Esempio n. 1
bool 	AUPannerBase::OutputChannelConfigIsSupported(UInt32 inNumberChannels)
	const AUChannelInfo* cinfo = NULL;
	UInt32 numConfigs = SupportedNumChannels(&cinfo);
	for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numConfigs; ++i)
		if (cinfo[i].outChannels == (SInt16)inNumberChannels)
			return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 2
bool 	AUPannerBase::ChannelConfigIsSupported()
	UInt32 inChannels = GetNumberOfInputChannels();
	UInt32 outChannels = GetNumberOfOutputChannels();
	const AUChannelInfo* cinfo = NULL;
	UInt32 numConfigs = SupportedNumChannels(&cinfo);
	for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numConfigs; ++i)
		if (cinfo[i].inChannels == (SInt16)inChannels && cinfo[i].outChannels == (SInt16)outChannels)
			return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 3
//	AUInstrumentBase::ValidFormat
bool				AUInstrumentBase::ValidFormat(	AudioUnitScope					inScope,
													AudioUnitElement				inElement,
													const CAStreamBasicDescription  & inNewFormat)
		// if the AU supports this, then we should just let this go through to the Init call
	if (SupportedNumChannels (NULL)) 
		return MusicDeviceBase::ValidFormat(inScope, inElement, inNewFormat);

	bool isGood = MusicDeviceBase::ValidFormat (inScope, inElement, inNewFormat);
	if (!isGood) return false;
		// if we get to here, then the basic criteria is that the
		// num channels cannot change on an existing bus
	AUIOElement *el = GetIOElement (inScope, inElement);
	return (el->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannels() == inNewFormat.NumberChannels()); 
Esempio n. 4
OSStatus AUEffectBase::Initialize()
		// get our current numChannels for input and output
	SInt16 auNumInputs = (SInt16) GetInput(0)->GetStreamFormat().mChannelsPerFrame;
	SInt16 auNumOutputs = (SInt16) GetOutput(0)->GetStreamFormat().mChannelsPerFrame;

		// does the unit publish specific information about channel configurations?
    const AUChannelInfo *auChannelConfigs = NULL;
    UInt32 numIOconfigs = SupportedNumChannels(&auChannelConfigs);

    if ((numIOconfigs > 0) && (auChannelConfigs != NULL))
        bool foundMatch = false;
        for (UInt32 i = 0; (i < numIOconfigs) && !foundMatch; ++i)
            SInt16 configNumInputs = auChannelConfigs[i].inChannels;
            SInt16 configNumOutputs = auChannelConfigs[i].outChannels;
            if ((configNumInputs < 0) && (configNumOutputs < 0))
					// unit accepts any number of channels on input and output
                if (((configNumInputs == -1) && (configNumOutputs == -2))
					|| ((configNumInputs == -2) && (configNumOutputs == -1)))
				    foundMatch = true;
					// unit accepts any number of channels on input and output IFF they are the same number on both scopes
				else if (((configNumInputs == -1) && (configNumOutputs == -1)) && (auNumInputs == auNumOutputs))
				    foundMatch = true;
					// unit has specified a particular number of channels on both scopes
					// the -1 case on either scope is saying that the unit doesn't care about the
					// number of channels on that scope
                bool inputMatch = (auNumInputs == configNumInputs) || (configNumInputs == -1);
                bool outputMatch = (auNumOutputs == configNumOutputs) || (configNumOutputs == -1);
                if (inputMatch && outputMatch)
                    foundMatch = true;
        if (!foundMatch)
            return kAudioUnitErr_FormatNotSupported;
			// there is no specifically published channel info
			// so for those kinds of effects, the assumption is that the channels (whatever their number)
			// should match on both scopes
        if ((auNumOutputs != auNumInputs) || (auNumOutputs == 0))
		    return kAudioUnitErr_FormatNotSupported;


	mMainOutput = GetOutput(0);
	mMainInput = GetInput(0);

	const CAStreamBasicDescription& format = GetStreamFormat(kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0);
	format.IdentifyCommonPCMFormat(mCommonPCMFormat, NULL);
	mBytesPerFrame = format.mBytesPerFrame;

    return noErr;