static void ConvertSpec512_640x16Bit(void) { Uint32 *edi, *ebp; Uint32 *esi; Uint32 eax, ebx, ecx, edx; Uint32 pixelspace[4]; /* Workspace to store pixels to so can print in right order for Spec512 */ int y, x, Screen4BytesPerLine; Spec512_StartFrame(); /* Start frame, track palettes */ Screen4BytesPerLine = PCScreenBytesPerLine / 4; edx = 0; /* Clear index for loop */ for (y = STScreenStartHorizLine; y < STScreenEndHorizLine; y++) { Spec512_StartScanLine(); /* Build up palettes for every 4 pixels, store in 'ScanLinePalettes' */ edx = 0; /* Clear index for loop */ /* Get screen addresses, 'edi'-ST screen, 'ebp'-Previous ST screen, 'esi'-PC screen */ eax = STScreenLineOffset[y] + STScreenLeftSkipBytes; /* Offset for this line + Amount to skip on left hand side */ edi = (Uint32 *)((Uint8 *)pSTScreen + eax); /* ST format screen 4-plane 16 colors */ ebp = (Uint32 *)((Uint8 *)pSTScreenCopy + eax); /* Previous ST format screen */ esi = (Uint32 *)pPCScreenDest; /* PC format screen */ x = STScreenWidthBytes >> 3; /* Amount to draw across in 16-pixels (8 bytes) */ do /* x-loop */ { ebx = *edi; /* Do 16 pixels at one time */ ecx = *(edi+1); #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_LIL_ENDIAN /* Convert planes to byte indices - as works in wrong order store to workspace so can read back in order! */ LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_0 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [4,5,6,7] */ pixelspace[1] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_1 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [12,13,14,15] */ pixelspace[3] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_2 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [0,1,2,3] */ pixelspace[0] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_3 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [8,9,10,11] */ pixelspace[2] = ecx; #else LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_0 ; pixelspace[3] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_1 ; pixelspace[1] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_2 ; pixelspace[2] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_3 ; pixelspace[0] = ecx; #endif /* And plot, the Spec512 is offset by 1 pixel and works on 'chunks' of 4 pixels */ /* So, we plot 1_4_4_3 to give 16 pixels, changing palette between */ /* (last one is used for first of next 16-pixels) */ if (!bScrDoubleY) /* Double on Y? */ { ecx = pixelspace[0]; PLOT_SPEC512_LEFT_LOW_640_16BIT(0); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 1); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_16BIT(1); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 5); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_16BIT(5); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 9); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_16BIT(9); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_FINAL_PIXELS(pixelspace); PLOT_SPEC512_END_LOW_640_16BIT(13); } else { ecx = pixelspace[0]; PLOT_SPEC512_LEFT_LOW_640_16BIT_DOUBLE_Y(0); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 1); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_16BIT_DOUBLE_Y(1); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 5); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_16BIT_DOUBLE_Y(5); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 9); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_16BIT_DOUBLE_Y(9); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_FINAL_PIXELS(pixelspace); PLOT_SPEC512_END_LOW_640_16BIT_DOUBLE_Y(13); } esi += 16; /* Next PC pixels */ edi += 2; /* Next ST pixels */ ebp += 2; /* Next ST copy pixels */ } while (--x); /* Loop on X */ Spec512_EndScanLine(); /* Offset to next line: */ pPCScreenDest = (((Uint8 *)pPCScreenDest)+2*PCScreenBytesPerLine); } bScreenContentsChanged = TRUE; }
static void Line_ConvertLowRes_640x32Bit_Spec(Uint32 *edi, Uint32 *ebp, Uint32 *esi, Uint32 eax) { Uint32 ebx, ecx, edx; int x, Screen4BytesPerLine; Uint32 pixelspace[5]; /* Workspace to store pixels to so can print in right order for Spec512 */ /* on x86, unaligned access macro touches also * next byte, zero it for code checkers */ pixelspace[4] = 0; Spec512_StartScanLine(); /* Build up palettes for every 4 pixels, store in 'ScanLinePalettes' */ x = STScreenWidthBytes >> 3; /* Amount to draw across in 16-pixels (8 bytes) */ Screen4BytesPerLine = PCScreenBytesPerLine/4; do /* x-loop */ { ebx = *edi; /* Do 16 pixels at one time */ ecx = *(edi+1); #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN /* Convert planes to byte indices - as works in wrong order store to workspace so can read back in order! */ LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_0 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [12,13,14,15] */ pixelspace[3] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_1 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [4,5,6,7] */ pixelspace[1] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_2 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [8,9,10,11] */ pixelspace[2] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_3 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [0,1,2,3] */ pixelspace[0] = ecx; #else LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_0 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [4,5,6,7] */ pixelspace[1] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_1 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [12,13,14,15] */ pixelspace[3] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_2 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [0,1,2,3] */ pixelspace[0] = ecx; LOW_BUILD_PIXELS_3 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [8,9,10,11] */ pixelspace[2] = ecx; #endif /* And plot, the Spec512 is offset by 1 pixel and works on 'chunks' of 4 pixels */ /* So, we plot 1_4_4_4_3 to give 16 pixels, changing palette between */ /* (last one is used for first of next 16-pixels) */ if (!bScrDoubleY) /* Double on Y? */ { ecx = pixelspace[0]; PLOT_SPEC512_LEFT_LOW_640_32BIT(0); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 1); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_32BIT(2); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 5); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_32BIT(10); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 9); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_32BIT(18); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_FINAL_PIXELS(pixelspace); PLOT_SPEC512_END_LOW_640_32BIT(26); } else { ecx = pixelspace[0]; PLOT_SPEC512_LEFT_LOW_640_32BIT_DOUBLE_Y(0); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 1); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_32BIT_DOUBLE_Y(2); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 5); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_32BIT_DOUBLE_Y(10); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 9); PLOT_SPEC512_MID_640_32BIT_DOUBLE_Y(18); Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_FINAL_PIXELS(pixelspace); PLOT_SPEC512_END_LOW_640_32BIT_DOUBLE_Y(26); } esi += 32; /* Next PC pixels */ edi += 2; /* Next ST pixels */ ebp += 2; /* Next ST copy pixels */ } while (--x); /* Loop on X */ Spec512_EndScanLine(); }
static void Line_ConvertMediumRes_640x32Bit_Spec(Uint32 *edi, Uint32 *ebp, Uint32 *esi, Uint32 eax) { Uint32 ebx, ecx; int x, Screen4BytesPerLine; Uint32 pixelspace[5]; /* Workspace to store pixels to so can print in right order for Spec512 */ /* on x86, unaligned access macro touches also * next byte, zero it for code checkers */ pixelspace[4] = 0; Spec512_StartScanLine(); /* Build up palettes for every 4 pixels, store in 'ScanLinePalettes' */ x = STScreenWidthBytes >> 2; /* Amount to draw across in 16-pixels (4 bytes) */ Screen4BytesPerLine = PCScreenBytesPerLine/4; do /* x-loop */ { /* Do 16 pixels at one time */ ebx = *edi; #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN /* Plot in 'right-order' on big endian systems */ MED_BUILD_PIXELS_0 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [12,13,14,15] */ pixelspace[3] = ecx; MED_BUILD_PIXELS_1 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [4,5,6,7] */ pixelspace[1] = ecx; MED_BUILD_PIXELS_2 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [8,9,10,11] */ pixelspace[2] = ecx; MED_BUILD_PIXELS_3 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [0,1,2,3] */ pixelspace[0] = ecx; #else /* Plot in 'wrong-order', as ebx is 68000 endian */ MED_BUILD_PIXELS_0 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [4,5,6,7] */ pixelspace[1] = ecx; MED_BUILD_PIXELS_1 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [12,13,14,15] */ pixelspace[3] = ecx; MED_BUILD_PIXELS_2 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [0,1,2,3] */ pixelspace[0] = ecx; MED_BUILD_PIXELS_3 ; /* Generate 'ecx' as pixels [8,9,10,11] */ pixelspace[2] = ecx; #endif /* And plot, the Spec512 is offset by 1 pixel and works on 'chunks' of 4 pixels */ /* So, we plot 1_4_4_4_3 to give 16 pixels, changing palette between */ /* (last one is used for first of next 16-pixels) */ /* NOTE : In med res, we display 16 pixels in 8 cycles, so palette should be */ /* updated every 8 pixels, not every 4 pixels (as in low res) */ ecx = pixelspace[0]; if (!bScrDoubleY) { PLOT_SPEC512_LEFT_MED_640_32BIT(0); } else { PLOT_SPEC512_LEFT_MED_640_32BIT_DOUBLE_Y(0); } // Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 1); if (!bScrDoubleY) { PLOT_SPEC512_MID_MED_640_32BIT(1); } else { PLOT_SPEC512_MID_MED_640_32BIT_DOUBLE_Y(1); } Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 5); if (!bScrDoubleY) { PLOT_SPEC512_MID_MED_640_32BIT(5); } else { PLOT_SPEC512_MID_MED_640_32BIT_DOUBLE_Y(5); } // Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_PIXELS(pixelspace, 9); if (!bScrDoubleY) { PLOT_SPEC512_MID_MED_640_32BIT(9); } else { PLOT_SPEC512_MID_MED_640_32BIT_DOUBLE_Y(9); } Spec512_UpdatePaletteSpan(); ecx = GET_SPEC512_OFFSET_FINAL_PIXELS(pixelspace); if (!bScrDoubleY) { PLOT_SPEC512_END_MED_640_32BIT(13); } else { PLOT_SPEC512_END_MED_640_32BIT_DOUBLE_Y(13); } esi += 16; /* Next PC pixels */ edi += 1; /* Next ST pixels */ ebp += 1; /* Next ST copy pixels */ } while (--x); /* Loop on X */ Spec512_EndScanLine(); }