void TMyPaintBrushStyle::makeIcon(const TDimension &d) { TFilePath path = m_fullpath.getParentDir() + (m_fullpath.getWideName() + L"_prev.png"); if (!m_preview) { m_icon = TRaster32P(d); m_icon->fill(TPixel32::Red); } else if (m_preview->getSize() == d) { m_icon = m_preview; } else { m_icon = TRaster32P(d); double sx = (double)d.lx/(double)m_preview->getLx(); double sy = (double)d.ly/(double)m_preview->getLy(); TRop::resample(m_icon, m_preview, TScale(sx, sy)); } // paint color marker if (d.lx > 0 && d.ly > 0) { int size = std::min( 1 + std::min(d.lx, d.ly)*2/3, 1 + std::max(d.lx, d.ly)/2 ); TPixel32 color = getMainColor(); for(int y = 0; y < size; ++y) { TPixel32 *p = m_icon->pixels(d.ly - y - 1); TPixel32 *endp = p + size - y - 1; for( ;p != endp; ++p) *p = color; *p = blend(*p, color, 0.5); } } }
void tglBuildMipmaps(std::vector<TRaster32P> &rasters, const TFilePath &filepath) { assert(rasters.size() > 0); TRop::ResampleFilterType resampleFilter = TRop::ClosestPixel; TRasterP ras; TImageReader::load(filepath, ras); int rasLx = ras->getLx(); int rasLy = ras->getLy(); int lx = 1; while (lx < rasLx) lx <<= 1; int ly = 1; while (ly < rasLy) ly <<= 1; TRaster32P ras2(lx, ly); double sx = (double)lx / (double)ras->getLx(); double sy = (double)ly / (double)ras->getLy(); #ifndef SCALE_BY_GLU TRop::resample(ras2, ras, TScale(sx, sy), resampleFilter); #else ras->lock(); gluScaleImage(GL_RGBA, ras->getLx(), ras->getLy(), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ras->getRawData(), lx, ly, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ras2->getRawData()); ras->unlock(); #endif rasters[0] = ras2; int ras2Lx = ras2->getLx(); int ras2Ly = ras2->getLy(); for (int i = 1; i < (int)rasters.size(); ++i) { lx >>= 1; ly >>= 1; if (lx < 1) lx = 1; if (ly < 1) ly = 1; rasters[i] = TRaster32P(lx, ly); sx = (double)lx / (double)ras2Lx; sy = (double)ly / (double)ras2Ly; rasters[i] = TRaster32P(lx, ly); #ifndef SCALE_BY_GLU TRop::resample(rasters[i], ras2, TScale(sx, sy), resampleFilter); #else ras2->lock(); gluScaleImage(GL_RGBA, ras->getLx(), ras->getLy(), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ras2->getRawData(), lx, ly, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, rasters[i]->getRawData()); ras2->unlock(); #endif } }
TRasterP TRop::shrink(TRasterP rin, int shrink) { int pixelSize = rin->getPixelSize(); int lx = (rin->getLx() - 1) / shrink + 1; int ly = (rin->getLy() - 1) / shrink + 1; TRasterP rout; if ((TRaster32P)rin) rout = TRaster32P(lx, ly); else if ((TRaster64P)rin) rout = TRaster64P(lx, ly); if ((TRasterCM32P)rin) rout = TRasterCM32P(lx, ly); if ((TRasterGR8P)rin) rout = TRasterGR8P(lx, ly); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < ly; i++) { UCHAR *bufin = (UCHAR *)rin->getRawData() + (i * shrink) * rin->getWrap() * pixelSize; UCHAR *bufout = (UCHAR *)rout->getRawData() + i * rout->getWrap() * pixelSize; for (j = 0; j < lx; j++) { memcpy(bufout, bufin, pixelSize); bufin += shrink * pixelSize; bufout += pixelSize; } } return rout; }
inline TRasterP TCacheResource::createCellRaster(int rasterType, const std::string &cacheId) { TRasterP result; if (rasterType == TCacheResource::NONE) { assert(!"Unknown raster type!"); return result; } TImageP img; if (rasterType == TCacheResource::RGBM32) { result = TRaster32P(latticeStep, latticeStep); img = TRasterImageP(result); } else if (rasterType == TCacheResource::RGBM64) { result = TRaster64P(latticeStep, latticeStep); img = TRasterImageP(result); } else if (rasterType == TCacheResource::CM32) { result = TRasterCM32P(latticeStep, latticeStep); img = TToonzImageP(result, result->getBounds()); } TImageCache::instance()->add(cacheId, img); ++m_cellsCount; //DIAGNOSTICS_GLOADD("crCellsCnt", 1); return result; }
TRaster32P PlaneViewer::rasterBuffer() { if (!m_rasterBuffer || m_rasterBuffer->getLx() != width() || m_rasterBuffer->getLy() != height()) m_rasterBuffer = TRaster32P(width(), height()); return m_rasterBuffer; }
TRasterP TCacheResource::buildCompatibleRaster(const TDimension &size) { TRasterP result; if (m_tileType == RGBM32) result = TRaster32P(size); else if (m_tileType == RGBM64) result = TRaster64P(size); else if (m_tileType == CM32) result = TRasterCM32P(size); return result; }
void ColumnColorFilterFx::doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &ri) { if (!m_port.isConnected()) return; if (!TRaster32P(tile.getRaster()) && !TRaster64P(tile.getRaster())) throw TException("AffineFx unsupported pixel type"); TRasterFxP src = m_port.getFx(); src->compute(tile, frame, ri); TRop::applyColorScale(tile.getRaster(), m_colorFilter); }
void FullColorBrushTool::setWorkAndBackupImages() { TRasterImageP ri = (TRasterImageP)getImage(false, 1); if (!ri) return; TRasterP ras = ri->getRaster(); TDimension dim = ras->getSize(); if (!m_workRaster || m_workRaster->getLx() > dim.lx || m_workRaster->getLy() > dim.ly) m_workRaster = TRaster32P(dim); if (!m_backUpRas || m_backUpRas->getLx() > dim.lx || m_backUpRas->getLy() > dim.ly || m_backUpRas->getPixelSize() != ras->getPixelSize()) m_backUpRas = ras->create(dim.lx, dim.ly); m_strokeRect.empty(); m_lastRect.empty(); }
void convertForWriting(TRasterP &ras, const TRasterP &rin, int bpp) { switch (bpp) { case 1: case 8: ras = TRasterGR8P(rin->getSize()); TRop::convert(ras, rin); break; case 24: case 32: ras = TRaster32P(rin->getSize()); TRop::convert(ras, rin); break; case 48: case 64: ras = TRaster64P(rin->getSize()); TRop::convert(ras, rin); break; default: assert(false); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CleanupSwatch::CleanupSwatchArea::updateRaster(bool dragging) { if (isHidden() || m_sw->m_lx == 0 || m_sw->m_ly == 0) return; if (!m_r || m_r->getLx() != m_sw->m_lx || m_r->getLy() != m_sw->m_ly) m_r = TRaster32P(m_sw->m_lx, m_sw->m_ly); if (!m_sw->m_resampledRaster) m_r->fill(TPixel(200, 200, 200)); else { m_r->fill(TPixel::White); if (m_isLeft) TRop::quickPut(m_r, m_sw->m_origRaster, getFinalAff() * m_sw->m_resampleAff); else updateCleanupped(dragging); } if (dragging) repaint(); else update(); }
QScriptValue ImageBuilder::ctor(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine) { ImageBuilder *imageBuilder = 0; if (context->argumentCount() == 2 || context->argumentCount() == 3) { if (!context->argument(0).isNumber() || !context->argument(1).isNumber()) return context->throwError("Bad arguments: expected width,height[,type]"); int width = (int)(context->argument(0).toNumber()); int height = (int)(context->argument(1).toNumber()); if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return context->throwError("Bad size"); QString type; if (context->argumentCount() == 3) { if (context->argument(2).isString()) type = context->argument(2).toString(); if (type != "Raster" && type != "ToonzRaster") return context->throwError( tr("Bad argument (%1): should be 'Raster' or ToonzRaster'") .arg(context->argument(2).toString())); } imageBuilder = new ImageBuilder(); imageBuilder->m_width = width; imageBuilder->m_height = height; if (type == "Raster") imageBuilder->m_img = new TRasterImage(TRaster32P(width, height)); else if (type == "ToonzRaster") { imageBuilder->m_img = new TToonzImage(TRasterCM32P(width, height), TRect(0, 0, width, height)); } } else { if (context->argumentCount() != 0) return context->throwError( "Bad argument count. expected: width,height[,type]"); imageBuilder = new ImageBuilder(); } QScriptValue obj = engine->newQObject(imageBuilder, QScriptEngine::AutoOwnership, QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassContents | QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassMethods); return obj; }
void TGeometryFx::doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &ri) { TRasterFxPort *input = dynamic_cast<TRasterFxPort *>(getInputPort(0)); assert(input); if (!input->isConnected()) return; if (!getActiveTimeRegion().contains(frame)) { TRasterFxP(input->getFx())->compute(tile, frame, ri); return; } if (!TRaster32P(tile.getRaster()) && !TRaster64P(tile.getRaster())) throw TException("AffineFx unsupported pixel type"); TAffine aff1 = getPlacement(frame); TRenderSettings ri2(ri); ri2.m_affine = ri2.m_affine * aff1; TRasterFxP src = getInputPort("source")->getFx(); src->compute(tile, frame, ri2); return; }
void FullColorBrushTool::onDeactivate() { m_workRaster = TRaster32P(); m_backUpRas = TRasterP(); }
void blend(TToonzImageP ti, TRasterPT<PIXEL> rasOut, const std::vector<BlendParam> ¶ms) { assert(ti->getRaster()->getSize() == rasOut->getSize()); // Extract the interesting raster. It should be the savebox of passed cmap, // plus - if // some param has the 0 index as blending color - the intensity of that blend // param. unsigned int i, j; TRect saveBox(ti->getSavebox()); int enlargement = 0; for (i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) for (j = 0; j < params[i].colorsIndexes.size(); ++j) if (params[i].colorsIndexes[j] == 0) enlargement = std::max(enlargement, tceil(params[i].intensity)); saveBox = saveBox.enlarge(enlargement); TRasterCM32P cmIn(ti->getRaster()->extract(saveBox)); TRasterPT<PIXEL> rasOutExtract = rasOut->extract(saveBox); // Ensure that cmIn and rasOut have the same size unsigned int lx = cmIn->getLx(), ly = cmIn->getLy(); // Build the pure colors infos SelectionRaster selectionRaster(cmIn); // Now, build a little group of BlurPatterns - and for each, one for passed // param. // A small number of patterns per param is needed to make the pattern look not // ever the same. const int blurPatternsPerParam = 10; std::vector<BlurPatternContainer> blurGroup(params.size()); for (i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) { BlurPatternContainer &blurContainer = blurGroup[i]; blurContainer.reserve(blurPatternsPerParam); for (j = 0; j < blurPatternsPerParam; ++j) blurContainer.push_back(BlurPattern( params[i].intensity, params[i].smoothness, params[i].stopAtCountour)); } // Build the palette TPalette *palette = ti->getPalette(); std::vector<TPixel32> paletteColors; paletteColors.resize(palette->getStyleCount()); for (i = 0; i < paletteColors.size(); ++i) paletteColors[i] = premultiply(palette->getStyle(i)->getAverageColor()); // Build the 4 auxiliary rasters for the blending procedure: they are ink / // paint versus input / output in the blend. // The output raster is reused to spare some memory - it should be, say, the // inkLayer's second at the end of the overall // blending procedure. It could be the first, without the necessity of // clearing it before blending the layers, but things // get more complicated when PIXEL is TPixel64... RGBMRasterPair inkLayer, paintLayer; TRaster32P rasOut32P_1(lx, ly, lx, (TPixel32 *)rasOut->getRawData(), false); inkLayer.first = (params.size() % 2) ? rasOut32P_1 : TRaster32P(lx, ly); inkLayer.second = (params.size() % 2) ? TRaster32P(lx, ly) : rasOut32P_1; if (PIXEL::maxChannelValue >= TPixel64::maxChannelValue) { TRaster32P rasOut32P_2(lx, ly, lx, ((TPixel32 *)rasOut->getRawData()) + lx * ly, false); paintLayer.first = (params.size() % 2) ? rasOut32P_2 : TRaster32P(lx, ly); paintLayer.second = (params.size() % 2) ? TRaster32P(lx, ly) : rasOut32P_2; } else { paintLayer.first = TRaster32P(lx, ly); paintLayer.second = TRaster32P(lx, ly); } inkLayer.first->clear(); inkLayer.second->clear(); paintLayer.first->clear(); paintLayer.second->clear(); // Now, we have to perform the blur of each of the cm's pixels. cmIn->lock(); rasOut->lock(); inkLayer.first->lock(); inkLayer.second->lock(); paintLayer.first->lock(); paintLayer.second->lock(); // Convert the initial cmIn to fullcolor ink - paint layers buildLayers(cmIn, paletteColors, inkLayer.first, paintLayer.first); // Perform the blend on separated ink - paint layers for (i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) { if (params[i].colorsIndexes.size() == 0) continue; selectionRaster.updateSelection(cmIn, params[i]); doBlend(cmIn, inkLayer, paintLayer, selectionRaster, blurGroup[i]); tswap(inkLayer.first, inkLayer.second); tswap(paintLayer.first, paintLayer.second); } // Release the unnecessary rasters inkLayer.second->unlock(); paintLayer.second->unlock(); inkLayer.second = TRaster32P(); paintLayer.second = TRaster32P(); // Clear rasOut - since it was reused to spare space... rasOut->clear(); // Add the ink & paint layers on the output raster double PIXELmaxChannelValue = PIXEL::maxChannelValue; double toPIXELFactor = PIXELmaxChannelValue / (double)TPixel32::maxChannelValue; double inkFactor, paintFactor; TPoint pos; PIXEL *outPix, *outBegin = (PIXEL *)rasOutExtract->getRawData(); TPixelCM32 *cmPix, *cmBegin = (TPixelCM32 *)cmIn->getRawData(); int wrap = rasOutExtract->getWrap(); TPixel32 *inkPix = (TPixel32 *)inkLayer.first->getRawData(); TPixel32 *paintPix = (TPixel32 *)paintLayer.first->getRawData(); for (i = 0; i < ly; ++i) { outPix = outBegin + wrap * i; cmPix = cmBegin + wrap * i; for (j = 0; j < lx; ++j, ++outPix, ++cmPix, ++inkPix, ++paintPix) { getFactors(cmPix->getTone(), inkFactor, paintFactor); outPix->r = tcrop( toPIXELFactor * (inkFactor * inkPix->r + paintFactor * paintPix->r), 0.0, PIXELmaxChannelValue); outPix->g = tcrop( toPIXELFactor * (inkFactor * inkPix->g + paintFactor * paintPix->g), 0.0, PIXELmaxChannelValue); outPix->b = tcrop( toPIXELFactor * (inkFactor * inkPix->b + paintFactor * paintPix->b), 0.0, PIXELmaxChannelValue); outPix->m = tcrop( toPIXELFactor * (inkFactor * inkPix->m + paintFactor * paintPix->m), 0.0, PIXELmaxChannelValue); } } inkLayer.first->unlock(); paintLayer.first->unlock(); cmIn->unlock(); rasOut->unlock(); // Destroy the auxiliary bitmaps selectionRaster.destroy(); }
/*- render_particles から呼ばれる。粒子の数だけ繰り返し -*/ void Particles_Engine::do_render( TFlash *flash, Particle *part, TTile *tile, std::vector<TRasterFxPort *> part_ports, std::map<int, TTile *> porttiles, const TRenderSettings &ri, TDimension &p_size, TPointD &p_offset, int lastframe, std::vector<TLevelP> partLevel, struct particles_values &values, double opacity_range, int dist_frame, std::map<std::pair<int, int>, double> &partScales) { // Retrieve the particle frame - that is, the *column frame* from which we are // picking // the particle to be rendered. int ndx = part->frame % lastframe; TRasterP tileRas(tile->getRaster()); std::string levelid; double aim_angle = 0; if (values.pathaim_val) { double arctan = atan2(part->vy, part->vx); aim_angle = arctan * M_180_PI; } // Calculate the rotational and scale components we have to apply on the // particle TRotation rotM(part->angle + aim_angle); TScale scaleM(part->scale); TAffine M(rotM * scaleM); // Particles deal with dpi affines on their own TAffine scaleAff(m_parent->handledAffine(ri, m_frame)); double partScale = scaleAff.a11 * partScales[std::pair<int, int>(part->level, ndx)]; TDimensionD partResolution(0, 0); TRenderSettings riNew(ri); // Retrieve the bounding box in the standard reference TRectD bbox(-5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0), standardRefBBox; if (part->level < (int)part_ports.size() && // Not the default levelless cases part_ports[part->level]->isConnected()) { TRenderSettings riIdentity(ri); riIdentity.m_affine = TAffine(); (*part_ports[part->level])->getBBox(ndx, bbox, riIdentity); // A particle's bbox MUST be finite. Gradients and such which have an // infinite bbox // are just NOT rendered. // NOTE: No fx returns half-planes or similar (ie if any coordinate is // either // (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)() or its opposite, then the rect IS // THE infiniteRectD) if (bbox == TConsts::infiniteRectD) return; } // Now, these are the particle rendering specifications bbox = bbox.enlarge(3); standardRefBBox = bbox; riNew.m_affine = TScale(partScale); bbox = riNew.m_affine * bbox; /*- 縮小済みのParticleのサイズ -*/ partResolution = TDimensionD(tceil(bbox.getLx()), tceil(bbox.getLy())); if (flash) { if (!partLevel[part->level]->frame(ndx)) { if (part_ports[0]->isConnected()) { TTile auxTile; TRaster32P tmp; tmp = TRaster32P(p_size); (*part_ports[0]) ->allocateAndCompute(auxTile, p_offset, p_size, tmp, ndx, ri); partLevel[part->level]->setFrame(ndx, TRasterImageP(auxTile.getRaster())); } } flash->pushMatrix(); const TAffine aff; flash->multMatrix(scaleM * aff.place(0, 0, part->x, part->y)); // if(curr_opacity!=1.0 || part->gencol.fadecol || part->fincol.fadecol || // part->foutcol.fadecol) { TColorFader cf(TPixel32::Red, .5); flash->draw(partLevel[part->level]->frame(ndx), &cf); } // flash->draw(partLevel->frame(ndx), 0); flash->popMatrix(); } else { TRasterP ras; std::string alias; TRasterImageP rimg; if (rimg = partLevel[part->level]->frame(ndx)) { ras = rimg->getRaster(); } else { alias = "PART: " + (*part_ports[part->level])->getAlias(ndx, riNew); if (rimg = TImageCache::instance()->get(alias, false)) { ras = rimg->getRaster(); // Check that the raster resolution is sufficient for our purposes if (ras->getLx() < partResolution.lx || ras->getLy() < partResolution.ly) ras = 0; else partResolution = TDimensionD(ras->getLx(), ras->getLy()); } } // We are interested in making the relation between scale and (integer) // resolution // bijective - since we shall cache by using resolution as a partial // identification parameter. // Therefore, we find the current bbox Lx and take a unique scale out of it. partScale = partResolution.lx / standardRefBBox.getLx(); riNew.m_affine = TScale(partScale); bbox = riNew.m_affine * standardRefBBox; // If no image was retrieved from the cache (or it was not scaled enough), // calculate it if (!ras) { TTile auxTile; (*part_ports[part->level]) ->allocateAndCompute(auxTile, bbox.getP00(), TDimension(partResolution.lx, partResolution.ly), tile->getRaster(), ndx, riNew); ras = auxTile.getRaster(); // For now, we'll just use 32 bit particles TRaster32P rcachepart; rcachepart = ras; if (!rcachepart) { rcachepart = TRaster32P(ras->getSize()); TRop::convert(rcachepart, ras); } ras = rcachepart; // Finally, cache the particle addRenderCache(alias, TRasterImageP(ras)); } if (!ras) return; // At this point, it should never happen anyway... // Deal with particle colors/opacity TRaster32P rfinalpart; double curr_opacity = part->set_Opacity(porttiles, values, opacity_range, dist_frame); if (curr_opacity != 1.0 || part->gencol.fadecol || part->fincol.fadecol || part->foutcol.fadecol) { /*- 毎フレーム現在位置のピクセル色を参照 -*/ if (values.pick_color_for_every_frame_val && values.gencol_ctrl_val && (porttiles.find(values.gencol_ctrl_val) != porttiles.end())) part->get_image_reference(porttiles[values.gencol_ctrl_val], values, part->gencol.col); rfinalpart = ras->clone(); part->modify_colors_and_opacity(values, curr_opacity, dist_frame, rfinalpart); } else rfinalpart = ras; // Now, let's build the particle transform before it is overed on the output // tile // First, complete the transform by adding the rotational and scale // components from // Particles parameters M = ri.m_affine * M * TScale(1.0 / partScale); // Then, retrieve the particle position in current reference. TPointD pos(part->x, part->y); pos = ri.m_affine * pos; // Finally, add the translational component to the particle // NOTE: p_offset is added to account for the particle relative position // inside its level's bbox M = TTranslation(pos - tile->m_pos) * M * TTranslation(bbox.getP00()); if (TRaster32P myras32 = tile->getRaster()) TRop::over(tileRas, rfinalpart, M); else if (TRaster64P myras64 = tile->getRaster()) TRop::over(tileRas, rfinalpart, M); else throw TException("ParticlesFx: unsupported Pixel Type"); } }
//! Disposes of the auxiliary internal rasterBuffer(). void PlaneViewer::hideEvent(QHideEvent *event) { m_rasterBuffer = TRaster32P(); }
void subCompute(TRasterFxPort &m_input, TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &ri, TPointD p00, TPointD p01, TPointD p11, TPointD p10, int details, bool wireframe, TDimension m_offScreenSize, bool isCast) { TPixel32 bgColor; TRectD outBBox, inBBox; outBBox = inBBox = TRectD(tile.m_pos, TDimensionD(tile.getRaster()->getLx(), tile.getRaster()->getLy())); m_input->getBBox(frame, inBBox, ri); if (inBBox == TConsts::infiniteRectD) // e' uno zerario inBBox = outBBox; int inBBoxLx = (int)inBBox.getLx() / ri.m_shrinkX; int inBBoxLy = (int)inBBox.getLy() / ri.m_shrinkY; if (inBBox.isEmpty()) return; if (p00 == p01 && p00 == p10 && p00 == p11 && !isCast) // significa che non c'e' deformazione { m_input->compute(tile, frame, ri); return; } TRaster32P rasIn; TPointD rasInPos; if (!wireframe) { if (ri.m_bpp == 64 || ri.m_bpp == 48) { TRaster64P aux = TRaster64P(inBBoxLx, inBBoxLy); rasInPos = TPointD(inBBox.x0 / ri.m_shrinkX, inBBox.y0 / ri.m_shrinkY); TTile tmp(aux, rasInPos); m_input->compute(tmp, frame, ri); rasIn = TRaster32P(inBBoxLx, inBBoxLy); TRop::convert(rasIn, aux); } else { rasInPos = TPointD(inBBox.x0 / ri.m_shrinkX, inBBox.y0 / ri.m_shrinkY); TTile tmp(TRaster32P(inBBoxLx, inBBoxLy), rasInPos); m_input->allocateAndCompute(tmp, rasInPos, TDimension(inBBoxLx, inBBoxLy), TRaster32P(), frame, ri); rasIn = tmp.getRaster(); } } unsigned int texWidth = 2; unsigned int texHeight = 2; while (texWidth < (unsigned int)inBBoxLx) texWidth = texWidth << 1; while (texHeight < (unsigned int)inBBoxLy) texHeight = texHeight << 1; while (texWidth > 1024 || texHeight > 1024) // avevo usato la costante // GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE invece di // 1024, ma non funzionava! { inBBoxLx = inBBoxLx >> 1; inBBoxLy = inBBoxLy >> 1; texWidth = texWidth >> 1; texHeight = texHeight >> 1; } if (rasIn->getLx() != inBBoxLx || rasIn->getLy() != inBBoxLy) { TRaster32P rasOut = TRaster32P(inBBoxLx, inBBoxLy); TRop::resample(rasOut, rasIn, TScale((double)rasOut->getLx() / rasIn->getLx(), (double)rasOut->getLy() / rasIn->getLy())); rasIn = rasOut; } int rasterWidth = tile.getRaster()->getLx() + 2; int rasterHeight = tile.getRaster()->getLy() + 2; assert(rasterWidth > 0); assert(rasterHeight > 0); TRectD clippingRect = TRectD(tile.m_pos, TDimensionD(tile.getRaster()->getLx(), tile.getRaster()->getLy())); #if CREATE_GL_CONTEXT_ONE_TIME int ret = wglMakeCurrent(m_offScreenGL.m_offDC, m_offScreenGL.m_hglRC); assert(ret == TRUE); #else TOfflineGL offScreenRendering(TDimension(rasterWidth, rasterHeight)); //#ifdef _WIN32 offScreenRendering.makeCurrent(); //#else //#if defined(LINUX) || defined(MACOSX) // offScreenRendering.m_offlineGL->makeCurrent(); //#endif #endif checkErrorsByGL // disabilito quello che non mi serve per le texture glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_FASTEST); glDisable(GL_DITHER); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glCullFace(GL_FRONT); glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glDisable(GL_LOGIC_OP); // creo la texture in base all'immagine originale glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); checkErrorsByGL #if !CREATE_GL_CONTEXT_ONE_TIME TRaster32P rasaux; if (!wireframe) { TRaster32P texture(texWidth, texHeight); texture->clear(); rasaux = texture; rasaux->lock(); texture->copy(rasIn); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, texWidth, texHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture->getRawData()); } #else unsigned int texWidth = 1024; unsigned int texHeight = 1024; rasaux = rasIn; rasaux->lock(); glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, rasIn->getLx(), rasIn->getLy(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, rasIn->getRawData()); #endif checkErrorsByGL glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // cfr. help: OpenGL/Programming tip/OpenGL Correctness Tips glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(-rasterWidth * 0.5, rasterWidth * 0.5, -rasterHeight * 0.5, rasterHeight * 0.5, -1, 1); glViewport(0, 0, rasterWidth, rasterHeight); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // do OpenGL draw double lwTex = (double)(inBBoxLx - 1) / (double)(texWidth - 1); double lhTex = (double)(inBBoxLy - 1) / (double)(texHeight - 1); TPointD tex00 = TPointD(0.0, 0.0); TPointD tex10 = TPointD(lwTex, 0.0); TPointD tex11 = TPointD(lwTex, lhTex); TPointD tex01 = TPointD(0.0, lhTex); GLenum polygonStyle; if (wireframe) { polygonStyle = GL_LINE; glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } else polygonStyle = GL_FILL; checkErrorsByGL p00.x /= ri.m_shrinkX; p00.y /= ri.m_shrinkY; p10.x /= ri.m_shrinkX; p10.y /= ri.m_shrinkY; p11.x /= ri.m_shrinkX; p11.y /= ri.m_shrinkY; p01.x /= ri.m_shrinkX; p01.y /= ri.m_shrinkY; TPointD translate = TPointD(tile.m_pos.x + tile.getRaster()->getLx() * 0.5, tile.m_pos.y + tile.getRaster()->getLy() * 0.5); glTranslated(-translate.x, -translate.y, 0.0); // disegno il poligono double dist_p00_p01 = tdistance2(p00, p01); double dist_p10_p11 = tdistance2(p10, p11); double dist_p01_p11 = tdistance2(p01, p11); double dist_p00_p10 = tdistance2(p00, p10); bool vertical = (dist_p00_p01 == dist_p10_p11); bool horizontal = (dist_p00_p10 == dist_p01_p11); if (vertical && horizontal) details = 1; glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, polygonStyle); subdivision(p00, p10, p11, p01, tex00, tex10, tex11, tex01, clippingRect, details); if (!wireframe) { // abilito l'antialiasing delle linee glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glHint(GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST); // disegno il bordo del poligono glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2d(tex00.x, tex00.y); tglVertex(p00); glTexCoord2d(tex10.x, tex10.y); tglVertex(p10); glTexCoord2d(tex11.x, tex11.y); tglVertex(p11); glTexCoord2d(tex01.x, tex01.y); tglVertex(p01); glEnd(); // disabilito l'antialiasing per le linee glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } // force to finish glFlush(); // rimetto il disegno dei poligoni a GL_FILL glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); // metto il frame buffer nel raster del tile glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, rasterWidth); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); TRaster32P newRas(tile.getRaster()->getLx(), tile.getRaster()->getLy()); newRas->lock(); glReadPixels(1, 1, newRas->getLx(), newRas->getLy(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (void *)newRas->getRawData()); newRas->unlock(); checkErrorsByGL rasaux->unlock(); tile.getRaster()->copy(newRas); }
void tglDraw(const TRectD &rect, const TRaster32P &tex, bool blending) { CHECK_ERRORS_BY_GL; glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); if (blending) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } unsigned int texWidth = 1; unsigned int texHeight = 1; while (texWidth < (unsigned int)tex->getLx()) texWidth = texWidth << 1; while (texHeight < (unsigned int)tex->getLy()) texHeight = texHeight << 1; double lwTex = 1.0; double lhTex = 1.0; TRaster32P texture; unsigned int texLx = (unsigned int)tex->getLx(); unsigned int texLy = (unsigned int)tex->getLy(); if (texWidth != texLx || texHeight != texLy) { texture = TRaster32P(texWidth, texHeight); texture->fill(TPixel32(0, 0, 0, 0)); texture->copy(tex); lwTex = (texLx) / (double)(texWidth); lhTex = (texLy) / (double)(texHeight); if (lwTex > 1.0) lwTex = 1.0; if (lhTex > 1.0) lhTex = 1.0; } else texture = tex; GLenum fmt = #ifdef TNZ_MACHINE_CHANNEL_ORDER_BGRM GL_BGRA_EXT; #elif TNZ_MACHINE_CHANNEL_ORDER_MBGR GL_ABGR_EXT; #elif TNZ_MACHINE_CHANNEL_ORDER_RGBM GL_RGBA; #elif TNZ_MACHINE_CHANNEL_ORDER_MRGB GL_BGRA; #else // Error PLATFORM NOT SUPPORTED #error "unknown channel order!" #endif // Generate a texture id and bind it. GLuint texId; glGenTextures(1, &texId); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, texture->getWrap()); texture->lock(); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, texWidth, texHeight, 0, fmt, #ifdef TNZ_MACHINE_CHANNEL_ORDER_MRGB GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, #else GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, #endif texture->getRawData()); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); double rectLx = rect.getLx(); double rectLy = rect.getLy(); tglColor(TPixel32(0, 0, 0, 0)); glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(rect.x0, rect.y0, 0.0); glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glTexCoord2d(0, 0); tglVertex(TPointD(0.0, 0.0)); glTexCoord2d(lwTex, 0); tglVertex(TPointD(rectLx, 0.0)); glTexCoord2d(lwTex, lhTex); tglVertex(TPointD(rectLx, rectLy)); glTexCoord2d(0, lhTex); tglVertex(TPointD(0.0, rectLy)); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPopMatrix(); glPopAttrib(); // Delete texture glDeleteTextures(1, &texId); texture->unlock(); }