Esempio n. 1
 *  NearestPointOnCurve :
 *  	Compute the parameter value of the point on a Bezier
 *		curve segment closest to some arbtitrary, user-input point.
 *		Return the point on the curve at that parameter value.
 Geom::Point 	P;			The user-supplied point
 Geom::Point 	*V;			Control points of cubic Bezier
double NearestPointOnCurve(Geom::Point P, Geom::Point *V)
    double 	t_candidate[W_DEGREE];	/* Possible roots		*/     

    /*  Convert problem to 5th-degree Bezier form	*/
    Geom::Point	*w = ConvertToBezierForm(P, V);
    /* Find all possible roots of 5th-degree equation */
    int n_solutions = FindRoots(w, W_DEGREE, t_candidate, 0);
    std::free((char *)w);
    /* Check distance to end of the curve, where t = 1 */
    double dist = SquaredLength(P - V[DEGREE]);
    double t = 1.0;

    /* Find distances for candidate points	*/
    for (int i = 0; i < n_solutions; i++) {
        Geom::Point p = Bez(V, DEGREE, t_candidate[i], NULL, NULL);
        double new_dist = SquaredLength(P - p);
        if (new_dist < dist) {
            dist = new_dist;
            t = t_candidate[i];

    /*  Return the parameter value t */
    return t;
Esempio n. 2
bool PathPlanner::doNodesIntersectCircle(vec2 curPos, double BoundingRadius) const {	
	for (int i = 0; i < pWorldInfo->iNumPathNodes; i++) {
		//Determine distance from node to curPos
		double dist = SquaredLength(pWorldInfo->pPathNodes[i].vPos - curPos);
		if (pow((pWorldInfo->pPathNodes[i].vPos.x - curPos.x), 2) + pow((pWorldInfo->pPathNodes[i].vPos.y - curPos.y), 2) < pow(BoundingRadius, 2)) {
			return true;

	//Return false if no nodes are found within the radius
	return false;

Esempio n. 3
		float GetPriority()
			const MemoryRecord *pTarget = GetClient()->GetTargetingSystem()->GetCurrentTargetRecord();
			if ( !pTarget )
				return 0.f;

			if ( mShootBarrel.IsValid() )
				return 1.f;

			Vector3f vTargetPos = pTarget->PredictPosition( 1.f );

			static float fSplashRadius = 256.f;

			SensoryMemory *sensory = GetClient()->GetSensoryMemory();

			// Check for exploding barrels near my target.
			MemoryRecords records;
			Vector3List recordpos;

			FilterAllType filter( GetClient(), AiState::SensoryMemory::EntAny, records );
			filter.MemorySpan( Utils::SecondsToMilliseconds( 7.f ) );
			filter.AddGroup( ENT_GRP_PROP_EXPLODE );
			//filter.AddClass( ENT_CLASS_EXPLODING_BARREL );
			sensory->QueryMemory( filter );
			sensory->GetRecordInfo( records, &recordpos, NULL );

			for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < recordpos.size(); ++i )
				if ( SquaredLength( recordpos[ i ], vTargetPos ) < Mathf::Sqr( fSplashRadius ) )
					MemoryRecord *pRec = sensory->GetMemoryRecord( records[ i ] );
					if ( pRec )
						mShootBarrel = pRec->GetEntity();
						return 1.f;
			return 0.f;
Esempio n. 4
f32 Length(const f32* a)
    return sqrtf(SquaredLength(a));
Esempio n. 5
		inline T Length () const
			return ooge::math::Sqrt(SquaredLength());
Esempio n. 6
f32 Vector3::Length() const
    return sqrt(SquaredLength());
Esempio n. 7
int checkCollide(glm::vec3 N,glm::vec3 p,glm::vec3 vel, glm::vec3 ta, glm::vec3 tb, glm::vec3 tc, glm::vec3 &result, float &distance){

	// Figure out two times, t0 and t1. 
	// By finding the signed distance to the plane at two places.
	// We want to know if a) it intersects the plane of the triangle
	// b) if it is within the bounds of the triangle (ta/tb/tc)
	// c) or if it's on the edges / points of the triangles. 
	// This function returns 1 if it does intersect, or 0 otherwise. 
	// get interval of intersection
	float t0, t1;
	bool embedded = false;
	// calc distance
	float distToPlane = SignedDistance(N,p,ta);
	float nDvel = glm::dot(N,vel);
	if (nDvel < 0.0f){
		if (fabs(distToPlane) >= 1.0f){
			return 0;
		else {
		embedded = true;
		t0 = 0.0;
		t1 = 1.0;
		t0 = (-1.0-distToPlane)/nDvel;
		t1 = (1.0 - distToPlane)/nDvel;
		if (t0 > t1){
			float temp = t1;
			t1 = t0;
			t0 = temp;
		if (t0>1.0f || t1< 0.0f){
			return 0;
		if (t0<0.0) t0 = 0.0;
		if (t1<0.0) t1 = 0.0;
		if (t0>1.0) t0 = 1.0;
		if (t1>1.0) t1 = 1.0;
	glm::vec3 colPoint;
	bool foundCol = false;
	float t = 1.0;
	glm::vec3 planeIntersect = (p-N + t0*vel);
	if (!embedded){
		if(checkPointInTriangle(planeIntersect, ta, tb, tc)){
			foundCol = true;
			t = t0;
			colPoint = planeIntersect;
			distance = t*glm::length(vel);
			result = colPoint;
			return 1;
		return 0;
	/// VERY IMPORTANT. This is where it checks for intersection in the area of the triangle.
	else {
		if(checkPointInTriangle(planeIntersect, ta, tb, tc)){
			foundCol = true;
			t = t0;
			colPoint = planeIntersect;
			distance = t*glm::length(vel);
			result = colPoint;
			return 1;
	if (foundCol ==false){
		glm::vec3 base = p;
		float velSquared = SquaredLength(vel);
		float a,b,c;
		float newT;
		a = velSquared;
		// for ta
		b = 2.0f*glm::dot(vel,base-ta);
		c = SquaredLength(ta - base) -1.0;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t, &newT)){
			t = newT;
			foundCol = true;
			colPoint = ta;
			distance = t*glm::length(vel);
			result = colPoint;
			return 1;
		// for tb
		b = 2.0f*glm::dot(vel,base-tb);
		c = SquaredLength(tb - base) -1.0;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t, &newT)){
			t = newT;
			foundCol = true;
			colPoint = tb;
			distance = t*glm::length(vel);
			result = colPoint;
			return 1;
		// for tc
		b = 2.0f*glm::dot(vel,base-tc);
		c = SquaredLength((tc - base)) -1.0;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t, &newT)){
			t = newT;
			foundCol = true;
			colPoint = tc;
			distance = t*glm::length(vel);
			result = colPoint;
			return 1;
		// now edges
		// ta -> tb
		glm::vec3 edge = tb-ta;
		glm::vec3 baseToVertex = ta - base;
		float edgeSquared = SquaredLength(edge);
		float edgeDotVel = glm::dot(edge, vel);
		float edgeDotBaseToVert = glm::dot(edge, baseToVertex);
		a = edgeSquared*-velSquared + edgeDotVel*edgeDotVel;
		b = edgeSquared*(2*glm::dot(vel,baseToVertex))-2.0*edgeDotVel*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		c = edgeSquared*(1-SquaredLength(baseToVertex))+edgeDotBaseToVert*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t,&newT)){
			float f = (edgeDotVel*newT - edgeDotBaseToVert)/edgeSquared;
			if(f>=0.0 && f<=1.0){
				t = newT;
				foundCol = true;
				colPoint = ta + f*edge;
				distance = t*glm::length(vel);
				result = colPoint;
				return 1;
		// tb -> tc
		edge = tc-tb;
		baseToVertex = tb - base;
		edgeSquared = SquaredLength(edge);
		edgeDotVel = glm::dot(edge, vel);
		edgeDotBaseToVert = glm::dot(edge,baseToVertex);
		a = edgeSquared*-velSquared + edgeDotVel*edgeDotVel;
		b = edgeSquared*(2*glm::dot(vel,baseToVertex))-2.0*edgeDotVel*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		c = edgeSquared*(1-SquaredLength(baseToVertex))+edgeDotBaseToVert*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t,&newT)){
			float f = (edgeDotVel*newT - edgeDotBaseToVert)/edgeSquared;
			if(f>=0.0 && f<=1.0){
				t = newT;
				foundCol = true;
				colPoint =tb + f*edge;
				distance = t*glm::length(vel);
				result = colPoint;
				return 1;
		// tc -> ta
		edge = ta-tc;
		baseToVertex = tc - base;
		edgeSquared = SquaredLength(edge);
		edgeDotVel = glm::dot(edge, vel);
		edgeDotBaseToVert = glm::dot(edge,baseToVertex);
		a = edgeSquared*-velSquared + edgeDotVel*edgeDotVel;
		b = edgeSquared*(2*glm::dot(vel,baseToVertex))-2.0*edgeDotVel*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		c = edgeSquared*(1-SquaredLength(baseToVertex))+edgeDotBaseToVert*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t,&newT)){
			float f = (edgeDotVel*newT - edgeDotBaseToVert)/edgeSquared;
			if(f>=0.0 && f<=1.0){
				t = newT;
				foundCol = true;
				colPoint =tc + f*edge;
				distance = t*glm::length(vel);
				result = colPoint;
				return 1;
	distance = t*glm::length(vel);
	return 0;
