/* abstime_timestamptz() * Convert abstime to timestamp with time zone. */ Datum abstime_timestamptz(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { AbsoluteTime abstime = PG_GETARG_ABSOLUTETIME(0); TimestampTz result; struct pg_tm tt, *tm = &tt; int tz; char zone[MAXDATELEN + 1], *tzn = zone; switch (abstime) { case INVALID_ABSTIME: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot convert abstime \"invalid\" to timestamp"), errOmitLocation(true))); TIMESTAMP_NOBEGIN(result); break; case NOSTART_ABSTIME: TIMESTAMP_NOBEGIN(result); break; case NOEND_ABSTIME: TIMESTAMP_NOEND(result); break; default: abstime2tm(abstime, &tz, tm, &tzn); if (tm2timestamp(tm, 0, &tz, &result) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"), errOmitLocation(true))); break; }; PG_RETURN_TIMESTAMP(result); }
timestamp PGTYPEStimestamp_from_asc(char *str, char **endptr) { timestamp result; #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP int64 noresult = 0; #else double noresult = 0.0; #endif fsec_t fsec; struct tm tt, *tm = &tt; int dtype; int nf; char *field[MAXDATEFIELDS]; int ftype[MAXDATEFIELDS]; char lowstr[MAXDATELEN + MAXDATEFIELDS]; char *realptr; char **ptr = (endptr != NULL) ? endptr : &realptr; if (strlen(str) >= sizeof(lowstr)) { errno = PGTYPES_TS_BAD_TIMESTAMP; return (noresult); } if (ParseDateTime(str, lowstr, field, ftype, &nf, ptr) != 0 || DecodeDateTime(field, ftype, nf, &dtype, tm, &fsec, 0) != 0) { errno = PGTYPES_TS_BAD_TIMESTAMP; return (noresult); } switch (dtype) { case DTK_DATE: if (tm2timestamp(tm, fsec, NULL, &result) != 0) { errno = PGTYPES_TS_BAD_TIMESTAMP; return (noresult); } break; case DTK_EPOCH: result = SetEpochTimestamp(); break; case DTK_LATE: TIMESTAMP_NOEND(result); break; case DTK_EARLY: TIMESTAMP_NOBEGIN(result); break; case DTK_INVALID: errno = PGTYPES_TS_BAD_TIMESTAMP; return (noresult); default: errno = PGTYPES_TS_BAD_TIMESTAMP; return (noresult); } /* AdjustTimestampForTypmod(&result, typmod); */ /* * Since it's difficult to test for noresult, make sure errno is 0 if no * error occured. */ errno = 0; return result; }