Esempio n. 1
SoFont_PutStringCleverCursor (SoFont * font, SDL_Surface * Surface,
															const char *text, int cursPos, SDL_Rect * r,
															SDL_Rect * clip, int showCurs)
	int     w1, w2;

	if ((!font->picture) || (!text))

	w1 = SoFont_TextWidth_MinMax (font, text, 0, cursPos);
	w2 = SoFont_TextWidth (font, text);

	if ((w2 < r->w) || (w1 < r->w / 2))
		SoFont_PutStringWithCursor (font, Surface, r->x,
																r->y + (r->h - font->height) / 2, text,
																cursPos, clip, showCurs);
	else if (w1 < w2 - r->w / 2)
		SoFont_PutStringWithCursor (font, Surface, r->x - w1 + r->w / 2,
																r->y + (r->h - font->height) / 2, text,
																cursPos, clip, showCurs);
		SoFont_PutStringWithCursor (font, Surface, r->x - w2 + r->w,
																r->y + (r->h - font->height) / 2, text,
																cursPos, clip, showCurs);
Esempio n. 2
SoFont_CenteredString_XY (SoFont * font, SDL_Surface * Surface, int x, int y,
													const char *text, SDL_Rect * clip)
	if (!font->picture)
	SoFont_PutString (font, Surface, x - SoFont_TextWidth (font, text) / 2,
										y - font->height / 2, text, clip);
Esempio n. 3
SoFont_XCenteredString (SoFont * font, SDL_Surface * Surface, int y,
												const char *text, SDL_Rect * clip)
	if (!font->picture)
	SoFont_PutString (font, Surface,
										Surface->w / 2 - SoFont_TextWidth (font, text) / 2, y,
										text, clip);
Esempio n. 4
SoFont_CleverTextCursorAt (SoFont * font, const char *text, int px,
													 int cursPos, SDL_Rect * r)
	int     w1, w2;

	if ((!font->picture) || (!text))
		return 0;
	w1 = SoFont_TextWidth_MinMax (font, text, 0, cursPos);
	w2 = SoFont_TextWidth (font, text);
	if ((w2 < r->w) || (w1 < r->w / 2))
		return SoFont_TextCursorAt (font, text, px);
	else if (w1 < w2 - r->w / 2)
		return SoFont_TextCursorAt (font, text, px + w1 - (r->w / 2));
		return SoFont_TextCursorAt (font, text, px + w2 - r->w);
Esempio n. 5
SoFont_load (SoFont * font, IIM_Surface * FontSurface)
	int     x = 0, i = 0, p = 0, s = 0;
	int     cursBegin = 0;
	int     cursWidth = 0;

	int     _CharPos[256];
	int     _Spacing[256];

	if (!FontSurface) {
		fprintf (stderr, "SoFont recieved a NULL SDL_Surface\n");
		return 0;
	font->picture = FontSurface;
	font->height = font->picture->h - 1;
	while (x < font->picture->w) {
		if (SoFont_DoStartNewChar (font, x)) {
			if (i)
				_Spacing[i - 1] = 1 + x - s;
			p = x;
			while ((x < font->picture->w - 1) && (SoFont_DoStartNewChar (font, x)))
			s = x;
			// CharPos[i++] = (p + x) / 2;
			_CharPos[i++] = (p + x + 1) / 2;	// David, Kobo Deluxe
	// Note that spacing is not needed for the last char,
	// as it's just used for the blit width calculation.
	if (i)
		_Spacing[i - 1] = 1 + x - s;
	_Spacing[i] = 0;
	_CharPos[i++] = font->picture->w;

	font->max_i = START_CHAR + i - 1;
	font->background = SoFontGetPixel (font->picture->surf, 0, font->height);
	SDL_SetColorKey (font->picture->surf, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, font->background);
	SoFont_CleanSurface (font);

	font->CharPos = (int *) malloc (i * sizeof (int));
	font->Spacing = (int *) malloc (i * sizeof (int));
	memcpy (font->CharPos, _CharPos, i * sizeof (int));
	memcpy (font->Spacing, _Spacing, i * sizeof (int));

	// We search for a smart space width:
	// Changed from "a", "A", "0" for Kobo Deluxe.
	// Spaces were *way* to wide! //David
	font->spacew = 0;
	if (!font->spacew)
		font->spacew = SoFont_TextWidth (font, "i") * 3 / 2;
	if (!font->spacew)
		font->spacew = SoFont_TextWidth (font, "I") * 3 / 2;
	if (!font->spacew)
		font->spacew = SoFont_TextWidth (font, ".") * 3 / 2;
	if (!font->spacew)
		font->spacew = font->CharPos[1] - font->CharPos[0];

	// We search for a smart cursor position:
	font->cursShift = 0;
	if ('|' > font->max_i)
		return 1;										// No bar in this font!

	if (font->background ==
			SoFontGetPixel (font->picture->surf, font->CharPos['|' - START_CHAR],
											font->height / 2)) {
		// Up to the first | color
		for (cursBegin = 0; cursBegin <= SoFont_TextWidth (font, "|");
				if (font->background != SoFontGetPixel (font->picture->surf,
																								font->CharPos['|' -
																															START_CHAR] +
																								cursBegin, font->height / 2))
		// Up to the end of the | color
		for (cursWidth = 0; cursWidth <= SoFont_TextWidth (font, "|");
				if (font->background == SoFontGetPixel (font->picture->surf,
																								font->CharPos['|' -
																															START_CHAR] +
																								cursBegin + cursWidth,
																								font->height / 2))
	else {
		// Up to the end of the | color
		for (cursWidth = 0; cursWidth <= SoFont_TextWidth (font, "|");
				if (font->background == SoFontGetPixel (font->picture->surf,
																								font->CharPos['|' -
																															START_CHAR] +
																								cursWidth, font->height / 2))
	font->cursShift = cursBegin + 1;	// cursWidth could be used if
	// image format changes.

	return 1;
Esempio n. 6
void menu_draw (Menu * menu, SDL_Surface * surf)
  if (menu->visible) {
    int     c;									// compteur d'items
    int     center = surf->w / 2;
    int     hauteur = (surf->h - menu->hauteur) / 2;

    hauteur += menu->hide;

    for (c = 0; c < menu->nb_items; c++) {
      SDL_Surface *item_surf = menu->items[c].bitmap;
      SoFont *item_font = menu->items[c].font;

      if (item_surf || item_font) {
        int     center_x;

        center_x = (int)(center + menu->items[c].priv_x);

        if (item_surf != NULL) {
          SDL_Rect rect;

          rect.x = center_x - item_surf->w / 2;
          rect.y = hauteur;
          rect.w = item_surf->w;
          rect.h = item_surf->h;

          SDL_BlitSurface (item_surf, NULL, surf, &rect);
          hauteur += item_surf->h;
        else {									// font..
          static char item_name[1024];

          if (c == menu->active_item) {
            SDL_Rect rect;
            if (menu->menuselector==NULL)
              rect.x = center - 140; rect.w = 280;
              rect.y = hauteur; rect.h = SoFont_FontHeight (item_font);
              SDL_FillRect (surf, &rect, 0);
              rect.x = center - 150; rect.w = 300;
              rect.y = hauteur + 3; rect.h = SoFont_FontHeight (item_font) - 6;
              SDL_FillRect (surf, &rect, 0);
              rect.x = center - 150; rect.w = menu->menuselector->w;
              rect.y = hauteur - 3; rect.h = menu->menuselector->h;
              SDL_BlitSurface (menu->menuselector->surf, NULL, surf, &rect);

          strcpy (item_name, menu->items[c].name);
          if (menu->items[c].value) {
            strcat (item_name, menu->items[c].value);
          char *pc = item_name;
          int nbTab = 0;
          for (; *pc; pc++)
            if (*pc == '\t') {
              while (*pc == '\t') {
                *pc = 0;
                pc    ++;
                nbTab ++;
          if (nbTab > 0)
            int w = 80 + nbTab * 50;
            SoFont_PutString (item_font, surf, center_x-w, hauteur, item_name, NULL);
            SoFont_PutString (item_font, surf, center_x+w - SoFont_TextWidth(item_font, pc), hauteur, pc, NULL);
            SoFont_PutString (item_font, surf,
                center_x - SoFont_TextWidth (item_font,
                  item_name) / 2,
                hauteur, item_name, NULL);
          hauteur += SoFont_FontHeight (item_font);
        hauteur += menu->sep_size;