Esempio n. 1
	SetTmcText(tmcCancel, SzSharedKey("Close",Close));
Esempio n. 2
extern struct MERR      vmerr;
extern struct DOD       **mpdochdod[];
extern struct SEL       selCur;
extern struct CHP       vchpStc;
extern struct UAB       vuab;
extern struct CA        caSect;
extern struct SEP       vsepFetch;
extern struct PREF      vpref;
extern CHAR             szEmpty[];
extern BOOL             vfRecording;
extern BOOL		    fElActive;

extern CP CpFirstBlock();

csconst CHAR szArgs[] = SzSharedKey(" \\# \"\'Page: \'#\'\013\'\"",Args); /*  \# "'Page: '#'chCRJ'" */

#define cchArgs (18)
#define cchFtnRefMax    10
#define iagStRef Iag(CABINSERTFTN, hstRef)

csconst CHAR szAtn[] = {
	chAtn, '\0'};

/* %%Function:CmdViewRef %%Owner:chic */
CMD CmdViewRef(wk, edc)
int wk;
int edc;
	BOOL fRecordingSav;
Esempio n. 3
	/*  fTrue, if the above two lists have changed. */
	BOOL        fDirty;

	/* fTrue, if the tab setting has already been recorded */
	BOOL	fTabSetBefore;

	BOOL	fDlgChanged;
	/* The grpprl that represents all this (only valid near the end) */
	char stFGrpprl [cchGrpprlApplyTabs + 2]; /* +2 for cch & flag */
}       TDSD;   /* Tabs Dialog State Descriptor */

#define vptdsd	((TDSD *) pcmb->pv)

STATIC char ** hstFGrpprl = hNil; /* Kept around for Repeat command */

csconst char szClearAll[] = SzSharedKey("All",All);

#define CchMaxPos               15
#define DxaMinMove              (czaInch / 8)

/* ----- Local procedures ----- */
BOOL FDeleteTab();
BOOL FInsertTab();
int  ITbdFindApproxDxa();

/* ----- External Vars ----- */

extern BOOL         fElActive;
extern BOOL         vfRecording;
extern struct PREF  vpref;