inline bool deserializeFlags(const boost::filesystem::path &path, std::vector<bool> &flags) { SimpleLogger().Write() << "Reading flags from " << path; std::ifstream flag_stream(path.string(), std::ios::binary); if (!readAndCheckFingerprint(flag_stream)) return false; std::uint32_t number_of_bits;<char *>(&number_of_bits), sizeof(number_of_bits)); flags.resize(number_of_bits); // putting bits in ints std::uint32_t chunks = (number_of_bits + 31) / 32; std::size_t bit_position = 0; std::uint32_t chunk; for (std::size_t chunk_id = 0; chunk_id < chunks; ++chunk_id) {<char *>(&chunk), sizeof(chunk)); std::bitset<32> chunk_bits(chunk); for (std::size_t bit = 0; bit < 32 && bit_position < number_of_bits; ++bit, ++bit_position) flags[bit_position] = chunk_bits[bit]; } SimpleLogger().Write() << "Read " << number_of_bits << " bits in " << chunks << " Chunks from disk."; return static_cast<bool>(flag_stream); }
void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::Run(const std::string &original_edge_data_filename, const std::string &geometry_filename, lua_State *lua_state) { TIMER_START(geometry); CompressGeometry(); TIMER_STOP(geometry); TIMER_START(renumber); RenumberEdges(); TIMER_STOP(renumber); TIMER_START(generate_nodes); GenerateEdgeExpandedNodes(); TIMER_STOP(generate_nodes); TIMER_START(generate_edges); GenerateEdgeExpandedEdges(original_edge_data_filename, lua_state); TIMER_STOP(generate_edges); m_geometry_compressor.SerializeInternalVector(geometry_filename); SimpleLogger().Write() << "Timing statistics for edge-expanded graph:"; SimpleLogger().Write() << "Geometry compression: " << TIMER_SEC(geometry) << "s"; SimpleLogger().Write() << "Renumbering edges: " << TIMER_SEC(renumber) << "s"; SimpleLogger().Write() << "Generating nodes: " << TIMER_SEC(generate_nodes) << "s"; SimpleLogger().Write() << "Generating edges: " << TIMER_SEC(generate_edges) << "s"; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { LogPolicy::GetInstance().Unmute(); try { std::string ip_address; int ip_port, requested_thread_num, max_locations_map_matching; bool trial_run = false; libosrm_config lib_config; const unsigned init_result = GenerateServerProgramOptions( argc, argv, lib_config.server_paths, ip_address, ip_port, requested_thread_num, lib_config.use_shared_memory, trial_run, lib_config.max_locations_distance_table, max_locations_map_matching); if (init_result == INIT_OK_DO_NOT_START_ENGINE) { return 0; } if (init_result == INIT_FAILED) { return 1; } SimpleLogger().Write() << "starting up engines, " << g_GIT_DESCRIPTION; OSRM routing_machine(lib_config); RouteParameters route_parameters; route_parameters.zoom_level = 18; // no generalization route_parameters.print_instructions = true; // turn by turn instructions route_parameters.alternate_route = true; // get an alternate route, too route_parameters.geometry = true; // retrieve geometry of route route_parameters.compression = true; // polyline encoding route_parameters.check_sum = -1; // see wiki route_parameters.service = "viaroute"; // that's routing route_parameters.output_format = "json"; route_parameters.jsonp_parameter = ""; // set for jsonp wrapping route_parameters.language = ""; // unused atm // route_parameters.hints.push_back(); // see wiki, saves I/O if done properly // start_coordinate route_parameters.coordinates.emplace_back(52.519930 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, 13.438640 * COORDINATE_PRECISION); // target_coordinate route_parameters.coordinates.emplace_back(52.513191 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, 13.415852 * COORDINATE_PRECISION); osrm::json::Object json_result; const int result_code = routing_machine.RunQuery(route_parameters, json_result); SimpleLogger().Write() << "http code: " << result_code; osrm::json::render(SimpleLogger().Write(), json_result); } catch (std::exception ¤t_exception) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "caught exception: " << current_exception.what(); return -1; } return 0; }
int main() { LogPolicy::GetInstance().Unmute(); try { SimpleLogger().Write() << "starting up engines, " << g_GIT_DESCRIPTION << "\n\n"; SimpleLogger().Write() << "Releasing all locks"; SimpleLogger().Write() << "ATTENTION! BE CAREFUL!"; SimpleLogger().Write() << "----------------------"; SimpleLogger().Write() << "This tool may put osrm-routed into an undefined state!"; SimpleLogger().Write() << "Type 'Y' to acknowledge that you know what your are doing."; SimpleLogger().Write() << "\n\nDo you want to purge all shared memory allocated " << "by osrm-datastore? [type 'Y' to confirm]"; const auto letter = getchar(); if (letter != 'Y') { SimpleLogger().Write() << "aborted."; return 0; } springclean(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "[excpetion] " << e.what(); } return 0; }
~shm_remove() { if (m_initialized) { SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "automatic memory deallocation"; if (!boost::interprocess::xsi_shared_memory::remove(m_shmid)) { SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "could not deallocate id " << m_shmid; } } }
int main() { LogPolicy::GetInstance().Unmute(); SimpleLogger().Write() << "starting up engines, " << g_GIT_DESCRIPTION << ", " << "compiled at " << __DATE__ << ", " __TIME__; SimpleLogger().Write() << "Releasing all locks"; SharedBarriers barrier; barrier.pending_update_mutex.unlock(); barrier.query_mutex.unlock(); barrier.update_mutex.unlock(); return 0; }
void BaseParser::ReadUseRestrictionsSetting() { if( 0 != luaL_dostring( lua_state, "return use_turn_restrictions\n") ) { throw OSRMException("ERROR occured in scripting block"); } if( lua_isboolean( lua_state, -1) ) { use_turn_restrictions = lua_toboolean(lua_state, -1); } if( use_turn_restrictions ) { SimpleLogger().Write() << "Using turn restrictions"; } else { SimpleLogger().Write() << "Ignoring turn restrictions"; } }
void BaseParser::ReadRestrictionExceptions() { if(lua_function_exists(luaState, "get_exceptions" )) { //get list of turn restriction exceptions luabind::call_function<void>( luaState, "get_exceptions", boost::ref(restriction_exceptions) ); SimpleLogger().Write() << "Found " << restriction_exceptions.size() << " exceptions to turn restriction"; BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string & str, restriction_exceptions) { SimpleLogger().Write() << " " << str; } } else {
void CheckAndReloadFacade() { if (CURRENT_LAYOUT != data_timestamp_ptr->layout || CURRENT_DATA != data_timestamp_ptr->data || CURRENT_TIMESTAMP != data_timestamp_ptr->timestamp) { // release the previous shared memory segments SharedMemory::Remove(CURRENT_LAYOUT); SharedMemory::Remove(CURRENT_DATA); CURRENT_LAYOUT = data_timestamp_ptr->layout; CURRENT_DATA = data_timestamp_ptr->data; CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = data_timestamp_ptr->timestamp; m_layout_memory.reset(SharedMemoryFactory::Get(CURRENT_LAYOUT)); data_layout = (SharedDataLayout *)(m_layout_memory->Ptr()); m_large_memory.reset(SharedMemoryFactory::Get(CURRENT_DATA)); shared_memory = (char *)(m_large_memory->Ptr()); const char *file_index_ptr = data_layout->GetBlockPtr<char>(shared_memory, SharedDataLayout::FILE_INDEX_PATH); file_index_path = boost::filesystem::path(file_index_ptr); if (!boost::filesystem::exists(file_index_path)) { SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Leaf file name " << file_index_path.string(); throw osrm::exception("Could not load leaf index file." "Is any data loaded into shared memory?"); } LoadGraph(); LoadChecksum(); LoadNodeAndEdgeInformation(); LoadGeometries(); LoadTimestamp(); LoadViaNodeList(); LoadNames(); data_layout->PrintInformation(); SimpleLogger().Write() << "number of geometries: " << m_coordinate_list->size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_coordinate_list->size(); ++i) { if (!GetCoordinateOfNode(i).is_valid()) { SimpleLogger().Write() << "coordinate " << i << " not valid"; } } } }
unsigned readHSGRFromStream(const boost::filesystem::path &hsgr_file, std::vector<NodeT> &node_list, std::vector<EdgeT> &edge_list, unsigned *check_sum) { if (!boost::filesystem::exists(hsgr_file)) { throw exception("hsgr file does not exist"); } if (0 == boost::filesystem::file_size(hsgr_file)) { throw exception("hsgr file is empty"); } boost::filesystem::ifstream hsgr_input_stream(hsgr_file, std::ios::binary); const FingerPrint fingerprint_valid = FingerPrint::GetValid(); FingerPrint fingerprint_loaded;<char *>(&fingerprint_loaded), sizeof(FingerPrint)); if (!fingerprint_loaded.TestGraphUtil(fingerprint_valid)) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << ".hsgr was prepared with different build.\n" "Reprocess to get rid of this warning."; } unsigned number_of_nodes = 0; unsigned number_of_edges = 0;<char *>(check_sum), sizeof(unsigned));<char *>(&number_of_nodes), sizeof(unsigned)); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 != number_of_nodes, "number of nodes is zero");<char *>(&number_of_edges), sizeof(unsigned)); SimpleLogger().Write() << "number_of_nodes: " << number_of_nodes << ", number_of_edges: " << number_of_edges; // BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( 0 != number_of_edges, "number of edges is zero"); node_list.resize(number_of_nodes);<char *>(&node_list[0]), number_of_nodes * sizeof(NodeT)); edge_list.resize(number_of_edges); if (number_of_edges > 0) {<char *>(&edge_list[0]), number_of_edges * sizeof(EdgeT)); } hsgr_input_stream.close(); return number_of_nodes; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try { LogPolicy::GetInstance().Unmute(); ExtractorConfig extractor_config; const return_code result = ExtractorOptions::ParseArguments(argc, argv, extractor_config); if (return_code::fail == result) { return 1; } if (return_code::exit == result) { return 0; } ExtractorOptions::GenerateOutputFilesNames(extractor_config); if (1 > extractor_config.requested_num_threads) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Number of threads must be 1 or larger"; return 1; } if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(extractor_config.input_path)) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Input file " << extractor_config.input_path.string() << " not found!"; return 1; } if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(extractor_config.profile_path)) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Profile " << extractor_config.profile_path.string() << " not found!"; return 1; } return extractor().run(extractor_config); } catch (const std::exception &e) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "[exception] " << e.what(); return 1; } }
void delete_region(const SharedDataType region) { if (SharedMemory::RegionExists(region) && !SharedMemory::Remove(region)) { const std::string name = [&] { switch (region) { case CURRENT_REGIONS: return "CURRENT_REGIONS"; case LAYOUT_1: return "LAYOUT_1"; case DATA_1: return "DATA_1"; case LAYOUT_2: return "LAYOUT_2"; case DATA_2: return "DATA_2"; case LAYOUT_NONE: return "LAYOUT_NONE"; default: // DATA_NONE: return "DATA_NONE"; } }(); SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "could not delete shared memory region " << name; } }
void GeometryCompressor::PrintStatistics() const { const uint64_t compressed_edges = m_compressed_geometries.size(); BOOST_ASSERT(0 == compressed_edges % 2); BOOST_ASSERT(m_compressed_geometries.size() + m_free_list.size() > 0); uint64_t compressed_geometries = 0; uint64_t longest_chain_length = 0; for (const std::vector<CompressedNode> ¤t_vector : m_compressed_geometries) { compressed_geometries += current_vector.size(); longest_chain_length = std::max(longest_chain_length, (uint64_t)current_vector.size()); } SimpleLogger().Write() << "Geometry successfully removed:" "\n compressed edges: " << compressed_edges << "\n compressed geometries: " << compressed_geometries << "\n longest chain length: " << longest_chain_length << "\n cmpr ratio: " << ((float)compressed_edges / std::max(compressed_geometries, (uint64_t)1)) << "\n avg chain length: " << (float)compressed_geometries / std::max((uint64_t)1, compressed_edges); }
inline void PBFParser::ParseData() { while (true) { _ThreadData *threadData; threadDataQueue->wait_and_pop(threadData); if( NULL==threadData ) { SimpleLogger().Write() << "Parse Data Thread Finished"; threadDataQueue->push(NULL); // Signal end of data for other threads break; } loadBlock(threadData); for(int i = 0, groupSize = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup_size(); i < groupSize; ++i) { threadData->currentGroupID = i; loadGroup(threadData); if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeNode) { parseNode(threadData); } if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeWay) { parseWay(threadData); } if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeRelation) { parseRelation(threadData); } if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeDenseNode) { parseDenseNode(threadData); } } delete threadData; threadData = NULL; } }
SharedMemory(const boost::filesystem::path &lock_file, const int id, const uint64_t size = 0, bool read_write = false, bool remove_prev = true) { sprintf(key, "%s.%d", "osrm.lock", id); if (0 == size) { // read_only shm = boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object( boost::interprocess::open_only, key, read_write ? boost::interprocess::read_write : boost::interprocess::read_only); region = boost::interprocess::mapped_region( shm, read_write ? boost::interprocess::read_write : boost::interprocess::read_only); } else { // writeable pointer // remove previously allocated mem if (remove_prev) { Remove(key); } shm = boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object(boost::interprocess::open_or_create, key, boost::interprocess::read_write); shm.truncate(size); region = boost::interprocess::mapped_region(shm, boost::interprocess::read_write); remover.SetID(key); SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "writeable memory allocated " << size << " bytes"; } }
static SharedMemory *Get(const IdentifierT &id, const uint64_t size = 0, bool read_write = false, bool remove_prev = true) { try { LockFileT lock_file; if (!boost::filesystem::exists(lock_file())) { if (0 == size) { throw osrm::exception("lock file does not exist, exiting"); } else { boost::filesystem::ofstream ofs(lock_file()); ofs.close(); } } return new SharedMemory(lock_file(), id, size, read_write, remove_prev); } catch (const boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception &e) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "caught exception: " << e.what() << ", code " << e.get_error_code(); throw osrm::exception(e.what()); } }
inline bool serializeFlags(const boost::filesystem::path &path, const std::vector<bool> &flags) { // TODO this should be replaced with a FILE-based write using error checking std::ofstream flag_stream(path.string(), std::ios::binary); writeFingerprint(flag_stream); std::uint32_t number_of_bits = flags.size(); flag_stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&number_of_bits), sizeof(number_of_bits)); // putting bits in ints std::uint32_t chunk = 0; std::size_t chunk_count = 0; for (std::size_t bit_nr = 0; bit_nr < number_of_bits;) { std::bitset<32> chunk_bitset; for (std::size_t chunk_bit = 0; chunk_bit < 32 && bit_nr < number_of_bits; ++chunk_bit, ++bit_nr) chunk_bitset[chunk_bit] = flags[bit_nr]; chunk = chunk_bitset.to_ulong(); ++chunk_count; flag_stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&chunk), sizeof(chunk)); } SimpleLogger().Write() << "Wrote " << number_of_bits << " bits in " << chunk_count << " chunks (Flags)."; return static_cast<bool>(flag_stream); }
/** \brief Building rtree-based nearest-neighbor data structure Saves info to files: '.ramIndex' and '.fileIndex'. */ void Prepare::BuildRTree(std::vector<EdgeBasedNode> &node_based_edge_list) { SimpleLogger().Write() << "building r-tree ..."; StaticRTree<EdgeBasedNode>(node_based_edge_list, rtree_nodes_path.c_str(), rtree_leafs_path.c_str(), internal_to_external_node_map); }
void RestrictionParser::ReadUseRestrictionsSetting(lua_State *lua_state) { if (0 == luaL_dostring(lua_state, "return use_turn_restrictions\n") && lua_isboolean(lua_state, -1)) { use_turn_restrictions = lua_toboolean(lua_state, -1); } if (use_turn_restrictions) { SimpleLogger().Write() << "Using turn restrictions"; } else { SimpleLogger().Write() << "Ignoring turn restrictions"; } }
void OSRM_impl::RegisterPlugin(BasePlugin *plugin) { SimpleLogger().Write() << "loaded plugin: " << plugin->GetDescriptor(); if (plugin_map.find(plugin->GetDescriptor()) != plugin_map.end()) { delete plugin_map.find(plugin->GetDescriptor())->second; } plugin_map.emplace(plugin->GetDescriptor(), plugin); }
int main() { LogPolicy::GetInstance().Unmute(); try { SimpleLogger().Write() << "starting up engines, " << OSRM_VERSION; SimpleLogger().Write() << "Releasing all locks"; SharedBarriers barrier; barrier.pending_update_mutex.unlock(); barrier.query_mutex.unlock(); barrier.update_mutex.unlock(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "[excpetion] " << e.what(); } return 0; }
// find all existing shmem regions and remove them. void springclean() { SimpleLogger().Write() << "spring-cleaning all shared memory regions"; delete_region(DATA_1); delete_region(LAYOUT_1); delete_region(DATA_2); delete_region(LAYOUT_2); delete_region(CURRENT_REGIONS); }
int main() { LogPolicy::GetInstance().Unmute(); try { SimpleLogger().Write() << "starting up engines, " << g_GIT_DESCRIPTION << ", " << "compiled at " << __DATE__ << ", " __TIME__; SimpleLogger().Write() << "Releasing all locks"; SharedBarriers barrier; barrier.pending_update_mutex.unlock(); barrier.query_mutex.unlock(); barrier.update_mutex.unlock(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "[excpetion] " << e.what(); } return 0; }
/** * Reads the beginning of an .osrm file and produces: * - list of barrier nodes * - list of traffic lights * - nodes indexed by their internal (non-osm) id */ NodeID loadNodesFromFile(std::istream &input_stream, std::vector<NodeID> &barrier_node_list, std::vector<NodeID> &traffic_light_node_list, std::vector<extractor::QueryNode> &node_array) { const FingerPrint fingerprint_valid = FingerPrint::GetValid(); FingerPrint fingerprint_loaded;<char *>(&fingerprint_loaded), sizeof(FingerPrint)); if (!fingerprint_loaded.TestContractor(fingerprint_valid)) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << ".osrm was prepared with different build.\n" "Reprocess to get rid of this warning."; } NodeID n;<char *>(&n), sizeof(NodeID)); SimpleLogger().Write() << "Importing n = " << n << " nodes "; extractor::ExternalMemoryNode current_node; for (NodeID i = 0; i < n; ++i) {<char *>(¤t_node), sizeof(extractor::ExternalMemoryNode)); node_array.emplace_back(current_node.lon,, current_node.node_id); if (current_node.barrier) { barrier_node_list.emplace_back(i); } if (current_node.traffic_lights) { traffic_light_node_list.emplace_back(i); } } // tighten vector sizes barrier_node_list.shrink_to_fit(); traffic_light_node_list.shrink_to_fit(); return n; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { try { return Extractor().Run(argc, argv); } catch (const std::exception &e) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "[exception] " << e.what(); } }
void RestrictionParser::ReadRestrictionExceptions(lua_State *lua_state) { if (lua_function_exists(lua_state, "get_exceptions")) { luabind::set_pcall_callback(&lua_error_callback); // get list of turn restriction exceptions luabind::call_function<void>(lua_state, "get_exceptions", boost::ref(restriction_exceptions)); const unsigned exception_count = restriction_exceptions.size(); SimpleLogger().Write() << "Found " << exception_count << " exceptions to turn restrictions:"; for (const std::string &str : restriction_exceptions) { SimpleLogger().Write() << " " << str; } } else { SimpleLogger().Write() << "Found no exceptions to turn restrictions"; } }
/** * Reads a .osrm file and produces the edges. */ NodeID loadEdgesFromFile(std::istream &input_stream, std::vector<extractor::NodeBasedEdge> &edge_list) { EdgeID m;<char *>(&m), sizeof(unsigned)); edge_list.resize(m); SimpleLogger().Write() << " and " << m << " edges "; *), m * sizeof(extractor::NodeBasedEdge)); BOOST_ASSERT(edge_list.size() > 0); #ifndef NDEBUG SimpleLogger().Write() << "Validating loaded edges..."; tbb::parallel_sort( edge_list.begin(), edge_list.end(), [](const extractor::NodeBasedEdge &lhs, const extractor::NodeBasedEdge &rhs) { return (lhs.source < rhs.source) || (lhs.source == rhs.source && <; }); for (auto i = 1u; i < edge_list.size(); ++i) { const auto &edge = edge_list[i]; const auto &prev_edge = edge_list[i - 1]; BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(edge.weight > 0, "loaded null weight"); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(edge.forward, "edge must be oriented in forward direction"); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(edge.travel_mode != TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE, "loaded non-accessible"); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(edge.source !=, "loaded edges contain a loop"); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(edge.source != prev_edge.source || !=, "loaded edges contain a multi edge"); } #endif SimpleLogger().Write() << "Graph loaded ok and has " << edge_list.size() << " edges"; return m; }
SharedMemory(const boost::filesystem::path &lock_file, const IdentifierT id, const uint64_t size = 0, bool read_write = false, bool remove_prev = true) : key(lock_file.string().c_str(), id) { if (0 == size) { // read_only shm = boost::interprocess::xsi_shared_memory(boost::interprocess::open_only, key); region = boost::interprocess::mapped_region( shm, (read_write ? boost::interprocess::read_write : boost::interprocess::read_only)); } else { // writeable pointer // remove previously allocated mem if (remove_prev) { Remove(key); } shm = boost::interprocess::xsi_shared_memory(boost::interprocess::open_or_create, key, size); #ifdef __linux__ if (-1 == shmctl(shm.get_shmid(), SHM_LOCK, 0)) { if (ENOMEM == errno) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "could not lock shared memory to RAM"; } } #endif region = boost::interprocess::mapped_region(shm, boost::interprocess::read_write); remover.SetID(shm.get_shmid()); SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "writeable memory allocated " << size << " bytes"; } }
/** \brief Writing info on original (node-based) nodes */ void Prepare::WriteNodeMapping() { SimpleLogger().Write() << "writing node map ..."; boost::filesystem::ofstream node_stream(node_filename, std::ios::binary); const unsigned size_of_mapping = internal_to_external_node_map.size(); node_stream.write((char *)&size_of_mapping, sizeof(unsigned)); if (size_of_mapping > 0) { node_stream.write((char *)&(internal_to_external_node_map[0]), size_of_mapping * sizeof(NodeInfo)); } node_stream.close(); internal_to_external_node_map.clear(); internal_to_external_node_map.shrink_to_fit(); }
static bool Remove(char *key) { bool ret = false; try { SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "deallocating prev memory"; ret = boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object::remove(key); } catch (const boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception &e) { if (e.get_error_code() != boost::interprocess::not_found_error) { throw; } } return ret; }