bool CUISpawnWnd::OnKeyboard(int dik, EUIMessages keyboard_action) { if (WINDOW_KEY_PRESSED != keyboard_action) { if (dik == DIK_TAB) { ShowChildren(true); game_cl_mp* game = smart_cast<game_cl_mp*>(&Game()); game->OnKeyboardRelease(kSCORES); UI()->GetUICursor()->Show(); } return false; } if (dik == DIK_TAB) { ShowChildren(false); game_cl_mp* game = smart_cast<game_cl_mp*>(&Game()); game->OnKeyboardPress(kSCORES); UI()->GetUICursor()->Hide(); return false; } game_cl_mp* game = smart_cast<game_cl_mp*>(&Game()); VERIFY(game); //game_cl_TeamDeathmatch * dm = smart_cast<game_cl_TeamDeathmatch *>(&(Game())); if (DIK_1 == dik || DIK_2 == dik) { game->StartStopMenu(this,true); if (DIK_1 == dik) game->OnTeamSelect(0); else game->OnTeamSelect(1); return true; } switch (dik) { case DIK_ESCAPE: game->StartStopMenu(this,true); game->OnTeamMenuBack(); return true; case DIK_SPACE: game->StartStopMenu(this,true); game->OnTeamSelect(-1); return true; case DIK_RETURN: game->StartStopMenu(this,true); if (m_pImage1->GetSelectedState()) game->OnTeamSelect(0); else if (m_pImage2->GetSelectedState()) game->OnTeamSelect(1); else game->OnTeamSelect(-1); return true; } return inherited::OnKeyboard(dik, keyboard_action); }
void wxSRHierarchicalConteiner::RefreshComponent(wxSRComponent* parent, std::vector<wxSRComponent*> children) { wxSizer* parent_sizer = m_sizer_associations[parent]; std::vector<wxSRComponent*> parent_children = m_checkbox_tree[parent]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { wxSRComponent* tmp =; if (!Find(tmp)) { wxSizer* tmp_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); parent_sizer->Add(tmp, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_TOP, 5); parent_sizer->Add(tmp_sizer, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_TOP|wxLEFT, 30); m_sizer_associations[tmp] = tmp_sizer; m_checkbox_tree[tmp] = std::vector<wxSRComponent*>(); parent_children.push_back(tmp); } } m_checkbox_tree[parent] = parent_children; ShowChildren(parent); }
virtual void UpdateInfo() { const float YSEP = Gui::Screen::GetFontHeight() * 1.5f; DeleteAllChildren(); Add(new Gui::Label(Lang::CARGO_INVENTORY), 40, 40); Add(new Gui::Label(Lang::JETTISON), 40, 40+YSEP*2); float ypos = 40 + 3*YSEP; for (int i=1; i<Equip::TYPE_MAX; i++) { if (Equip::types[i].slot != Equip::SLOT_CARGO) continue; const int gotNum = Pi::player->m_equipment.Count(Equip::SLOT_CARGO, static_cast<Equip::Type>(i)); if (!gotNum) continue; Gui::Button *b = new Gui::SolidButton(); b->onClick.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &CargoPage::JettisonCargo), static_cast<Equip::Type>(i))); Add(b, 40, ypos); Add(new Gui::Label(Equip::types[i].name), 70, ypos); char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%dt", gotNum*Equip::types[i].mass); Add(new Gui::Label(buf), 300, ypos); ypos += YSEP; } if (Pi::player->m_equipment.Count(Equip::SLOT_CARGO, Equip::WATER) > 0) { Gui::HBox *box = new Gui::HBox(); box->SetSpacing(5.0f); Gui::Button *b = new Gui::SolidButton(); b->onClick.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &CargoPage::Refuel)); box->PackEnd(b); box->PackEnd(new Gui::Label(Lang::REFUEL)); Add(box, 300, 40); box->ShowAll(); } ShowChildren(); }
void wxSRHierarchicalConteiner::OnClick(wxCommandEvent& event) { std::map<wxSRComponent*, std::vector<wxSRComponent*> >::iterator iter; for (iter = m_checkbox_tree.begin(); iter != m_checkbox_tree.end(); iter ++) { wxSRComponent* tmp = iter->first; ShowChildren(tmp); } }
AUI_ERRCODE aui_Region::Show( void ) { ShowThis(); ShowChildren(); if(m_showCallback) m_showCallback(this, m_showCallbackData); return AUI_ERRCODE_OK; }
void wxsDrawingWindow::OnFetchSequence(cb_unused wxCommandEvent& event) { if ( m_IsDestroyed ) return; ShowChildren(); Refresh(); Update(); // Here we have requested to hide panel and show children // But since wxWidges does some updates on events, we // have to introduce some delay and allow wxWidgets to // do it's stuff before we can read bitmap directly from screen switch ( GetDelayType() ) { case None: // We don't wait at all assuming that everything is // shown now FetchSequencePhase2(); break; case Yield: // We call Yield() to let wxWidgets process all messages // This can be dangerous in some environments when calling // Yield() may internally destroy this class (happens on Linux) Manager::Yield(); FetchSequencePhase2(); break; case TimerNormal: // We start timer that will send event after some time. // We assume here that before timer event is processed, // all events used to udpate screen will be processed. m_RefreshTimer.Start(50,true); break; case TimerFast: // This version is simillar to TimerNormal, but with the difference is // that here's almost no gap between refresh request and refresh // execution. This may not be preffered on some platforms where // timer events have high priority and are called before processing // any pending events on queue. In such situation, it may lead to // some unprocessed events which should update screen's content // while fetching bitmap. m_RefreshTimer.Start(1,true); break; default: break; } }
virtual void UpdateInfo() { Sint64 crime, fine; Polit::GetCrime(&crime, &fine); const float YSEP = Gui::Screen::GetFontHeight() * 1.5f; DeleteAllChildren(); float ypos = 40.0f; Add((new Gui::Label(Lang::COMBAT_RATING))->Shadow(true), 40, ypos); Add(new Gui::Label(Pi::combatRating[ Pi::CombatRating(Pi::player->GetKillCount()) ]), 40, ypos+YSEP); ypos = 160.0f; Add((new Gui::Label(Lang::CRIMINAL_RECORD))->Shadow(true), 40, ypos); for (int i=0; i<64; i++) { if (!(crime & (Uint64(1)<<i))) continue; if (!Polit::crimeNames[i]) continue; ypos += YSEP; Add(new Gui::Label(Polit::crimeNames[i]), 40, ypos); } ShowChildren(); }
void ui_actor_state_wnd::Show( bool status ) { inherited::Show( status ); ShowChildren( status ); }
virtual void UpdateInfo() { const float YSEP = Gui::Screen::GetFontHeight() * 1.5f; DeleteAllChildren(); Gui::Label *l = new Gui::Label(Lang::MISSIONS); Add(l, 20, 20); l = new Gui::Label(Lang::TYPE); Add(l, 20, 20+YSEP*2); l = new Gui::Label(Lang::CLIENT); Add(l, 100, 20+YSEP*2); l = new Gui::Label(Lang::LOCATION); Add(l, 260, 20+YSEP*2); l = new Gui::Label(Lang::DUE); Add(l, 420, 20+YSEP*2); l = new Gui::Label(Lang::REWARD); Add(l, 580, 20+YSEP*2); l = new Gui::Label(Lang::STATUS); Add(l, 680, 20+YSEP*2); ShowChildren(); Gui::VScrollBar *scroll = new Gui::VScrollBar(); Gui::VScrollPortal *portal = new Gui::VScrollPortal(760); scroll->SetAdjustment(&portal->vscrollAdjust); const std::list<const Mission*> &missions = Pi::player->missions.GetAll(); Gui::Fixed *innerbox = new Gui::Fixed(760, YSEP*3 * missions.size()); float ypos = 0; for (std::list<const Mission*>::const_iterator i = missions.begin(); i != missions.end(); ++i) { SystemPath path = (*i)->location; StarSystem *s = StarSystem::GetCached(path); SBody *sbody = s->GetBodyByPath(&path); l = new Gui::Label((*i)->type); innerbox->Add(l, 0, ypos); l = new Gui::Label((*i)->client); innerbox->Add(l, 80, ypos); l = new Gui::Label(stringf("%0,\n%1 [%2{d},%3{d},%4{d}]", sbody->name.c_str(), s->GetName().c_str(), path.sectorX, path.sectorY, path.sectorZ)); innerbox->Add(l, 240, ypos); l = new Gui::Label(format_date((*i)->due)); innerbox->Add(l, 400, ypos); l = new Gui::Label(format_money((*i)->reward)); innerbox->Add(l, 560, ypos); switch ((*i)->status) { case Mission::FAILED: l = new Gui::Label(std::string("#f00")+std::string(Lang::FAILED)); break; case Mission::COMPLETED: l = new Gui::Label(std::string("#ff0")+std::string(Lang::COMPLETED)); break; default: case Mission::ACTIVE: l = new Gui::Label(std::string("#0f0")+std::string(Lang::ACTIVE)); break; } innerbox->Add(l, 660, ypos); ypos += YSEP*3; } Add(portal, 20, 20 + YSEP*3); Add(scroll, 780, 20 + YSEP*3); scroll->ShowAll(); portal->Add(innerbox); portal->ShowAll(); }
bool CUISkinSelectorWnd::OnKeyboard(int dik, EUIMessages keyboard_action) { if (WINDOW_KEY_PRESSED != keyboard_action) { if (dik == DIK_TAB) { ShowChildren(true); game_cl_mp* game = smart_cast<game_cl_mp*>(&Game()); game->OnKeyboardRelease(kSCORES); UI()->GetUICursor()->Show(); } return false; } if (dik == DIK_TAB) { ShowChildren(false); game_cl_mp* game = smart_cast<game_cl_mp*>(&Game()); game->OnKeyboardPress(kSCORES); UI()->GetUICursor()->Hide(); return false; } int right_border = (int)m_skins.size(); if (right_border > 9) right_border = 9; if (dik >= DIK_1 && dik < (int)right_border + DIK_1) { int NewIndex = dik - DIK_1; // Msg("Selected %d", NewIndex); // for (u32 i=0; i<m_skinsEnabled.size(); i++) // Msg("Enabled - %d", m_skinsEnabled[i]); xr_vector<int>::iterator It = std::find(m_skinsEnabled.begin(), m_skinsEnabled.end(), NewIndex); if (It != m_skinsEnabled.end()) { m_iActiveIndex = NewIndex; OnBtnOK(); } return true; } // game_cl_Deathmatch * dm = smart_cast<game_cl_Deathmatch *>(&(Game())); switch (dik){ case DIK_ESCAPE: // Game().StartStopMenu(this,true); // dm->OnSkinMenuBack(); OnBtnCancel(); return true; case DIK_SPACE: // do autoselect m_iActiveIndex = -1; case DIK_RETURN: OnBtnOK(); return true; case DIK_LEFT: OnKeyLeft(); return true; case DIK_RIGHT: OnKeyRight(); return true; } return false; }