Esempio n. 1
 * Function idf_export_module
 * retrieves information from all board modules, adds drill holes to
 * the DRILLED_HOLES or BOARD_OUTLINE section as appropriate,
 * compiles data for the PLACEMENT section and compiles data for
 * the library ELECTRICAL section.
static void idf_export_module( BOARD* aPcb, MODULE* aModule,
        IDF3_BOARD& aIDFBoard )
    // Reference Designator
    std::string crefdes = TO_UTF8( aModule->GetReference() );

    if( crefdes.empty() || ! "~" ) )
        std::string cvalue = TO_UTF8( aModule->GetValue() );

        // if both the RefDes and Value are empty or set to '~' the board owns the part,
        // otherwise associated parts of the module must be marked NOREFDES.
        if( cvalue.empty() || ! "~" ) )
            crefdes = "BOARD";
            crefdes = "NOREFDES";

    // TODO: If module cutouts are supported we must add code here
    // for( EDA_ITEM* item = aModule->GraphicalItems();  item != NULL;  item = item->Next() )
    // {
    // if( ( item->Type() != PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )
    // || (item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts ) ) continue;
    // code to export cutouts
    // }

    // Export pads
    double  drill, x, y;
    double  scale = aIDFBoard.GetUserScale();
    IDF3::KEY_PLATING kplate;
    std::string pintype;
    std::string tstr;

    double dx, dy;

    aIDFBoard.GetUserOffset( dx, dy );

    for( D_PAD* pad = aModule->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
        drill = (double) pad->GetDrillSize().x * scale;
        x     = pad->GetPosition().x * scale + dx;
        y     = -pad->GetPosition().y * scale + dy;

        // Export the hole on the edge layer
        if( drill > 0.0 )
            // plating
            if( pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
                kplate = IDF3::NPTH;
                kplate = IDF3::PTH;

            // hole type
            tstr = TO_UTF8( pad->GetPadName() );

            if( tstr.empty() || ! "0" ) || ! "~" )
                || ( kplate == IDF3::NPTH )
                ||( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG ) )
                pintype = "MTG";
                pintype = "PIN";

            // fields:
            // 1. hole dia. : float
            // 2. X coord : float
            // 3. Y coord : float
            // 4. plating : PTH | NPTH
            // 5. Assoc. part : BOARD | NOREFDES | PANEL | {"refdes"}
            // 6. type : PIN | VIA | MTG | TOOL | { "other" }
            // 7. owner : MCAD | ECAD | UNOWNED
            if( ( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG )
                && ( pad->GetDrillSize().x != pad->GetDrillSize().y ) )
                // NOTE: IDF does not have direct support for slots;
                // slots are implemented as a board cutout and we
                // cannot represent plating or reference designators

                double dlength = pad->GetDrillSize().y * scale;

                // NOTE: The orientation of modules and pads have
                // the opposite sense due to KiCad drawing on a
                // screen with a LH coordinate system
                double angle = pad->GetOrientation() / 10.0;

                // NOTE: Since this code assumes the scenario where
                // GetDrillSize().y is the length but idf_parser.cpp
                // assumes a length along the X axis, the orientation
                // must be shifted +90 deg when GetDrillSize().y is
                // the major axis.

                if( dlength < drill )
                    std::swap( drill, dlength );
                    angle += 90.0;

                // NOTE: KiCad measures a slot's length from end to end
                // rather than between the centers of the arcs
                dlength -= drill;

                aIDFBoard.AddSlot( drill, dlength, angle, x, y );
                IDF_DRILL_DATA *dp = new IDF_DRILL_DATA( drill, x, y, kplate, crefdes,
                                                         pintype, IDF3::ECAD );

                if( !aIDFBoard.AddDrill( dp ) )
                    delete dp;

                    std::ostringstream ostr;
                    ostr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":" << __FUNCTION__;
                    ostr << "(): could not add drill";

                    throw std::runtime_error( ostr.str() );

    // add any valid models to the library item list
    std::string refdes;

    IDF3_COMPONENT* comp = NULL;

    for( S3D_MASTER* modfile = aModule->Models(); modfile != 0; modfile = modfile->Next() )
        if( !modfile->Is3DType( S3D_MASTER::FILE3D_IDF )
            || modfile->GetShape3DFullFilename().empty() )

        if( refdes.empty() )
            refdes = TO_UTF8( aModule->GetReference() );

            // NOREFDES cannot be used or else the software gets confused
            // when writing out the placement data due to conflicting
            // placement and layer specifications; to work around this we
            // create a (hopefully) unique refdes for our exported part.
            if( refdes.empty() || ! "~" ) )
                refdes = aIDFBoard.GetNewRefDes();

        IDF3_COMP_OUTLINE* outline;

        outline = aIDFBoard.GetComponentOutline( modfile->GetShape3DFullFilename() );

        if( !outline )
            throw( std::runtime_error( aIDFBoard.GetError() ) );

        double rotz = aModule->GetOrientation()/10.0;
        double locx = modfile->m_MatPosition.x * 25.4;  // part offsets are in inches
        double locy = modfile->m_MatPosition.y * 25.4;
        double locz = modfile->m_MatPosition.z * 25.4;
        double lrot = modfile->m_MatRotation.z;

        bool top = ( aModule->GetLayer() == B_Cu ) ? false : true;

        if( top )
            locy = -locy;
            RotatePoint( &locx, &locy, aModule->GetOrientation() );
            locy = -locy;

        if( !top )
            lrot = -lrot;
            RotatePoint( &locx, &locy, aModule->GetOrientation() );
            locy = -locy;

            rotz = 180.0 - rotz;

            if( rotz >= 360.0 )
                while( rotz >= 360.0 ) rotz -= 360.0;

            if( rotz <= -360.0 )
                while( rotz <= -360.0 ) rotz += 360.0;

        if( comp == NULL )
            comp = aIDFBoard.FindComponent( refdes );

        if( comp == NULL )
            comp = new IDF3_COMPONENT( &aIDFBoard );

            if( comp == NULL )
                throw( std::runtime_error( aIDFBoard.GetError() ) );

            comp->SetRefDes( refdes );

            if( top )
                comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
                                   -aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
                                   rotz, IDF3::LYR_TOP );
                comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
                                   -aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
                                   rotz, IDF3::LYR_BOTTOM );

            comp->SetPlacement( IDF3::PS_ECAD );

            aIDFBoard.AddComponent( comp );
            double refX, refY, refA;
            IDF3::IDF_LAYER side;

            if( ! comp->GetPosition( refX, refY, refA, side ) )
                // place the item
                if( top )
                    comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
                                       -aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
                                       rotz, IDF3::LYR_TOP );
                    comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
                                       -aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
                                       rotz, IDF3::LYR_BOTTOM );

                comp->SetPlacement( IDF3::PS_ECAD );

                // check that the retrieved component matches this one
                refX = refX - ( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx );
                refY = refY - ( -aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy );
                refA = refA - rotz;
                refA *= refA;
                refX *= refX;
                refY *= refY;
                refX += refY;

                // conditions: same side, X,Y coordinates within 10 microns,
                // angle within 0.01 degree
                if( ( top && side == IDF3::LYR_BOTTOM ) || ( !top && side == IDF3::LYR_TOP )
                    || ( refA > 0.0001 ) || ( refX > 0.0001 ) )
                    comp->GetPosition( refX, refY, refA, side );

                    std::ostringstream ostr;
                    ostr << "* " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":" << __FUNCTION__ << "():\n";
                    ostr << "* conflicting Reference Designator '" << refdes << "'\n";
                    ostr << "* X loc: " << (aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx);
                    ostr << " vs. " << refX << "\n";
                    ostr << "* Y loc: " << (-aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy);
                    ostr << " vs. " << refY << "\n";
                    ostr << "* angle: " << rotz;
                    ostr << " vs. " << refA << "\n";

                    if( top )
                        ostr << "* TOP vs. ";
                        ostr << "* BOTTOM vs. ";

                    if( side == IDF3::LYR_TOP )
                        ostr << "TOP";
                        ostr << "BOTTOM";

                    throw( std::runtime_error( ostr.str() ) );

        // create the local data ...
        IDF3_COMP_OUTLINE_DATA* data = new IDF3_COMP_OUTLINE_DATA( comp, outline );

        data->SetOffsets( locx, locy, locz, lrot );
        comp->AddOutlineData( data );

Esempio n. 2

  CWIDGET_new(wid, _object);


#if 0





Esempio n. 3
bool CStructureParser::characters(const QString& str)
  QRegExp rx("\\w");
  QString strAux = str.trimmed();
  int pos = rx.indexIn(strAux);

  std::cout << TO_UTF8(strAux) << std::endl;

  if (pos != -1)
      // handling word character within <mrow> ... </mrow>
      if (tagName == "mrow")
          if (strAux.length() > 1)
            tex += "{\\text{" + strAux + "}}";
          else  // exactly only one character
            tex += "{" + strAux + "}";

      // handling word character within <mi> ... </mi>
      if (tagName == "mi")
          if (strAux.contains("\\"))    // for, eg., \sin, \cos
            tex += strAux;
          else if (strAux.length() > 1)
              if (strAux == "sech" || strAux == "csch" || strAux == "arcsec" || strAux == "arccsc"
                  || strAux == "arccot" || strAux == "arcsinh" || strAux == "arccosh" || strAux == "arctanh"
                  || strAux == "arcsech" || strAux == "arccsch" || strAux == "arccoth")
                tex += "{\\mathrm{" + strAux + " \\: }}";
                  strAux.replace("_", "\\_");
                  strAux.replace(" ", "\\;");
                  tex += "{\\mathrm{" + strAux + "}}";
          else  // exactly only one character
            tex += "{" + strAux + "}";

      // handling word character within <mo> ... </mo>
      if (tagName == "mo")
          if (strAux.contains("\\"))    // for, eg.,\cdot, \ge, \le, \ne
              if (strAux == "\\log")
                tex += " \\, " + strAux;
              else if (strAux == "\\lt")
                tex += " \\, < \\, ";
                tex += " \\, " + strAux + " \\, ";
          else if (strAux.contains("xor"))
            tex += "\\; \\mathrm{" + strAux + "} \\; ";
          else if (strAux == "e")
            tex += strAux;
            tex += "\\mathrm{" + strAux + "}";

      // handling word character within <mn> ... </mn>
      if (tagName == "mn")
        tex += "{" + strAux + "}";
  // handling non-word character
  else if (strAux == "=" || strAux == "!" || strAux == "|")
    tex += strAux;
  else if (strAux == "-" || strAux == "+" || strAux == ">" || strAux.contains("%"))
    tex += " \\, " + strAux + " \\, ";

  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
void CQFittingResult::slotSave(void)
  C_INT32 Answer = QMessageBox::No;
  QString fileName;

  while (Answer == QMessageBox::No)
      fileName =
                                          "Save File Dialog",
                                          "TEXT Files (*.txt)",
                                          "Save to");

      if (fileName.isEmpty()) return;

      if (!fileName.endsWith(".txt") &&
          !fileName.endsWith(".")) fileName += ".txt";

      fileName = fileName.remove(QRegExp("\\.$"));

      Answer = checkSelection(fileName);

      if (Answer == QMessageBox::Cancel) return;

  std::ofstream file(CLocaleString::fromUtf8(TO_UTF8(fileName)).c_str());

  if ( return;

  int i, imax;

  // The global result and statistics
  file << "Objective Value\tRoot Mean Square\tStandard Deviation" << std::endl;
  file << mpProblem->getSolutionValue() << "\t";
  file << mpProblem->getRMS() << "\t";
  file << mpProblem->getStdDeviation() << std::endl;

  file << "Function Evaluations\tCPU Time [s]\tEvaluations/second [1/s]" << std::endl;
  const unsigned C_INT32 & FunctionEvaluations = mpProblem->getFunctionEvaluations();
  const C_FLOAT64 & ExecutionTime = mpProblem->getExecutionTime();
  file << FunctionEvaluations << "\t";
  file << ExecutionTime << "\t";
  file << FunctionEvaluations / ExecutionTime << std::endl << std::endl;

  if (mpParameters->isEnabled())
      // Set up the parameters table
      file << "Parameters:" << std::endl;
      file << "Parameter\tLower Bound\tStart Value\tValue\tUpper Bound\tStd. Deviation\tCoeff. of Variation [%]\tGradient" << std::endl;

      // Loop over the optimization items
      imax = mpParameters->rowCount();

      for (i = 0; i != imax; i++)
          file << TO_UTF8(mpParameters->item((int) i, 0)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpParameters->item((int) i, 1)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpParameters->item((int) i, 2)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpParameters->item((int) i, 3)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpParameters->item((int) i, 4)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpParameters->item((int) i, 5)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpParameters->item((int) i, 6)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpParameters->item((int) i, 7)->text()) << std::endl;

      file << std::endl;

  if (mpExperiments->isEnabled())
      // Set up the experiments table
      file << "Experiments:" << std::endl;
      file << "Experiment\tObjective Value\tRoot Mean Square\tError Mean\tError Mean Std. Deviation" << std::endl;

      // Loop over the experiments
      imax = mpExperiments->rowCount();

      for (i = 0; i != imax; i++)
          file << TO_UTF8(mpExperiments->item((int) i, 0)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpExperiments->item((int) i, 1)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpExperiments->item((int) i, 2)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpExperiments->item((int) i, 3)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpExperiments->item((int) i, 4)->text()) << std::endl;

      file << std::endl;

  if (mpValues->isEnabled())
      // Set up the fitted values table
      file << "Fitted Values:" << std::endl;
      file << "Fitted Value\tObjective Value\tRoot Mean Square\tError Mean\tError Mean Std. Deviation" << std::endl;

      // Loop over the fitted values objects
      imax = mpValues->rowCount();

      for (i = 0; i != imax; i++)
          file << TO_UTF8(mpValues->item((int) i, 0)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpValues->item((int) i, 1)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpValues->item((int) i, 2)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpValues->item((int) i, 3)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpValues->item((int) i, 4)->text()) << std::endl;

      file << std::endl;

  // Save the parameter correlations
  file << mpProblem->getCorrelations() << std::endl;

  // Save the Fisher information
  file << mpProblem->getFisherInformation() << std::endl;

  // Save the Fisher information Eigenvalues
  file << mpProblem->getFisherInformationEigenvalues() << std::endl;

  // Save the Fisher information Eigenvectors
  file << mpProblem->getFisherInformationEigenvectors() << std::endl;

  // Save the scaled Fisher information
  file << mpProblem->getScaledFisherInformation() << std::endl;

  // Save the scaled Fisher information Eigenvalues
  file << mpProblem->getScaledFisherInformationEigenvalues() << std::endl;

  // Save the scaled Fisher information Eigenvectors
  file << mpProblem->getScaledFisherInformationEigenvectors() << std::endl << std::endl;

  if (mpValues->isEnabled())
      // Set up the cross validations table
      file << "Validations:" << std::endl;
      file << "Validation Experiment\t Objective Value\tRoot Mean Square\tError Mean\tError Mean Std. Deviation" << std::endl;

      // Loop over the experiments
      imax = mpCrossValidations->rowCount();

      for (i = 0; i != imax; i++)
          file << TO_UTF8(mpCrossValidations->item((int) i, 0)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpCrossValidations->item((int) i, 1)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpCrossValidations->item((int) i, 2)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpCrossValidations->item((int) i, 3)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpCrossValidations->item((int) i, 4)->text()) << std::endl;

      file << std::endl;

  if (mpValues->isEnabled())
      // Set up the fitted values table
      file << "Validation Fitted Values:" << std::endl;
      file << "Validation Fitted Value\tObjective Value\tRoot Mean Square\tError Mean\tError Mean Std. Deviation" << std::endl;

      // Loop over the fitted values objects
      imax = mpCrossValidationValues->rowCount();

      for (i = 0; i != imax; i++)
          file << TO_UTF8(mpCrossValidationValues->item((int) i, 0)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpCrossValidationValues->item((int) i, 1)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpCrossValidationValues->item((int) i, 2)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpCrossValidationValues->item((int) i, 3)->text()) << "\t";
          file << TO_UTF8(mpCrossValidationValues->item((int) i, 4)->text()) << std::endl;

      file << std::endl;
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LoadSettings( wxConfigBase* aCfg )
    EDA_DRAW_FRAME::LoadSettings( aCfg );

    long tmp;

    ReadHotkeyConfig( SCH_EDIT_FRAME_NAME, g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr );
    wxConfigLoadSetups( aCfg, GetConfigurationSettings() );

    SetGridColor( GetLayerColor( LAYER_SCHEMATIC_GRID ) );
    SetDrawBgColor( GetLayerColor( LAYER_SCHEMATIC_BACKGROUND ) );

    SetDefaultBusThickness( aCfg->Read( DefaultBusWidthEntry, DEFAULTBUSTHICKNESS ) );
    SetDefaultLineThickness( aCfg->Read( DefaultDrawLineWidthEntry, DEFAULTDRAWLINETHICKNESS ) );
    aCfg->Read( ShowHiddenPinsEntry, &m_showAllPins, false );
    aCfg->Read( HorzVertLinesOnlyEntry, &m_forceHVLines, true );
    aCfg->Read( AutoplaceFieldsEntry, &m_autoplaceFields, true );
    aCfg->Read( AutoplaceJustifyEntry, &m_autoplaceJustify, true );
    aCfg->Read( AutoplaceAlignEntry, &m_autoplaceAlign, false );
    aCfg->Read( FootprintPreviewEntry, &m_footprintPreview, false );

    // Load print preview window session settings.
    aCfg->Read( PreviewFramePositionXEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_previewPosition.x = (int) tmp;
    aCfg->Read( PreviewFramePositionYEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_previewPosition.y = (int) tmp;
    aCfg->Read( PreviewFrameWidthEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_previewSize.SetWidth( (int) tmp );
    aCfg->Read( PreviewFrameHeightEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_previewSize.SetHeight( (int) tmp );

    // Load print dialog session settings.
    aCfg->Read( PrintDialogPositionXEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_printDialogPosition.x = (int) tmp;
    aCfg->Read( PrintDialogPositionYEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_printDialogPosition.y = (int) tmp;
    aCfg->Read( PrintDialogWidthEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_printDialogSize.SetWidth( (int) tmp );
    aCfg->Read( PrintDialogHeightEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_printDialogSize.SetHeight( (int) tmp );

    // Load netlists options:
    aCfg->Read( SimulatorCommandEntry, &m_simulatorCommand );

    // Load find dialog session setting.
    aCfg->Read( FindDialogPositionXEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_findDialogPosition.x = (int) tmp;
    aCfg->Read( FindDialogPositionYEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_findDialogPosition.y = (int) tmp;
    aCfg->Read( FindDialogWidthEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_findDialogSize.SetWidth( (int) tmp );
    aCfg->Read( FindDialogHeightEntry, &tmp, -1 );
    m_findDialogSize.SetHeight( (int) tmp );

    wxASSERT_MSG( m_findReplaceData,
                  wxT( "Find dialog data settings object not created. Bad programmer!" ) );

    aCfg->Read( FindReplaceFlagsEntry, &tmp, (long) wxFR_DOWN );
    m_findReplaceData->SetFlags( (wxUint32) tmp & ~FR_REPLACE_ITEM_FOUND );
    m_findReplaceData->SetFindString( aCfg->Read( FindStringEntry, wxEmptyString ) );
    m_findReplaceData->SetReplaceString( aCfg->Read( ReplaceStringEntry, wxEmptyString ) );

    // Load the find and replace string history list.
    for( int i = 0; i < FR_HISTORY_LIST_CNT; ++i )
        wxString tmpHistory;
        wxString entry;
        entry.Printf( FindStringHistoryEntry, i );
        tmpHistory = aCfg->Read( entry, wxEmptyString );

        if( !tmpHistory.IsEmpty() )
            m_findStringHistoryList.Add( tmpHistory );

        entry.Printf( ReplaceStringHistoryEntry, i );
        tmpHistory = aCfg->Read( entry, wxEmptyString );

        if( !tmpHistory.IsEmpty() )
            m_replaceStringHistoryList.Add( tmpHistory );

    wxString templateFieldNames = aCfg->Read( FieldNamesEntry, wxEmptyString );

    if( !templateFieldNames.IsEmpty() )
        TEMPLATE_FIELDNAMES_LEXER  lexer( TO_UTF8( templateFieldNames ) );

            m_TemplateFieldNames.Parse( &lexer );
        catch( const IO_ERROR& DBG( e ) )
            // @todo show error msg
            DBG( printf( "templatefieldnames parsing error: '%s'\n",
                       TO_UTF8( e.What() ) ); )
Esempio n. 6
bool CQSpecieDM::specieDataChange(
  UndoSpeciesData *pUndoSpeciesData,
  const QVariant &value,
  int column)

  GET_MODEL_OR(pModel, return false);

  mpSpecies =

  if (mpSpecies == NULL)
    return false;

  const CCompartment * pCompartment = NULL;

  if (column == COL_COMPARTMENT ||
      column == COL_ICONCENTRATION ||
      column == COL_INUMBER)
          pCompartment = mpSpecies->getCompartment();
      catch (...) {}

  if (column == COL_NAME_SPECIES)
  else if (column == COL_COMPARTMENT)
      // This must be set first for setInitialConcentration and
      // setInitialNumber to work correctly.
      std::string Compartment(TO_UTF8(value.toString()));

      if (Compartment != pCompartment->getObjectName())
          std::string CompartmentToRemove = mpSpecies->getCompartment()->getObjectName();

          if (!(pModel->getCompartments()[Compartment].addMetabolite(mpSpecies)))
              QString msg;
              msg = "Unable to move species '" + FROM_UTF8(mpSpecies->getObjectName()) + "'\n"
                    + "from compartment '" + FROM_UTF8(CompartmentToRemove) + "' to compartment '" + FROM_UTF8(Compartment) + "'\n"
                    + "since a species with that name already exist in the target compartment.";

                                        "Unable to move Species",
                                        QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
              return false;

              if (mpSpecies && pCompartment)
                  C_FLOAT64 Factor = 1.0 / pCompartment->getInitialValue();
                  Factor *= pCompartment->getInitialValue();

                  mpSpecies->setInitialValue(Factor * pUndoSpeciesData->getINumber());
                  mpSpecies->setValue(Factor * mpSpecies->getValue());

              emit notifyGUI(ListViews::METABOLITE, ListViews::CHANGE, mpSpecies->getKey());
              emit notifyGUI(ListViews::COMPARTMENT, ListViews::CHANGE, pCompartment->getKey());
  else if (column == COL_TYPE_SPECIES)
    mpSpecies->setStatus((CModelEntity::Status) mItemToType[value.toInt()]);
  else if (column == COL_ICONCENTRATION)
      if (mFlagConc)

      if (mpSpecies && pCompartment)
          const C_FLOAT64 initialValue =
  else if (column == COL_INUMBER)
      if (!mFlagConc)

      if (mpSpecies && pCompartment)

  //Save Key
  std::string key = mpSpecies->getKey();

  // ask for refresh this may change the key!
  QModelIndex index = getIndexFor(mpSpecies, column);
  emit dataChanged(index, index);

  if (column == COL_NAME_SPECIES)
      emit notifyGUI(ListViews::METABOLITE, ListViews::RENAME, key);
      emit notifyGUI(ListViews::METABOLITE, ListViews::CHANGE, key);

  return true;
bool CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReadNetListAndLinkFiles()
    wxString        msg;
    bool            hasMissingNicks = false;
    FP_LIB_TABLE*   tbl = FootprintLibs();


    if( m_ListCmp == NULL )
        return false;

    LoadProjectFile( m_NetlistFileName.GetFullPath() );

    m_undefinedComponentCnt = 0;

    if( m_netlist.AnyFootprintsLinked() )
        for( unsigned i = 0;  i < m_netlist.GetCount();  i++ )
            COMPONENT* component = m_netlist.GetComponent( i );

            if( component->GetFPID().empty() )

            if( component->GetFPID().IsLegacy() )
                hasMissingNicks = true;

    // Check if footprint links were generated before the footprint library table was implemented.
    if( hasMissingNicks )
        msg = wxT(
            "Some of the assigned footprints are legacy entries (are missing lib nicknames). "
            "Would you like CvPcb to attempt to convert them to the new required FPID format? "
            "(If you answer no, then these assignments will be cleared out and you will "
            "have to re-assign these footprints yourself.)"

        if( IsOK( this, msg ) )

                for( unsigned i = 0;  i < m_netlist.GetCount();  i++ )
                    COMPONENT* component = m_netlist.GetComponent( i );

                    if( component->GetFPID().IsLegacy() )
                        int guess = guessNickname( tbl, (FPID*) &component->GetFPID() );

                        switch( guess )
                        case 0:
                            DBG(printf("%s: guessed OK ref:%s  fpid:%s\n", __func__,
                                TO_UTF8( component->GetReference() ), component->GetFPID().Format().c_str() );)
                            m_modified = true;

                        case 1:
                            msg += wxString::Format( _(
                                    "Component '%s' footprint '%s' was <b>not found</b> in any library.\n" ),
                                    GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                                    GetChars( component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName() )

                        case 2:
                            msg += wxString::Format( _(
                                    "Component '%s' footprint '%s' was found in <b>multiple</b> libraries.\n" ),
                                    GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                                    GetChars( component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName() )
Esempio n. 8
 void deleteHostnameRegex(const UnicodeString &us) { deleteHostnameRegexUTF8(TO_UTF8(us)); };
Esempio n. 9
static void write_name_and_type(buffer_t buffer, VALUE name, char type) {
    SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &type, 1);
    name = TO_UTF8(name);
    write_utf8(buffer, name);
    SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &zero, 1);
Esempio n. 10
  const QModelIndex& index,
  const QVariant& value,
  int role,
  CQCompartmentDM *pCompartmentDM)
  : CCopasiUndoCommand("Compartment", COMPARTMENT_DATA_CHANGE, "Change")
  , mNew(value)
  , mOld(
  , mIndex(index)
  , mpCompartmentDM(pCompartmentDM)
  , mRole(role)
  , mPathIndex()
  , mpCompartmentUndoData(NULL)

  //set the data for UNDO history
  assert(pCompartmentDM->getDataModel() != NULL);
  CModel * pModel = pCompartmentDM->getDataModel()->getModel();
  assert(pModel != NULL);

  if (pModel->getCompartments().size() <= (size_t)index.row())

  CCompartment *pCompartment = &pModel->getCompartments()[index.row()];

  switch (index.column())
      case 0:

      case 1:

      case 2:

        switch (mNew.toInt())
            case 0:

            case 1:

            case 2:


      case 3:
        setProperty("Initial Volume");
        // need to store additional undo data to be able to restore
        // species initial concentrations / patricle numbers
        mpCompartmentUndoData = new UndoCompartmentData(pCompartment);

  setText(QString(": Changed compartment %1").arg(getProperty().c_str()));
Esempio n. 11
 void addHostnameRegex(const UnicodeString &us) { addHostnameRegexUTF8(TO_UTF8(us)); };
Esempio n. 12
bool CQOptimizationWidget::saveTask()
  COptTask * pTask =
    dynamic_cast< COptTask * >(mpTask);

  if (!pTask) return false;


  COptProblem * pProblem =
    dynamic_cast<COptProblem *>(mpTask->getProblem());

  if (!pProblem) return false;

  // expression
  if (pProblem->getObjectiveFunction() != mpExpressionEMW->mpExpressionWidget->getExpression())
      if (!pProblem->setObjectiveFunction(mpExpressionEMW->mpExpressionWidget->getExpression()))
          CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::ERROR, MCOptimization + 5);
          return false;

      mChanged = true;

  if (mpBoxSubtask->currentText() != FROM_UTF8(CCopasiTask::TypeName[pProblem->getSubtaskType()]))
      mChanged = true;
      pProblem->setSubtaskType((CCopasiTask::Type) mSubtaskMap[TO_UTF8(mpBoxSubtask->currentText())]);

  if (mpBtnMaximize->isChecked() != pProblem->maximize())
      mChanged = true;

  if (mpCheckRandomize->isChecked() != pProblem->getRandomizeStartValues())
      mChanged = true;

  if (mpCheckStatistics->isChecked() != pProblem->getCalculateStatistics())
      mChanged = true;

  mChanged |= mpParameters->save(NULL, NULL);
  mChanged |= mpConstraints->save(NULL, NULL);

  if (mChanged)
      assert(CCopasiRootContainer::getDatamodelList()->size() > 0);

  mChanged = false;

  return true;
Esempio n. 13
void CQSpeciesDetail::save()
  if (mpMetab == NULL) return;

  CModel * pModel = const_cast< CModel * >(mpMetab->getModel());

  if (pModel == NULL) return;

  // Compartment
  if (mpCurrentCompartment != mpMetab->getCompartment())
      QString Compartment = mpComboBoxCompartment->currentText();
      std::string CompartmentToRemove = mpMetab->getCompartment()->getObjectName();

      if (!pModel->getCompartments()[TO_UTF8(Compartment)].addMetabolite(mpMetab))
          QString msg;
          msg = "Unable to move species '" + FROM_UTF8(mpMetab->getObjectName()) + "'\n"
                + "from compartment '" + FROM_UTF8(CompartmentToRemove) + "' to compartment '" + Compartment + "'\n"
                + "since a species with that name already exist in the target compartment.";

                                    "Unable to move Species",
                                    QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);

          // Revert the changes

          protectedNotify(ListViews::COMPARTMENT, ListViews::CHANGE, "");
          mChanged = true;

  // Type
  if (mpMetab->getStatus() != (CModelEntity::Status) mItemToType[mpComboBoxType->currentIndex()])
      mpMetab->setStatus((CModelEntity::Status) mItemToType[mpComboBoxType->currentIndex()]);
      mChanged = true;

  // Initial Concentration and Initial Number
  switch (mFramework)
      case 0:

        if (mpMetab->getInitialConcentration() != mInitialConcentration)
            mChanged = true;


      case 1:

        if (mpMetab->getInitialValue() != mInitialNumber)
            mChanged = true;


  // Expression
  if (mpMetab->getExpression() != mpExpressionEMW->mpExpressionWidget->getExpression())
      mChanged = true;

  // Initial Expression
  if ((CModelEntity::Status) mItemToType[mpComboBoxType->currentIndex()] != CModelEntity::ASSIGNMENT)
      if (mpBoxUseInitialExpression->isChecked() &&
          mpMetab->getInitialExpression() != (mpInitialExpressionEMW->mpExpressionWidget->getExpression()))
          mChanged = true;
      else if (!mpBoxUseInitialExpression->isChecked() &&
               mpMetab->getInitialExpression() != "")
          mChanged = true;

  if (mChanged)
      if (mpDataModel)

      protectedNotify(ListViews::METABOLITE, ListViews::CHANGE, mKey);

  mChanged = false;
Esempio n. 14
void CQFittingResult::slotSave(void)
  C_INT32 Answer = QMessageBox::No;
  QString fileName;

  while (Answer == QMessageBox::No)
      fileName =
        CopasiFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Save File Dialog",
                                          QString::null, "TEXT Files (*.txt);;All Files (*.*);;", "Save to");

      if (fileName.isEmpty()) return;

      if (!fileName.endsWith(".txt") &&
          !fileName.endsWith(".")) fileName += ".txt";

      fileName = fileName.remove(QRegExp("\\.$"));

      Answer = checkSelection(fileName);

      if (Answer == QMessageBox::Cancel) return;

  std::ofstream file(utf8ToLocale(TO_UTF8(fileName)).c_str());

  if ( return;

  unsigned C_INT32 i, imax;

  // The global result and statistics
  file << "Objective Value\tRoot Mean Square\tStandard Deviation" << std::endl;
  file << mpProblem->getSolutionValue() << "\t";
  file << mpProblem->getRMS() << "\t";
  file << mpProblem->getStdDeviation() << std::endl;

  file << "Function Evaluations\tCPU Time [s]\tEvaluations/second [1/s]" << std::endl;
  const unsigned C_INT32 & FunctionEvaluations = mpProblem->getFunctionEvaluations();
  const C_FLOAT64 & ExecutionTime = mpProblem->getExecutionTime();
  file << FunctionEvaluations << "\t";
  file << ExecutionTime << "\t";
  file << FunctionEvaluations / ExecutionTime << std::endl;

  // Set up the parameters table
  file << std::endl << "Parameters:" << std::endl;
  file << "Parameter\tValue\tStd. Deviation\tCoeff. of Variation [%]\tGradient" << std::endl;

  // Loop over the optimization items
  const std::vector< COptItem * > & Items = mpProblem->getOptItemList();
  const CVector< C_FLOAT64 > & Solutions = mpProblem->getSolutionVariables();
  const CVector< C_FLOAT64 > & StdDeviations = mpProblem->getVariableStdDeviations();
  const CVector< C_FLOAT64 > & Gradients = mpProblem->getVariableGradients();

  imax = Items.size();

  if (mpProblem->getFunctionEvaluations() == 0)
    imax = 0;

  assert(CCopasiRootContainer::getDatamodelList()->size() > 0);
  CCopasiDataModel* pDataModel = (*CCopasiRootContainer::getDatamodelList())[0];
  assert(pDataModel != NULL);

  for (i = 0; i != imax; i++)
      const CCopasiObject *pObject =

      if (pObject)
          std::string Experiments =
            static_cast<CFitItem *>(Items[i])->getExperiments();

          if (Experiments != "")
            Experiments = "; {" + Experiments + "}";

          file << pObject->getObjectDisplayName() << Experiments << "\t";
        file << "Not Found\t";

      const C_FLOAT64 & Solution = Solutions[i];
      file << Solution << "\t";
      const C_FLOAT64 & StdDeviation = StdDeviations[i];
      file << StdDeviation << "\t";
      file << fabs(100.0 * StdDeviation / Solution) << "\t";
      file << Gradients[i] << std::endl;

  // Set up the experiments table
  file << std::endl << "Experiments:" << std::endl;
  file << "Experiment\tObjective Value\tRoot Mean Square\tError Mean\tError Mean Std. Deviation" << std::endl;

  // Loop over the experiments
  const CExperimentSet & Experiments = mpProblem->getExperiementSet();

  imax = Experiments.getExperimentCount();

  if (mpProblem->getFunctionEvaluations() == 0)
    imax = 0;

  for (i = 0; i != imax; i++)
      const CExperiment & Experiment = * Experiments.getExperiment(i);
      file << Experiment.getObjectName() << "\t";
      file << Experiment.getObjectiveValue() << "\t";
      file << Experiment.getRMS() << "\t";
      file << Experiment.getErrorMean() << "\t";
      file << Experiment.getErrorMeanSD() << std::endl;

  // Set up the fitted values table
  file << std::endl << "Fitted Values:" << std::endl;
  file << "Fitted Value\tObjective Value\tRoot Mean Square\tError Mean\tError Mean Std. Deviation" << std::endl;

  // Loop over the fitted values objects
  imax = Experiments.getDependentObjects().size();

  if (mpProblem->getFunctionEvaluations() == 0)
    imax = 0;

  for (i = 0; i != imax; i++)
      const CCopasiObject * pObject = Experiments.getDependentObjects()[i];

      if (pObject)
        file << pObject->getObjectDisplayName() << "\t";
        file << "Not Found\t";

      file << Experiments.getDependentObjectiveValues()[i] << "\t";
      file << Experiments.getDependentRMS()[i] << "\t";
      file << Experiments.getDependentErrorMean()[i] << "\t";
      file << Experiments.getDependentErrorMeanSD()[i] << std::endl;

  file << std::endl;

  // Save the parameter correlations
  file << mpProblem->getCorrelations() << std::endl;

  // Save the Fisher information
  file << mpProblem->getFisherInformation() << std::endl;

Esempio n. 15
 * Function Export_IDF3
 * generates IDFv3 compliant board (*.emn) and library (*.emp)
 * files representing the user's PCB design.
bool Export_IDF3( BOARD* aPcb, const wxString& aFullFileName, bool aUseThou,
                  double aXRef, double aYRef )
    IDF3_BOARD idfBoard( IDF3::CAD_ELEC );

    // Switch the locale to standard C (needed to print floating point numbers)
    LOCALE_IO toggle;

    bool ok = true;
    double scale = MM_PER_IU;   // we must scale internal units to mm for IDF
    IDF3::IDF_UNIT idfUnit;

    if( aUseThou )
        idfUnit = IDF3::UNIT_THOU;
        idfBoard.SetUserPrecision( 1 );
        idfUnit = IDF3::UNIT_MM;
        idfBoard.SetUserPrecision( 5 );

    wxFileName brdName = aPcb->GetFileName();

    idfBoard.SetUserScale( scale );
    idfBoard.SetBoardThickness( aPcb->GetDesignSettings().GetBoardThickness() * scale );
    idfBoard.SetBoardName( TO_UTF8( brdName.GetFullName() ) );
    idfBoard.SetBoardVersion( 0 );
    idfBoard.SetLibraryVersion( 0 );

    std::ostringstream ostr;
    ostr << "KiCad " << TO_UTF8( GetBuildVersion() );
    idfBoard.SetIDFSource( ostr.str() );

        // set up the board reference point
        idfBoard.SetUserOffset( -aXRef, aYRef );

        // Export the board outline
        idf_export_outline( aPcb, idfBoard );

        // Output the drill holes and module (library) data.
        for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules; module != 0; module = module->Next() )
            idf_export_module( aPcb, module, idfBoard );

        if( !idfBoard.WriteFile( aFullFileName, idfUnit, false ) )
            wxString msg;
            msg << _( "IDF Export Failed:\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( idfBoard.GetError().c_str() );
            wxMessageBox( msg );

            ok = false;
    catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
        wxString msg;
        msg << _( "IDF Export Failed:\n" ) << ioe.errorText;
        wxMessageBox( msg );

        ok = false;
    catch( const std::exception& e )
        wxString msg;
        msg << _( "IDF Export Failed:\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( e.what() );
        wxMessageBox( msg );
        ok = false;

    return ok;
Esempio n. 16
static int write_element_allow_id(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE extra, int allow_id) {
    buffer_t buffer = (buffer_t)NUM2LL(rb_ary_entry(extra, 0));
    VALUE check_keys = rb_ary_entry(extra, 1);

    if (TYPE(key) == T_SYMBOL) {
        // TODO better way to do this... ?
        key = rb_str_new2(rb_id2name(SYM2ID(key)));

    if (TYPE(key) != T_STRING) {
        rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "keys must be strings or symbols");

    if (!allow_id && strcmp("_id", RSTRING_PTR(key)) == 0) {
        return ST_CONTINUE;

    if (check_keys == Qtrue) {
        int i;
        if (RSTRING_LEN(key) > 0 && RSTRING_PTR(key)[0] == '$') {
            rb_raise(InvalidName, "key must not start with '$'");
        for (i = 0; i < RSTRING_LEN(key); i++) {
            if (RSTRING_PTR(key)[i] == '.') {
                rb_raise(InvalidName, "key must not contain '.'");

    switch(TYPE(value)) {
    case T_BIGNUM:
    case T_FIXNUM:
            if (rb_funcall(value, rb_intern(">"), 1, LL2NUM(9223372036854775807LL)) == Qtrue ||
                rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("<"), 1, LL2NUM(-9223372036854775808LL)) == Qtrue) {
                rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "MongoDB can only handle 8-byte ints");
            if (rb_funcall(value, rb_intern(">"), 1, INT2NUM(2147483647L)) == Qtrue ||
                rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("<"), 1, INT2NUM(-2147483648L)) == Qtrue) {
                long long ll_value;
                write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x12);
                ll_value = NUM2LL(value);
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, (char*)&ll_value, 8);
            } else {
                int int_value;
                write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x10);
                int_value = NUM2LL(value);
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, (char*)&int_value, 4);
    case T_TRUE:
            write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x08);
            SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &one, 1);
    case T_FALSE:
            write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x08);
            SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &zero, 1);
    case T_FLOAT:
            double d = NUM2DBL(value);
            write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x01);
            SAFE_WRITE(buffer, (char*)&d, 8);
    case T_NIL:
            write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x0A);
    case T_HASH:
            write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x03);
            write_doc(buffer, value, check_keys);
    case T_ARRAY:
            buffer_position length_location, start_position, obj_length;
            int items, i;
            VALUE* values;

            write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x04);
            start_position = buffer_get_position(buffer);

            // save space for length
            length_location = buffer_save_space(buffer, 4);
            if (length_location == -1) {
                rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "failed to allocate memory in buffer.c");

            items = RARRAY_LEN(value);
            values = RARRAY_PTR(value);
            for(i = 0; i < items; i++) {
                char* name;
                VALUE key;
                INT2STRING(&name, i);
                key = rb_str_new2(name);
                write_element(key, values[i], pack_extra(buffer, check_keys));

            // write null byte and fill in length
            SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &zero, 1);
            obj_length = buffer_get_position(buffer) - start_position;
            SAFE_WRITE_AT_POS(buffer, length_location, (const char*)&obj_length, 4);
    case T_STRING:
            if (strcmp(rb_class2name(RBASIC(value)->klass),
                       "Mongo::Code") == 0) {
                buffer_position length_location, start_position, total_length;
                int length;
                write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x0F);

                start_position = buffer_get_position(buffer);
                length_location = buffer_save_space(buffer, 4);
                if (length_location == -1) {
                    rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "failed to allocate memory in buffer.c");

                length = RSTRING_LEN(value) + 1;
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, (char*)&length, 4);
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, RSTRING_PTR(value), length - 1);
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &zero, 1);
                write_doc(buffer, rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("scope"), 0), Qfalse);

                total_length = buffer_get_position(buffer) - start_position;
                SAFE_WRITE_AT_POS(buffer, length_location, (const char*)&total_length, 4);
            } else {
                int length;
                write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x02);
                value = TO_UTF8(value);
                length = RSTRING_LEN(value) + 1;
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, (char*)&length, 4);
                write_utf8(buffer, value);
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &zero, 1);
    case T_SYMBOL:
            const char* str_value = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(value));
            int length = strlen(str_value) + 1;
            write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x0E);
            SAFE_WRITE(buffer, (char*)&length, 4);
            SAFE_WRITE(buffer, str_value, length);
    case T_OBJECT:
            // TODO there has to be a better way to do these checks...
            const char* cls = rb_class2name(RBASIC(value)->klass);
            if (strcmp(cls, "Mongo::Binary") == 0 ||
                strcmp(cls, "ByteBuffer") == 0) {
                const char subtype = strcmp(cls, "ByteBuffer") ?
                    (const char)FIX2INT(rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("subtype"), 0)) : 2;
                VALUE string_data = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
                int length = RSTRING_LEN(string_data);
                write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x05);
                if (subtype == 2) {
                    const int other_length = length + 4;
                    SAFE_WRITE(buffer, (const char*)&other_length, 4);
                    SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &subtype, 1);
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, (const char*)&length, 4);
                if (subtype != 2) {
                    SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &subtype, 1);
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, RSTRING_PTR(string_data), length);
            if (strcmp(cls, "Mongo::ObjectID") == 0) {
                VALUE as_array = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("to_a"), 0);
                int i;
                write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x07);
                for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                    char byte = (char)FIX2INT(RARRAY_PTR(as_array)[i]);
                    SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &byte, 1);
            if (strcmp(cls, "Mongo::DBRef") == 0) {
                buffer_position length_location, start_position, obj_length;
                VALUE ns, oid;
                write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x03);

                start_position = buffer_get_position(buffer);

                // save space for length
                length_location = buffer_save_space(buffer, 4);
                if (length_location == -1) {
                    rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "failed to allocate memory in buffer.c");

                ns = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("namespace"), 0);
                write_element(rb_str_new2("$ref"), ns, pack_extra(buffer, Qfalse));
                oid = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("object_id"), 0);
                write_element(rb_str_new2("$id"), oid, pack_extra(buffer, Qfalse));

                // write null byte and fill in length
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &zero, 1);
                obj_length = buffer_get_position(buffer) - start_position;
                SAFE_WRITE_AT_POS(buffer, length_location, (const char*)&obj_length, 4);
    case T_DATA:
            // TODO again, is this really the only way to do this?
            const char* cls = rb_class2name(RBASIC(value)->klass);
            if (strcmp(cls, "Time") == 0) {
                double t = NUM2DBL(rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("to_f"), 0));
                long long time_since_epoch = (long long)round(t * 1000);
                write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x09);
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, (const char*)&time_since_epoch, 8);
    case T_REGEXP:
            int length = RREGEXP_SRC_LEN(value);
            char* pattern = (char*)RREGEXP_SRC_PTR(value);
            long flags = RREGEXP(value)->ptr->options;
            VALUE has_extra;

            write_name_and_type(buffer, key, 0x0B);

            SAFE_WRITE(buffer, pattern, length);
            SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &zero, 1);

            if (flags & IGNORECASE) {
                char ignorecase = 'i';
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &ignorecase, 1);
            if (flags & MULTILINE) {
                char multiline = 'm';
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &multiline, 1);
            if (flags & EXTENDED) {
                char extended = 'x';
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &extended, 1);

            has_extra = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("respond_to?"), 1, rb_str_new2("extra_options_str"));
            if (TYPE(has_extra) == T_TRUE) {
                VALUE extra = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("extra_options_str"), 0);
                buffer_position old_position = buffer_get_position(buffer);
                SAFE_WRITE(buffer, RSTRING_PTR(extra), RSTRING_LEN(extra));
                qsort(buffer_get_buffer(buffer) + old_position, RSTRING_LEN(extra), sizeof(char), cmp_char);
            SAFE_WRITE(buffer, &zero, 1);

            rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "no c encoder for this type yet (%d)", TYPE(value));
    return ST_CONTINUE;
 * Function WriteHotkeyConfig
 * Store the current hotkey list
 * It is stored using the standard wxConfig mechanism or a file.
 * @param aDescList = pointer to the current hotkey list.
 * @param aFullFileName = a wxString pointer to a full file name.
 *  if NULL, use the standard wxConfig mechanism (default)
 * the output format is: shortcut  "key"  "function"
 * lines starting with # are comments
int EDA_BASE_FRAME::WriteHotkeyConfig( struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG* aDescList,
                                       wxString*                 aFullFileName )
    wxString msg;
    wxString keyname, infokey;

    msg = wxT( "$hotkey list\n" );

    // Print the current hotkey list
    EDA_HOTKEY** list;

    for( ; aDescList->m_HK_InfoList != NULL; aDescList++ )
        if( aDescList->m_Comment )
            msg += wxT( "# " );
            msg += wxString( aDescList->m_Comment );
            msg += wxT( "\n" );

        msg += *aDescList->m_SectionTag;
        msg += wxT( "\n" );

        list = aDescList->m_HK_InfoList;

        for( ; *list != NULL; list++ )
            EDA_HOTKEY* hk_decr = *list;
            msg    += wxT( "shortcut   " );
            keyname = KeyNameFromKeyCode( hk_decr->m_KeyCode );
            AddDelimiterString( keyname );
            infokey = hk_decr->m_InfoMsg;
            AddDelimiterString( infokey );
            msg += keyname + wxT( ":    " ) + infokey + wxT( "\n" );

    msg += wxT( "$Endlist\n" );

    if( aFullFileName )
        FILE* file = wxFopen( *aFullFileName, wxT( "wt" ) );

        if( file )
            fputs( TO_UTF8( msg ), file );
            fclose( file );
            msg.Printf( wxT( "Unable to write file %s" ), GetChars( *aFullFileName ) );
            return 0;
        wxConfig config( m_FrameName );
        config.Write( HOTKEYS_CONFIG_KEY, msg );

    return 1;
void DIALOG_EDIT_LIBENTRY_FIELDS_IN_LIB::OnOKButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( !copyPanelToSelectedField() )

    // test if reference prefix is acceptable
    if( !SCH_COMPONENT::IsReferenceStringValid( m_FieldsBuf[REFERENCE].GetText() ) )
        DisplayError( NULL, _( "Illegal reference prefix. A reference must start by a letter" ) );

    /* Note: this code is now (2010-dec-04) not used, because the value field is no more editable
     * because changing the value is equivalent to create a new component or alias.
     * This is now handled in libedit main frame, and no more in this dialog
     * but this code is not removed, just in case
    /* If a new name entered in the VALUE field, that it not an existing alias name
     * or root alias of the component */
    wxString newvalue = m_FieldsBuf[VALUE].GetText();

    if( m_libEntry->HasAlias( newvalue ) && !m_libEntry->GetAlias( newvalue )->IsRoot() )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format(
            _( "A new name is entered for this component\n"
               "An alias %s already exists!\n"
               "Cannot update this component" ),
            GetChars( newvalue )
        DisplayError( this, msg );
    /* End unused code */

    // save old cmp in undo list
    m_parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( m_libEntry, IS_CHANGED );

    // delete any fields with no name or no value before we copy all of m_FieldsBuf
    // back into the component
    for( unsigned i = MANDATORY_FIELDS; i < m_FieldsBuf.size(); )
        if( m_FieldsBuf[i].GetName().IsEmpty() || m_FieldsBuf[i].GetText().IsEmpty() )
            m_FieldsBuf.erase( m_FieldsBuf.begin() + i );


#if defined(DEBUG)
    for( unsigned i=0;  i<m_FieldsBuf.size();  ++i )
        printf( "save[%d].name:'%s' value:'%s'\n", i,
                TO_UTF8( m_FieldsBuf[i].GetName() ),
                TO_UTF8( m_FieldsBuf[i].GetText() ) );

    // copy all the fields back, fully replacing any previous fields
    m_libEntry->SetFields( m_FieldsBuf );

    // We need to keep the name and the value the same at the moment!
    SetName( m_libEntry->GetValueField().GetText() );


    EndModal( 0 );