static int rtnl_qdisc_get(struct nlmsghdr *h, int (*if_callback)(int, struct in_ifaddr *)) { struct rtattr *tb[IFA_MAX + 1]; struct tcmsg *tc; int len; struct in_qdisc qdisc; if (h->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWQDISC) return 0; tc = NLMSG_DATA(h); len = h->nlmsg_len - NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct tcmsg)); if (len < 0) return -1; netlink_parse_rtattr(tb, TCA_MAX, TCA_RTA(tc), len); strcpy(, (char *)RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_KIND])); qdisc.stats = *(struct tc_stats *)RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_STATS]); return if_callback(tc->tcm_ifindex, &qdisc); }
int print_qdisc(const struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg) { FILE *fp = (FILE*)arg; struct tcmsg *t = NLMSG_DATA(n); int len = n->nlmsg_len; struct rtattr * tb[TCA_MAX+1]; struct qdisc_util *q; char abuf[256]; if (n->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWQDISC && n->nlmsg_type != RTM_DELQDISC) { fprintf(stderr, "Not a qdisc\n"); return 0; } len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*t)); if (len < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong len %d\n", len); return -1; } if (filter_ifindex && filter_ifindex != t->tcm_ifindex) return 0; memset(tb, 0, sizeof(tb)); parse_rtattr(tb, TCA_MAX, TCA_RTA(t), len); if (tb[TCA_KIND] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "print_qdisc: NULL kind\n"); return -1; } if (n->nlmsg_type == RTM_DELQDISC) fprintf(fp, "deleted "); fprintf(fp, "qdisc %s %x: ", (char*)RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_KIND]), t->tcm_handle>>16); if (filter_ifindex == 0) fprintf(fp, "dev %s ", ll_index_to_name(t->tcm_ifindex)); if (t->tcm_parent == TC_H_ROOT) fprintf(fp, "root "); else if (t->tcm_parent) { print_tc_classid(abuf, sizeof(abuf), t->tcm_parent); fprintf(fp, "parent %s ", abuf); } if (t->tcm_info != 1) { fprintf(fp, "refcnt %d ", t->tcm_info); } /* pfifo_fast is generic enough to warrant the hardcoding --JHS */ if (0 == strcmp("pfifo_fast", RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_KIND]))) q = get_qdisc_kind("prio"); else q = get_qdisc_kind(RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_KIND])); if (tb[TCA_OPTIONS]) { if (q) q->print_qopt(q, fp, tb[TCA_OPTIONS]); else fprintf(fp, "[cannot parse qdisc parameters]"); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); if (show_stats) { struct rtattr *xstats = NULL; if (tb[TCA_STATS] || tb[TCA_STATS2] || tb[TCA_XSTATS]) { print_tcstats_attr(fp, tb, " ", &xstats); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } if (q && xstats && q->print_xstats) { q->print_xstats(q, fp, xstats); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } } fflush(fp); return 0; }
int insert_entry(struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *a) { // this function extracts data from netlink message and creates object in qos_table extern struct qos_table table; qos_table *qos_table_entry; qos_table *temp; char handle[20]="unset"; char parent[20]="unset"; char leaf[20]="leaf"; char optional[20]=""; char info[256]=""; int offset=0; //string info unsigned int major,minor; struct tcmsg *t = NLMSG_DATA(n); int len = n->nlmsg_len; struct rtattr * tb[TCA_MAX+1]; char abuf[256]; len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*t)); if (len < 0) { snmp_log(LOG_NOTICE, "insert_qdisc_entry: Wrong len of tc message:%i", len); return(-1); } memset(tb, 0, sizeof(tb)); parse_rtattr(tb, TCA_MAX, TCA_RTA(t), len); if (tb[TCA_KIND] == NULL) { snmp_log(LOG_NOTICE, "insert_qdisc_entry: unknown kind\n"); return(-1); } qos_table_entry = create_new_qos_table_entry(); if(qos_table_entry==NULL) { return; } strcpy(qos_table_entry->data.type,(char*)RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_KIND])); qos_table_entry->data.majorhandle = (t->tcm_handle >> 16) & 0x0000ffff; //major part of handle qos_table_entry->data.minorhandle = t->tcm_handle & 0x0000ffff; //minor part of handle qos_table_entry->data.parent = t->tcm_parent; //parent strcpy(qos_table_entry->data.dev_name, ll_index_to_name(t->tcm_ifindex)); // sets string qosDeviceName in mib set_device_index_and_type(&(qos_table_entry->data.device_index),&(qos_table_entry->data.device_type),qos_table_entry->data.dev_name); // function takes string device name as input and separate it to device_index and device_type switch(t->tcm_parent) { case TC_H_ROOT: strcpy(optional," (root)"); break; case TC_H_INGRESS: strcpy(optional," (ingress)"); break; default: break; } minor=t->tcm_parent & 0x0000FFFF; major=(t->tcm_parent >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF; sprintf(parent,"%x:%x%s",major,minor,optional); strcpy(qos_table_entry->data.text_parent,parent); // sets string parent info in mib sprintf(info+strlen(info),"%s%s","parent:",parent); // one line values reporting strcpy(optional,""); // clear temporary optional variable switch(t->tcm_handle) { case TC_H_ROOT: strcpy(optional," (root)"); break; case TC_H_INGRESS: strcpy(optional," (ingress)"); break; default: break; } minor=t->tcm_handle & 0x0000FFFF; major=(t->tcm_handle >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF; sprintf(handle,"%x:%x%s",major,minor,optional); strcpy(qos_table_entry->data.text_handle,handle); // sets string handle info in mib sprintf(info+strlen(info),"%s%s"," handle:",handle); // one line values reporting if((t->tcm_info >> 16)!=0) { minor=0; major=t->tcm_info >> 16; strcpy(optional," (leaf)"); sprintf(leaf,"%x:%x%s",major,minor,optional); strcpy(qos_table_entry->data.text_leaf,leaf); // sets leaf info if any sprintf(info+strlen(info),"%s%s"," leaf:",leaf); // one line values reporting } if (tb[TCA_STATS]) { if (RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[TCA_STATS]) < sizeof(struct tc_stats)) snmp_log(LOG_WARNING, "qos-ext: insert into table: statistics truncated\n"); else { struct tc_stats st; unsigned long long temp; unsigned long long ibytes; // for string info reporting purpose memcpy(&st, RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_STATS]), sizeof(st)); ibytes=st.bytes; temp = st.bytes & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000; temp = temp >> 32; temp = (st.bytes << 32) | temp; // this funny action translates from host (x86) representation to network data representation (ASN1) // I know it can be done in one step - but this way it's easy to understand qos_table_entry->data.qosBytes = temp; qos_table_entry->data.qosPackets = st.packets; qos_table_entry->data.qosDropped = st.drops; qos_table_entry->data.qosOverlimit = st.overlimits; qos_table_entry->data.qosBps = st.bps; qos_table_entry->data.qosPps = st.pps; qos_table_entry->data.qosQlen = st.qlen; qos_table_entry->data.qosBacklog = st.backlog; // all standard statistic values // pps/bps value is currently (April 2004) reported only from htb classes sprintf(info+strlen(info),"%s%lli%s%i%s%i%s%i%s%i%s%i%s%i%s%i"," bytes:",ibytes," packets:",st.packets," drops:",st.drops, " overlimit:",st.overlimits," bps:",st.bps," pps:",st.pps," qlen:",st.qlen," backlog:",st.backlog); //one line values reporting (column 35) } } if (tb[TCA_XSTATS]) { if (RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[TCA_XSTATS]) < sizeof(struct xstats)) { } else { struct xstats st; memcpy(&st,RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_XSTATS]),sizeof(st)); //check out, what type of qdisc/class it is and set appropriate values if(strcmp(qos_table_entry->data.type,"red")==0 || strcmp(qos_table_entry->data.type,"gred")==0) { qos_table_entry->data.redEarly=st.x1; qos_table_entry->data.redPdrop=st.x2; qos_table_entry->data.redOther=st.x3; qos_table_entry->data.redMarked=st.x4; sprintf(info+strlen(info),"%s%i%s%i%s%i%s%i"," redearly:",st.x1," redpdrop:",st.x2," redother:",st.x3," redmarked",st.x4); //one line values reporting (column 35) } if(strcmp(qos_table_entry->data.type,"cbq")==0) { qos_table_entry->data.cbqBorrows=st.x1; qos_table_entry->data.cbqOveractions=st.x2; qos_table_entry->data.cbqAvgidle=st.x3; qos_table_entry->data.cbqUndertime=st.x4; sprintf(info+strlen(info),"%s%i%s%i%s%i%s%i"," cbqborrows:",st.x1," cbqoveractions:",st.x2," cbqavgidle:",st.x3," cbqundertime",st.x4); //one line values reporting (column 35) } if(strcmp(qos_table_entry->data.type,"htb")==0) { struct tc_htb_xstats *st_htb; struct rtattr *tb2[TCA_HTB_RTAB+1]; memset(tb2,0,sizeof(tb2)); parse_rtattr(tb2,TCA_HTB_RTAB, RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_OPTIONS]),RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[TCA_OPTIONS])); // extracts htb specific parameters st_htb=(struct tc_htb_xstats *)&st; qos_table_entry->data.htbLends=st_htb->lends; qos_table_entry->data.htbBorrows=st_htb->borrows; qos_table_entry->data.htbGiants=st_htb->giants; qos_table_entry->data.htbTokens=st_htb->tokens; sprintf(info+strlen(info),"%s%i%s%i%s%i%s%i"," htblends:",st_htb->lends," htbborrows:",st_htb->borrows, " htbgiants:",st_htb->giants," htbtokens:",st_htb->tokens); // one line values reporting (column 35) if(RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[TCA_XSTATS]) >= sizeof(*st_htb)) { qos_table_entry->data.htbCTokens=st_htb->ctokens; sprintf(info+strlen(info),"%s%i"," htbctokens:",st_htb->ctokens); // one line values reporting (column 35) } else { snmp_log(LOG_WARNING,"Ctokens value not avaiable in netlink message\n"); } if(tb2[TCA_HTB_PARMS]) { struct tc_htb_opt *hopt; hopt = RTA_DATA(tb2[TCA_HTB_PARMS]); if(RTA_PAYLOAD(tb2[TCA_HTB_PARMS]) < sizeof(*hopt)) { snmp_log(LOG_WARNING,"qos-ext: htb parametrs are not all\n"); } else { qos_table_entry->data.htbCeil=hopt->ceil.rate; qos_table_entry->data.htbRate=hopt->rate.rate; qos_table_entry->data.htbPrio=hopt->prio; // htb rate, ceil and prio values } } } } } strcpy(qos_table_entry->,info); // one line values reporting temp = get_last_entry_in_list(&table); temp->next = qos_table_entry; // add stat structute into linked list }
int print_qdisc(struct sockaddr_nl *who, struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg) { FILE *fp = (FILE*)arg; struct tcmsg *t = NLMSG_DATA(n); int len = n->nlmsg_len; struct rtattr * tb[TCA_MAX+1]; struct qdisc_util *q; char abuf[256]; if (n->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWQDISC && n->nlmsg_type != RTM_DELQDISC) { fprintf(stderr, "Not a qdisc\n"); return 0; } len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*t)); if (len < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong len %d\n", len); return -1; } if (filter_ifindex && filter_ifindex != t->tcm_ifindex) return 0; memset(tb, 0, sizeof(tb)); parse_rtattr(tb, TCA_MAX, TCA_RTA(t), len); if (tb[TCA_KIND] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "NULL kind\n"); return -1; } if (n->nlmsg_type == RTM_DELQDISC) fprintf(fp, "deleted "); fprintf(fp, "qdisc %s %x: ", (char*)RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_KIND]), t->tcm_handle>>16); if (filter_ifindex == 0) fprintf(fp, "dev %s ", ll_index_to_name(t->tcm_ifindex)); if (t->tcm_parent == TC_H_ROOT) fprintf(fp, "root "); else if (t->tcm_parent) { print_tc_classid(abuf, sizeof(abuf), t->tcm_parent); fprintf(fp, "parent %s ", abuf); } if (t->tcm_info != 1) { fprintf(fp, "refcnt %d ", t->tcm_info); } if ((q = get_qdisc_kind(RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_KIND]))) != NULL) q->print_qopt(q, fp, tb[TCA_OPTIONS]); else fprintf(fp, "[UNKNOWN]"); fprintf(fp, "\n"); if (show_stats) { if (tb[TCA_STATS]) { if (RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[TCA_STATS]) < sizeof(struct tc_stats)) fprintf(fp, "statistics truncated"); else { struct tc_stats st; memcpy(&st, RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_STATS]), sizeof(st)); print_tcstats(fp, &st); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } } if (q && tb[TCA_XSTATS]) { q->print_xstats(q, fp, tb[TCA_XSTATS]); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fprintf(fp, "\n "); } fflush(fp); return 0; }