void TestVariableScan() { int i; char *list_text1 = "$(administrator),a,b,c,d,e,f"; char *list_text2 = "1,2,3,4,@(one)"; Rlist *varlist1, *varlist2, *listoflists = NULL, *scalars = NULL; static char *varstrings[] = { "alpha $(one) beta $(two) gamma", "alpha $(five) beta $(none) gamma $(array[$(four)])", "alpha $(none) beta $(two) gamma", "alpha $(four) beta $(two) gamma $(array[$(diagnostic.three)])", NULL }; printf("%d. Test variable scanning\n", ++NR); SetNewScope("diagnostic"); varlist1 = SplitStringAsRList(list_text1, ','); varlist2 = SplitStringAsRList(list_text2, ','); NewList("diagnostic", "one", varlist1, cf_slist); NewScalar("diagnostic", "two", "secondary skills", cf_str); NewScalar("diagnostic", "administrator", "root", cf_str); NewList("diagnostic", "three", varlist2, cf_slist); NewList("diagnostic", "four", varlist2, cf_slist); NewList("diagnostic", "five", varlist2, cf_slist); for (i = 0; varstrings[i] != NULL; i++) { if (VERBOSE || DEBUG) { printf("-----------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Scanning: [%s]\n", varstrings[i]); MapIteratorsFromRval("diagnostic", &scalars, &listoflists, (Rval) { varstrings[i], CF_SCALAR }, NULL); printf("Cumulative scan produced:\n"); printf(" Scalar variables: "); ShowRlist(stdout, scalars); printf("\n"); printf(" Lists variables: "); ShowRlist(stdout, listoflists); printf("\n"); } } }
static void TexinfoShowRange(FILE *fout, char *s, enum cfdatatype type) { Rlist *list = NULL, *rp; if (strlen(s) == 0) { fprintf(fout, "@noindent @b{Allowed input range}: (arbitrary string)\n\n"); return; } if ((type == cf_opts) || (type == cf_olist)) { list = SplitStringAsRList(s, ','); fprintf(fout, "@noindent @b{Allowed input range}: @*\n@example"); for (rp = list; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { fprintf(fout, "\n @code{%s}", (char *) rp->item); } fprintf(fout, "\n@end example\n"); DeleteRlist(list); } else { fprintf(fout, "@noindent @b{Allowed input range}: @code{%s}\n\n", TexInfoEscape(s)); } }
void TestExpandVariables() { Promise pp = { 0 }, *pcopy; Rlist *args, *listvars = NULL, *scalarvars = NULL; Constraint *cp; FnCall *fp; strcpy(CFWORKDIR, GetWorkDir()); MapName(CFWORKDIR); /* Still have diagnostic scope */ NewScope("control_common"); printf("%d. Testing variable expansion\n", ++NR); pp.promiser = "the originator"; pp.promisee = (Rval) {"the recipient with $(two)", CF_SCALAR}; pp.classes = "proletariat"; pp.offset.line = 12; pp.audit = NULL; pp.conlist = NULL; pp.agentsubtype = "none"; pp.bundletype = "bundle_type"; pp.bundle = "test_bundle"; pp.ref = "commentary"; pp.agentsubtype = xstrdup("files"); pp.done = false; pp.next = NULL; pp.cache = NULL; pp.inode_cache = NULL; pp.this_server = NULL; pp.donep = &(pp.done); pp.conn = NULL; args = SplitStringAsRList("$(administrator)", ','); fp = NewFnCall("getuid", args); AppendConstraint(&(pp.conlist), "lval1", (Rval) {xstrdup("@(one)"), CF_SCALAR}, "lower classes1", false); AppendConstraint(&(pp.conlist), "lval2", (Rval) {xstrdup("$(four)"), CF_SCALAR}, "upper classes1", false); AppendConstraint(&(pp.conlist), "lval3", (Rval) {fp, CF_FNCALL}, "upper classes2", false); /* Now copy promise and delete */ pcopy = DeRefCopyPromise("diagnostic", &pp); MapIteratorsFromRval("diagnostic", &scalarvars, &listvars, (Rval) {pcopy->promiser, CF_SCALAR}, NULL); if (pcopy->promisee.item != NULL) { MapIteratorsFromRval("diagnostic", &scalarvars, &listvars, pp.promisee, NULL); } for (cp = pcopy->conlist; cp != NULL; cp = cp->next) { MapIteratorsFromRval("diagnostic", &scalarvars, &listvars, cp->rval, NULL); } ExpandPromiseAndDo(cf_common, "diagnostic", pcopy, scalarvars, listvars, NULL); /* No cleanup */ }
static int HailServer(char *host, Attributes a, Promise *pp) { AgentConnection *conn; char sendbuffer[CF_BUFSIZE], recvbuffer[CF_BUFSIZE], peer[CF_MAXVARSIZE], ipv4[CF_MAXVARSIZE], digest[CF_MAXVARSIZE], user[CF_SMALLBUF]; bool gotkey; char reply[8]; a.copy.portnumber = (short) ParseHostname(host, peer); snprintf(ipv4, CF_MAXVARSIZE, "%s", Hostname2IPString(peer)); Address2Hostkey(ipv4, digest); GetCurrentUserName(user, CF_SMALLBUF); if (INTERACTIVE) { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Using interactive key trust...\n"); gotkey = HavePublicKey(user, peer, digest) != NULL; if (!gotkey) { gotkey = HavePublicKey(user, ipv4, digest) != NULL; } if (!gotkey) { printf("WARNING - You do not have a public key from host %s = %s\n", host, ipv4); printf(" Do you want to accept one on trust? (yes/no)\n\n--> "); while (true) { if (fgets(reply, 8, stdin) == NULL) { FatalError("EOF trying to read answer from terminal"); } if (Chop(reply, CF_EXPANDSIZE) == -1) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "Chop was called on a string that seemed to have no terminator"); } if (strcmp(reply, "yes") == 0) { printf(" -> Will trust the key...\n"); a.copy.trustkey = true; break; } else if (strcmp(reply, "no") == 0) { printf(" -> Will not trust the key...\n"); a.copy.trustkey = false; break; } else { printf(" !! Please reply yes or no...(%s)\n", reply); } } } } /* Continue */ #ifdef __MINGW32__ CfOut(cf_inform, "", "...........................................................................\n"); CfOut(cf_inform, "", " * Hailing %s : %u, with options \"%s\" (serial)\n", peer, a.copy.portnumber, REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS); CfOut(cf_inform, "", "...........................................................................\n"); #else /* !__MINGW32__ */ if (BACKGROUND) { CfOut(cf_inform, "", "Hailing %s : %u, with options \"%s\" (parallel)\n", peer, a.copy.portnumber, REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS); } else { CfOut(cf_inform, "", "...........................................................................\n"); CfOut(cf_inform, "", " * Hailing %s : %u, with options \"%s\" (serial)\n", peer, a.copy.portnumber, REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS); CfOut(cf_inform, "", "...........................................................................\n"); } #endif /* !__MINGW32__ */ a.copy.servers = SplitStringAsRList(peer, '*'); if (a.copy.servers == NULL || strcmp(a.copy.servers->item, "localhost") == 0) { cfPS(cf_inform, CF_NOP, "", pp, a, "No hosts are registered to connect to"); return false; } else { conn = NewServerConnection(a, pp); if (conn == NULL) { DeleteRlist(a.copy.servers); CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> No suitable server responded to hail\n"); return false; } } /* Check trust interaction*/ pp->cache = NULL; if (strlen(MENU) > 0) { #if defined(HAVE_NOVA) if (!Nova_ExecuteRunagent(conn, MENU)) { DisconnectServer(conn); DeleteRlist(a.copy.servers); return false; } #endif } else { HailExec(conn, peer, recvbuffer, sendbuffer); } DeleteRlist(a.copy.servers); return true; }
static GenericAgentConfig *CheckOpts(int argc, char **argv) { extern char *optarg; int optindex = 0; int c; GenericAgentConfig *config = GenericAgentConfigNewDefault(AGENT_TYPE_RUNAGENT); DEFINECLASSES[0] = '\0'; SENDCLASSES[0] = '\0'; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "t:q:db:vnKhIif:D:VSxo:s:MH:", OPTIONS, &optindex)) != EOF) { switch ((char) c) { case 'f': GenericAgentConfigSetInputFile(config, optarg); MINUSF = true; break; case 'b': BACKGROUND = true; if (optarg) { MAXCHILD = atoi(optarg); } break; case 'd': HardClass("opt_debug"); DEBUG = true; break; case 'q': if (optarg == NULL) { strcpy(MENU, "delta"); } else { strncpy(MENU, optarg, CF_MAXVARSIZE); } break; case 'K': IGNORELOCK = true; break; case 's': strncpy(SENDCLASSES, optarg, CF_MAXVARSIZE); if (strlen(optarg) > CF_MAXVARSIZE) { FatalError("Argument too long\n"); } break; case 'D': strncpy(DEFINECLASSES, optarg, CF_MAXVARSIZE); if (strlen(optarg) > CF_MAXVARSIZE) { FatalError("Argument too long\n"); } break; case 'H': HOSTLIST = SplitStringAsRList(optarg, ','); break; case 'o': strncpy(REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS, optarg, CF_MAXVARSIZE); break; case 'I': INFORM = true; break; case 'i': INTERACTIVE = true; break; case 'v': VERBOSE = true; break; case 'n': DONTDO = true; IGNORELOCK = true; HardClass("opt_dry_run"); break; case 't': CONNTIMEOUT = atoi(optarg); break; case 'V': PrintVersionBanner("cf-runagent"); exit(0); case 'h': Syntax("cf-runagent - Run agent", OPTIONS, HINTS, ID); exit(0); case 'M': ManPage("cf-runagent - Run agent", OPTIONS, HINTS, ID); exit(0); case 'x': SelfDiagnostic(); exit(0); default: Syntax("cf-runagent - Run agent", OPTIONS, HINTS, ID); exit(1); } } CfDebug("Set debugging\n"); return config; }
GenericAgentConfig CheckOpts(int argc, char **argv) { extern char *optarg; int optindex = 0; int c; GenericAgentConfig config = GenericAgentDefaultConfig(cf_common); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "advnIf:D:N:VSrxMb:pg:h", OPTIONS, &optindex)) != EOF) { switch ((char) c) { case 'f': if (optarg && strlen(optarg) < 5) { FatalError(" -f used but argument \"%s\" incorrect", optarg); } SetInputFile(optarg); MINUSF = true; break; case 'd': NewClass("opt_debug"); DEBUG = true; break; case 'b': if (optarg) { config.bundlesequence = SplitStringAsRList(optarg, ','); CBUNDLESEQUENCE_STR = optarg; } break; case 'K': IGNORELOCK = true; break; case 'D': NewClassesFromString(optarg); break; case 'N': NegateClassesFromString(optarg); break; case 'I': INFORM = true; break; case 'v': VERBOSE = true; break; case 'n': DONTDO = true; IGNORELOCK = true; LOOKUP = true; NewClass("opt_dry_run"); break; case 'V': PrintVersionBanner("cf-promises"); exit(0); case 'h': Syntax("cf-promises - cfengine's promise analyzer", OPTIONS, HINTS, ID); exit(0); case 'M': ManPage("cf-promises - cfengine's promise analyzer", OPTIONS, HINTS, ID); exit(0); case 'r': PrependRScalar(&GOALS, "goal.*", CF_SCALAR); SHOWREPORTS = true; break; case 'x': SelfDiagnostic(); exit(0); case 'a': printf("Self-analysis is not yet implemented.\n"); exit(0); break; /* case 'p': SHOW_PARSE_TREE = true; break; */ case 'g': USE_GCC_BRIEF_FORMAT = true; break; default: Syntax("cf-promises - cfengine's promise analyzer", OPTIONS, HINTS, ID); exit(1); } } if (argv[optind] != NULL) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "Unexpected argument with no preceding option: %s\n", argv[optind]); } CfDebug("Set debugging\n"); return config; }
void XmlExportType(Writer *writer, enum cfdatatype dtype, const void *range) { Rlist *list = NULL; Rlist *rp = NULL; /* START XML ELEMENT -- TYPE */ XmlAttribute type_name_attr = { "name", CF_DATATYPES[dtype] }; XmlStartTag(writer, XMLTAG_TYPE, 1, type_name_attr); switch (dtype) { case cf_body: /* EXPORT CONSTRAINTS */ XmlExportConstraints(writer, (BodySyntax *) range); break; case cf_int: case cf_real: case cf_ilist: case cf_rlist: case cf_irange: case cf_rrange: if (range != NULL) { /* START XML ELEMENT -- RANGE */ XmlStartTag(writer, XMLTAG_RANGE, 0); /* XML ELEMENT -- MIN/MAX */ int i = 0; list = SplitStringAsRList((char *) range, ','); for (rp = list; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next, i++) { if (i == 0) { XmlTag(writer, XMLTAG_MIN, ScalarValue(rp), 0); } else { XmlTag(writer, XMLTAG_MAX, ScalarValue(rp), 0); } } DeleteRlist(list); /* END XML ELEMENT -- RANGE */ XmlEndTag(writer, XMLTAG_RANGE); break; } case cf_opts: case cf_olist: if (range != NULL) { /* START XML ELEMENT -- OPTIONS */ XmlStartTag(writer, XMLTAG_OPTIONS, 0); /* XML ELEMENT -- VALUE */ list = SplitStringAsRList((char *) range, ','); for (rp = list; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { XmlTag(writer, XMLTAG_VALUE, ScalarValue(rp), 0); } DeleteRlist(list); /* END XML ELEMENT -- OPTIONS */ XmlEndTag(writer, XMLTAG_OPTIONS); break; } case cf_str: case cf_slist: case cf_class: case cf_clist: /* XML ELEMENT -- ACCEPTED-VALUES */ if (strlen((char *) range) == 0) { XmlTag(writer, XMLTAG_ACCEPTEDVALS, "arbitrary string", 0); } else { XmlTag(writer, XMLTAG_ACCEPTEDVALS, (char *) range, 0); } break; case cf_bundle: case cf_notype: case cf_counter: /* NONE */ break; } /* END XML ELEMENT -- TYPE */ XmlEndTag(writer, XMLTAG_TYPE); }
static int NewSQLColumns(char *table, Rlist *columns, char ***name_table, char ***type_table, int **size_table, int **done) { int i, no_of_cols = RlistLen(columns); Rlist *cols, *rp; *name_table = (char **) xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * (no_of_cols + 1)); *type_table = (char **) xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * (no_of_cols + 1)); *size_table = (int *) xmalloc(sizeof(int) * (no_of_cols + 1)); *done = (int *) xmalloc(sizeof(int) * (no_of_cols + 1)); for (i = 0, rp = columns; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next, i++) { (*done)[i] = 0; cols = SplitStringAsRList((char *) rp->item, ','); if (!cols) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "No columns promised for table \"%s\" - makes no sense", table); return false; } if (cols->item == NULL) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "Malformed column promise for table \"%s\" - found not even a name", table); free(*name_table); free(*type_table); free(*size_table); free(*done); return false; } (*name_table)[i] = xstrdup((char *) cols->item); if (cols->next == NULL) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "Malformed column \"%s\" promised for table \"%s\" - missing a type", (*name_table)[i], table); free(*name_table); free(*type_table); free(*size_table); free(*done); return false; } (*type_table)[i] = xstrdup(cols->next->item); if (cols->next->next == NULL) { (*size_table)[i] = 0; } else { if (cols->next->next->item) { (*size_table)[i] = Str2Int(cols->next->next->item); } else { (*size_table)[i] = 0; } } DeleteRlist(cols); } return true; }
int HailServer(char *host,struct Attributes a,struct Promise *pp) { struct cfagent_connection *conn; char sendbuffer[CF_BUFSIZE],recvbuffer[CF_BUFSIZE],peer[CF_MAXVARSIZE],ipv4[CF_MAXVARSIZE],digest[CF_MAXVARSIZE],user[CF_SMALLBUF]; long gotkey; char reply[8]; struct Item *queries; a.copy.portnumber = (short)ParseHostname(host,peer); snprintf(ipv4,CF_MAXVARSIZE,"%s",Hostname2IPString(peer)); IPString2KeyDigest(ipv4,digest); GetCurrentUserName(user,CF_SMALLBUF); if (INTERACTIVE) { CfOut(cf_verbose,""," -> Using interactive key trust...\n"); gotkey = (long)HavePublicKey(user,peer,digest); if (!gotkey) { gotkey = (long)HavePublicKey(user,ipv4,digest); } if (!gotkey) { printf("WARNING - You do not have a public key from host %s = %s\n",host,ipv4); printf(" Do you want to accept one on trust? (yes/no)\n\n--> "); while (true) { fgets(reply,8,stdin); Chop(reply); if (strcmp(reply,"yes")==0) { printf(" -> Will trust the key...\n"); a.copy.trustkey = true; break; } else if (strcmp(reply,"no")==0) { printf(" -> Will not trust the key...\n"); a.copy.trustkey = false; break; } else { printf(" !! Please reply yes or no...(%s)\n",reply); } } } } /* Continue */ #ifdef MINGW CfOut(cf_inform,"","...........................................................................\n"); CfOut(cf_inform,""," * Hailing %s : %u, with options \"%s\" (serial)\n",peer,a.copy.portnumber,REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS); CfOut(cf_inform,"","...........................................................................\n"); #else /* NOT MINGW */ if (BACKGROUND) { CfOut(cf_inform,"","Hailing %s : %u, with options \"%s\" (parallel)\n",peer,a.copy.portnumber,REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS); } else { CfOut(cf_inform,"","...........................................................................\n"); CfOut(cf_inform,""," * Hailing %s : %u, with options \"%s\" (serial)\n",peer,a.copy.portnumber,REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS); CfOut(cf_inform,"","...........................................................................\n"); } #endif /* NOT MINGW */ a.copy.servers = SplitStringAsRList(peer,'*'); if (a.copy.servers == NULL || strcmp(a.copy.servers->item,"localhost") == 0) { cfPS(cf_inform,CF_NOP,"",pp,a,"No hosts are registered to connect to"); return false; } else { conn = NewServerConnection(a,pp); if (conn == NULL) { CfOut(cf_verbose,""," -> No suitable server responded to hail\n"); return false; } } /* Check trust interaction*/ pp->cache = NULL; if (strlen(MENU) > 0) { #ifdef HAVE_NOVA enum cfd_menu menu = String2Menu(MENU); switch(menu) { case cfd_menu_delta: Nova_QueryForKnowledgeMap(conn,MENU,time(0) - SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * 10); break; case cfd_menu_full: Nova_QueryForKnowledgeMap(conn,MENU,time(0) - SECONDS_PER_WEEK); break; case cfd_menu_relay: #ifdef HAVE_CONSTELLATION queries = Constellation_CreateAllQueries(); Constellation_QueryRelay(conn,queries); DeleteItemList(queries); #endif break; default: break; } #endif /* HAVE_NOVA */ } else { HailExec(conn,peer,recvbuffer,sendbuffer); } ServerDisconnection(conn); DeleteRlist(a.copy.servers); return true; }
void CheckOpts(int argc,char **argv) { extern char *optarg; int optindex = 0; int c; DEFINECLASSES[0] = '\0'; SENDCLASSES[0] = '\0'; while ((c=getopt_long(argc,argv,"t:q:d:b:vnKhIif:D:VSxo:s:MH:",OPTIONS,&optindex)) != EOF) { switch ((char) c) { case 'f': strncpy(VINPUTFILE,optarg,CF_BUFSIZE-1); VINPUTFILE[CF_BUFSIZE-1] = '\0'; MINUSF = true; break; case 'b': BACKGROUND = true; if (optarg) { MAXCHILD = atoi(optarg); } break; case 'd': NewClass("opt_debug"); switch ((optarg==NULL) ? '3' : *optarg) { case '1': D1 = true; DEBUG = true; break; case '2': D2 = true; DEBUG = true; break; default: DEBUG = true; break; } break; case 'q': if (optarg==NULL) { strcpy(MENU,"delta"); } else { strncpy(MENU,optarg,CF_MAXVARSIZE); } break; case 'K': IGNORELOCK = true; break; case 's': strncpy(SENDCLASSES,optarg,CF_MAXVARSIZE); if (strlen(optarg) > CF_MAXVARSIZE) { FatalError("Argument too long\n"); } break; case 'D': strncpy(DEFINECLASSES,optarg,CF_MAXVARSIZE); if (strlen(optarg) > CF_MAXVARSIZE) { FatalError("Argument too long\n"); } break; case 'H': HOSTLIST = SplitStringAsRList(optarg,','); break; case 'o': strncpy(REMOTE_AGENT_OPTIONS,optarg,CF_MAXVARSIZE); break; case 'I': INFORM = true; break; case 'i': INTERACTIVE = true; break; case 'v': VERBOSE = true; break; case 'n': DONTDO = true; IGNORELOCK = true; NewClass("opt_dry_run"); break; case 't': CONNTIMEOUT = atoi(optarg); break; case 'V': PrintVersionBanner("cf-runagent"); exit(0); case 'h': Syntax("cf-runagent - Run agent",OPTIONS,HINTS,ID); exit(0); case 'M': ManPage("cf-runagent - Run agent",OPTIONS,HINTS,ID); exit(0); case 'x': SelfDiagnostic(); exit(0); default: Syntax("cf-runagent - Run agent",OPTIONS,HINTS,ID); exit(1); } } Debug("Set debugging\n"); }
static GenericAgentConfig *CheckOpts(int argc, char **argv) { extern char *optarg; char *sp; int optindex = 0; int c, alpha = false, v6 = false; GenericAgentConfig *config = GenericAgentConfigNewDefault(AGENT_TYPE_AGENT); /* Because of the MacOS linker we have to call this from each agent individually before Generic Initialize */ POLICY_SERVER[0] = '\0'; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "rdvnKIf:D:N:Vs:x:MBb:h", OPTIONS, &optindex)) != EOF) { switch ((char) c) { case 'f': if (optarg && strlen(optarg) < 5) { FatalError(" -f used but argument \"%s\" incorrect", optarg); } GenericAgentConfigSetInputFile(config, optarg); MINUSF = true; break; case 'b': if (optarg) { config->bundlesequence = SplitStringAsRList(optarg, ','); CBUNDLESEQUENCE_STR = optarg; } break; case 'd': HardClass("opt_debug"); DEBUG = true; break; case 'B': BOOTSTRAP = true; MINUSF = true; GenericAgentConfigSetInputFile(config, "promises.cf"); IGNORELOCK = true; HardClass("bootstrap_mode"); break; case 's': if(IsLoopbackAddress(optarg)) { FatalError("Use a non-loopback address when bootstrapping"); } // temporary assure that network functions are working OpenNetwork(); strncpy(POLICY_SERVER, Hostname2IPString(optarg), CF_BUFSIZE - 1); CloseNetwork(); for (sp = POLICY_SERVER; *sp != '\0'; sp++) { if (isalpha((int)*sp)) { alpha = true; } if (ispunct((int)*sp) && *sp != ':' && *sp != '.') { alpha = true; } if (*sp == ':') { v6 = true; } } if (alpha && !v6) { FatalError ("Error specifying policy server. The policy server's IP address could not be looked up. Please use the IP address instead if there is no error."); } break; case 'K': IGNORELOCK = true; break; case 'D': NewClassesFromString(optarg); break; case 'N': NegateClassesFromString(optarg); break; case 'I': INFORM = true; break; case 'v': VERBOSE = true; break; case 'n': DONTDO = true; IGNORELOCK = true; HardClass("opt_dry_run"); break; case 'V': PrintVersionBanner("cf-agent"); exit(0); case 'h': Syntax("cf-agent - cfengine's change agent", OPTIONS, HINTS, ID); exit(0); case 'M': ManPage("cf-agent - cfengine's change agent", OPTIONS, HINTS, ID); exit(0); case 'x': CfOut(cf_error, "", "Self-diagnostic functionality is retired"); exit(0); case 'r': SHOWREPORTS = true; break; default: Syntax("cf-agent - cfengine's change agent", OPTIONS, HINTS, ID); exit(1); } } if (argv[optind] != NULL) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "Unexpected argument with no preceding option: %s\n", argv[optind]); FatalError("Aborted"); } CfDebug("Set debugging\n"); return config; }
void CheckOpts(int argc,char **argv) { extern char *optarg; char arg[CF_BUFSIZE],*sp; int optindex = 0; int c,alpha = false,v6 = false; /* Because of the MacOS linker we have to call this from each agent individually before Generic Initialize */ POLICY_SERVER[0] = '\0'; while ((c=getopt_long(argc,argv,"rd:vnKIf:D:N:Vs:x:MBb:",OPTIONS,&optindex)) != EOF) { switch ((char) c) { case 'f': if (optarg == NULL) { FatalError(" -f used but no argument"); } if (optarg && strlen(optarg) < 5) { snprintf(arg,CF_MAXVARSIZE," -f used but argument \"%s\" incorrect",optarg); FatalError(arg); } strncpy(VINPUTFILE,optarg,CF_BUFSIZE-1); MINUSF = true; break; case 'b': if (optarg) { CBUNDLESEQUENCE = SplitStringAsRList(optarg,','); CBUNDLESEQUENCE_STR = optarg; } break; case 'd': NewClass("opt_debug"); switch ((optarg==NULL) ? '3' : *optarg) { case '1': D1 = true; DEBUG = true; break; case '2': D2 = true; DEBUG = true; break; default: DEBUG = true; break; } break; case 'B': BOOTSTRAP = true; MINUSF = true; IGNORELOCK = true; NewClass("bootstrap_mode"); break; case 's': // temporary assure that network functions are working OpenNetwork(); strncpy(POLICY_SERVER,Hostname2IPString(optarg),CF_BUFSIZE-1); CloseNetwork(); for (sp = POLICY_SERVER; *sp != '\0'; sp++) { if (isalpha(*sp)) { alpha = true; } if (ispunct(*sp) && *sp != ':' && *sp != '.') { alpha = true; } if (*sp == ':') { v6 = true; } } if (alpha && !v6) { FatalError("Error specifying policy server. The policy server's IP address could not be looked up. Please use the IP address instead if there is no error."); } break; case 'K': IGNORELOCK = true; break; case 'D': NewClassesFromString(optarg); break; case 'N': NegateClassesFromString(optarg,&VNEGHEAP); break; case 'I': INFORM = true; break; case 'v': VERBOSE = true; break; case 'n': DONTDO = true; IGNORELOCK = true; NewClass("opt_dry_run"); break; case 'V': PrintVersionBanner("cf-agent"); exit(0); case 'h': Syntax("cf-agent - cfengine's change agent",OPTIONS,HINTS,ID); exit(0); case 'M': ManPage("cf-agent - cfengine's change agent",OPTIONS,HINTS,ID); exit(0); case 'x': AgentDiagnostic(optarg); exit(0); case 'r': SHOWREPORTS = true; break; default: Syntax("cf-agent - cfengine's change agent",OPTIONS,HINTS,ID); exit(1); } } if (argv[optind] != NULL) { CfOut(cf_error,"","Unexpected argument with no preceding option: %s\n",argv[optind]); FatalError("Aborted"); } Debug("Set debugging\n"); }