd-> - 1 )))
			lpcd->ptViewPos.x = max( 0, nXPos - ( lpcd-> ) / 2 );
			bRender = TRUE;

		 *	Is it in the view vertically?
		if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y < lpcd->ptViewPos.y )
			lpcd->ptViewPos.y = lpcd->ptCaretPos.y;
		else if ( lpcd->ptCaretPos.y > lpcd->ptViewPos.y + ( lpcd-> - 1 ))
			lpcd->ptViewPos.y = max( 0, lpcd->ptCaretPos.y - ( lpcd-> - 1 ));

		 *	Redraw?
		if ( bRedraw )
			 *	Compute difference in Y direction.
			nDiffY = nDiffY - lpcd->ptViewPos.y;

			 *	View moved?
			if ( nDiffY != 0 && bRender == FALSE )
				 *	Scroll view.
				VScroll( lpcd, nDiffY );

				 *	Setup vertical scroller.
				SetupVScroller( lpcd );
			else if ( bRender == TRUE )
				 *	Setup scrollers.
				SetupHScroller( lpcd );
				SetupVScroller( lpcd );

				 *	Re-render.
				InvalidateRect( lpcd->hWnd, NULL, TRUE );