Esempio n. 1
void Cmd_Decoy_f (edict_t *ent)
	if (debuginfo->value)
		gi.dprintf("DEBUG: %s just called Cmd_Decoy_f()\n", ent->client->pers.netname);

	if (!V_CanUseAbilities(ent, DECOY, M_DEFAULT_COST, true))

	if (MirroredEntitiesExist(ent))
		gi.cprintf(ent, PRINT_HIGH, "You already have decoys out!\n");

	SpawnDrone(ent, 20, false);
Esempio n. 2

void MakronSpawn (edict_t *self)
	vec3_t		forward;
	edict_t		*makron;

	makron = SpawnDrone(self->activator, 33, true);
	VectorCopy(self->s.origin, makron->s.origin);

	AngleVectors(self->s.angles, forward, NULL, NULL);
	VectorScale(forward, 400, makron->velocity);
	makron->velocity[2] = 200;
	makron->groundentity = NULL;
	makron->gib_health = 0;// don't leave behind a body

	self->think = G_FreeEdict;
	self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
Esempio n. 3
void inv_defenderspawn_think (edict_t *self)
	//int		num=G_GetEntityIndex(self); // FOR DEBUGGING ONLY
	vec3_t	start;
	trace_t	tr;
	edict_t *monster=NULL;

	//FIXME: this isn't a good enough check if monster is dead or not
	// did our monster die?
	if (!G_EntIsAlive(self->enemy))
		if (self->orders == MONSTERSPAWN_STATUS_IDLE)
			// wait some time before spawning another monster
			self->wait = level.time + 30;
			//gi.dprintf("%d: monster died, waiting to build monster...\n", num);

		// try to spawn another
		if ((level.time > self->wait) 
			&& (monster = SpawnDrone(self, self->sounds, true)) != NULL)
			//gi.dprintf("%d: attempting to spawn a monster\n", num);
			// get starting position
			VectorCopy(self->s.origin, start);
			start[2] = self->absmax[2] + 1 + abs(monster->mins[2]);

			tr = gi.trace(start, monster->mins, monster->maxs, start, NULL, MASK_SHOT);
			// kill dead bodies
			if (tr.ent && tr.ent->takedamage && (tr.ent->deadflag == DEAD_DEAD || tr.ent->health < 1))
				T_Damage(tr.ent, self, self, vec3_origin, tr.ent->s.origin, vec3_origin, 10000, 0, 0, 0);
			// spawn is blocked, try again later
			 else if (tr.fraction < 1)
				//gi.dprintf("%d: spawn is blocked, will try again\n", num);
				self->nextthink = level.time + 1.0;

			// should this monster stand ground?
			if (self->style)
				monster->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_STAND_GROUND;

			monster->s.angles[YAW] = self->s.angles[YAW];
			// move the monster onto the spawn pad
			VectorCopy(start, monster->s.origin);
			VectorCopy(start, monster->s.old_origin);
			monster->s.event = EV_OTHER_TELEPORT;

			// give them quad/invuln to prevent spawn-camping
			if (self->count)
				monster->monsterinfo.inv_framenum = level.framenum + self->count;
				monster->monsterinfo.inv_framenum = level.framenum + 60; 


			self->enemy = monster; // keep track of this monster
			//gi.dprintf("%d: spawned a monster successfully\n", num);
			//if (level.time > self->wait)
			//	gi.dprintf("%d: spawndrone() failed to spawn a monster\n", num);
			//else if (!(level.framenum%10))
			//	gi.dprintf("%d: waiting...\n", num);
		//if (self->orders == MONSTERSPAWN_STATUS_WORKING)
		//	gi.dprintf("%d: spawn is now idle\n", num);

	self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
Esempio n. 4
edict_t* INV_SpawnDrone(edict_t* self, edict_t *e, int index)
	edict_t *monster;
	vec3_t	start;
	trace_t	tr;
	int mhealth = 1;

	monster = SpawnDrone(self, index, true);
	//monster = SpawnDrone(self, 4, true);
	// calculate starting position
	VectorCopy(e->s.origin, start);
	start[2] = e->absmax[2] + 1 + abs(monster->mins[2]);

	tr = gi.trace(start, monster->mins, monster->maxs, start, NULL, MASK_SHOT);

	// don't spawn here if a friendly monster occupies this space
	if (index != 30) // not a boss?
		if ((tr.fraction < 1) || (tr.ent && tr.ent->inuse && tr.ent->activator && tr.ent->activator->inuse 
			&& (tr.ent->activator == self) && (tr.ent->deadflag != DEAD_DEAD)))
			// remove the monster and try again
			M_Remove(monster, false, false);
			return NULL;
	e->wait = level.time + 1.0; // time until spawn is available again
	monster->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_FIND_NAVI; // search for navi
	monster->s.angles[YAW] = e->s.angles[YAW];
	monster->prev_navi = NULL;

	// we modify the monsters' health lightly
	if (invasion->value == 1) // easy mode
		if (invasion_difficulty_level < 7 && invasion_difficulty_level > 5)
			mhealth = (invasion_difficulty_level-5) * 0.2 + 1;
		else if (invasion_difficulty_level >= 7)
			mhealth = 1.8 + 0.15 * invasion_difficulty_level;
	}else if (invasion->value == 2) // hard mode
		mhealth = 1.63 + 0.22 * invasion_difficulty_level;

	monster->max_health = monster->health = monster->max_health*mhealth;

		// move the monster onto the spawn pad
	if (index != 30)
		VectorCopy(start, monster->s.origin);
		VectorCopy(start, monster->s.old_origin);
	monster->s.event = EV_OTHER_TELEPORT;

	if (e->count)
		monster->monsterinfo.inv_framenum = level.framenum + e->count;
		if (invasion->value == 1)
			monster->monsterinfo.inv_framenum = level.framenum + 60; // give them quad/invuln to prevent spawn-camping
		else if (invasion->value == 2)
			monster->monsterinfo.inv_framenum = level.framenum + 80; // Hard mode invin
	return monster;