void* SystemHeadersThread::Entry() { wxArrayString dirs; { wxCriticalSectionLocker locker(*m_SystemHeadersThreadCS); for (size_t i=0; i<m_IncludeDirs.GetCount(); ++i) { if (m_SystemHeadersMap.find(m_IncludeDirs[i]) == m_SystemHeadersMap.end()) { dirs.Add(m_IncludeDirs[i]); m_SystemHeadersMap[m_IncludeDirs[i]] = StringSet(); } } } // collect header files in each dir, this is done by HeaderDirTraverser for (size_t i=0; i<dirs.GetCount(); ++i) { if ( TestDestroy() ) break; // check the dir is ready for traversing wxDir dir(dirs[i]); if ( !dir.IsOpened() ) { CodeBlocksThreadEvent evt(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, idSystemHeadersThreadError); evt.SetClientData(this); evt.SetString(wxString::Format(_T("SystemHeadersThread: Unable to open: %s"), dirs[i].wx_str())); wxPostEvent(m_Parent, evt); continue; } TRACE(_T("SystemHeadersThread: Launching dir traverser for: %s"), dirs[i].wx_str()); HeaderDirTraverser traverser(this, m_SystemHeadersThreadCS, m_SystemHeadersMap, dirs[i]); dir.Traverse(traverser, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_FILES | wxDIR_DIRS); TRACE(_T("SystemHeadersThread: Dir traverser finished for: %s"), dirs[i].wx_str()); if ( TestDestroy() ) break; CodeBlocksThreadEvent evt(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, idSystemHeadersThreadUpdate); evt.SetClientData(this); evt.SetString(wxString::Format(_T("SystemHeadersThread: %s , %lu"), dirs[i].wx_str(), static_cast<unsigned long>(m_SystemHeadersMap[dirs[i]].size()))); wxPostEvent(m_Parent, evt); } if ( !TestDestroy() ) { CodeBlocksThreadEvent evt(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, idSystemHeadersThreadFinish); evt.SetClientData(this); if (!dirs.IsEmpty()) evt.SetString(wxString::Format(_T("SystemHeadersThread: Total number of paths: %lu"), static_cast<unsigned long>(dirs.GetCount()))); wxPostEvent(m_Parent, evt); } TRACE(_T("SystemHeadersThread: Done.")); return NULL; }
TString *USBStandardHubGetDeviceNames (TUSBDevice *pDevice) { assert (pDevice != 0); TString *pResult = (TString *) malloc (sizeof (TString)); assert (pResult != 0); String (pResult); for (unsigned nSelector = DeviceNameVendor; nSelector < DeviceNameUnknown; nSelector++) { TString *pName = USBDeviceGetName (pDevice, (TDeviceNameSelector) nSelector); assert (pName != 0); if (StringCompare (pName, "unknown") != 0) { if (StringGetLength (pResult) > 0) { StringAppend (pResult, ", "); } StringAppend (pResult, StringGet (pName)); } _String (pName); free (pName); } if (StringGetLength (pResult) == 0) { StringSet (pResult, "unknown"); } return pResult; }
StringSet timeSeriesNames(const SqlFileTimeSeriesQueryVector& queries) { StringSet result; BOOST_FOREACH(const SqlFileTimeSeriesQuery& q,queries) { if (!q.vetted()) { return StringSet(); } OS_ASSERT(q.timeSeries().get().name()); result.insert(*(q.timeSeries().get().name())); } return result; }
const StringSet Switchboard::GetSubscriptionsFor(MessageListener* subscriber) { if (_subscriptions.find(subscriber) == _subscriptions.end()) { return StringSet(); } else { return _subscriptions[subscriber]; } }
int wuFileSuffixSet( char *ftName, char *suffix, char *endName ) { int i; int len; int dotlen; char tempname[64]; len = strlen(ftName); dotlen = 0; i = 0; while( i < len ) { if(ftName[i] == '.') { dotlen = i; i = len; } else { dotlen = len; } i++; } //return dotlen; //some rad name sorting stuff if ( ftName[0] == '/' || ftName[0] == '\\' ) { strcpy ( tempname, &ftName[1] ); if ( ftName[dotlen] == '.' ) { tempname[dotlen-1] = 0; } } else { strcpy ( tempname, ftName ); if( ftName[dotlen] == '.' ) { tempname[dotlen] = '\0'; } } // replace all '\' with '/' for ( i = 0; tempname[i]; i++ ) { if ( tempname[i] == '\\' ) { tempname[i] = '/'; } } StringSet( endName, "%s%s", tempname, suffix ); return 0; }
GameConfig::GameConfig() : m_path(IO::Path("")), m_icon(IO::Path("")), m_fileSystemConfig(IO::Path(""), ""), m_textureConfig("", "", IO::Path(""), IO::Path("")), m_entityConfig(IO::Path(""), StringSet(), Color()) {}
IvarDynamicState(const IvarDynamicState *rhs) : _assignPropertyWasCleared(rhs ? rhs->_assignPropertyWasCleared : StringSet()), _targetWasCleared(rhs ? rhs->_targetWasCleared : false), _observerWasCleared(rhs ? rhs->_observerWasCleared : false) { }
namespace Props { const StringSet fillList = StringSet() << "fill" << "fill-rule" << "fill-opacity"; const StringSet strokeList = StringSet() << "stroke" << "stroke-width" << "stroke-linecap" << "stroke-linejoin" << "stroke-miterlimit" << "stroke-dasharray" << "stroke-dashoffset" << "stroke-opacity"; const StringSet presentationAttributes = StringSet() << "alignment-baseline" << "baseline-shift" << "clip-path" << "clip-rule" << "clip" << "color-interpolation-filters" << "color-interpolation" << "color-profile" << "color-rendering" << "color" << "cursor" << "direction" << "display" << "dominant-baseline" << "enable-background" << "fill-opacity" << "fill-rule" << "fill" << "filter" << "flood-color" << "flood-opacity" << "font-family" << "font-size-adjust" << "font-size" << "font-stretch" << "font-style" << "font-variant" << "font-weight" << "glyph-orientation-horizontal" << "glyph-orientation-vertical" << "image-rendering" << "kerning" << "letter-spacing" << "lighting-color" << "marker-end" << "marker-mid" << "marker-start" << "mask" << "opacity" << "overflow" << "pointer-events" << "shape-rendering" << "stop-color" << "stop-opacity" << "stroke-dasharray" << "stroke-dashoffset" << "stroke-linecap" << "stroke-linejoin" << "stroke-miterlimit" << "stroke-opacity" << "stroke-width" << "stroke" << "text-anchor" << "text-decoration" << "text-rendering" << "unicode-bidi" << "visibility" << "word-spacing" << "writing-mode"; const CharList linkableStyleAttributes = CharList() << "clip-path" << "fill" << "mask" << "filter" << "stroke" << "marker-start" << "marker-mid" << "marker-end"; const QStringList linearGradient = QStringList() << "gradientTransform" << "xlink:href" << "x1" << "y1" << "x2" << "y2" << "gradientUnits" << "spreadMethod" << "externalResourcesRequired"; const QStringList radialGradient = QStringList() << "gradientTransform" << "xlink:href" << "cx" << "cy" << "r" << "fx" << "fy" << "gradientUnits" << "spreadMethod" << "externalResourcesRequired"; const QStringList filter = QStringList() << "gradientTransform" << "xlink:href" << "x" << "y" << "width" << "height" << "filterRes" << "filterUnits" << "primitiveUnits" << "externalResourcesRequired"; const StringSet maskAttributes = StringSet() << "x" << "y" << "width" << "height" << "maskUnits" << "maskContentUnits" << "externalResourcesRequired"; const StringSet digitList = StringSet() << "x" << "y" << "x1" << "y1" << "x2" << "y2" << "width" << "height" << "r" << "rx" << "ry" << "fx" << "fy" << "cx" << "cy" << "dx" << "dy" << "offset"; const StringSet filterDigitList = StringSet() << "stdDeviation" << "baseFrequency" << "k" << "k1" << "k2" << "k3" << "specularConstant" << "dx" << "dy" << "stroke-dasharray"; const StringSet defsList = StringSet() << "altGlyphDef" << "clipPath" << "cursor" << "filter" << "linearGradient" << "marker" << "mask" << "pattern" << "radialGradient"/* << "symbol"*/; const StringSet referencedElements = StringSet() << "a" << "altGlyphDef" << "clipPath" << "color-profile" << "cursor" << "filter" << "font" << "font-face" << "foreignObject" << "image" << "marker" << "mask" << "pattern" << "script" << "style" << "switch" << "text" << "view"; const StringSet textElements = StringSet() << "text" << "tspan" << "flowRoot" << "flowPara" << "flowSpan" << "textPath"; const StringSet textAttributes = StringSet() << "font-style" << "font-variant" << "font-weight" << "font-weight" << "font-stretch" << "font-size" << "font-size-adjust" << "kerning" << "letter-spacing" << "word-spacing" << "text-decoration" << "writing-mode" << "glyph-orientation-vertical" << "glyph-orientation-horizontal" << "direction" << "text-anchor" << "dominant-baseline" << "alignment-baseline" << "baseline-shift"; const QVariantHash defaultStyleValues = Tools::initDefaultStyleHash(); const StringSet svgElementList = StringSet() << "a" << "altGlyph" << "altGlyphDef" << "altGlyphItem" << "animate" << "animateColor" << "animateMotion" << "animateTransform" << "circle" << "clipPath" << "color-profile" << "cursor" << "defs" << "desc" << "ellipse" << "feBlend" << "feColorMatrix" << "feComponentTransfer" << "feComposite" << "feConvolveMatrix" << "feDiffuseLighting" << "feDisplacementMap" << "feDistantLight" << "feFlood" << "feFuncA" << "feFuncB" << "feFuncG" << "feFuncR" << "feGaussianBlur" << "feImage" << "feMerge" << "feMergeNode" << "feMorphology" << "feOffset" << "fePointLight" << "feSpecularLighting" << "feSpotLight" << "feTile" << "feTurbulence" << "filter" << "font" << "font-face" << "font-face-format" << "font-face-name" << "font-face-src" << "font-face-uri" << "foreignObject" << "g" << "glyph" << "glyphRef" << "hkern" << "image" << "line" << "linearGradient" << "marker" << "mask" << "metadata" << "missing-glyph" << "mpath" << "path" << "pattern" << "polygon" << "polyline" << "radialGradient" << "rect" << "script" << "set" << "stop" << "style" << "svg" << "switch" << "symbol" << "text" << "textPath" << "title" << "tref" << "flowRoot" << "flowRegion" << "flowPara" << "flowSpan" << "tspan" << "use" << "view" << "vkern"; const StringSet elementsUsingXLink = StringSet() << "a" << "altGlyph" << "color-profile" << "cursor" << "feImage" << "filter" << "font-face-uri" << "glyphRef" << "image" << "linearGradient" << "mpath" << "pattern" << "radialGradient" << "script" << "textPath" << "use" << "animate" << "animateColor" << "animateMotion" << "animateTransform" << "set" << "tref"; const StringSet containers = StringSet() << "a" << "defs" << "glyph" << "g" << "marker" /*<< "mask"*/ << "missing-glyph" /*<< "pattern"*/ << "svg" << "switch" << "symbol"; const StringSet stopAttributes = StringSet() << "offset" << "stop-color" << "stop-opacity"; const StringSet lengthTypes = StringSet() << "em" << "ex" << "px" << "in" << "cm" << "mm" << "pt" << "pc"; }
DWORD ExecCreateProcess(const char* command_str, char** result) { PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; //HANDLE hStdout; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; HANDLE hRead,hWrite; char buffer[4096] = {0}; DWORD bytesRead; DWORD ExitCode = ERROR; char* runcmd; sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; if (!CreatePipe(&hRead,&hWrite,&sa,0)) { printf("Error On CreatePipe()"); return ERROR; } runcmd=StringInit(); runcmd=StringSet(runcmd, command_str); //runcmd=StringInsert (runcmd,"c://windows//system32//cmd.exe /c ",0); //hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; si.hStdOutput = hWrite; si.hStdError = hWrite; if (CreateProcess(NULL, runcmd, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { printf("Excuting \"%s\"\n", runcmd); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &ExitCode); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); } else { //MessageBox(NULL, "The process could not be started...", NULL, MB_OK); printf("The process could not be started.\n"); CloseHandle(hWrite); free(runcmd); return 0; } CloseHandle(hWrite); *result = StringInit(); while (TRUE) { if (ReadFile(hRead, buffer, 4095, &bytesRead, NULL) == FALSE) { break; } *result = StringAppent(*result, buffer); memset(buffer,0,4096); //printf(buffer); } return ExitCode; }