Esempio n. 1
/* Creation implementation */
Stg_ComponentFactory* _Stg_ComponentFactory_New(  STG_COMPONENTFACTORY_DEFARGS  )
   Stg_ComponentFactory *self = NULL;

   assert( _sizeOfSelf >= sizeof( Stg_ComponentFactory ) );
   self = (Stg_ComponentFactory*) _Stg_Class_New(  STG_CLASS_PASSARGS  );

   self->getDouble = getDouble;
   self->getInt = getInt;
   self->getUnsignedInt = getUnsignedInt;
   self->getBool = getBool;
   self->getString = getString;

   self->getRootDictDouble = getRootDictDouble;
   self->getRootDictInt = getRootDictInt;
   self->getRootDictUnsignedInt = getRootDictUnsignedInt;
   self->getRootDictBool = getRootDictBool;
   self->getRootDictString = getRootDictString;
   self->constructByName = constructByName;
   self->constructByKey = constructByKey;
   self->constructByNameWithKeyFallback  = constructByNameWithKeyFallback;
   self->constructByList = constructByList;

   self->rootDict = rootDict;
   self->componentDict = componentDict;
   self->infoStream = Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, self->type );
   Stream_SetPrintingRank( self->infoStream, 0 );
   Stream_SetAutoFlush( self->infoStream, True );
   _Stg_ComponentFactory_Init( self );
   return self;
void Experimental_NodeTempProfile( PICelleratorContext* context ) {
#if 0
	static FeVariable*          temperatureFe;
	FiniteElement_Mesh*         mesh;
	double*                     nodeCoord;
	double                      lmaxTemp, nodeTemp;
	Index                       lNode_I, newNodeID;
	int                         startProfileNodeID; 
	static Bool                 beenHere              = False;
	Stream*                     stream                = Journal_Register( Info_Type, (Name)"TempNodeHeight"  );
	char*                       filename;
	double*                     maxTempList = Memory_Alloc_Array( double, context->nproc, "Hold the max temperature of each array");
	unsigned                    rootProc;
	rootProc = 0;
	if (!beenHere) {
		Name                 tempFeName;
		tempFeName = Dictionary_GetString_WithDefault( context->dictionary, "TemperatureField", "TemperatureField" );
		/* Get TemperatureField FeVariable */
		temperatureFe = (FeVariable*) LiveComponentRegister_Get( context->CF->LCRegister, (Name)tempFeName );
		assert( temperatureFe  );
		/* Set up stream */
		Stg_asprintf( &filename, "CylinderNodeProfiling.%dof%d.dat", context->rank, context->nproc );
		Stream_RedirectFile_WithPrependedPath( stream, context->outputPath, filename );
		Memory_Free( filename );
		Stream_SetAutoFlush( stream, True );

		/* Print header to stream */
		Journal_Printf( stream, "Timestep\tCentralPosition\t\tNodeTemperature\n" );
		beenHere = True;
	mesh = temperatureFe->feMesh;
	for( lNode_I = 0; lNode_I < temperatureFe->feMesh->nodeLocalCount ; lNode_I++ ) {
		nodeTemp = FeVariable_GetScalarAtNode( temperatureFe , lNode_I );
		if( lNode_I == 0 ) {
			lmaxTemp = nodeTemp;
			startProfileNodeID = lNode_I;
		if ( nodeTemp > lmaxTemp ) {
			lmaxTemp = nodeTemp;
			startProfileNodeID = lNode_I;
	MPI_Gather( &lmaxTemp, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, maxTempList, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rootProc, context->communicator );

	Journal_Printf( stream, "%.6g   ******************************\n", (double)context->timeStep );
	nodeCoord = Mesh_CoordAt( mesh , startProfileNodeID );
	nodeTemp  = FeVariable_GetScalarAtNode( temperatureFe, startProfileNodeID );
	Journal_Printf( stream, "\t\tNode Profile in Y direction, starting at (%.6g, %.6g, %.6g)\tat temperature = %g\n",
				nodeCoord[0], nodeCoord[1], nodeCoord[2], nodeTemp );

	newNodeID = mesh->nodeNeighbourTbl[ startProfileNodeID ][ 1 ]; /* 1 = +y direction, 2 = +z direction */
	if( newNodeID >= mesh->nodeLocalCount ) { /* is node NOT a local, thus stop profiling */
		Journal_Printf( stream, "\t\tProfiling has reached the boundary of the local processor\n");
	} else {  /* continue profiling */
		nodeTemp = FeVariable_GetScalarAtNode( temperatureFe, newNodeID );
		while( nodeTemp > 0.0 ) {
			nodeCoord = Mesh_CoordAt( mesh, newNodeID );
			Journal_Printf( stream, "\t\t (%.6g, %.6g, %.6g)\tat temperature = %g\n", nodeCoord[0], nodeCoord[1], nodeCoord[2], nodeTemp );
			newNodeID = mesh->nodeNeighbourTbl[ newNodeID ][ 1 ];
			if( newNodeID >= mesh->nodeLocalCount ) {
                          /* is node not a local i.e. not on processor, tus stop profiling	 */
				Journal_Printf( stream, "\t\tProfiling has reached the boundary of the local processor\n");
			nodeTemp = FeVariable_GetScalarAtNode( temperatureFe, newNodeID );
	Memory_Free( maxTempList );
	MPI_Barrier( context->communicator );