Esempio n. 1
THLongStorage* lab_checklongargs(lua_State *L, int index)
  THLongStorage *storage;
  int i;
  int narg = lua_gettop(L)-index+1;

  if(narg == 1 && luaT_toudata(L, index, torch_LongStorage_id))
    THLongStorage *storagesrc = luaT_toudata(L, index, torch_LongStorage_id);
    storage = THLongStorage_newWithSize(storagesrc->size);
    THLongStorage_copy(storage, storagesrc);
    storage = THLongStorage_newWithSize(narg);
    for(i = index; i < index+narg; i++)
      if(!lua_isnumber(L, i))
        luaL_argerror(L, i, "number expected");
      storage->data[i-index] = lua_tonumber(L, i);
  return storage;
Esempio n. 2
static void load_array_to_lua(lua_State *L, chtk::htkarray& arr){
	int ndims = 2;

	//based on code from mattorch with stride fix
	int k;
    THLongStorage *size = THLongStorage_newWithSize(ndims);
    THLongStorage *stride = THLongStorage_newWithSize(ndims);
    THLongStorage_set(size,0 , arr.nsamples);
    void * tensorDataPtr = NULL;
    size_t numBytes = 0;

	THFloatTensor *tensor = THFloatTensor_newWithSize(size, stride);
    tensorDataPtr = (void *)(THFloatTensor_data(tensor));

    numBytes = THFloatTensor_nElement(tensor) * 4;
    luaT_pushudata(L, tensor, luaT_checktypename2id(L, "torch.FloatTensor"));
	// now copy the data
	memcpy(tensorDataPtr, (void *)(<void>()), numBytes);

Esempio n. 3
/* helpful functions */
static void torch_(Tensor_c_readSize)(lua_State *L, int index, THLongStorage **size_)
  THLongStorage *size = NULL;
  long i;

  if( (size = luaT_toudata(L, index, torch_LongStorage_id)) )
    *size_ = size;
    size = THLongStorage_newWithSize(4);
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      if(lua_isnone(L, index+i))
        THLongStorage_set(size, i, 0);
        if(lua_isnumber(L, index+i))
          THLongStorage_set(size, i, lua_tonumber(L, index+i));
          luaL_error(L, "invalid argument %d: number expected", index+i);
    *size_ = size;
Esempio n. 4
static int nn_(Min_updateOutput)(lua_State *L)
  THTensor *input = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, torch_Tensor);
  int dimension = luaT_getfieldcheckint(L, 1, "dimension")-1;
  THTensor *indices = luaT_getfieldcheckudata(L, 1, "indices", torch_Tensor);
  THTensor *output = luaT_getfieldcheckudata(L, 1, "output", torch_Tensor);

  THLongStorage *dim;
  long i;

  luaL_argcheck(L, dimension >= 0 && dimension < input->nDimension, 2, "dimension out of range");

  dim = THLongStorage_newWithSize(input->nDimension);
  for(i = 0; i < input->nDimension; i++)
    dim->data[i] = input->size[i];
  dim->data[dimension] = 1;
  THTensor_(resize)(output, dim, NULL);
  THTensor_(resize)(indices, dim, NULL);

  TH_TENSOR_DIM_APPLY3(real, output, real, input, real, indices, dimension,
                       long theIndex = 0;
                       real theMin = input_data[0];
                       for(i = 1; i < input_size; i++)
                         if(input_data[i*input_stride] < theMin)
                           theIndex = i;
                           theMin = input_data[i*input_stride];
                       *indices_data = theIndex+1;
                       *output_data = theMin;)

  if(output->nDimension > 1)
Esempio n. 5
static void torch_(Tensor_c_readTensorStorageSize)(lua_State *L, int index, int allowNone, int allowTensor, int allowStorage,
                                                         THStorage **storage_, long *storageOffset_, THLongStorage **size_)
  static char errMsg[64];
  THTensor *src = NULL;
  THStorage *storage = NULL;

  int arg1Type = lua_type(L, index);

  if( allowNone && (arg1Type == LUA_TNONE) )
    *storage_ = NULL;
    *storageOffset_ = 0;
    *size_ = THLongStorage_new();
  else if( allowTensor && (arg1Type == LUA_TUSERDATA) && (src = luaT_toudata(L, index, torch_(Tensor_id))) )
    *storage_ = THTensor_(storage)(src);
    *storageOffset_ = THTensor_(storageOffset)(src);
    *size_ = THTensor_(newSizeOf)(src);
  else if( allowStorage && (arg1Type == LUA_TUSERDATA) && (storage = luaT_toudata(L, index, torch_(Storage_id))) )
    *storage_ = storage;
    if(lua_isnone(L, index+1))
      *storageOffset_ = 0;
      *size_ = THLongStorage_newWithSize(1);
      THLongStorage_set(*size_, 1, THStorage_(size)(storage));
      *storageOffset_ = luaL_checklong(L, index+1)-1;
      torch_(Tensor_c_readSize)(L, index+2, size_);
  else if( (arg1Type == LUA_TNUMBER) || (luaT_toudata(L, index, torch_LongStorage_id)) )
    *storage_ = NULL;
    *storageOffset_ = 0;
    torch_(Tensor_c_readSize)(L, index, size_);
  sprintf(errMsg, "expecting number%s%s", (allowTensor ? " or Tensor" : ""), (allowStorage ? " or Storage" : ""));
  luaL_argcheck(L, 0, index, errMsg);
Esempio n. 6
static int torch_Tensor_(size)(lua_State *L)
  THTensor *tensor = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, torch_Tensor);
    int dim = luaL_checkint(L, 2)-1;
    luaL_argcheck(L, dim >= 0 && dim < tensor->nDimension, 2, "out of range");
    lua_pushnumber(L, tensor->size[dim]);
    THLongStorage *storage = THLongStorage_newWithSize(tensor->nDimension);
    memmove(storage->data, tensor->size, sizeof(long)*tensor->nDimension);
    luaT_pushudata(L, storage, "torch.LongStorage");
  return 1;
Esempio n. 7
static int torch_Tensor_(stride)(lua_State *L)
  THTensor *tensor = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, torch_Tensor);
    int dim = luaL_checkint(L, 2)-1;
    THArgCheck(dim >= 0 && dim < tensor->nDimension, 2, "dimension %d out of range of %dD tensor",
        dim+1, THTensor_(nDimension)(tensor));
    luaT_pushlong(L, tensor->stride[dim]);
    THLongStorage *storage = THLongStorage_newWithSize(tensor->nDimension);
    memmove(storage->data, tensor->stride, sizeof(long)*tensor->nDimension);
    luaT_pushudata(L, storage, "torch.LongStorage");
  return 1;
Esempio n. 8
 * Based on the implementation of the THTensor_(indexSelect) in torch7
static void THCudaTensor_indexSelect(THCudaTensor *tensor, THCudaTensor *src, int dim, THLongTensor *index)
  long i, numel;
  THLongStorage *newSize;
  THCudaTensor *tSlice, *sSlice;
  long *index_data;

  THArgCheck(index->nDimension == 1, 3, "Index is supposed to be a vector");
  THArgCheck(dim < src->nDimension,4,"Indexing dim is out of bounds");
  THArgCheck(src->nDimension > 0,2,"Source tensor is empty");

  numel = THLongTensor_nElement(index);

  newSize = THLongStorage_newWithSize(src->nDimension);
  newSize->data[dim] = numel;

  index = THLongTensor_newContiguous(index);
  index_data = THLongTensor_data(index);
  for (i=0; i<numel; i++)
    if (src->nDimension > 1)
      tSlice = THCudaTensor_new();
      sSlice = THCudaTensor_new();
      THCudaTensor_select(tSlice, tensor, dim, i);
      THCudaTensor_select(sSlice, src, dim, index_data[i]-1);
      THCudaTensor_copy(tSlice, sSlice);
    { // It's faster to copy a float from an address in the device to another address in the device than 
      // retrieving it to the host memory and recopy it to the device memory
      THCudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(tensor->storage->data + tensor->storageOffset + i,\
        src->storage->data + src->storageOffset + index_data[i]-1, sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice));
Esempio n. 9
THLongStorage *THCudaTensor_newStrideOf(THCState *state, THCudaTensor *self)
  THLongStorage *stride = THLongStorage_newWithSize(self->nDimension);
  THLongStorage_rawCopy(stride, self->stride);
  return stride;
Esempio n. 10
void translate_rotate(THDoubleTensor *result,
                      THDoubleTensor *trans,
                      THDoubleTensor *quat,
                      THDoubleTensor *vect
  long outDimension      = quat->nDimension + vect->nDimension -1;
  THLongStorage *newSize = THLongStorage_newWithSize(outDimension);
  long *sd               = THLongStorage_data(newSize);

  long offset = 0;
  long quatStride   = quat->size[quat->nDimension-1];
  long transStride  = trans->size[trans->nDimension-1];
  long vectStride   = vect->size[vect->nDimension-1];
  long nElementQuat = THDoubleTensor_nElement(quat);
  long nElementVect = THDoubleTensor_nElement(vect);
  long nQuat        = nElementQuat / quatStride;
  long nTrans       = THDoubleTensor_nElement(trans) / transStride;

  long i,j;

  THArgCheck(nTrans == nQuat,                           2,
             "Different number of translations and rotations");
  THArgCheck(((transStride == 3) || (transStride == 4)),2,
             "translation vectors should be of length 3 or 4");
  THArgCheck(quatStride == 4,                           3,
             "quaternion is a vector of length 4");
  THArgCheck(((vectStride == 3) || (vectStride == 4)),  4,
             "point vectors should be of length 3 or 4");

  for (i = 0 ; i < quat->nDimension-1 ; i++){
    sd[offset] = quat->size[i];
    offset += 1;

  for (i = 0 ; i < vect->nDimension-1 ; i++){
    sd[offset] = vect->size[i];
    offset += 1;

  sd[offset] = vectStride;

  THDoubleTensor_resize(result, newSize, NULL);
  if (vectStride == 4) // incase homogenous coordinates are requested

  double *res = THDoubleTensor_data(result);
  double *q   = THDoubleTensor_data(quat);
  double *t   = THDoubleTensor_data(trans);
  double *v   = THDoubleTensor_data(vect);

  double x1, y1, z1;

  for (j = 0; j < nElementQuat; j += quatStride)
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,x1,y1,z1)
      for (i = 0; i < nElementVect; i += vectStride)
          res[i]   =   v[i] + t[0];
          res[i+1] = v[i+1] + t[1];
          res[i+2] = v[i+2] + t[2];

          x1 = q[1]*res[i+2] - q[2]*res[i+1];
          y1 = q[2]*res[i]   - q[0]*res[i+2];
          z1 = q[0]*res[i+1] - q[1]*res[i];

          res[i]   += 2 * (q[3]*x1 + q[1]*z1 - q[2]*y1);
          res[i+1] += 2 * (q[3]*y1 + q[2]*x1 - q[0]*z1);
          res[i+2] += 2 * (q[3]*z1 + q[0]*y1 - q[1]*x1);
      q   += quatStride;
      t   += transStride;
      res += nElementVect;
Esempio n. 11
void rotate_by_quat(THDoubleTensor *result,
                    THDoubleTensor *quat,
                    THDoubleTensor *vect
  long outDimension      = quat->nDimension + vect->nDimension -1;
  THLongStorage *newSize = THLongStorage_newWithSize(outDimension);
  long *sd               = THLongStorage_data(newSize);

  long offset         = 0;
  // TODO look at torch.min() or torch.max() to allow vector in any dimension.
  // which dimension contains quat or vect (default to NxD)
  char DHW            = 0;
  long quatDim        = quat->nDimension-1;
  long vectDim        = vect->nDimension-1;
  long quatSize       = quat->size[quatDim]; // == 4
  long vectSize       = vect->size[vectDim]; // == 3 or 4
  long nElementQuat   = THDoubleTensor_nElement(quat);
  long nElementVect   = THDoubleTensor_nElement(vect);
  // step to get to next dimension
  long quatDimStride  = 1;
  long vectDimStride  = 1;
  // step to get to next element
  long quatElemStride = quatSize;
  long vectElemStride = vectSize;
  long i,j;

  // check for DxN
  // quaternions and vectors are either Nx3,4 or 3,4 x N but must be consistent.
  if ((quatSize != 4) || ((vectSize != 3) && vectSize != 4)) {
    vectDim        = 0; // test DxN
    quatDim        = 0;
    quatSize       = quat->size[vectDim];
    vectSize       = vect->size[quatDim];
    quatElemStride = 1;
    vectElemStride = 1;
    quatDimStride  = quat->stride[vectDim];
    vectDimStride  = vect->stride[quatDim];
    DHW = 1;

  THArgCheck(quatSize == 4,                         2,
             "quaternion is a vector of length 4");
  THArgCheck(((vectSize == 3) || (vectSize == 4)),3,
             "point vectors should be of length 3 or 4");

  long n_vect = nElementVect / vectSize;
  long n_quat = nElementQuat / quatSize;

  // get dimensions for the output
  long start    = 0;
  long quat_end = quat->nDimension-1;
  long vect_end = vect->nDimension-1;
  if (DHW > 0) {
  // quaternion dimensions
  for (i = start ; i < quat_end ; i++){
    sd[offset] = quat->size[i];
    offset += 1;

  if (DHW > 0) {
    // output nquat x 3,4 x nvect
    sd[offset] = vectSize;
    offset += 1;

  // vector dimensions
  for (i = start ; i < vect_end ; i++){
    sd[offset] = vect->size[i];
    offset += 1;

  if (DHW==0) {
    // output nquat x nvect x 3
    sd[offset] = vectSize;
    offset += 1;

  // resize the output
  THDoubleTensor_resize(result, newSize, NULL);

  if (vectSize == 4) // incase homogenous coordinates are requested

  double *res = THDoubleTensor_data(result);
  double *q   = THDoubleTensor_data(quat);
  double *v   = THDoubleTensor_data(vect);

  double x1, y1, z1;
  // how to step through the result
  long resDimStride  = result->stride[outDimension-1];
  long resElemStride = vectSize;
  long resQuatStride = 0;

  if (DHW>0) {
    resDimStride  = result->stride[quat->nDimension-1];
    resElemStride = result->stride[outDimension-1];
    if (n_quat > 1) {
      resQuatStride = result->stride[0] - resDimStride;
  double * qres = res;
  double * res0 = res;
  double * res1 = res0 + resDimStride;
  double * res2 = res1 + resDimStride;

  double * q0 = q;
  double * q1 = q0+quatDimStride;
  double * q2 = q1+quatDimStride;
  double * q3 = q2+quatDimStride;
  for (j = 0; j < n_quat; j++)
      double * v0 = v;
      double * v1 = v0+vectDimStride;
      double * v2 = v1+vectDimStride;
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,x1,y1,z1)
      for (i = 0; i < n_vect; i++)
          x1 = (*q1)*(*v2) - (*q2)*(*v1);
          y1 = (*q2)*(*v0) - (*q0)*(*v2);
          z1 = (*q0)*(*v1) - (*q1)*(*v0);

          (*res0) = (*v0) + 2 * ((*q3)*x1 + (*q1)*z1 - (*q2)*y1);
          (*res1) = (*v1) + 2 * ((*q3)*y1 + (*q2)*x1 - (*q0)*z1);
          (*res2) = (*v2) + 2 * ((*q3)*z1 + (*q0)*y1 - (*q1)*x1);

          v0+=vectElemStride;  v1+=vectElemStride;  v2+=vectElemStride;
          res0+=resElemStride; res1+=resElemStride; res2+=resElemStride;
      q0+=quatElemStride; q1+=quatElemStride; q2+=quatElemStride; q3+=quatElemStride;
      // facilitate nquats x 3 x nvect output
      res0 = res0 + resQuatStride;
      res1 = res0 + resDimStride;
      res2 = res1 + resDimStride;
Esempio n. 12
THLongStorage *THZTensor_(newStrideOf)(THZTensor *self)
  THLongStorage *stride = THLongStorage_newWithSize(self->nDimension);
  THLongStorage_rawCopy(stride, self->stride);
  return stride;
Esempio n. 13
THLongStorage *THZTensor_(newSizeOf)(THZTensor *self)
  THLongStorage *size = THLongStorage_newWithSize(self->nDimension);
  THLongStorage_rawCopy(size, self->size);
  return size;
Esempio n. 14
THLongStorage *THCSTensor_(newSizeOf)(THCState *state, THCSTensor *self)
  THLongStorage *size = THLongStorage_newWithSize(self->nDimensionI + self->nDimensionV);
  THLongStorage_rawCopy(size, self->size);
  return size;
Esempio n. 15
THLongStorage *THTensor_(newSizeOf)(THTensor *self)
  THLongStorage *size = THLongStorage_newWithSize(self->_dim());
  THLongStorage_rawCopy(size, self->size);
  return size;
Esempio n. 16
THLongStorage *THTensor_(newStrideOf)(THTensor *self)
  THLongStorage *stride = THLongStorage_newWithSize(self->_dim());
  THLongStorage_rawCopy(stride, self->stride);
  return stride;
Esempio n. 17
static void load_array_to_lua(lua_State *L, cnpy::NpyArray& arr){
	int ndims = arr.shape.size();

	//based on code from mattorch with stride fix
	int k;
	THLongStorage *size = THLongStorage_newWithSize(ndims);
	THLongStorage *stride = THLongStorage_newWithSize(ndims);
	for (k=0; k<ndims; k++) {
		THLongStorage_set(size, k, arr.shape[k]);
		if (k > 0)
			THLongStorage_set(stride, ndims-k-1, arr.shape[ndims-k]*THLongStorage_get(stride,ndims-k));
			THLongStorage_set(stride, ndims-k-1, 1);

	void * tensorDataPtr = NULL;
	size_t numBytes = 0;

	if ( arr.arrayType == 'f' ){ // float32/64
		if ( arr.word_size == 4 ){ //float32
			THFloatTensor *tensor = THFloatTensor_newWithSize(size, stride);
		    tensorDataPtr = (void *)(THFloatTensor_data(tensor));
		    numBytes = THFloatTensor_nElement(tensor) * arr.word_size;
		    luaT_pushudata(L, tensor, luaT_checktypename2id(L, "torch.FloatTensor"));
		}else if ( arr.word_size ==  8){ //float 64
			THDoubleTensor *tensor = THDoubleTensor_newWithSize(size, stride);
			tensorDataPtr = (void *)(THDoubleTensor_data(tensor));
		    numBytes = THDoubleTensor_nElement(tensor) * arr.word_size;
		    luaT_pushudata(L, tensor, luaT_checktypename2id(L, "torch.DoubleTensor"));
	}else if ( arr.arrayType == 'i' || arr.arrayType == 'u' ){ // does torch have unsigned types .. need to look
		if ( arr.word_size == 1 ){ //int8
			THByteTensor *tensor = THByteTensor_newWithSize(size, stride);
			tensorDataPtr = (void *)(THByteTensor_data(tensor));
		    numBytes = THByteTensor_nElement(tensor) * arr.word_size;
		    luaT_pushudata(L, tensor, luaT_checktypename2id(L, "torch.ByteTensor"));
		}else if ( arr.word_size == 2 ){ //int16
			THShortTensor *tensor = THShortTensor_newWithSize(size, stride);
			tensorDataPtr = (void *)(THShortTensor_data(tensor));
		    numBytes = THShortTensor_nElement(tensor) * arr.word_size;
		    luaT_pushudata(L, tensor, luaT_checktypename2id(L, "torch.ShortTensor"));
		}else if ( arr.word_size == 4 ){ //int32
			THIntTensor *tensor = THIntTensor_newWithSize(size, stride);
			tensorDataPtr = (void *)(THIntTensor_data(tensor));
		    numBytes = THIntTensor_nElement(tensor) * arr.word_size;
		    luaT_pushudata(L, tensor, luaT_checktypename2id(L, "torch.IntTensor"));
		}else if ( arr.word_size ==  8){ //long 64
			THLongTensor *tensor = THLongTensor_newWithSize(size, stride);
			tensorDataPtr = (void *)(THLongTensor_data(tensor));
		    numBytes = THLongTensor_nElement(tensor) * arr.word_size;
		    luaT_pushudata(L, tensor, luaT_checktypename2id(L, "torch.LongTensor"));
		printf("array type unsupported");
		throw std::runtime_error("unsupported data type");

		// now copy the data
		memcpy(tensorDataPtr, (void *)(<void>()), numBytes);

Esempio n. 18
static int nn_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput)(lua_State *L)
  THTensor *input = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, torch_Tensor);
  int kT = luaT_getfieldcheckint(L, 1, "kT");
  int kW = luaT_getfieldcheckint(L, 1, "kW");
  int kH = luaT_getfieldcheckint(L, 1, "kH");
  int dT = luaT_getfieldcheckint(L, 1, "dT");
  int dW = luaT_getfieldcheckint(L, 1, "dW");
  int dH = luaT_getfieldcheckint(L, 1, "dH");
  THTensor *indices = luaT_getfieldcheckudata(L, 1, "indices", torch_Tensor);
  THTensor *output = luaT_getfieldcheckudata(L, 1, "output", torch_Tensor);
  long nslices;
  long itime;
  long iheight;
  long iwidth;
  long otime;
  long oheight;
  long owidth;
  real *input_data;
  real *output_data;
  real *indices_data;

  luaL_argcheck(L, input->nDimension == 4 || input->nDimension == 5, 2, "4D or 5D (batch-mode) tensor expected");

  int dimN = 0;
  int dimt = 1;
  int dimh = 2;
  int dimw = 3;

  if (input->nDimension == 5) {

  luaL_argcheck(L, input->size[dimw] >= kW && input->size[dimh] >= kH && input->size[dimt] >= kT, 2, "input image smaller than kernel size");

  /* sizes */
  nslices = input->size[dimN];
  itime = input->size[dimt];
  iheight = input->size[dimh];
  iwidth = input->size[dimw];
  otime = (itime - kT) / dT + 1;
  oheight = (iheight - kH) / dH + 1;
  owidth = (iwidth - kW) / dW + 1;

  /* get contiguous input */
  input = THTensor_(newContiguous)(input);

  if (input->nDimension == 4) { /* non-batch mode */
    /* resize output */
    THTensor_(resize4d)(output, nslices, otime, oheight, owidth);
    /* indices will contain ti,i,j locations for each output point */
    THTensor_(resize5d)(indices, 3, nslices, otime, oheight, owidth);
    input_data = THTensor_(data)(input);
    output_data = THTensor_(data)(output);
    indices_data = THTensor_(data)(indices);
    nn_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(input_data, output_data,
  					       itime, iwidth, iheight,
  					       otime, owidth, oheight,
  					       kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH);
  else { /* batch mode */
    long p;
    long nBatch = input->size[0];

    long istride = nslices*itime*iwidth*iheight;
    long ostride = nslices*otime*owidth*oheight;

    /* resize output */
    THTensor_(resize5d)(output, nBatch, nslices, otime, oheight, owidth);
    /* indices will contain ti,i,j locations for each output point */

    THLongStorage* size = THLongStorage_newWithSize(6);
    size->data[0] = 3; size->data[1] = nBatch;
    size->data[2] = nslices; size->data[3] = otime; 
    size->data[4] = oheight; size->data[5] = owidth;
    THTensor_(resize)(indices, size, NULL); /* resize6d not available */
    //TODO: Replace with resize6d when available
    //THTensor_(resize6d)(indices, 3, nBatch, nslices, otime, oheight, owidth);

    input_data = THTensor_(data)(input);
    output_data = THTensor_(data)(output);
    indices_data = THTensor_(data)(indices);

#pragma omp parallel for private(p)
    for (p=0; p < nBatch; p++) 
                    itime, iwidth, iheight,
                    otime, owidth, oheight,
                    kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH);


  /* cleanup */
  return 1;
Esempio n. 19
THLongStorage *THClTensor_newSizeOf(THClState *state, THClTensor *self)
  THLongStorage *size = THLongStorage_newWithSize(self->nDimension);
  THLongStorage_rawCopy(size, self->size);
  return size;