Esempio n. 1
// Contributed by Cor
void Radio_WakeUp()
  TI_CC_CSn_PxOUT &= ~TI_CC_CSn_PIN;        // /CS low
  while (TI_CC_SPI_USCIB0_PxIN & TI_CC_SPI_USCIB0_SOMI); //wait till P1.6 goes low
  TI_CC_CSn_PxOUT |= TI_CC_CSn_PIN;         // /CS high

  // write some test setting back;
  TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST2, 0x88); // Various test settings.
  TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST1, 0x31); // Various test settings.
  TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST0, 0x0B); // Various test settings.
  TI_CC_SPIStrobe(TI_CCxxx0_SFRX);          // flush the receive FIFO of any residual data
  TI_CC_SPIStrobe(TI_CCxxx0_SIDLE); // set IDLE
Esempio n. 2
void RF_init()
  TI_CC_SPISetup();                         // Initialize SPI port
  TI_CC_PowerupResetCCxxxx();               // Reset CCxxxx
  writeRFSettings();                        // Write RF settings to config reg
  TI_CC_SPIWriteBurstReg(TI_CCxxx0_PATABLE, paTable, paTableLen);//Write PATABLE
  //TI_CC_SPIStrobe(TI_CCxxx0_SIDLE); // set IDLE
  TI_CC_SPIWriteReg (TI_CCxxx0_PATABLE,paTable[0]); // init at max powerlevel

  // Configure ports -- switch inputs, LEDs, GDO0 to RX packet info from CCxxxx
  TI_CC_SW_PxREN |= TI_CC_SW1;               // Enable Pull up resistor
  TI_CC_SW_PxOUT |= TI_CC_SW1;               // Enable pull up resistor
  TI_CC_SW_PxIES |= TI_CC_SW1;               // Int on falling edge
  TI_CC_SW_PxIFG &= ~(TI_CC_SW1);            // Clr flags
  TI_CC_SW_PxIE |= TI_CC_SW1;                // Activate interrupt enables
  TI_CC_GDO0_PxIES |= TI_CC_GDO0_PIN;       // Int on falling edge (end of pkt)
  TI_CC_GDO0_PxIFG &= ~TI_CC_GDO0_PIN;      // Clear flag
  TI_CC_GDO0_PxIE |= TI_CC_GDO0_PIN;        // Enable int on end of packet

  TI_CC_SPIStrobe(TI_CCxxx0_SRX);           // Initialize CCxxxx in RX mode.
                                            // When a pkt is received, it will
                                            // signal on GDO0 and wake CPU

Esempio n. 3
void RF_change_Power(char power)
 if (power<paTableLen)
  {TI_CC_SPIStrobe(TI_CCxxx0_SIDLE); // set IDLE
   TI_CC_SPIWriteReg (TI_CCxxx0_PATABLE,paTable[power]);
Esempio n. 4
void writeRFSettings(void)
    // Write register settings
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG2,   0x0B);  // GDO2 output pin config.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG0,   0x06);  // GDO0 output pin config.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTLEN,   0xFF);  // Packet length.
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL1, 0x05);  // Packet automation control.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL0, 0x05);  // Packet automation control.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_ADDR,     0x01);  // Device address.
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_CHANNR,   0x00); // Channel number.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCTRL1,  0x06); // Freq synthesizer control.
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCTRL0,  0x00); // Freq synthesizer control.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ2,    0x21); // Freq control word, high byte
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ1,    0x62); // Freq control word, mid byte.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ0,    0x76); // Freq control word, low byte.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG4,  0xF5); // Modem configuration.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG3,  0x83); // Modem configuration.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG2,  0x13); // Modem configuration.
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG1,  0x62); // Modem configuration.
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG0,  0x76); // Modem configuration.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_DEVIATN,  0x15); // Modem dev (when FSK mod en)
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MCSM1 ,   0x3F); //MainRadio Cntrl State  Machine // Ez fontos
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MCSM0 ,   0x18); //MainRadio Cntrl State Machine
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FOCCFG,   0x16); // Freq Offset Compens. Config
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_BSCFG,    0x1C); //  Bit synchronization config.
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL2, 0xC7); // AGC control.
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL1, 0x00); // AGC control.
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL0, 0xB2); // AGC control.
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREND1,   0xB6); // Front end RX configuration.
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREND0,   0x10); // Front end RX configuration.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL3,   0xE9); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL2,   0x2A); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL1,   0x00); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL0,   0x1F); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    //TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSTEST,   0x59); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST2,    0x81); // Various test settings.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST1,    0x35); // Various test settings.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST0,    0x09);  // Various test settings.
Esempio n. 5
void WriteRFSettings(void) {
// Configuro els registres del Transceiver, rutina copiada de la nota d'aplicació de
// texas instruments
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG2,   SMARTRF_SETTING_IOCFG2);  // GDO2 output pin config. 			SMARTRF_SETTING_IOCFG2 = 0x29
    // GDO2is CHIP_RDYn

    // Indicates the packet length when fixed packet length is enabled.
    // If variable length packets are used, this value indicates the maximum length packets allowed.

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL1, SMARTRF_SETTING_PKTCTRL1);  // Packet automation control. 	SMARTRF_SETTING_PKTCTRL1 = 0x07
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7:5 		PQT[2:0] 			0 (000) 		R/W P			reamble quality estimator threshold. The preamble quality estimator increases an internal counter by one each time a bit is
//																received that is different from the previous bit, and decreases the counter by 8 each time a bit is received that is the same as the last bit.
//																A threshold of 4-PQT for this counter is used to gate sync word detection. When PQT=0 a sync word is always accepted.
// 4 		Reserved 			0 				R0
// 3 		CRC_AUTOFLUSH 		0 				R/W 			Enable automatic flush of RX FIFO when CRC is not OK. This requires that only one packet is in the RX FIFO and that packet length is limited to the RX FIFO size.
// 																PKTCTRL0.CC2400_EN must be 0 (default) for the CRC autoflush function to work correctly.
// 2 		APPEND_STATUS 		1 				R/W 			When enabled, two status bytes will be appended to the payload of the packet. The status bytes contain RSSI and LQI values, as well as the CRC OK flag.
// 1:0 		ADR_CHK[1:0] 		0 (00) 			R/W 			Controls address check configuration of received packages.
// 																	Setting 	Address check configuration
// 																	0 (00)	 		No address check
// 																	1 (01) 			Address check, no broadcast
// 																	2 (10) 			Address check and 0 (0x00) broadcast
// 																	3 (11) 			Address check and 0 (0x00) and 255 (0xFF) broadcast

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL0, SMARTRF_SETTING_PKTCTRL0);  // Packet automation control. 	SMARTRF_SETTING_PKTCTRL0 = 0x05
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7 		Reserved 							R0
// 6 		WHITE_DATA 			1 				R/W 			Turn data whitening on / off
//																	0: Whitening off
//																	1: Whitening on
//																Data whitening can only be used when PKTCTRL0.CC2400_EN=0 (default).
// 5:4 		PKT_FORMAT[1:0] 	0 				(00) 			R/W Format of RX and TX data
//																	Setting 	Packet format
//																	0 (00) 		Normal mode, use FIFOs for RX and TX
//																	1 (01) 		Synchronous serial mode, used for backwards compatibility. Data in on GDO0
//																	2 (10)		Random TX mode; sends random data using PN9 generator. Used for test. Works as normal mode, setting 0 (00), in RX.
//																	3 (11) 		Asynchronous serial mode. Data in on GDO0 and data out on either of the GDO0 pins
// 3 		CC2400_EN 			0 				R/W 			Enable CC2400 support. Use same CRC implementation as CC2400.
//																PKTCTRL1.CRC_AUTOFLUSH must be 0 if PKTCTRL0.CC2400_EN=1.
//																PKTCTRL0.WHITE_DATA must be 0 if PKTCTRL0.CC2400_EN=1.
// 2 		CRC_EN 				1 				R/W 			1: CRC calculation in TX and CRC check in RX enabled
//																0: CRC disabled for TX and RX
// 1:0 		LENGTH_CONFIG[1:0] 	1 (01) 			R/W 			Configure the packet length
//																	Setting 	Packet length configuration
//																	0 (00) 			Fixed packet length mode. Length configured in PKTLEN register
//																	1 (01) 			Variable packet length mode. Packet length configured by the first byte after sync word
//																	2 (10) 			Infinite packet length mode
//																	3 (11) 			Reserved

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_ADDR,     SMARTRF_SETTING_ADDR);  // Device address.					SMARTRF_SETTING_ADDR = 0x00
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7:0 		DEVICE_ADDR[7:0] 	0 (0x00) 		R/W 			Address used for packet filtration. Optional broadcast addresses are 0 (0x00) and 255 (0xFF).

//    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_CHANNR,   SMARTRF_SETTING_CHANNR); // Channel number.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_CHANNR,   Canal); // El numero de canal
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7:0 		CHAN[7:0] 			0 (0x00) 		R/W 			The 8-bit unsigned channel number, which is multiplied by the channel spacing setting and added to the base frequency.

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCTRL1,  SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCTRL1); // Freq synthesizer control.		SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCTRL1 = 0x0A
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7:5 		Reserved 							R0
// 4:0 		FREQ_IF[4:0] 		15 (0x0F) 		R/W 			The desired IF frequency to employ in RX. Subtracted from FS base frequency in RX and controls the digital complex mixer in the demodulator.
//																	f(if) = (F(xosc)/2^10)*Freq_if
//																The default value gives an IF frequency of 381 kHz, assuming a 26.0 MHz crystal.

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCTRL0,  SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCTRL0); // Freq synthesizer control. 		SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCTRL0 = 0x00
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7:0 		FREQOFF[7:0] 		0 (0x00) 		R/W 			Frequency offset added to the base frequency before being used by the FS. (2’s complement).
//																Resolution is FXTAL/214 (1.59 - 1.65 kHz); range is ±202 kHz to ±210 kHz, dependent of XTAL frequency.

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ2,    SMARTRF_SETTING_FREQ2); // Freq control word, high byte		SMARTRF_SETTING_FREQ2 = 0x5A
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7:6 		FREQ[23:22]		 	1 (01) 			R 				FREQ[23:22] is always binary 01 (the FREQ2 register is in the range 85 to 95 with 26-27 MHz crystal)
// 5:0 		FREQ[21:16] 		30 (0x1E)		R/W 			FREQ[23:0] is the base frequency for the frequency synthesiser in increments of Fxosc/2^16.
//																	Fcarrier = Fxosc/2^16*Freq[23:0]

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ1,    SMARTRF_SETTING_FREQ1); // Freq control word, mid byte.		SMARTRF_SETTING_FREQ1 = 0x1C
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7:0 		FREQ[15:8] 			196 (0xC4) 		R/W 			Ref. FREQ2 register

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ0,    SMARTRF_SETTING_FREQ0); // Freq control word, low byte.		SMARTRF_SETTING_FREQ0 = 0x71
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7:0 		FREQ[7:0] 			236 (0xEC) 		R/W 			Ref. FREQ2 register

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG4,  SMARTRF_SETTING_MDMCFG4); // Modem configuration.				SMARTRF_SETTING_MDMCFG4 = 0x2D
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7:6 		CHANBW_E[1:0] 		2 (10) 			R/W
// 5:4 		CHANBW_M[1:0] 		0 (00) 			R/W 			Sets the decimation ratio for the delta-sigma ADC input stream and thus the channel bandwidth.
//																		BWchannel=  (Fxosc)/(8(4+CHANBW_M)2^(CHANBW E))
//																The default values give 203 kHz channel filter bandwidth, assuming a 26.0 MHz crystal.
// 3:0 		DRATE_E[3:0] 		12 (1100) 		R/W 			The exponent of the user specified symbol rate

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG3,  SMARTRF_SETTING_MDMCFG3); // Modem configuration.				SMARTRF_SETTING_MDMCFG3 = 0x2F
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7:0 		DRATE_M[7:0] 		34 (0x22) 		R/W 			The mantissa of the user specified symbol rate. The symbol rate is configured using an unsigned, floating-point number
//																with 9-bit mantissa and 4-bit exponent. The 9th bit is a hidden ‘1’. The resulting data rate is:
//																		Rdata = ((256+Drate_M)2^(Drate_E))/(2^(28))*Fxosc
//																The default values give a data rate of 115.051 kBaud (closest setting to 115.2 kBaud), assuming a 26.0 MHz crystal.

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG2,  SMARTRF_SETTING_MDMCFG2); // Modem configuration.				SMARTRF_SETTING_MDMCFG2 = 0x72
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7 		DEM_DCFILT_OFF 		0 				R/W 			Disable digital DC blocking filter before demodulator.
//																	0 = Enable (better sensitivity)
//																	1 = Disable (current optimized). Only for data rates < 250 kBaud
//																The recommended IF frequency changes when the DC blocking is disabled. Please use SmartRF Studio [5] to calculate correct register setting.
// 6:4 		MOD_FORMAT[2:0] 	0 (000) 		R/W 			The modulation format of the radio signal
//																	Setting 		Modulation format
//																	0 (000) 			2-FSK
//																	1 (001) 			GFSK
//																	2 (010) 			-
//																	3 (011) 			OOK
//																	4 (100) 			-
//																	5 (101) 			-
//																	6 (110) 			-
//																	7 (111) 			MSK
// 3 		MANCHESTER_EN 		0 				R/W 			Enables Manchester encoding/decoding.
//																	0 = Disable
//																	1 = Enable
// 2:0 		SYNC_MODE[2:0] 		2 (010) 		R/W 			Combined sync-word qualifier mode.
//																The values 0 (000) and 4 (100) disables preamble and sync word transmission in TX and preamble and sync word detection in RX.
//																The values 1 (001), 2 (010), 5 (101) and 6 (110) enables 16-bit sync word transmission in TX and 16- bits sync word detection in RX.
// 																Only 15 of 16 bits need to match in RX when using setting 1 (001) or 5 (101).
// 																The values 3 (011) and 7 (111) enables repeated sync word transmission in TX and 32-bits sync word detection in RX (only 30 of 32 bits need to match).
//																	Setting 		Sync-word qualifier mode
//																	0 (000) 			No preamble/sync
//																	1 (001) 			15/16 sync word bits detected
//																	2 (010) 			16/16 sync word bits detected
//																	3 (011) 			30/32 sync word bits detected
//																	4 (100) 			No preamble/sync, carrier-sense above threshold
//																	5 (101) 			15/16 + carrier-sense above threshold
//																	6 (110) 			16/16 + carrier-sense above threshold
//																	7 (111) 			30/32 + carrier-sense above threshold

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG1,  SMARTRF_SETTING_MDMCFG1); // Modem configuration.				SMARTRF_SETTING_MDMCFG1 = 0x22
// Bit 		Field Name 			Reset 			R/W 			Description
// 7 		FEC_EN 				0 				R/W 			Enable Forward Error Correction (FEC) with interleaving for packet payload
//																	0 = Disable
//																	1 = Enable (Only supported for fixed packet length mode, i.e. PKTCTRL0.LENGTH_CONFIG=0)
// 6:4 		NUM_PREAMBLE[2:0] 	2 (010) 		R/W 			Sets the minimum number of preamble bytes to be transmitted
//																	Setting 		Number of preamble bytes
//																	0 (000)				2
//																	1 (001) 			3
//																	2 (010) 			4
//																	3 (011) 			6
//																	4 (100) 			8
//																	5 (101) 			12
//																	6 (110) 			16
//																	7 (111) 			24
// 3:2 		Reserved 							R0
// 1:0 		CHANSPC_E[1:0] 		2 (10) 			R/W 			2 bit exponent of channel spacing

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG0,  SMARTRF_SETTING_MDMCFG0); // Modem configuration.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_DEVIATN,  SMARTRF_SETTING_DEVIATN); // Modem dev (when FSK mod en)
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MCSM0 ,   SMARTRF_SETTING_MCSM0); //MainRadio Cntrl State Machine
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FOCCFG,   SMARTRF_SETTING_FOCCFG); // Freq Offset Compens. Config
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_BSCFG,    SMARTRF_SETTING_BSCFG); //  Bit synchronization config.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREND1,   SMARTRF_SETTING_FREND1); // Front end RX configuration.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREND0,   SMARTRF_SETTING_FREND0); // Front end RX configuration.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL3,   SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCAL3); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL2,   SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCAL2); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL1,   SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCAL1); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL0,   SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCAL0); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSTEST,   SMARTRF_SETTING_FSTEST); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST2,    SMARTRF_SETTING_TEST2); // Various test settings.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST1,    SMARTRF_SETTING_TEST1); // Various test settings.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST0,    SMARTRF_SETTING_TEST0);  // Various test settings.

    // Registres que toco manualment
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG2,   0x0B);  // GDO2 output pin config.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG0,   0x06);  // GDO0 output pin config.
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTLEN,   0xFF);  // Packet length.
//    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL1, 0x06); // 0x05);  // Packet automation control.
    // Addres Broadcast 0x00, 0xFF enable,  APPEND_STATUS
// V62
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL1, 0xE);  // Packet automation control. 	Activo el CRC autoflusss
// End V62
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL0, 0x05);// Packet automation control.
    // Variable Pk length , CRC ON

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_ADDR,     NET_ADDRESS_Device);  // Device address.

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MCSM1 ,   0x3e); //MainRadio Cntrl State Machine
    // TX_OFF--> Seguim en TX

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MCSM0 ,   0x18); //MainRadio Cntrl State Machine

    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_SYNC1 ,   NET_ADDRESS_Sinc);// Defineixo la adreça de xarxa
    TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_SYNC0 ,   NET_ADDRESS_Sinc);

Esempio n. 6
//Perform the scan, returns the amount of bytes stored in the rssiArray
unsigned int scanFreqBands(void) {
	//Amount of bytes stored in the rssiArray
	unsigned int rssiLen=0;

	BYTE i;
	//RSSI value as reported by the CC device
	UINT8 rssi_dec;
	//RSSI value translated to dBm
	INT16 rssi_dBm;
	//Variable to store the current value of the TEST0 register
	BYTE currentTest0;
	//Variable to store the FREQ register value for the current frequency
	UINT32 freqRegs;
	//Temp variables for the FREQ register calculation
	BYTE tempFreq2,tempFreq1,tempFreq0;
	//Variables to store the current frequency to be scanned
	UINT16 currentFreqMhz, currentFreqKhz;
	//Controls if we should perform a calibration before starting RX
	//in the current frequency
	BOOL calNeeded;
	//Copy of the pointer to the RSSI array
	BYTE * rssiPtr=rssiTable;

	//Initialize the value of the frequency counters
	currentFreqMhz = scanParameters.startFreqMhz;
	currentFreqKhz = scanParameters.startFreqKhz;
	//Initialize freqRegs to the value for startFreq
	//Get reset value of TEST0
	//For the start frequency a calibration is always needed

	while (currentFreqMhz<scanParameters.stopFreqMhz || currentFreqKhz<scanParameters.stopFreqKhz) {
		//Find out if we need to change the TEST0 register
		for(i=0; i<NUM_TEST0_RANGES; i++){
			//Find the TEST0 range the current frequency belongs to
			if(currentFreqMhz>=test0RangeLimits[i] && currentFreqMhz<=test0RangeLimits[i+1]){
					TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST0, test0Values[i]);
					//Also change the value of the FSCAL2 register to enable the VCO calibration stage
					TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL2, 0x2A);

		//Write the frequency registers FREQ2, FREQ1 and FREQ0
		TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ2, tempFreq2);
		TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ1, tempFreq1);
		TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ0, tempFreq0);

		//Calibrate if needed

		//Enter RX mode by issuing an SRX strobe command

		static BYTE state;
		//Wait for radio to enter RX state by checking the status byte
		do {
			//state = TI_CC_GetTxStatus() & TI_CCxxx0_STATUS_STATE_BM;
			//Flush the FIFO RX buffer in case of overflow
		} while (state != TI_CCxxx0_MARCSTATE_SM_RX);

		//Wait for RSSI to be valid

		//Enter IDLE state by issuing an SIDLE strobe command

		//Read RSSI value and store it in rssi_dec
		rssi_dec = TI_CC_SPIReadStatus(TI_CCxxx0_RSSI);

		//Store the value in the rssi array
		//Update rssiLen

		//Flush the FIFO buffer, just in case

		//At the end of the loop, update the frequency counters
		//TODO: Consider using Horner division code
		currentFreqKhz += scanParameters.freqResolution;
		if (currentFreqKhz >= 1000) {
			currentFreqMhz += currentFreqKhz/1000;
			currentFreqKhz %= 1000;
			//According to DN508, a frequency calibration
			//covers all frequencies less than 1Mhz apart
			//from the one we calibrated for
		//Update the value of the FREQ2:FREQ1:FREQ0 register value

	return rssiLen;
Esempio n. 7
//This function configures the SPI interface
//to the CC1101, resets the device and
//sets the scanning parameters
//GETS: Pointer to the scan parameters
//and the pointer to the structure
//where the Rssi values will be stored
//RETURNS: NULL if something went wrong
//or pointer to the SCAN_CONFIG structure
//with the parameters actually used by the function
SCAN_CONFIG * configScanner(SCAN_CONFIG * pconfigParameters, BYTE * rssiArray) {
	BYTE reg;

	//Store the array pointer, if it's NULL report failure
		return NULL;
	rssiTable = rssiArray;
	//Configure the SPI interface
	//Reset the CC1101

	//If pconfigParameters is NULL, use defaults

	/**Start parsing parameters**/

	//Parsing startFreq
	if (pconfigParameters->startFreqMhz < MIN_FREQ
			|| pconfigParameters->startFreqMhz > MAX_FREQ) {
		//Use default value: MIN_FREQ
		scanParameters.startFreqMhz = MIN_FREQ;
		scanParameters.startFreqKhz = 0;
	} else {
		scanParameters.startFreqMhz = pconfigParameters->startFreqMhz;
		if (pconfigParameters->startFreqKhz>= 1000
				|| pconfigParameters->startFreqMhz==MAX_FREQ) {
			//Use default value: 0
			scanParameters.startFreqKhz = 0;
		} else{
			scanParameters.startFreqKhz = pconfigParameters->startFreqKhz;

		//Parsing stopFreq
	if (pconfigParameters->stopFreqMhz < MIN_FREQ
			|| pconfigParameters->stopFreqMhz > MAX_FREQ) {
		//Use default value: MAX_FREQ
		scanParameters.stopFreqMhz = MAX_FREQ;
		scanParameters.stopFreqKhz = 0;
	} else {
		scanParameters.stopFreqMhz = pconfigParameters->stopFreqMhz;
		if (pconfigParameters->stopFreqKhz>= 1000
				|| pconfigParameters->stopFreqMhz==MAX_FREQ) {
			//Use default value: 0
			scanParameters.stopFreqKhz = 0;
		} else{
			scanParameters.stopFreqKhz = pconfigParameters->stopFreqKhz;
		//Check if the range limits make sense
	if (scanParameters.startFreqMhz > scanParameters.stopFreqMhz)
		return NULL;
	if (scanParameters.startFreqMhz == scanParameters.stopFreqMhz
			&& scanParameters.startFreqKhz > scanParameters.stopFreqKhz)
		return NULL;
	if (scanParameters.startFreqMhz == MAX_FREQ
			&& scanParameters.startFreqKhz > 0)
		return NULL;

	//Parsing filterBandwidth
	if(pconfigParameters->freqResolution<filterBandwidthList[0][0] ||

	//Find the valid filter value closest to the one requested
	UINT16 diff, tempDiff;
	BYTE i, j, row, column;
	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(filterBandwidthList); i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < sizeof(*filterBandwidthList); j++) {
			if(filterBandwidthList[i][j] > pconfigParameters->freqResolution)
				tempDiff=filterBandwidthList[i][j] - pconfigParameters->freqResolution;
				tempDiff=pconfigParameters->freqResolution - filterBandwidthList[i][j];
			if (i == 0 && j==0)
				diff = tempDiff;
			if (tempDiff <= diff) {
				diff = tempDiff;
				row = i;
				column = j;
			if (diff == 0)
		if (diff == 0)
	scanParameters.freqResolution = filterBandwidthList[row][column];
	//Set the channel filter bandwidth
	reg = TI_CC_SPIReadReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG4);
	reg |= (chanBwE[row][column] << 4) + (chanBwM[row][column] << 6);
	TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG4, reg);
	//Initialize the variables related to the frequency registers REG2:REG1:REG0
	//Formula: f_carrier=(f_xosc/2^16)*FREQ[23:0]
	//TODO: To optimize, consider using Horner division code from SLAA329

	//Set the channel spacing
//	reg = TI_CC_SPIReadReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG1);
//	reg &= ~TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG1_CHANSPC_E_MASK;
//	reg |= chanSpcE[row][column];
//	TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG1, reg);
//	TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG0, chanSpcM[row][column]);
	//Set the number of channels per Mhz
	//Parsing the modulation format
	//If it's a wrong or invalid value, use the first valid modulation format
	if (pconfigParameters->modFormat < sizeof(validModFormats)
			&& validModFormats[pconfigParameters->modFormat])
		scanParameters.modFormat = pconfigParameters->modFormat;
	else {
		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(validModFormats) && !validModFormats[i]; i++)
		scanParameters.modFormat = i;
	//Set the modulation for the current scan
	reg = TI_CC_SPIReadReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG2);
	reg |= modFormatMDMCFG2[scanParameters.modFormat];
	TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG2, reg);

	//Parse AGC options
	//If the AGC is disabled, we manually set
	//all the gain stages, otherwise we ignore
	//those fields
		scanParameters.activateAGC = TRUE;
		//Parse rssiWait
		if(pconfigParameters->rssiWait<MIN_WAIT_WITH_AGC || pconfigParameters->rssiWait>MAX_WAIT_WITH_AGC){
			//Use default: AVG_WAIT_WITHOUT_AGC
		scanParameters.activateAGC = FALSE;
		//Freeze the AGC
		reg = TI_CC_SPIReadReg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL0);
		TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL0, reg);
		//Parse static gain options
		if (pconfigParameters->agcLnaGain < LNA_MIN_GAIN
				&& pconfigParameters->agcLnaGain > LNA_MAX_GAIN)
			scanParameters.agcLnaGain = pconfigParameters->agcLnaGain;
			scanParameters.agcLnaGain = LNA_MAX_GAIN;
		if (pconfigParameters->agcLna2Gain > LNA2_MIN_GAIN
				&& pconfigParameters->agcLna2Gain < LNA2_MAX_GAIN)
			scanParameters.agcLna2Gain = pconfigParameters->agcLna2Gain;
			scanParameters.agcLna2Gain = LNA2_MAX_GAIN;
		if (pconfigParameters->agcDvgaGain > DVGA_MIN_GAIN
				&& pconfigParameters->agcDvgaGain < DVGA_MAX_GAIN)
			scanParameters.agcDvgaGain = pconfigParameters->agcDvgaGain;
			scanParameters.agcDvgaGain = DVGA_MAX_GAIN;
		//Set static gain value
		reg = scanParameters.agcDvgaGain | (scanParameters.agcLna2Gain << 3)
				| (scanParameters.agcLna2Gain << 6);
		TI_CC_SPIWriteReg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCTEST, reg);

		//Parse rssiWait
		if(pconfigParameters->rssiWait<MIN_WAIT_WITHOUT_AGC || pconfigParameters->rssiWait>MAX_WAIT_WITHOUT_AGC){
			//Use default: AVG_WAIT_WITH_AGC
	/**Finished parsing parameters**/

	//Everything OK, return pointer to the parameter structure
	return &scanParameters;