void CONTEXT_MENU::CMEventHandler::onEvent( wxEvent& aEvent )
    TOOL_EVENT evt;
    wxEventType type = aEvent.GetEventType();

    // When the currently chosen item in the menu is changed, an update event is issued.
    // For example, the selection tool can use this to dynamically highlight the current item
    // from selection clarification popup.
    if( type == wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT )

    // One of menu entries was selected..
    else if( type == wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED )
        // Store the selected position
        m_menu->m_selected = aEvent.GetId();

        // Check if there is a TOOL_ACTION for the given ID
        if( m_menu->m_toolActions.count( aEvent.GetId() ) == 1 )
            evt = m_menu->m_toolActions[aEvent.GetId()]->MakeEvent();
            // Handling non-action menu entries (e.g. items in clarification list)
            evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_COMMAND, TA_CONTEXT_MENU_CHOICE, aEvent.GetId() );

    // forward the action/update event to the TOOL_MANAGER
    if( m_menu->m_tool )
        m_menu->m_tool->GetManager()->ProcessEvent( evt );
Esempio n. 2
void CONTEXT_MENU::onMenuEvent( wxMenuEvent& aEvent )

    wxEventType type = aEvent.GetEventType();

    // When the currently chosen item in the menu is changed, an update event is issued.
    // For example, the selection tool can use this to dynamically highlight the current item
    // from selection clarification popup.
    if( type == wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT )

    // One of menu entries was selected..
    else if( type == wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED )
        // Store the selected position
        m_selected = aEvent.GetId();

        // Check if there is a TOOL_ACTION for the given ID
        if( m_toolActions.count( aEvent.GetId() ) == 1 )
            evt = m_toolActions[aEvent.GetId()]->MakeEvent();
            runEventHandlers( aEvent, evt );

            // Under Linux, every submenu can have a separate event handler, under
            // Windows all submenus are handled by the main menu.
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
            if( !evt )
                // Try to find the submenu which holds the selected item
                wxMenu* menu = NULL;
                FindItem( m_selected, &menu );

                if( menu && menu != this )
                    menu->ProcessEvent( aEvent );

            // Handling non-action menu entries (e.g. items in clarification list)
            if( !evt )
                evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_COMMAND, TA_CONTEXT_MENU_CHOICE, aEvent.GetId() );

    assert( m_tool );   // without tool & tool manager we cannot handle events

    // forward the action/update event to the TOOL_MANAGER
    if( evt && m_tool )
        m_tool->GetManager()->ProcessEvent( *evt );
bool SELECTION_TOOL::selectCursor( const VECTOR2I& aWhere, bool aOnDrag )
    BOARD_ITEM* item;
    GENERAL_COLLECTORS_GUIDE guide = m_frame->GetCollectorsGuide();
    GENERAL_COLLECTOR collector;

    if( m_editModules )
        collector.Collect( getModel<BOARD>(), GENERAL_COLLECTOR::ModuleItems,
                           wxPoint( aWhere.x, aWhere.y ), guide );
        collector.Collect( getModel<BOARD>(), GENERAL_COLLECTOR::AllBoardItems,
                           wxPoint( aWhere.x, aWhere.y ), guide );

    bool anyCollected = collector.GetCount() != 0;

    // Remove unselectable items
    for( int i = collector.GetCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
        if( !selectable( collector[i] ) || ( aOnDrag && collector[i]->IsLocked() ) )
            collector.Remove( i );

    switch( collector.GetCount() )
    case 0:
        if( !m_additive && anyCollected )

        return false;

    case 1:
        toggleSelection( collector[0] );

        return true;

        // Apply some ugly heuristics to avoid disambiguation menus whenever possible
        guessSelectionCandidates( collector );

        // Let's see if there is still disambiguation in selection..
        if( collector.GetCount() == 1 )
            toggleSelection( collector[0] );

            return true;
        else if( collector.GetCount() > 1 )
            if( aOnDrag )
                Wait( TOOL_EVENT( TC_ANY, TA_MOUSE_UP, BUT_LEFT ) );

            item = disambiguationMenu( &collector );

            if( item )
                toggleSelection( item );

                return true;

    return false;
void TOOL_DISPATCHER::DispatchWxEvent( wxEvent& aEvent )
    bool motion = false, buttonEvents = false;
    boost::optional<TOOL_EVENT> evt;

    int type = aEvent.GetEventType();

    // Mouse handling
    if( type == wxEVT_MOTION || type == wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL ||
        type == wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN || type == wxEVT_LEFT_UP ||
        type == wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN || type == wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP ||
        type == wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN || type == wxEVT_RIGHT_UP ||
        type == wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK || type == wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK || type == wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK ||
        // Event issued whem mouse retains position in screen coordinates,
        // but changes in world coordinates (e.g. autopanning)
        wxMouseEvent* me = static_cast<wxMouseEvent*>( &aEvent );
        int mods = decodeModifiers<wxMouseEvent>( me );

        VECTOR2D screenPos = m_toolMgr->GetViewControls()->GetMousePosition();
        VECTOR2D pos = getView()->ToWorld( screenPos );

        if( pos != m_lastMousePos )
            motion = true;
            m_lastMousePos = pos;

        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_buttons.size(); i++ )
            buttonEvents |= handleMouseButton( aEvent, i, motion );

        if( !buttonEvents && motion )
            evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_MOUSE, TA_MOUSE_MOTION, mods );
            evt->SetMousePosition( pos );

    // Keyboard handling
    else if( type == wxEVT_CHAR )
        wxKeyEvent* ke = static_cast<wxKeyEvent*>( &aEvent );
        int key = ke->GetKeyCode();
        int mods = decodeModifiers<wxKeyEvent>( ke );

        if( mods & MD_CTRL )
#if !wxCHECK_VERSION( 2, 9, 0 )
            // I really look forward to the day when we will use only one version of wxWidgets..
            const int WXK_CONTROL_A = 1;
            const int WXK_CONTROL_Z = 26;

            // wxWidgets have a quirk related to Ctrl+letter hot keys handled by CHAR_EVT
            // http://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/classwx_key_event.html:
            // "char events for ASCII letters in this case carry codes corresponding to the ASCII
            // value of Ctrl-Latter, i.e. 1 for Ctrl-A, 2 for Ctrl-B and so on until 26 for Ctrl-Z."
            if( key >= WXK_CONTROL_A && key <= WXK_CONTROL_Z )
                key += 'A' - 1;

        if( key == WXK_ESCAPE ) // ESC is the special key for cancelling tools
            evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_KEYBOARD, TA_KEY_PRESSED, key | mods );

    if( evt )
        m_toolMgr->ProcessEvent( *evt );

    // pass the event to the GUI, it might still be interested in it
bool TOOL_DISPATCHER::handleMouseButton( wxEvent& aEvent, int aIndex, bool aMotion )
    BUTTON_STATE* st = m_buttons[aIndex];
    wxEventType type = aEvent.GetEventType();
    boost::optional<TOOL_EVENT> evt;
    bool isClick = false;

    bool up = type == st->upEvent;
    bool down = type == st->downEvent;
    bool dblClick = type == st->dblClickEvent;

    int mods = decodeModifiers<wxMouseEvent>( static_cast<wxMouseEvent*>( &aEvent ) );
    int args = st->button | mods;

    if( down )      // Handle mouse button press
        st->downTimestamp = wxGetLocalTimeMillis();
        st->dragOrigin = m_lastMousePos;
        st->downPosition = m_lastMousePos;
        st->dragMaxDelta = 0;
        st->pressed = true;
        evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_MOUSE, TA_MOUSE_DOWN, args );
    else if( up )   // Handle mouse button release
        st->pressed = false;

        if( st->dragging )
            wxLongLong t = wxGetLocalTimeMillis();

            // Determine if it was just a single click or beginning of dragging
            if( t - st->downTimestamp < DragTimeThreshold &&
                    st->dragMaxDelta < DragDistanceThreshold )
                isClick = true;
                evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_MOUSE, TA_MOUSE_UP, args );
            isClick = true;

        if( isClick )
            evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_MOUSE, TA_MOUSE_CLICK, args );

        st->dragging = false;
    else if( dblClick )
        evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_MOUSE, TA_MOUSE_DBLCLICK, args );

    if( st->pressed && aMotion )
        st->dragging = true;
        double dragPixelDistance =
            getView()->ToScreen( m_lastMousePos - st->dragOrigin, false ).EuclideanNorm();
        st->dragMaxDelta = std::max( st->dragMaxDelta, dragPixelDistance );

        wxLongLong t = wxGetLocalTimeMillis();

        if( t - st->downTimestamp > DragTimeThreshold || st->dragMaxDelta > DragDistanceThreshold )
            evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_MOUSE, TA_MOUSE_DRAG, args );
            evt->SetMouseDragOrigin( st->dragOrigin );
            evt->SetMouseDelta( m_lastMousePos - st->dragOrigin );

    if( evt )
        evt->SetMousePosition( isClick ? st->downPosition : m_lastMousePos );
        m_toolMgr->ProcessEvent( *evt );

        return true;

    return false;
void TOOL_MANAGER::dispatchContextMenu( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
    for( TOOL_ID toolId : m_activeTools )
        TOOL_STATE* st = m_toolIdIndex[toolId];

        // the tool requested a context menu. The menu is activated on RMB click (CMENU_BUTTON mode)
        // or immediately (CMENU_NOW) mode. The latter is used for clarification lists.
        if( st->contextMenuTrigger == CMENU_OFF )

        if( st->contextMenuTrigger == CMENU_BUTTON && !aEvent.IsClick( BUT_RIGHT ) )

        st->pendingWait = true;
        st->waitEvents = TOOL_EVENT( TC_ANY, TA_ANY );

        // Store the menu pointer in case it is changed by the TOOL when handling menu events
        CONTEXT_MENU* m = st->contextMenu;

        if( st->contextMenuTrigger == CMENU_NOW )
            st->contextMenuTrigger = CMENU_OFF;

        // Store the cursor position, so the tools could execute actions
        // using the point where the user has invoked a context menu
        m_menuCursor = m_viewControls->GetCursorPosition();

        // Save all tools cursor settings, as they will be overridden
        for( auto idState : m_toolIdIndex )
            TOOL_STATE* s = idState.second;
            const auto& vc = s->vcSettings;

            if( vc.m_forceCursorPosition )
                m_cursorSettings[idState.first] = vc.m_forcedPosition;
                m_cursorSettings[idState.first] = NULLOPT;

        m_viewControls->ForceCursorPosition( true, m_menuCursor );

        // Display a copy of menu
        std::unique_ptr<CONTEXT_MENU> menu( m->Clone() );

        // Run update handlers on the created copy
        m_menuOwner = toolId;
        m_menuActive = true;

        auto frame = dynamic_cast<wxFrame*>( m_editFrame );

        if( frame )
            frame->PopupMenu( menu.get() );

        // Warp the cursor as long as the menu wasn't clicked out of
        if( menu->GetSelected() >= 0 )
            m_viewControls->WarpCursor( m_menuCursor, true, false );
        // Otherwise notify the tool of a cancelled menu
            evt.SetParameter( m );
            dispatchInternal( evt );

        // Notify the tools that menu has been closed
        evt.SetParameter( m );
        dispatchInternal( evt );

        m_menuActive = false;
        m_menuOwner = -1;

        // Restore cursor settings
        for( auto cursorSetting : m_cursorSettings )
            auto it = m_toolIdIndex.find( cursorSetting.first );
            wxASSERT( it != m_toolIdIndex.end() );

            if( it == m_toolIdIndex.end() )

            KIGFX::VC_SETTINGS& vc = it->second->vcSettings;
            vc.m_forceCursorPosition = (bool) cursorSetting.second;
            vc.m_forcedPosition = cursorSetting.second ? *cursorSetting.second : VECTOR2D( 0, 0 );

void TOOL_DISPATCHER::DispatchWxEvent( wxEvent& aEvent )
    bool motion = false, buttonEvents = false;
    boost::optional<TOOL_EVENT> evt;

    int type = aEvent.GetEventType();

    // Mouse handling
    if( type == wxEVT_MOTION || type == wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL ||
#if wxCHECK_VERSION( 3, 1, 0 ) || defined( USE_OSX_MAGNIFY_EVENT )
        type == wxEVT_MAGNIFY ||
        type == wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN || type == wxEVT_LEFT_UP ||
        type == wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN || type == wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP ||
        type == wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN || type == wxEVT_RIGHT_UP ||
        type == wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK || type == wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK || type == wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK ||
        // Event issued whem mouse retains position in screen coordinates,
        // but changes in world coordinates (e.g. autopanning)
        wxMouseEvent* me = static_cast<wxMouseEvent*>( &aEvent );
        int mods = decodeModifiers( me );

        VECTOR2D screenPos = m_toolMgr->GetViewControls()->GetMousePosition();
        VECTOR2D pos = getView()->ToWorld( screenPos );

        if( pos != m_lastMousePos )
            motion = true;
            m_lastMousePos = pos;

        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_buttons.size(); i++ )
            buttonEvents |= handleMouseButton( aEvent, i, motion );

        if( !buttonEvents && motion )
            evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_MOUSE, TA_MOUSE_MOTION, mods );
            evt->SetMousePosition( pos );

#ifdef __APPLE__
        // TODO That's a big ugly workaround, somehow DRAWPANEL_GAL loses focus
        // after second LMB click and currently I have no means to do better debugging
        if( type == wxEVT_LEFT_UP )
            static_cast<PCB_BASE_FRAME*>( m_toolMgr->GetEditFrame() )->GetGalCanvas()->SetFocus();
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

    // Keyboard handling
    else if( type == wxEVT_CHAR )
        wxKeyEvent* ke = static_cast<wxKeyEvent*>( &aEvent );
        int key = ke->GetKeyCode();
        int mods = decodeModifiers( ke );

        if( mods & MD_CTRL )
#if !wxCHECK_VERSION( 2, 9, 0 )
            // I really look forward to the day when we will use only one version of wxWidgets..
            const int WXK_CONTROL_A = 1;
            const int WXK_CONTROL_Z = 26;

            // wxWidgets have a quirk related to Ctrl+letter hot keys handled by CHAR_EVT
            // http://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/classwx_key_event.html:
            // "char events for ASCII letters in this case carry codes corresponding to the ASCII
            // value of Ctrl-Latter, i.e. 1 for Ctrl-A, 2 for Ctrl-B and so on until 26 for Ctrl-Z."
            if( key >= WXK_CONTROL_A && key <= WXK_CONTROL_Z )
                key += 'A' - 1;

        if( key == WXK_ESCAPE ) // ESC is the special key for cancelling tools
            evt = TOOL_EVENT( TC_KEYBOARD, TA_KEY_PRESSED, key | mods );

    if( evt )
        m_toolMgr->ProcessEvent( *evt );

    // pass the event to the GUI, it might still be interested in it
#ifdef __APPLE__
    // On OS X, key events are always meant to be caught.  An uncaught key event is assumed
    // to be a user input error by OS X (as they are pressing keys in a context where nothing
    // is there to catch the event).  This annoyingly makes OS X beep and/or flash the screen
    // in pcbnew and the footprint editor any time a hotkey is used.  The correct procedure is
    // to NOT pass key events to the GUI under OS X.

    if( type != wxEVT_CHAR )
