Esempio n. 1
// Roundabout way but the only way possible. Need to use the svcId and find the matching svcNum by scanning all channels
int GetSvcNum( int svcId ) {
    int tvNum, radNum;
    int i;
    int returnval = -1;
    TYPE_TapChInfo channel;
    TAP_Channel_GetTotalNum( &tvNum, &radNum );
    if( tvNum < 1 ) return -1;	// Sanity check
    for( i = 0; i < tvNum; i++ ) {
        TAP_Channel_GetInfo( SVC_TYPE_Tv, i, &channel );
        if( channel.svcId == svcId ) {
            returnval = i;
            i = tvNum;
    if( returnval > -1 ) return returnval;
    // Allow for the radio
    for( i = 0; i < radNum; i++ ) {
        TAP_Channel_GetInfo( SVC_TYPE_Radio, i, &channel );
        if( channel.svcId == svcId ) {
            returnval = i;
            i = radNum;
    return returnval;
Esempio n. 2
void InitLogoMemory( void )
	int i, count;
    int countTvSvc, countRadioSvc;
	TYPE_TapChInfo	currentChInfo;

	TAP_Channel_GetTotalNum( &countTvSvc, &countRadioSvc );				// how many services are defined on this box?

	if ( countTvSvc > MAX_SERVICES/2 )
	{                                                                   // must quit if too many services
//	    ErrorPrint("Too many services");                                // TF5800 won't be affected	- so hack ok for us 
//		return;															// temp - must fix.
		countTvSvc = MAX_SERVICES/2;
	if ( countRadioSvc > MAX_SERVICES/2 )
		countRadioSvc = MAX_SERVICES/2;

	for ( i=0; i<=countTvSvc; i++)										// for each TV service
		TAP_Channel_GetInfo( SVC_TYPE_Tv, i, &currentChInfo );			// get the info pointer
		strcpy( logoArrayTv[i].svcName, currentChInfo.chName);			// and copy the channel's name

		logoArrayTv[i].svcLCN = currentChInfo.logicalChNum;				// service LCN
		logoArrayTv[i].svcNum = i;										// service number
		logoArrayTv[i].svcType = SVC_TYPE_Tv;							// service type (TV, or Radio)
		logoArrayTv[i].processedFlag = FALSE;							// no logo cached yet
		logoArrayTv[i].logo = TAP_MemAlloc( LOGO_DATA_SIZE );			// allocate space for the logo
		CreateFileName( &logoArrayTv[i] );								// filter out puntuation and generate a file name

	for ( i=0; i<=countRadioSvc; i++)									// do the same for each radio service on this box
		TAP_Channel_GetInfo( SVC_TYPE_Radio, i, &currentChInfo );
		strcpy( logoArrayRadio[i].svcName, currentChInfo.chName);

		logoArrayRadio[i].svcLCN = currentChInfo.logicalChNum;				// service LCN
		logoArrayRadio[i].svcNum = i;
		logoArrayRadio[i].svcType = SVC_TYPE_Radio;
		logoArrayRadio[i].processedFlag = FALSE;
		logoArrayRadio[i].logo = TAP_MemAlloc( LOGO_DATA_SIZE );
		CreateFileName( &logoArrayRadio[i] );							// filter out puntuation and generate a file name

	maxTvSvc = countTvSvc;												// save the number of services for later
	maxRadioSvc = countRadioSvc;

	logoIndex = 0;
Esempio n. 3
bool isOnMainTuner(int SvcType, int SvcNum)

  int                   svcTypeMainTuner, svcNumMainTuner;
  TYPE_TapChInfo        chInfo1, chInfo2;

  TAP_Channel_GetInfo(SvcType, SvcNum, &chInfo1);

  TAP_Channel_GetCurrent(&svcTypeMainTuner, &svcNumMainTuner);
  TAP_Channel_GetInfo(svcTypeMainTuner, svcNumMainTuner, &chInfo2);

  return (chInfo1.satIdx == chInfo2.satIdx) && (chInfo1.freq == chInfo2.freq);
Esempio n. 4
void DisplayLogo( word WindowRgn, dword Xcoord, dword Ycoord, int svcNum, byte svcType )
	char	str[80];
	dword	width;
	int		i;

	TYPE_logoArray	*localPtr;
	TYPE_TapChInfo	currentChInfo;

	if ( !TAP_Channel_GetInfo( svcType, svcNum, &currentChInfo ) ) return;		// service doesn't exist !
	if ( svcType == SVC_TYPE_Tv ) localPtr = &logoArrayTv[svcNum];		// recover the correct pointer - TV, or Radio
	else localPtr = &logoArrayRadio[svcNum];

	if ( localPtr->processedFlag == TRUE )								// is this logo in our cache?
	{																	// yes -> display it
		TAP_Osd_RestoreBox( WindowRgn, Xcoord, Ycoord, LOGO_W, LOGO_H, localPtr->logo );
	else                                                                // no -> just print the channel's name
	{																	// in place of the logo
		TAP_Osd_FillBox( rgn, Xcoord, Ycoord, LOGO_W, LOGO_H, COLOR_Black );	// blank the background

		FormatNameString( localPtr->svcName, &i, str, LOGO_W - 5);		// print the 1st line
		TAP_Osd_PutStringAf1419( WindowRgn, Xcoord, Ycoord, Xcoord + LOGO_W + 5, str, COLOR_White, 0 );

		FormatNameString( localPtr->svcName, &i, str, LOGO_W - 5);		// print the 2nd line
		TAP_Osd_PutStringAf1419( WindowRgn, Xcoord, Ycoord + (LOGO_H/2), Xcoord + LOGO_W + 5, str, COLOR_White, 0 );
Esempio n. 5
char* Channel_Name( int svcType, int svcNum ) {
    TYPE_TapChInfo chInfo;
    static char channelName[128];
    memset( channelName, 0, sizeof channelName );
    TAP_Channel_GetInfo( svcType, svcNum, &chInfo );
    sprintf( channelName, "%s\0", chInfo.chName );
    return channelName;
void DisplayChannelSelection( void )
	char str[256];
	TYPE_TapChInfo	chInfo;	
	TAP_Channel_GetInfo( selectedSvc, selectedLogo, &chInfo );
	TAP_SPrint( str, "%d -> %d: %d: %s", oldPageNumber, pageNumber, chInfo.logicalChNum, chInfo.chName );

	TAP_Osd_FillBox( rgn, 53, 490, 614, 86, FILL_COLOUR );				// clear the bottom portion
	TAP_Osd_PutStringAf1622( rgn, 58, 518, 610, str, INFO_COLOUR, FILL_COLOUR );
Esempio n. 7
// Function to render the guide item on the screen. Send it the required text
void MultiList_RenderChannel( word rgn, word svcId, int row, int col ){
	int x, y, w, h;
	dword fc = DISPLAY_EVENT;
	int svcNum, svcType;
 	TYPE_TapChInfo chInfo;
	char text[128];
	// Calculate the position to render the item
//	w = (720-((Panel_Left_X-DISPLAY_X_OFFSET)*2))/MultiList_Cols;	// [    ][    ][    ]
	w = DISPLAY_ROW_WIDTH/MultiList_Cols;	// [    ][    ][    ]
	x = Panel_Left_X + (w*col) + DISPLAY_GAP;	// Offset plus the coloumn
	h = 22;
	y = (Panel_Left_Y + (( h + DISPLAY_GAP) * (0)))+(((( h + DISPLAY_GAP) * (MultiList_MaxEvents))+( h + DISPLAY_GAP))*row);
	// Draw background for item it previous or selected otherwise the background on text will do the job
	TAP_Osd_FillBox(rgn, x-1, y, w-2, h, DISPLAY_MAIN);
	svcNum = GetSvcNum(svcId);
	svcType = GetSvcType(svcId);
	sprintf( text, "%d, %d, %s\0", svcNum, svcType, Channel_Name(svcNum,svcType));
	TAP_Channel_GetInfo( svcType, svcNum, &chInfo );
	TAP_Osd_PutStringAf1419( rgn, x+5, y+1, x+(w-10), chInfo.chName, fc, COLOR_None );
int LogoManager_UpdateLIL(void)

  typedef struct
    ulong64             ChannelID;
    char                Name[MAXLOGONAME+1];

  int                   nTvSvc, nRadioSvc;
  int                   i;
  TYPE_TapChInfo        chInfo;
  char                  s[255], LogoName[MAX_SvcName + 1];
  SYSTEM_TYPE           SystemType;
  tFlashSatTable        SatInfo;

  word                  SatPos;
  ulong64               ChannelID;
  tNewIDs              *NewIDs;
  int                   NewIDCount;

  SystemType = GetSystemType();


  TAP_Channel_GetTotalNum(&nTvSvc, &nRadioSvc);
  NewIDs = TAP_MemAlloc((nTvSvc + nRadioSvc) * sizeof(tNewIDs));
  NewIDCount = 0;


  for(i = 0; i < nTvSvc; i++)
    TAP_Channel_GetInfo(SVC_TYPE_Tv, i, &chInfo);
    FlashSatTablesGetInfo(chInfo.satIdx, &SatInfo);

      case ST_S:
      case ST_TMSS:
        SatPos = SatInfo.SatPosition;

        SatPos = 0;

    ChannelID = LogoManager_CalculateChannelID(SatPos, chInfo.orgNetId, chInfo.tsId, chInfo.svcId);
    TAP_SPrint(s, "%16.16llx", ChannelID);
      NewIDs[NewIDCount].ChannelID = ChannelID;
      strcpy(NewIDs[NewIDCount].Name, LogoManager_ChannelNameToLogoName(chInfo.chName, LogoName, sizeof(LogoName)));
      if(NewIDs[NewIDCount].Name[0]) NewIDCount++;

  for(i = 0; i < nRadioSvc; i++)
    TAP_Channel_GetInfo(SVC_TYPE_Radio, i, &chInfo);
    FlashSatTablesGetInfo(chInfo.satIdx, &SatInfo);

      case ST_S:
      case ST_TMSS:
        SatPos = SatInfo.SatPosition;

        SatPos = 0;

    ChannelID = LogoManager_CalculateChannelID(SatPos, chInfo.orgNetId, chInfo.tsId, chInfo.svcId);
    TAP_SPrint(s, "%16.16llx", ChannelID);
      NewIDs[NewIDCount].ChannelID = ChannelID;
      TAP_SPrint(NewIDs[NewIDCount].Name, "r_%s", LogoManager_ChannelNameToLogoName(chInfo.chName, LogoName, sizeof(LogoName)));
      if(NewIDs[NewIDCount].Name[0]) NewIDCount++;


  if(NewIDCount > 0)
    TYPE_File          *f;
    word                year;
    byte                month, day, weekDay;

    if(!TAP_Hdd_Exist(LILNAME)) TAP_Hdd_Create(LILNAME, ATTR_NORMAL);
    f = TAP_Hdd_Fopen(LILNAME);

      if(LogoManager_CB) LogoManager_CB(-1, 3);

      return -1;

    TAP_Hdd_Fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
    TAP_ExtractMjd(Now(NULL) >> 16, &year, &month, &day, &weekDay);
    TAP_SPrint(s, "\n\n# Added %4.4d-%2.2d-%2.2d\n", year, month, day);
    TAP_Hdd_Fwrite(s, 1, strlen(s), f);

    for(i = 0; i < NewIDCount; i++)
      TAP_SPrint(s, "%16.16llx=%s\n", NewIDs[i].ChannelID, NewIDs[i].Name);
      TAP_Hdd_Fwrite(s, 1, strlen(s), f);
    if(LogoManager_CB) LogoManager_CB(5, NewIDCount);
