Esempio n. 1
char * zuluCryptGetLoopDeviceAddress( const char * device )
	char * z = NULL ;
	const char * e ;

	string_t st = StringVoid ;
	string_t xt = StringVoid ;

	int i ;
	int r ;

	z = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_1( device ) ;

	if( z == NULL ){
		return NULL ;
		st = String( "" ) ;

		for( i = 0 ; i < 255 ; i++ ){

			StringReplace( st,"/sys/block/loop" ) ;
			StringAppendInt( st,i ) ;

			xt = StringGetFromVirtualFile( StringAppend( st,"/loop/backing_file" ) ) ;

			e = StringRemoveRight( xt,1 ) ;
			r = StringsAreEqual( e,z ) ;

			StringDelete( &xt ) ;

			if( r ){

				StringReplace( st,"/dev/loop" ) ;
				e = StringAppendInt( st,i ) ;

				if( StringsAreNotEqual( device,e ) ){

					break ;
				StringReset( st ) ;

		StringFree( z ) ;

		if( StringIsEmpty( st ) ){

			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			return NULL ;
			return StringDeleteHandle( &st ) ;
 * this function return a secured file path to be used to create a file at the path
static const char * _secure_file_path_1( void )
	string_t st_path = _create_work_directory() ;
	StringAppend( st_path,"1-" ) ;
	StringAppendInt( st_path,syscall( SYS_gettid ) ) ;
	return StringDeleteHandle( &st_path ) ;
 * Below function copies a file owned and managed by a user to a secured location so that it can be accessed securely.
static int _secure_file_path( const char ** path,const char * source )
	int fd_source ;
	int fd_temp ;
	char buffer[ SIZE ] ;
	size_t len ;
	const char * temp_path ;
	struct stat ststr ;

	string_t st_path = _create_work_directory() ;

	StringAppend( st_path,"0-" ) ;
	temp_path = StringAppendInt( st_path,syscall( SYS_gettid ) ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

	fd_source = open( source,O_RDONLY ) ;

	if( fd_source == -1 ){
		StringDelete( &st_path ) ;
		return 0 ;

	fstat( fd_source,&ststr ) ;

	if( ststr.st_size >= 3145728 ){
		 * headers are less than 3MB so we obvious have a wrong file
		StringDelete( &st_path ) ;
		return 0 ;

	zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

	fd_temp = open( temp_path,O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP |S_IROTH ) ;
	if( fd_temp == -1 ){
		close( fd_source ) ;
		StringDelete( &st_path ) ;
		return 0 ;

	while( 1 ){
		len = read( fd_source,buffer,SIZE ) ;
		if( len < SIZE ){
			write( fd_temp,buffer,len ) ;
			break ;
			write( fd_temp,buffer,len ) ;

	close( fd_source ) ;
	close( fd_temp ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

	*path = StringDeleteHandle( &st_path ) ;
	return 1 ;
Esempio n. 4
static int open_loop_device_1( string_t * loop_device )
	string_t st = String( "" ) ;
	int i ;
	int fd ;
	const char * path ;
	struct loop_info64 l_info ;
	int r = 0 ;

	for( i = 0 ; i < 255 ; i++ ){

		StringReplace( st,"/dev/loop" ) ;
		path = StringAppendInt( st,i ) ;
		fd = open( path,O_RDONLY ) ;

		if( fd == -1 ){
			r = 0 ;
			break ;
		if( ioctl( fd,LOOP_GET_STATUS64,&l_info ) != 0 ){

			if( errno == ENXIO) {
				*loop_device = StringCopy( st ) ;
				close( fd ) ;
				r = 1 ;
				break ;
		close( fd ) ;
	StringDelete( &st ) ;
	return r ;
Esempio n. 5
char * zuluCryptGetALoopDeviceAssociatedWithAnImageFile( const char * path )
	int i ;
	string_t st = String( "" ) ;
	const char * e ;
	char * f ;

	for( i = 0 ; i < 255 ; i++ ){

		StringReplace( st,"/dev/loop" ) ;

		e = StringAppendInt( st,i ) ;

		f = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_1( e ) ;

		if( StringsAreEqual( path,f ) ){

			StringFree( f ) ;

			return StringDeleteHandle( &st ) ;
			StringFree( f ) ;

	StringDelete( &st ) ;
	return NULL ;
Esempio n. 6
static int _create_volume( const char * dev,const char * fs,const char * type,const char * pass,size_t pass_size,const char * rng )
	size_t len ;
	int status ;
	string_t m = StringVoid ;
	const char * device_mapper ;
	const char * mapper ;
	if ( zuluCryptPathIsNotValid( dev ) ){
		return 1 ;
	m = String( crypt_get_dir() ) ;
	len = StringLength( m )   ;
	StringAppend( m,"/zuluCrypt-" ) ;
	device_mapper = StringAppendInt( m,syscall( SYS_gettid ) ) ;
	mapper = device_mapper + len + 1 ;
	if( StringsAreEqual( type,"luks" ) ){
		if( StringsAreNotEqual( rng,"/dev/random" ) ){
			if( StringsAreNotEqual( rng,"/dev/urandom" ) ){
				return zuluExit( 2,m ) ; 
		if( zuluCryptCreateLuks( dev,pass,pass_size,rng ) != 0 ){
			return zuluExit( 3,m ) ;
		if( zuluCryptOpenLuks( dev,mapper,"rw",pass,pass_size ) != 0 ){
			return zuluExit( 3,m ) ; 
	}else if( StringsAreEqual( type,"plain") ){
		if( zuluCryptOpenPlain( dev,mapper,"rw",pass,pass_size ) != 0 ){
			return zuluExit( 3,m ) ; 
		return zuluExit( 2,m ) ;
	status = zuluCryptCreateFileSystemInAVolume( fs,device_mapper ) ;
	 * zuluCryptCloseMapper() is defined in close_mapper.c
	zuluCryptCloseMapper( device_mapper );
	if( status == 0 ){
		return zuluExit( 0,m ) ;
		return zuluExit( 3,m ) ;
Esempio n. 7
static int _create_file_system( const char * device,const char * fs,int key_source,
				const char * key,size_t key_len,int volume_type )
	string_t m = StringVoid ;

	int r ;

	const char * device_mapper ;
	const char * mapper ;

	size_t len ;

	m = String( crypt_get_dir() ) ;
	len = StringLength( m )   ;

	StringAppend( m,"/zuluCrypt-" ) ;
	device_mapper = StringAppendInt( m,syscall( SYS_gettid ) ) ;
	mapper = device_mapper + len + 1 ;

	 * zuluCryptOpenTcrypt() is defined in open_tcrypt.c
	if( zuluCryptOpenTcrypt( device,mapper,key,key_len,key_source,volume_type,NULL,0,0,NULL ) == 0 ){
		 * zuluCryptCreateFileSystemInAVolume() is defined in create_volume.c
		if( zuluCryptCreateFileSystemInAVolume( fs,device_mapper ) == 0 ){
			r = 0 ;
			r = 3 ;
		 * zuluCryptCloseMapper() is defined in close_mapper.c
		zuluCryptCloseMapper( device_mapper ) ;
		r = 3 ;

	StringDelete( &m ) ;
	return r ;
Esempio n. 8
char * zuluCryptGetFileNameFromFileDescriptor( int fd )
	char * e ;
	char * c ;

	string_t xt = String( "/proc/self/fd/" ) ;

	e = zuluCryptRealPath( StringAppendInt( xt,fd ) ) ;

	 * zuluCryptResolvePath_4() is defined in resolve_paths.c
	c = zuluCryptResolvePath_4( e ) ;

	StringFree( e ) ;

	StringDelete( &xt ) ;

	return c ;
Esempio n. 9
string_t zuluCryptCreateKeyFile( const char * key,size_t key_len,const char * fileName )
	string_t st = StringVoid ;
	int fd ;
	const char * file ;

	struct stat statstr ;

	if( key == NULL || key_len == 0 || fileName == NULL ){
		return StringVoid ;

	#define path_does_not_exist( x ) stat( x,&statstr ) != 0

	if( path_does_not_exist( "/run" ) ){
		mkdir( "/run",S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH | S_IROTH ) ;
		chown( "/run",0,0 ) ;
	if( path_does_not_exist( "/run/zuluCrypt" ) ){
		mkdir( "/run/zuluCrypt",S_IRWXU ) ;
		chown( "/run/zuluCrypt",0,0 ) ;

	st = String_1( "/run/zuluCrypt/",fileName,NULL ) ;
	file = StringAppendInt( st,syscall( SYS_gettid ) ) ;
	fd = open( file,O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP |S_IROTH ) ;

	if( fd == -1 ){
		StringDelete( &st ) ;
		write( fd,key,key_len ) ;
		close( fd ) ;
		chown( file,0,0 ) ;
		chmod( file,S_IRWXU ) ;

	return st ;
Esempio n. 10
static int open_loop_device( string_t * loop_device )
	int devnr ;
	int fd_loop ;

	fd_loop = open( "/dev/loop-control",O_RDONLY ) ;

	if( fd_loop == -1 ){

		return open_loop_device_1( loop_device ) ;
		devnr = ioctl( fd_loop,LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE ) ;
		close( fd_loop ) ;

		if( devnr < 0 ){

			return open_loop_device_1( loop_device ) ;
			*loop_device = String( "/dev/loop" ) ;
			StringAppendInt( *loop_device,devnr ) ;
			return 1 ;
Esempio n. 11
static stringList_t _add_entry( stringList_t stx,stringList_t tmp,string_t ( *function )( const vInfo * ),
                                char * const ** entry,size_t * entry_len )
    string_t st ;

    u_int64_t e ;

    vInfo volumeInfo ;

    StringListStringArray_1( entry,entry_len,tmp ) ;

    volumeInfo.device       = *( *entry + *entry_len - 2 ) ;
    volumeInfo.mountPoint   = *( *entry + 4 ) ;
    volumeInfo.fileSystem   = *( *entry + *entry_len - 3 ) ;
    volumeInfo.mountOptions = *( *entry + 5 ) ;
    volumeInfo.rootPath     = *( *entry + 3 ) ;

    if( StringsAreEqual( volumeInfo.fileSystem,"fuse.encfs" ) ) {

        st = StringListStringAt( tmp,*entry_len - 2 ) ;

        StringReset( st ) ;

        e = StringJenkinsOneAtATimeHash( volumeInfo.mountPoint ) ;

        volumeInfo.device = StringAppendInt( st,e ) ;

    if( _valid_entry( &volumeInfo ) ) {

        st = function( &volumeInfo ) ;
        stx = StringListAppendString_1( stx,&st ) ;

    return stx ;
Esempio n. 12
static string_t set_mount_options( m_struct * mst )
	 * zuluCryptGetMountOptionsFromFstab() is defined in parse_fstab.c
	string_t opt = zuluCryptGetMountOptionsFromFstab( mst->device,MOUNTOPTIONS,mst->uid ) ;

	int fsFamily = fs_family( mst->fs ) ;

	const char * f[] = { "nouser","users","user","defaults","noauto","auto","nodev","dev",
		"synchronous",NULL } ;

	const char ** z = f ;
	const char * e ;

	if( opt == StringVoid ){
		opt = String( "" ) ;
		StringAppend( opt,mst->fs_flags ) ;
		if( StringContains( opt,"ro" ) ){
			mst->m_flags |= MS_RDONLY ;
		StringMultipleAppend( opt,",",mst->fs_flags,END ) ;

	_get_file_system_options_from_config_file( mst->device,opt ) ;

	if( fsFamily == 1 ){
		if( !StringContains( opt,"dmask=" ) ){
			StringAppend( opt,",dmask=0000" ) ;
		if( !StringContains( opt,"umask=" ) ){
			StringAppend( opt,",umask=0000" ) ;
		if( !StringContains( opt,"uid=" ) ){
			StringAppend( opt,",uid=" ) ;
			StringAppendInt( opt,mst->uid ) ;
		if( !StringContains( opt,"gid=" ) ){
			StringAppend( opt,",gid=" ) ;
			StringAppendInt( opt,mst->uid ) ;
		if( !StringContains( opt,"fmask=" ) ){
			StringAppend( opt,",fmask=0111" ) ;
		if( StringsAreEqual( mst->fs,"vfat" ) ){
			if( !StringContains( opt,"flush" ) ){
				StringAppend( opt,",flush" ) ;
			if( !StringContains( opt,"shortname=" ) ){
				StringAppend( opt,",shortname=mixed" ) ;
	}else if( fsFamily == 2 ){
		if( !StringContains( opt,"uid=" ) ){
			StringAppend( opt,",uid=" ) ;
			StringAppendInt( opt,mst->uid ) ;
		if( !StringContains( opt,"gid=" ) ){
			StringAppend( opt,",gid=" ) ;
			StringAppendInt( opt,mst->uid ) ;
	}else if( fsFamily == 3 ){
		mst->m_flags |= MS_RDONLY ;
		 * ext file systems and raiserfs among others go here
		 * we dont set any options for them.

	 * remove mount options to leave only file system options
	while( 1 ){
		e = *z ;
		z++ ;
		if( e == NULL ){
			break ;
			StringRemoveString( opt,e ) ;
	 * remove below two now because we are going to add them below,reason for removing them
	 * and readding them is because we want to make sure they are at the beginning of the string
	StringRemoveString( opt,"ro" ) ;
	StringRemoveString( opt,"rw" ) ;

	if( mst->m_flags & MS_RDONLY ){
		StringPrepend( opt,"ro," ) ;
		StringPrepend( opt,"rw," ) ;

	mst->opts = _remove_duplicates( opt ) ;
	return opt;